Velvet Abyss

Chapter 31: The Hyogo Family

Authors Note:  This chapter won’t feature Mari and will serve as an introduction to the the Hyogo Royal family (outside of Seijuro and Setsuna).  The meeting takes two weeks after the massacre of Shikishima.


The morning dew glistened as the sun rose on another beautiful day in Shinshiro, the second fortress of the Hyogo Family which served as little more than a glorified vacation home.  It was a most important day as for the first time in more than a year the family would be gathered for a meeting.

As well as a celebration as the war effort was proving fruitful with both Lancaster and Dresden firmly under their thumbs and the Eris Empire growing weaker with every passing day.  His grace Prince Seijuro Hyogo was kept busy with matters of the utmost importance.


“Begin” Seijuro said assuming the position

“As you wish, your grace.”


The woman was tall and beautiful with sapphire eyes and dirty blonde hair that fell just short of her shoulders, she wore a look of contentment as she removed her black and red dress revealing her firm yet supple breasts.


The woman took a seat on the fine bed that rested in the center of the room, Seijuro stripped too before joining the woman  Opening his mouth wide he latched on to the woman’s left breast and started sucking.

“Good boy.” the woman said caressing his hair.

“Drink your fill.”


The doors to the princes chambers where kicked open and another young woman entered the room, she was dressed in stereotypical noble fashion and shared the same fiery hair as the prince.

“Hello Brother!” the girl said grinning.

“Can’t you see I’m busy, Piss off.”

“Come on is that anyway to talk to your treasured little sister.”

“ I will kill you.”

“You’re welcome to try big bro.”

“Tell me to what do i owe the displeasure of your company, Mei?" 

Mei Mizuki Hyogo, age 23, second princess of the Hyogo kingdom

“Father has returned and called a meeting immediately”

“Father’s here, already?”

“Sure is.”

“But he wasn’t supposed be here for another two days.”

“Change of plans he needs to hold the family meeting now.”

“I see, forgive me Elsa we’ll have to do this another time.”

“It’s fine I look forward to our next session, your grace.”

“Stop that it’ll make me sick, just call me Seijuro.”

“Right, Seijuro.”


Elsa dressed herself and made a quick exit giving the brother and sister some much needed alone time while Seijuro made himself presentable again.  


“You’ve got some weird kinks brother.”

“You’re hardly one to judge with the shit you get up to.”


“So how long has it been since we we’re all together a year or more, i can't remember”


“Well why you’ve been taking it easy as the High Bishop I squashed that irritating Lancaster rebellion.”


“Did you have fun?”


“Not really they were so weak it was like fighting infants.”


“Sorry to hear that, at any rate let’s get this over with.”


The two noble siblings made their way through the sprawling corridors of the Fortress until they arrived at their fathers chambers which would serve as the place for this little family reunion.


The office was empty with Seijuro and Mei being the first of the family to arrive.


“Aw shit we’re the first ones here.”


“How droll, they could at least be on time.”


Seijuro and Mei took seats opposite of one another waiting until the other members started to arrive it didn’t take long for more to join the table.


The door swung opened and a short young girl with scarlet hair braided into pigtails skipped into the room she was dressed in a dazzling white dress with purple trimmings. 


“Sei, Mei it’s been to long.” The girl said rushing to hug Mei.


“Glad to see that you’re well, Yuki.”  Mei said

“I’m happy to see you little sister”

"I missed you guys so much." 


Yukina “Yuki” Hyogo, aged 19, third princess of the Hyogo Kingdom


Yukina opted to take the seat nearest Mei smiling while Mei gently ruffled her lustrous red hair.

Three of the five siblings had arrived.  Seijuro pondered about the whereabouts of his sister Setsuna but his train of thought was interrupted by yet another arrival.


“Sorry for my poor timing siblings.”

“Don’t worry about it, Shi.”

“Yes Shi we know how busy you’ve been.”


Shigure Hyogo, aged 16, second prince of Hyogo Kingdom.


“Good to see you kids are still alive and kicking.”


A tall man with a gruff beard, narrow eyes and short red hair entered the room he was wearing black armor from head to toe and held a commanding presence.  He was significantly older than the rest of the siblings and carried himself like a seasoned veteran.


“Uncle it’s been far too long.” Seijuro said rising to meet and hug his uncle.



Tetsuya Hyogo, aged 54, Younger brother of King Rokujo Hyogo and uncle to Seijuro, Setsuna, Mei, Yukina and Shigure.



“Just like my brother to be late to his own meeting.”

“Come on uncle you shouldn’t talk that way about your King.” Mei said

“It’s the truth, he’s always been that way.”

“How has Dresden been treating you?” Yukina asked.

“The place is reeks of piss and the food is awful.”

“Sorry that you have endured such displeasure uncle and yet we can’t leave Dresden to it's own devices lest that wretched empire try anything.” Seijuro said.


“Speaking of unpleasant how are you enjoying your role as High Bishop?”

“It’s a rather droll affair though not without certain pleasures.”

“You really are you father’s son”

“Pardon my tardiness.”


Setsuna interrupt the tedious conversation as she entered the room with bags under her eyes and a sullen expression branded on her face, she took her position at the table as the family awaited for it’s head to make his grandiose entrance.


Setsuna Mori Rosalia Hyogo, Aged 26 first Princess of the Hyogo Kingdom


“Sister!” Mei screamed with vigor

Mei rushed over to Setsuna and clung to her giving her a long and passionate hug Setsuna seemed pleased but was still on the brink of exhaustion.


“Good to see you to Mei.”

“You must be weary, how many days have you been travelling?” Tetsuya asked.

“Including today, about 200.”

“Ah poor sis.” Yukina said

“It’s her duty, ain't  that right sis?” Seijuro said.

“Yes, of course.”


“Will your children be joining us uncle?” Yukina asked


“I’m afraid not Ikki and Mari are handling matters in Lancaster and Dresden at the moment.”


“Somebody has to man the front line after all.” Shigure said


“Why bother, Dresden is filled with cravens and Lancaster is like an insect we’ve already squashed.” Mei said


The war with Eris is turning in our favor too. You're worrying to much.” Yukina said.


"Soon this entire continent will be ours, like it should have been to begin with."  Shigure said 


“Well done, spoken like true nobility”


A booming voice seized command of the room and all conversations and bickering came to an immediate halt.  

"Father" Seijuro said bowing 


The rest of family arose from their seats and remained bowing until the king had taken his place at the head of the table.


Rokujo Rakuzen Hyogo, aged 60, King of the Hyogo Kingdom.


The king was dressed in raven armor his face obscured by a porcelain mask with a grinning expression upon it. His long scarlet hair flowed  down to the middle of his back.


Resting atop his head was a dark crown with rubies encrusted along it’s exterior.

The other royal family members returned to their seats and the silence was swiftly cut with a single sentence from the king.

“Shall we begin?”

The king asked.























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