Velvet Abyss

Chapter 6: Velvet Contract

That explains this dreary darkness enveloping all around me, so I’m talking to an elemental spirit.  I surmised that the fires spirit allowed Shinobu to cast that burning dagger spell that saved me from being dog food.


“How do I know you are who you say you are?” I asked.

“Many humans have wondered into my den, some aimlessly, others with purpose, you are the first I’ve taken a liking to, you are the first that haven’t eaten.” the girl said.

                     “What are you getting at?” I asked.

                    “I kill those who displease me, so I beseech you, what reason do I have to lie to you?” the spirit asked.


The spirit was frank and I could gauge by her tone that she was being deadly serious. This sprit was frightening and not someone to make an enemy.  The spirit continued to ramble about how she had been seeking a human worthy of making a contract with.


“So let’s make a deal, Human.” the spirit said.

“I have a name, It’s Mari…..Use…..”

“I don’t care human.” the spirit said.



 I needed the power to survive in this world and the spirit qualified as I may be a mere human but this spirit radiated dominance and power, boundless, terrifying power.  I’d be lying if I said it didn’t turn me on a little.


The spirit sat down, crossed her legs and placed her right arm under her chin this conversation was far from over.  I needed to find a way to negotiate with the spirit, killing me is off the table so I don’t have to worry about that for the moment.


I was used to making deals between the company I worked for and business partners not sure how well those skills work when plied on an almighty spirit of absolute darkness but hey it was worth a shot I figured.


What was the first rule of successful negotiating? You need to foster a rapport between you and the other person, even if the rapport is false and only lasts until the business is concluded.  It was a total shot in the dark, but it was worth the chance.


“You need a name,” I said.

“What?” the void spirit said.

“Addressing you as the void spirit is wearing me out.  You need a name.” I said.

“ Names are for lesser beings, I have no need for one.” the void spirit said


“Okay then I’ll stop talking to you, bye,” I said.

“Fine, give me a name,  whatever you like I care.”


Now then what kind of name befits a diabolical creature of destruction, I needed something flattering and pleasing to the tongue.  I pondered the situation for a while before settling on the name I deemed the most fitting.


“So I’ve thought of a name for you, want to hear it?” I asked.

“Just spit it out I don’t give a shit one way or the other.” the void spirit asks.”

“I’m going to call you Velvet,” I said.

“I’m rethinking if I should kill your not?” the spirit said.

“So you’re happy with your new name?” I asked.

“You’re not a skilled listener, are you?” The spirit said.

“You’re not the first person to say that about me, Velvet” I said.

“if you wish to use that wretched sounding name to address me than so be it.  I suppose I should ask for your name too.” Velvet said.


 I rose to my feet, smiled, and extended my hand to the sitting spirit. It was strange I should be shocked but after everything that’s transpired. Dying, meeting that stupid goddess, almost being eaten, nothing surprises me anymore.


Velvet smacked my hand away opting to stand on her own, she was prideful but I didn’t’

Dislike that about her company was pleasant compared to that insufferable goddess.


“I’ll be direct Velvet, I want to use you,” I said.

“Oh.” Velvet said.

“You’ve seen firsthand how weak I am,” I said.

“You are lacking.” Velvet said.

“Let me rephrase that, I want to use your power,” I said.

“You’re demanding, aren’t you?” Velvet said.



Velvet and I chatted for what felt like an eternity, but eventually, we arrived an accord that was mutually beneficial.  

“So you’re willing to offer me what?” Velvet asked.

“Anything, take anything you want.”

“How selfless of you, very well then I know what I want.” Velvet said.

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“Everything.” Velvet said.

“Come again,” I said.



The girl cupped her hands around my cheeks and leaned in close, she didn’t have an expression but I could tell that she was grinning.  It was impossible to get a handle on what the spirit was thinking, like trying to read a blank page of a book.


“I want everything your body, your heart, your soul, your dreams, your nightmares, your deepest hopes and your greatest fears. All of it.” Velvet said.


“I’ll give you my power with one tantalizing caveat, When your life here comes to end I get to consume you. You and I will become one.”  Velvet said.


“Sounds kinky,”  I said.


“I’ve already died once and two lives are more than enough, Sure when I’m dead you can bleed me dry Velvet.”


                                    “Let’s get down to business than Mari.” Velvet said.

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