Velvet Abyss

Kodomajo FAQ #1 (NOT A CHAPTER)

Kodomajo FAQ

Hey guys I realize I’ve done a mediocre job at world building and some of you are finding certain things confusing.   So I’m making this to clear up and confusion and as a reference point for future questions.

Why is the heroine named Mari and not Shinobu Shikishima?

We are currently in the prologue arc of the story which takes place 10 years before the main story.  Mari later discards her name and adopts the name Shinobu Shikishima.


What does Mari look like?

This was an error on my part realizing I never described what her new body looks like.

Here’s some basic information about Mari

Mari is 18 years old with platinum hair, violet eyes and pale skin, her body is muscular despite her utter lack of stamina, she has large breasts with red markings wrapping around her arms.  As she grows older these marking spread and include her legs, chest, back and neck.  


Why is this arc so slow?

I know it’s been slow and not the most exciting thing to read but the prologue arc will span about 20 chapters so we’re more than half way through it.  The next round of chapters will escalate dramatically.


Why do some characters have Japanese names (Mari, Shinobu) and others have non Japanese names (Caroline)?

 Because there are four distinct territories in Ascar and Hyogo is based on feudal japan, Caroline hails from a different territory.


What is Ascar?

 Ascar is the world Mari reincarnates into it is a fantasy world with feudal level technology that runs almost entirely on magic known as Ballum.  There are four territories Hyogo, Dresden, Lancaster and Eris.  The Eris Empire is currently at war with the Hyogo Kingdom.


Why does Mari retain her memories post reincarnation when the goddess mentions that her memories would be erased?

There is a very good reason for that which will be unraveled and revealed through out the story.  I won’t say anything right now due to spoilers.  Also Velvet may or may not know the reason behind it but that would also be spoiling.


Why not just call sake alcohol?

 Because Mari comes from Japan where sake is extremely popular. I wanted to add authenticity and be specific with Mari’s favorite type of alcoholic beverage.

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