Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 352 352

Chapter 352 Chapter 352

"The Blood Miracle?" Kiara frowned at the name. "What does it do?"

"A lot of things." Keith smiled. "It can even be considered a Quasi-Divine Physique."

Kashish tried to suppress her smile, but her excitement was reflected in her eyes.

"First of all, it will help you heal very fast. Secondly, your blood keeps refining the Aura and Mana automatically, making them denser and purer, so if you do put effort into Cultivation, it will help you progress very fast. Thirdly, you have a very high Life-Force, which will not let you age after you reach your prime, and you can also use this Life-Force to heal other living beings, plant life included, since your Aura, Mana, and Blood all contain healing and rejuvenating properties. It will require some effort to master all these abilities, but you will get there. Fourthly, you have an inborn affinity for Blood Arts and Blood Manipulation. Lastly, it can help you assimilate a bloodline and help you change your race without any drawbacks, but you can only choose one Bloodline." He smiled at her. "You should know that for an Ashaya, it means everything."

Both Minami and Kiara were surprised after hearing his words, and they understood why this Physique was called the Blood Miracle.

It provided the user with standard benefits that the Divine Races possessed, regardless of their own race. Even an Ashaya could compete with some Immortal and Divine Races, and they were sure that if Kashish assimilated a powerful Bloodline, the effects would only heighten.

And then there was Blood Manipulation affinity. They did not know what exactly it could do, but it sounded very terrifying.

They also knew that Keith did not really go into detail about every benefit he mentioned. So the effects could either be greater or worse than they had in mind, but knowing him, they were likely greater.

"Is that why you told me that you would change me?" Kashish asked after a minute of thinking everything over, and her question made Keith quizzically raise his brow. "That you would make me like them..." She glanced at Kiara and Minami, and he finally understood what she was talking about.

"Yes. I plan on giving you my Bloodline." He nodded. "You will no longer remain a human and will biologically become my daughter. And the power I will give you is 100% compatible with your Special Physique. My case is a little special though. Even if you did not have this Physique, I could still race your race."

His answer took her by surprise and then made her blush hard.

"What will I become?" She asked, and Keith sighed in his heart.

"You will learn about it eventually. I can't answer your question right now." He told her and then smiled before he tapped her head. "But definitely not some Ogre with blue skin. We are a Divine Race."

Keith had already figured out a lot of things and knew what his Bloodline meant. He knew what he was.

However, these were not the things he wanted to discuss with them right now. It was better if they learned about it after spending some time in the Lower Heaven.

And if he did not need them to grow stronger as soon as possible, he would have probably waited to bestow them his Bloodline.

The things he had already revealed to them were not something he could discuss with even some members of his family, but Minami and Kiara already bore his Blood, and he always planned on bestowing it to Kashish, so it was not against telling them a few things.

Besides, it was not like Minami and Kiara did not already have these thoughts running through their minds.

Kashish smiled at his words, accepting them, and nodded her head.

"I believe you." She said and watched him smile at her.

Keith stepped forward and gently cupped her cheek before leaning in.

The moment their lips touched, she was lost in his divinely sweet taste.

She already knew she did not have a choice in this matter. And truth be told, she did not have anything against what Keith had in mind for her.

The time she had spent with him and the girls was, perhaps, the most joyful time of her life. Every day was fun, and with him around, even the most ordinary of activities became exciting.

The mere thought of her life not having him and the girls around congested her heart now. So yes, there was truly no choice for her in this matter.

She loved learning from him and deeply admired his knowledge and talent. And then there was the undeniable fact that she was helplessly attracted to him.

It was almost as if there were some invisible lines binding them to each other.

Kashish knew that he was attracted to her as well, and she was not some silly girl to believe that he was only attracted to her for her beauty. She knew very well that he had chosen her because of her beauty, talent, and her Special Physique. And by his own words, because she was 100% compatible with the powers he wanted to give her.

However, none of these things bothered her. Instead, they made her feel secure. In his eyes, she was Special.

When they finally separated, the two girls who had been watching them did not miss the chance to pull her leg.

Kiara teased her, and as her loyal sister, Minami happily followed her lead.

"Why haven't you started cleaning your room?" Keith narrowed his eyes at them, which made them stop playing around and get to work.

Kashish decided to help them out a little, but she mostly stayed because she was amazed at how the girls were using magic to clean the room and wanted to observe it closely.

Leaving them to their devices, Keith walked downstairs and checked on Yingying, who was still soundly asleep after what he had made her go through, and then he returned to his study to continue making his plans.

He quickly memorised the detailed map of the Ozell Territory, including the satellite images, which Iseul had forwarded to him, and then thought through several methods he could use to kill the girl before deciding on one.

As much as he liked playing with his prey, he decided on giving her a quick and painless death.

She was an innocent one, after all.

And after formulating his plans, he took out a book on Crafting. He spent the rest of the morning reading and then joined the girls at lunch.

"Our Leave Application has been approved.We are free for the next two weeks." Reina, who had returned from school, happily informed him.

"Do you want to go to Magic City tomorrow?" He smiled and asked, to which everyone at the table looked at him and nodded. "Alright then. Pack your bags. We will leave early in the morning."

"Yay!" Kiara happily high-fived Reina, and then they all started making their own plans about everything they wanted to do in Magic City and the places they wanted to visit.

Since it was one of the most ancient cities on Gaia, there were a lot of places worth visiting. And Kiara was also excited about introducing Kashish to Rebecca and Amelia.

Just as they were discussing their plans, Keith received a text from Rebecca, where she had asked him to call her as soon as possible.

Keith excused himself from the table and then made a call to her.


"Keith, Alana received a call from Yexuan, and he apologised to her. He has managed to convince her to go home and see him, and I could not really stop her. She also plans on confronting him about his Cultivation."

"Who is with her?"

"She insisted on going alone, but I managed to convince her to take us along. We need to do some shopping in the city." She informed him. "Amy and Zoey are in the car with her, and the rest of us are right behind them."

"What has caught your attention?" He asked, knowing well that something bothered her.

"Keith, does he possess some kind of treasure that lets him disappear?" She seriously asked, making him frown.

"Yes, but he can not teleport with it or walk invisibly. Why?"

"Oh." She pieced things through and then spoke. "He keeps appearing and disappearing in his apartment, and his physical growth has been abnormal. He's gaining muscle mass and height at an alarming rate. His demeanour is changing as well, and there are now a few golden highlights in his hair."

"I see." He was already aware of these things so he was not surprised.

"He killed two more Aurors of the Mondini Family last night. No bodies." She told him. "Can he make bodies and people disappear with him to wherever he goes?"

Keith was not surprised that she figured it out, and he finally saw through her worries.

"Yes." He told her. "He can hide and even take a living person with him, but not indefinitely, not in the case of the living person."

He had been keeping tabs on Yexuan's progress through the System. It was not for free and consumed System Points, but it was worth it. He was never going to turn a blind eye to someone who possessed a Divine Treasure like the Steele of Time and Space.

A simple miscalculation could prove dire and the person could escape your grasp. It was not something he could afford since he wanted to get his hands on that treasure at all costs and as soon as possible.

So far, Yexuan was only strong enough to stay inside the space in the Steele for five Gaia hours, but of course, the time he spent inside the Steele was a lot more than just five hours every day.

"You should have told me this before!" She complained and he just chuckled at her words. "I will keep an eye on her and will call you later." She sighed before ending the call.

Keith smiled as he put the phone back in his pocket.

Sadly, there was still time in Yexuan's Invincible Halo, otherwise, he would have killed the boy already to avoid any complications.

But it seemed like he was determined to cause some trouble.

One thing that Keith was certain about was that Yexuan knew about his future self, and the boy also held some hatred towards him and his family. So, the boy needed to die, and he needed to die soon.

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