Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

"You!" She angrily glared at him after she came out of her dazed state and found him playfully smiling at her.

"You taste like cherries. I like cherries."

Keith could tell that she did not appreciate his remark, and the red on her face right now was all in anger coupled with embarrassment. Yet, he still dared to claw her waist and pull her back into another kiss.

This time, Feifei put up some more struggle, or so she tried, but just like before, she only ended up helpless as his taste hooked her again.

She was too embarrassed and angry to admit that he tasted so divinely sweet that she wanted more of it, but her body was reacting against her will now. And despite her agitation, she never once bit on his lips to hurt him.

The hands on his chest that were trying to push him away moments ago, were now clutching his shirt tightly, and when a sweet moan leaked her mouth, right into his, a tear rolled out of her eyes under the weight of her raging emotions.

She did not know how long it lasted, but she closed her eyes as soon as their lips separated, and then she leaned in to place her forehead against his chest, hiding her face from him.

It was not because she was shy, but because she was overwhelmed by her own instincts and emotions, and when her body started trembling a little, she felt him tightly wrap his arms around her and hug her.

And that was all it took for her anger to vaporise away.

Minutes passed, and she stayed in his embrace, inhaling his scent, trying to sort out her own thoughts and feelings.

"What did you do to me?" She eventually spoke and whispered the question.

"Nothing." He smiled and planted a kiss on her head.

"Then why do I feel this way about you?" She asked, finally raising her head and looking at him with tearful eyes. "It is not natural, is it? I have only known you for a day, and it feels like..."

"We have always known each other." He finished her words when she trailed off, and smiled some more when she nodded to him.

"Why?" She asked again.

"It is not love at first sight if that's what you are thinking." He teased her, and despite herself, she could not help but smile at his words.

A day it might have been, but she could sense when he was teasing her and when he was not. And she was not immune to his sense of humour.


"You were born for me, my dear Fei." He looked into her eyes and said to her. "Some invisible threads, unbreakable threads, bind us together. So, you could say that we are meant for each other."

His words made her eyes turn misty again, and he could clearly see the restlessness in them.

"What you feel for me, I feel the same for you. It is just that I have a better grasp on my emotions and I understand the truth that I am not restless or apprehensive about my own feelings. But I have been there before." He chuckled, and she narrowed her eyes at him, forgetting her earlier unease as a new train of thoughts hit her.

"For who?"


Feifei lowered her eyes before he could see the irritation in them. She remembered how many girls he had around him, and he was already married to four of them.

"You feel the same for all of them, don't you?"


She frowned at his ambiguous answer but could sense that he would not be explaining himself even if she asked about it.

However, she still asked the question that was bothering her the most right now.


"Yes." He smiled. "But you have already sensed it, haven't you?"

"Aren't you something Divine? Maybe you are playing with my mind? You did it earlier with the maid, didn't you? You commanded her, and she obeyed without a question." She raised her head and narrowed her eyes at him again, and frowned when she heard him laugh at her question. "What?"

"Want to see the birds again?" He asked, suppressing his laughter.

"You are changing the subject."

"And do you really need an answer to that question?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

"Yes." She stubbornly nodded her head.

Keith kept looking into her eyes for several seconds, lightly smiling at her.

"I can control the minds of people, yes." He admitted and smiled some more when he saw no hint of apprehension in her eyes. "But I would never use such a power on you."

"I wouldn't know, would I?" She smirked at him.

"Believe it or not, but you would." He leaned in and flicked her nose. "Your gift is very special, and so are the threads that bind us."

Feifei frowned at his words and stubbornly kept looking into his eyes for a good minute.

"If I died today..."

"Wouldn't have let it happen. And it wouldn't have happened anyway." He shook his head, not allowing her to finish her words, and she could still see the teasing smile on his lips.

However, she was stubborn too and proceeded to ask her silly question.

"Would it have hurt you if I died today?"

She did not know why, but as soon as those words left her mouth, she regretted asking her question. However, before the guilt could settle in, she heard him speak, and it made her heart slow down.

"I would have burned this world down and more." He smiled on his face had ceased as he said those words, and for the first time since she met him, Feifei felt the cold chills of fear run up her spine.

There was something extremely cold and dark about his eyes that she could not help but tremble under his gaze. She tried to turn her eyes away, but his hand was on her cheek, tenderly cupping it, and then she felt his soft lips touch her forehead.

Her nerves relaxed a lot when she sensed the gentleness from him again, and she instinctively grabbed his shirt as if stopping him from becoming cold again.

"Don't ask stupid questions." He smiled as he warned her, and Feifie subconsciously nodded her head.

"Sorry." She meekly whispered, earning another kiss on her head from him which made her smile this time.

The next moment, Feifei heard the familiar chirping sounds again, and when she subconsciously turned to look around her, she gasped at the phenomenon that was taking place inside the room.

Hundreds of miniature birds, made of Light, Fire, and Lightning, in all the colours she could name, were flying around in the room. And there were not just birds, but butterflies too, and she laughed when a group of them playfully flew around her and landed on her head and shoulders.

She raised her arms, letting more of them sit on her, and she giggled like a little girl when she felt the tingling sensations from them.

"They are beautiful!" She exclaimed, and when she glanced at him and saw the gentle smile on his perfect face, and the hints of appreciation in his eyes for her, she could not help but blush. "I love butterflies too." She told him.

"I know." He said and then glanced at the only painting of the Butterfly in the room that she had made.

"Hmph!" She pouted at his reply but then put all her attention to these lifeless, and yet so full of life creatures.

For minutes, she ran here and there in the room, playing around and trying to touch those creatures of Light. She was quite careful about not touching the ones made out of Lightning and Fire, and her laughter that echoed in the room was a song to his ears.

"No!" She loudly protested when everything suddenly disappeared without a warning, but before she could ask him to do it again, she heard the door of her room open and saw Rouxi rush inside.

And right behind her were Jin and Baobao, and then Qingyue entered the room.

The look of distress on her best friend's face ached her heart.

"Fei!" Rouxi anxiously walked over to her.

"Hey, Rou..."

And before she could finish her words, she was tightly hugged by the girl. Despite herself, a tear slipped out of her eyes and she hugged her back.

"I am fine, Rou." She gently told her, but Rouxi refused to let go of her.

Feifei could only imagine what might have gone through Rouxi's head when she learned about her accident, and she could sense how distressed her friend was right now.

After all, she and Eira were the only ones Rouxi considered her family.

She threw a glare at Jin, knowing well that it was her stupid cousin who had spilt the beans, but then again, she could not really blame him. Baobao and he were extremely worried after they saw the crash happen on the drone feed.

It was nighttime, but it was still easy to make out how horrific it was.

Feifei was certain that everyone at the event must have been scared to death after watching it happen.

So, even though Keith had assured them that they were fine, they were likely still worried and must have asked Rouxi how she was doing.

"Sorry." Jin grinned at her, and it was so evident on his face that he too was immensely relieved right now.

"Feifei, you scared us." Baobao already had tears running out of her eyes, and perhaps it was because of her words that Rouxi let go of her and allowed the girl with the bob-cut hair to approach.

"You are always reckless when you drive!" She admonished Feifei as she watched Baobao hug her.

"It was not my fault. That guy was blocking my way and was scared that I would overtake him. He lost control of the car and slammed into me." Feifei immediately set the record straight, not willing to hear anything against her driving skills which she took great pride in.

She might not be the best out there, but she was very good behind the wheel.

"Feifei... how did you survive that?" Baobao reluctantly asked, recalling how horrific the accident was.

She was happy that her friend was fine, but she was genuinely curious about how someone could have survived such an accident.

Feifei sneaked glanced at Keith, who was talking with Qingyue, and then gripped the pendant that she was still holding in her right hand.

"I guess I got lucky." She indifferently shrugged. "Anyways, I don't want to talk about it. I want to have my dinner now."

"Don't you want to get changed first?" Rouxi narrowed her eyes at the clothes Feifei was wearing, and there were clear tears and cuts on them.

Her question ended up alarming Feifei, who immediately examined the cuts and was inwardly shocked that even the traces of blood had disappeared from her clothes.

She did not want Rouxi to see her in a hurt state.

Feifei threw a grateful glance at Keith, and then she immediately excused herself as she ran into the dressing room to get changed.

"Five minutes!" She promised.

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