Chapter 263: Declaration of War

Vitae stood in her office, dropping her glass startled. She felt her connection with Kurt vanish in an instant, throwing her off entirely. Stumbling back down to her chair, she slumped over, looking paranoid. "Damn it…"

The door cranked open as the police commissioner, Charmeine, entered, knocking. "Knock, knock… Vitae, are you alright?"

Vitae remained silent, turning around, staring out to the city whispering. "We lost Kurt."

"What? The legendary hero Kurt? That one? No way… How?"

"How else. He got too curious and went to find his daughter. I had no control over that blasted man. You can't keep a mad dog on a lease." Vitae said in a sour tone, snapping her pen. "Morto fell a few days ago, and now Kurt. Emil will soon follow; I'm sure his team will break the connection one way or another. It's just me left."

Charmeine dropped her notepad onto the desk, kneeling down wrapping her arms around Vitae. "You're wrong, Vitae. You have me; you'll always have me."

Vitae held her hand, giving off a faint smile. "That brings warmth to my heart. You saying that. I'm delighted to have someone like you, Charmeine."

Charmeine moved back, pouring two drinks. "It was only natural; we both share the same goal. Both of us want the Garden gone. You want freedom from their clutches, and my people wish to live; the Garden is our natural enemy at the end of the day. But who could imagine Fairy-Tale and the Garden working together?"

Vitae was handed a drink as she clutched it closely. "It's nothing so crazy to imagine. The ten's judgment takes more drastic methods to succeed after all—First Adam and Eve Berry 400 years ago, then Alton Brantley and now you. Four of the ten has blessed this world with their presence. Lapdogs for each race isn't that ironic. We would both work together."

Charmeine cheered to that, sipping her drink sitting down on the sofa relaxing. "It's been a long 400 years, hasn't it? I've watched this city fall and rise from the ashes like it was yesterday. You've done well, Vitae."

"Not well enough. It's all falling apart with each passing day. Syndicate, Alton Brantley, and now the Garden, all of them are weaving their ugly head through. None of this is fair; with me being the last vessel, my time will soon come… I fear I didn't do enough to prevent The Garden from returning."

Charmeine gave Vitae a look of concern. "If it's that much of a worry for you, I could take you up on that deal. I'm sure I'm more than a perfect vessel for Mortem. I could handle whatever thrown at me."

This got a small chuckle from Vitae as she swirled her drink, thinking about the proposal. "I'm sure you could. You'd be the perfect vessel for Mortem indeed. But no, that's not what I need you for. In case I fall, you need to be the one to hold the cards altogether. Only you know how to stop the Garden if I'm gone, Charmeine. If it comes down to it, you'll be the one to guide them to victory."

"We judgment of the ten are not known for leading. We were assigned to the destruction of the Garden by any means. Many of us would bash heads and never get along. I've had my fair share of stands off against such tens like Adam."

"Did you ever meet Alton Brantley?"

"I can't say I recall doing so. However, we ten were first chosen thousands of years ago, so it's hard to say. Most likely, he is the newest ten being the last one itself."

"So, the boy is ten? What does that make you?"

"I am three. While I'm nowhere as powerful as, say, Adam or Eve, I can still hold my own. If it comes down to it, I will oblige to destroying Alton Brantley."

"Don't worry yourself about Alton. He isn't your concern. Yours is keeping the seal working for as long as possible. If any stage of grief tries to weave through, you should be there to stop them."

Charmeine gives Vitae a doubtful look putting her glass down. "You might be overestimating me a little bit. While I can fight against the Garden, the stages of grief are a different story. I might have a more difficult time against them, especially if it's Adam himself. I most expect Acceptance to be the first to move. He almost got through himself before any of this ever escalated. Adam will wait for the right time. Denial would soon follow, and Anger not far behind."

"What about depression?"

"Depression won't be there if the Garden attacks all at once. That stage is more laxed and closed off. I highly doubt we will ever see them in person."

"I see, say you've mentioned four of the ten. What about the other six? Could they be of assistance?"

"That's a hard one to pinpoint…" Charmeine admitted giving it a thought over. "One was imprisoned for high treason thousands of years ago. He tends to cry out for help to the other ten every once and a while. He is off the table here looking for a more barbaric way of fighting. He'd destroy earth and Fairy-Tale before even reaching the Garden. Two and Five were killed during the last Garden war. Eight and nine are Adam and Eve, respectively. Eve perished by her own brother's hands and now resigns in the Hawthorne girl. Adam, well, you already know the story to that one. If we are to believe my theory, Alton is ten, and I am Three. Four, Six and Seven are missing. I have no idea where they are, to be all honest, so it's improbable, we'll stand any chance of outside help."

"Can you contact Fairy-Tale and tell them of this dilemma? Wouldn't they step in and help stop the Garden?"

"Fairy-Tale sealed themselves away just after the first Garden war. We were sent in their place to stop any more outbreaks. Not even we can return home, not until the Garden is destroyed. We are truly on our own for this one."

Vitae bit her lip, frustrated by this cursing the overlords. "Damn it… They always see themselves as so high and mighty it pisses me off. Alas, I wouldn't exactly take their help even if they offered in the first place."

"What's your plan then?"

"My first point of action is to stop Alton and his allies. I was foolish to believe I had him on a leash these past two years. I yet again underestimated him. Our stage of grief programme and fallen through. Pain was destroyed, and the other two perished before the proper procedures were taken. All I can do about that is count my losses and move on and pray the Garden didn't receive them. I am on my own for this one. The best I can hope for is an easy victory, but I cannot be certain."

"When do you suppose they will attack?"

Vitae stood up, walking from her desk conflicted. "If I know them, they will very quickly want to make their presence known. They are not one for ambushes. We will know when they attack when they want us to." Charmeine stared out the window, silent with shock. "Is something the matter?"

"You mean something like that?"

Vitae charged to the window, staring on, gripping her fist tightly breaking her glass. "It's them…"


The electronic billboards all over Rhinefield shut down for a short moment. This was soon interrupted all at once with a hacked broadcast. Music notes with a superhero's mask wrapped around it appeared—the symbol of Team Rhapsody. People began to flock to the broadcast as other streamers also watched, just as confused. Soon the whole city was glued to it, forced to watch as all the streams were also forced to host this stream take over. "Good evening, ladies and Gentlemen of Rhinefield! It's been a long while now, hasn't it? The CEOs would like you to assume us dead to disperse any hope or inspiration, but I'm afraid to tell them we're all alive and kicking." Alton appeared on the screen, holding his streaming mask to his face before moving it away, smirking. "As you can see, I'm alive and well. Just another baked lie fed to you by those monsters you call CEOs."

Alice appeared on-screen, squatting down, holding her mask down by her side. "They lie and cheat their way into submission, taking out anyone who opposes their rule without question. They intended on silencing us after learning this truth by killing our leader and snuffing out the rest. How can you trust someone like that in power?!"

Iris stood next to Alton shaking her head in anger. "You just can't! They've been manipulating all of us from the very start tricking the masses into the streaming programme just to use us to fight their pointless wars. Each one of them hides in the shadows pulling strings with any casualty thrown kicked under the rug with no care."

Alton held his mask, freezing it in his hand before letting it shatter apart. "This is completely unacceptable and wrong! But that's not the worst of it. Their identities have been leading a secret since the beginning for a reason. They steal other identities for their own goals snatching hosts for their liking. The true identity of V.I.R.A.L is the mass embodiment of death and lapdog to the Garden Mortem!" This got the crowd gossiping to each other in shock, unsure what to make of the situation.

Monty walked into the frame cracking his knuckles. "We can ensure you the Garden is real; they've been tearing at the masses and fighting us since day one. The CEOs were already well aware of this and chose not to act. The mental Overloads, Paradox, Fizzletooth. All of that was the Garden! That's not even to mention any more cover-ups they've thrown our way. If left unchecked, they will drown this world into chaos, and the Garden will have their way."

"We won't let that happen!" Alton cried, making a stand. "As long as evil prevails, we will fight. So, this is a message to all take a stand and fight! Fight for your freedom, fight for Victoria! Isn't that right, leader?"

"Leader? I thought Alton Brantley was the leader of Team Rhapsody?"

"You're absolutely right, Alt," Sam exclaimed, walking on the camera facing her entirely.

Everyone went into a roar. "No way, that's Unity of Hero's Might?! She's alive?!"

Sam took the camera, holding it down, smirking. "We're taking a stand; your sinful ways will not go unpunished, Mortem. This is our declaration of war!" The stream shut down as all of V.I.R.A.L went offline for the first time ever. The city or Rhinefield was left waiting and watching for what was to come next.


"Get everyone out there on the streets and control this mess! Didn't you hear Team Rhapsody are declaring war!" Charmeine barked down her radio, ordering the police into action. "Not only did they have bloody Monty Montague on their side, but now Sam Belling?! This isn't good, Vitae. What the hell do we do?!"

Vitae stared on, amused by all of this as she leaned back into her chair, humming. "You put on quite a show like always, Alton Brantley. If that's how it will be, very well. I accept your challenge; come at me with all your might. Show me that burning willpower of yours, V.I.R.A.L, will not hold back whatsoever. Let's see whose willpower is stronger! Charmeine, counter the crowds. Hold back any riots and ready for the next phase of the plan."

"What will you do?"

"I will face Team Rhapsody myself. The final battle is close at hand, and don't intend on losing!"

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