Chapter 267: The Girl They Called Iris Part 1

Ten minutes earlier.

Large piles of guns were dropped to the floor as the police and streamers were tied up and dealt with. Monty went through the pile taking all the magazines out, sighing. "Something doesn't feel right here."

Iris kept looking to the sky, feeling paranoid holding her head. "Do you guys hear that?"

"I don't hear anything," Jinx admits. "Iris, are you sure you're feeling alright."

Butch stared on at Iris, looking paranoid. Monty took note of this, walking over to him. "What's got you so worked up, Mortem? Have you done something to Iris?"

"You need to kill her," Butch whispered, snapping. "Kill her before it's too late!"

The Syndicate members cautiously turned to Iris before pulling Butch away. "Like we'd listen to anything you'd say monster!" Monty ranted, kicking Butch in the stomach. "Are you good?"

Iris held her head feeling dizzy. "I feel something calling to me."

Butch continued to watch, whispering. "We're all doomed. We're all doomed."

"Will someone shut him up!" Florence barked, checking everyone's IDs. "There seems to be no blood moons insight."

"That's good. Although I feel this was too easy." Jinx admitted counting her bullets.

Monty walked, feeling Iris' head. "You're burning up. What do you hear?"

Iris mumbled, uncomfortable. "I can't quite tell… It's just like before…"

"I'm going to call Alton and tell him we're taking Iris out; she's not in the right state of mind to fight Mortem."

"No! No. I can still fight. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


Monty believed her stepping away for a moment. "Alright, Syndicate can take care of the rest; we'll meet up with Vanguard for support. We'll take a five-minute break and then head out."

Readying for the next fight, Monty looked to Butch, whimpering again. "He's here, he's here…"

Purple flower petals began falling around them as Monty caught onto the trouble. Spinning on the spot to Iris, a hollow tree appeared as Acceptance appeared, holding Iris holding a finger over his mouth, hushing her. "Iris!" Monty yelled, running forward. Jinx and Florence did the same as the portal closed, with only Monty jumping through.


Iris collapsed to the floor, finding herself in a vase open field of decaying purple flowers. A set of tables and chairs were seen far off the distance. As Iris stood up, she heard a slight chuckle. Looking over her shoulder, she found no one there, only to look back, finding herself face to face with Acceptance. Stumbling around, falling to the floor, Iris glanced up at the Stage of Grief, terrified. "You… I know you; I've seen you before."

"You have Daughter of Fairy-Tale. I represent Acceptance, one of the Five Stages of Grief. An honour to finally meet you, Salvation."

Offering his hand, Iris refused it standing up backing away. "Where am I?"

"Where else? Your former home, you are at the edge of the Garden." Acceptance admitted pointing to her. "Mind your step."

Almost falling into an endless cavern, Iris saved herself, turning back paranoid. "That's not possible."

"Nothing ever is these days. Once you accept that, everything will be much easier."

Iris looked at Acceptance in the corner of her eye, whispering. "I know you; I've heard the stories. Alice told me of the manipulator who snatches his victims into a pocket world to trick them into helping him. You've done it to Alton before, correct?"

"I won't deny the truth. I have spoken to Alton here and Zinnia and Gale. I even had the pleasure of speaking to that boy. What was his name? Ah, right, Monty." He admitted. "You see, Iris, I'm not like the other stages. While they are out for carnage and destruction, looking to carry their will through the world and seek revenge. I'm more a man of knowledge; I can't get enough of it. But there's only so much you can get from your own mind, from the endless books. I am far more fascinated with people. Their thoughts and feelings, their viewpoints on the world. All of that is far more interesting than just killing everyone. But of course, if forced into a point where I was forced to fight, I wouldn't lose."

Iris held her hand down low, ready to fight if need be. "It's been you, right? The voice that is, the voice taunting me these last few weeks." Acceptance simply nodded, confirming that fact for Iris. "Why?"

"Why, you ask? I believe we both know the answer to that. You are an anomaly that shouldn't exist. A clone of the original Ten's Judgement split in two. On the one hand, your sister the more humane angelic side who wishes to save the world. And then there's the other. Salvation the brute and destroyer who resides in you either one would do for my plan to break the seal."

This got a snarky comment from Iris, amused by the situation. "If you think I'm going to help you, you're insane. I would never allow the Garden to return. I'd rather die first!"

"Oh, I already know that. But you will break the seal with your own free will, in fact. You'll be happy to do so." Acceptance taunted with a mocking smile as he looked at the corner of this eye. "There you are."

Monty flew down, striking Acceptance only to be pinned down by dozens of vines. Struggling to move, Iris stared on in horror. "Monty?! What are you doing here?!"

"Why do you think…" He coughed, struggling. "I'm not letting a bastard like him manipulate you like he did me."

Acceptance kneeled, holding up Monty by his hair tugging hard. "Is that any way to thank me for everything I did for you? If I recall, you took part in those trials to become stronger, to prove yourself worthy. All you've done is made yourself weak with gluttony. You are sick hungry for Salvation. We can still offer you that."

"Leave him alone!" Iris roared, flinging her cube forward, striking Acceptance. Holding his hand ahead, it shattered in his very palm, getting a horrid response from Iris. "No…"

"You know it frustrates me when nobody listens when I'm talking. I wish not to hurt you nor contract conflict; I only wish the best for my people and us to be free like thousands of years ago."

"By destroying the world and everyone who lives there?! No amount of bloodshed can justify that!"

Acceptance sighed, dropping Monty walking towards Iris. Serval vines held her down as he towered over her, sighing once more. "You are both naïve and childish to believe such lies. We did nothing wrong. We only wanted our lives back, the lives your race selfishly took. Who's to say they won't do the same to you. Each and every time we reveal ourselves, we have been made the enemy and attacked. All of this is in mere self-defence."

"You're lying! The Garden is evil and must be stopped."

"Evil. Iris, please, there's no such thing as good and evil. No one can be truly good nor truly evil. Those are just simple words you made up to justify your actions and rally to a common goal. It's much easier to fight someone if you claim them to be evil. Evil is just a perspective of one's self. From my point of you I could easily see you as the evil we must stop. Sealing us away and constantly looking to wipe us out. How can that be seen as good?"

"And this is what he does. Toys and bends the truth to his every need, the monster of the Garden the gentle madman Acceptance." Monty yelled, still struggling. "I won't fall for your lies again."

"You don't need to." Acceptance said, moving away from Iris's hands in his pockets. "You already threw away that luxury oh about four years ago back at the raid against the Cult of Vanguard. What was it you promised? Oh right, the power to overcome your family, in return, you were to kill Alton Brantley. A narrow-minded boring contract you made with Bargaining, but I am not one to judge. Did you think he'd forget? Bargaining never forgets what is owed, and from what I see, Alton Brantley is very much alive and well."

"No. You can't! Don't!" Iris begged.

"Because of that, your contract is still in effect, meaning your Garden property." Acceptance scoffed, releasing the vines on Monty. "You have no way to fight our will; while he's not here to see it in person, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to hear about this. Monty Montague, I order you this as part of the Contract made you are to kill Iris, do that, and you will be free."

"What?" Iris whispered. "But you said you needed me to break the seal!"

"I do. So, it's your choice to kill Monty and help me break the seal or die by his hands and set the boy you love free. The choice is up to you; of course, even if he does kill you, I will simply end his life after and move onto the next host, your sister. If she doesn't work, I can always turn to Alton. Of course, you can try and reason with Monty and save him, but that just won't work."

Monty began walking forward fist clenched tears running down his eyes. "Iris, please, please. Don't make me do this."

"You can fight this, Monty! Please, don't let him take you over! I know you can do this!"

"It's futile to resist Monty. It only just makes the process more painful."

"I'm sorry, Iris, I can't hold back," Monty screamed, attacking Iris. Breaking her chains, she jumped back, pushing Monty further with her cube as two spears spun around her. "Kill me! Kill me before I hurt anyone else, please!"

Iris clenched her fist, getting into a battle stance with her cubes at the ready. "No matter what happens, Monty, I promise you, I'll free you from this curse!"

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