Chapter 272: The Death of Mortem Part 5

Vitae watched her people from the Garden's bell tower. Whenever she felt remotely nervous or paranoid, she would always find herself up here watching the children playing. Their carefree persona was something she was far envious of. She yearned for the times she, too, used to be like that a long time ago. Sitting on the edge, Bargaining stepped out from the tower, eyeing her down. "It's typical you'd be up here, Mortem." Vitae turned startled, going to stand only for Bargaining to hold her down. "Don't bother."

Bargaining sat next to her, twirling his blade around, taunting the vessel. "Did the Gardeners send you?"

"No, they didn't. No one knows where you are, apart from me, of course. Vitae would come up here often with the plan of ending her own life. She could never go through with it no matter how many times she planned it. I honestly felt sorry for the pitiful girl."

Vitae looked away, cupping her hands. "Are you here to kill me?"

Bargaining raised his eyebrow, shrugging his shoulders. "That depends."

"Depends on what?"

"The answer you give me. You come up here every day and just watch the world pass you by." Bargaining states watching his own sister playing with the others. "So, my question is, why?"

Taking some time to think over its Vitae sighed. "I always look to beyond our sanctuary, towards the horizon that is always dark. The sun never sets or rises here; we're stuck with that blood moon forever. I sit here and wonder what if things could be different? I want to be free like everyone else. I want to preserve and keep hold of this life as it's all I have. I come up here with hope, hope that everything could change for the better."

"That makes sense, I suppose." He admits scratching his rough beard. "You're the third vessel for Mortem; the entity is as old as the Gardeners themselves, yet you never had a body to call your own. It's not surprising you get too attached."

"Vitae gave up control of her body very early on. Her will to live was hanging on by a thread she didn't even think twice about giving it to me. She has served the Gardeners well, but I know my time is almost up; soon, I will be looking for a new vessel, one younger and more powerful. That all these vessels are to the Gardeners. But they are so much more than that to me; they are a part of me. We are two in the same. When I leave one vessel behind, it feels like dying. A new me takes over and continues; all those memories of the past me are gone like they never happened."

"How does that make you feel?"


"I see. You know…" Bargaining whispered, leaning towards Vitae with a blank stare. "If I were to tell the Gardeners about what you just told me, they'd have you purged at once. Questioning the beliefs of the Gardeners is questioning everyone. High treason, that is."

Vitae panicked, throwing her arms around. "No, no, that's not what I meant! I would never go against the will of the Garden. I am far too weak for that!"

"So, you're saying if you were stronger, you would?" Bargaining questioned, staring daggers at her before he dryly laughed, patting her back. "Relax, I was joking. I have no intention of turning you in. Like they'd believe one of the Ten's Judgement anyway. No one here trusts me and with good reason."

"Do you still look to destroy the Garden?"

"I did say that at one point, didn't I? Forget all of that." Bargaining pushed away, yawning. "We're both the same, you and I. Neither truly fits in here; we both yearn for more. I wish to cut ties with my own heritage and save my sister while you look free. Neither one of us can have what we want unless we fight for it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Mortem, I want you to fight against the Garden."

"You what?!"

"Don't act so surprised; I'm sure even the Gardeners know I plot against them. We both look to be free. We have a common goal. Alone we wouldn't stand a chance, but together my plan can work without a hitch."

Vitae was taken back as she muttered. "What do you want from me?"

"It's quite simple. Your next scouting mission will commence soon. You'll be tasked with learning just how far the people of this world have evolved since our last attempt. New York is your location. I want you to take over the city. Gather as many powerful fighters as possible. Make an army and prepare. Soon enough, the Gardeners will realise you are not coming back, and they'll send someone else to kill you. That person will be me. If the seeds of my plan are to work, I need to be up there before the war breaks loose. The Garden's influence is weak up there, so we will be able to move freely without any interventions."

Vitae was obviously taken back by this as she cupped her hands together. "You know, I could turn you for this. They'd believe me a lot more than you."

"You could, but I know you won't."


"Because you listened to my whole plan without stopping me once." He stated, standing up. "Your only hopes in defeating the Garden and being free Mortem is power. Without power, you cannot win."

Bargaining went to leave only for Vitae to yell out. "Hang on, your plan? Everything you're working towards, what is it? What are you planning, Adam Berry?"

Bargaining turned back around with a smug look as he placed a finger to his mouth, hushing her. "Shh, it's a secret. Worry not though Mortem, everything is about to change soon enough."


Vitae stood on the roof of her destroyed tower, watching her kingdom fall apart. Her own self-doubt and paranoia now more than ever on full display. She stopped chuckling to herself. "You streamers work fast. If you being here is any confirmation the rest of the vessels are dead?"

Alton ascended from the rubble, staring Vitae down. "Morto is dead. Emil is nowhere to be seen, and your commissioner is taken care of."

"Yes, it appears the Syndicate girl just wouldn't give up. She made short work of Emil quite quickly. Even our own Stage of Grief is no more. The others are the Garden's play things now."

"Scarlett's here?" Alice questioned.

"That doesn't matter." Alton shut down. "You know why we're here, Vitae. It's over."

Vitae nods, turning to the streamers. "That it is. Even if I defeat you, nothing will change. My army is gone, and the people will storm this building to take me down. You've ruined everything, and now this world is doomed…"

"Stop trying to act so innocent. You used others for your own twisted gain and killed others who wouldn't stand with you." Sam argued. "We're doing the right thing here."

"Maybe you are. But you see Sam Belling. I just wish to be free. Free from my past, free from the Garden. This is the only way I can do such a thing, I wanted to defeat the Garden, but it's too late. The Garden will rise and make a repeat of what happened 400 years ago."

"We won't allow that to happen. I won't allow that." Alton snapped.

Vitae turned to them, chuckling to herself. "Quite right… You've already defeated me. However, I can't just accept this fate. Not just yet, even if this fight means nothing. Even if I've already lost, I still want to fight and hold onto what little I have!"

A shadow burst forward towards the group. Alton steps ahead, making an ice wall to block the attack. The two collide, shattering the wall as Alton stares up at Vitae snarling. "I've been waiting for this." Holding his arm up, serval bombardments of ice burst forward, cutting Vitae down without much problem. A shadow snatches out, pinning Alton against the wall. He doesn't resist as the shadow begins to be overpowered by a bright light. Smoke pours from his body as the shadow explodes. "Sam, Alice, don't let this bitch even get a chance to breathe. Rush her with everything we have!"

Alice and Sam don't think twice about attacking Vitae all at once. Neither one gave her a chance to respond as flurries of light arrows and fire came her way. The small opportunity she got to counter Alton would go in now, freezing her entirely. Walking towards her, still frozen, Alton pressed his head against her frozen body, taunting her. "No matter what you try and pull, we will defeat you here and now. We're Team Rhapsody, and your reign of terror is over, Mortem!"

Pushing his hand forward, the ice shattered as Vitae was sent flying back and off the HQ to her death. Alton walked over, looking down with a judgement look. "Is that enough?" Alice questioned.

"No matter how powerful Mortem was, Vitae was just a normal girl who gave up her body as use of a vessel. She won't survive."

"But Mortem will. Shouldn't we go after her?"

Alton shook his head. "No, it took her nearly 400 years to build up her nation. She doesn't have the time or vessels to continue. Controlling a vessel takes years to harness." Alton turned around as his heart stopped for a moment staring at Sam, who had her head hung low. "Sam? Talk to me…" The clouds began to part ways as a blood moon appeared, making Alton stumble back. "No…"

Sam glanced up, giggling to herself with the dead black eyes that of Mortem itself. "And I've had nearly a decade." Sam began to scream with sent a shockwave trickling throughout the whole city…


Jinx turned, feeling an echo pass through her. Turning to Florence, she muttered. "What was that?"

The police officers and streamers were frozen on the spot, looking distort. Florence's eyes widened as she pointed. "Oh, God…"

Black mist poured from everyone's mouths as all the vessels began dropping like flies one by one. Butch stumbled back, holding his throat gagging. "No… No!"

"Butch!" Jinx yelled, running to her brother. "What's happening?!"

Butch looked up to the blood moon gagging falling to his knees. "It's too late… For all of us! Forgive me, big bro."

All the vessels succumb to the blood moon as hundreds of people all died in a matter of moments. Jinx stared up at the sky, horrified. "It can't be…"


Sam lifted her hands up, roaring with power as the shockwave grew in intensity, sending Alton flying off the tower. Alice had to step in, casting a portal to bring him back from his doom. Covering his face, Alton bit his lip, devastated, gripping his fist tightly. "Damn you… Damn you, Mortem, you bastard!"

Sam emerged from the darkness in a long black Victorian dress and bonnet. Her eyes were bloodshot red, matching the moon behind her and her skin was as pale as possible. Cackling away, Sam leaned back, bursting with joy. "I finally did it! The perfect vessel. After hundreds of years, I've finally had the power to wipe away all my enemies and be free! The power of all my lesser vessels piled together! I am immortal; I am a God. I am death, and I've won!"

Alton stood up, losing his cool about to go berserk. He was only stopped by Alice gripping his hand. Turning to her, she shook her head with a determined look. "We're going to save her no matter what. Mortem will not ruin any more lives."

"You're right…" Alton whispered, holding Alice's hand tighter. "We can't afford to let this end like this. Team Rhapsody will put an end to this madness. We will win no matter what. Sam and I will watch the sun rise on a new day. I won't let you take her from me again! Let's finish this once and for all, Mortem."

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