Chapter 279: The Fall of Victoria Part 5

Two figures stood overlooking their world below. Hundreds of years had passed since either one had gone down and set foot on the land. But both knew this time would soon come. One eventually sat down, stuck in condemnation over their actions. "This is going too far; we can't keep doing this. If the one found out what we are up to, he'd kill us on the spot."

"You can't seriously be debating our actions this far into the mess, can you? May I need to remind you we are doing this for your sister? Or at least I thought you were. The Garden's Stage must be tearing her apart, no?"

"But to go this far?!" The second figure shouted, dazed. "We would be killing thousands. No millions for what?"

"Do you know why the One chose us to become the Ten's Judgement? He believed we could make a difference; we were brought in to keep peace beyond the worlds, not ours. We go beyond what others are capable of, even if that makes us monsters in the eyes of others. But of course, you already knew that, right Nine?"

"Even so, this is wrong. Even for you, Ten." Nine stared, staring idly at Ten. "There has to be another way."

"Maybe there is, but do we have time to find it?" Ten questioned, eyeing down Nine. "Your sister isn't getting better anytime soon. Only strong-willed people like you and me can take on a Stage of Grief, but to take on, no to have Salvation forced on someone without the other Stages. She probably won't last long."

"So, this plan… To destroy it all. Burn it all down?! That's how we save my sister?"

"I never said that. You want to save your sister? You've got to take all the Stages and free her of Salvation. It's that simple. But I can't do that without you, brother. You have to promise you you're in it to the very end. No matter what."

Nine paused for a moment gritting his teeth, nodding. "I'm with you until the One's judgement plucks us from the sky."

Ten stood up, walking away. "Then you know what needs to be done."

"Why do you hate the Garden so much? What could possibly get you so worked up you'd happily burn it to the ground without a second thought?!"

Ten stopped tilting his head around with a smug look. "Do I need a reason to swat a fly or poison a rodent? I'm simply ridding the world of parasites and saving future generations from such harms. Surely you wouldn't want what is happening to Eight to happen to anyone else, right?"

"N- no… Of course not."

"Good. Remember our little promise. The world is about to change Nine, and a brave new world will take its place."

Bargaining opened his eyes, reflecting back on his past as he took a deep breath staring down over the city on fire. "I haven't forgotten our promise Alton, we go beyond what others are capable of, even if that makes us monsters. I will see it through."


The city was lost; Alton and the others knew that far too well. In this harsh reality, there was no coming back from what had happened. Even so, to Alton, it would all be worth it if he took down the ones behind it all. Climbing the Prime Titan, Bargaining sat alone, watching the chaos ahead. Alton, Alice and Sam approached cautiously. "How long has it been now Ten since we stood here in a similar position overlooking our kingdom of dirt? Eight no 900 years ago. I never forgot what you taught me; I hold it close as a reminder of what I'm fighting for."

Alton glossed around, looking for any more enemies. "Where's the other Stages?"

"I sent Depression away. He has no value in this conversation; denial is out there doing what she so desperately loves. It's truly pathetic how someone can enjoy the mindless slaughter without much purpose. Anger is out seeking her revenge while Acceptance is keeping our exceptional guest comfortable."

"You bastard!" Alice snapped as Alton stopped her.

Bargaining stood up, smiling to himself. "You look more and more like Eve with each passing day. Finally, we're able to meet face to face. Team Rhapsody, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I go by serval names. Bargaining, Adam Berry or of course one of the Ten's Judgement standing at Nine."

"You've been waiting for us then."

"Correct, actually. All of this is going to plan, no? The plan we came up with nearly one thousand years ago. Do you remember that, Alton Brantley?"

Alton snarled at this, walking closer. "Enough games, Bargaining. We're here to end this."

"I see. It's rather unfortunate you don't remember. Before all of this, you were the might of Fairy-Tale. You stood where others wouldn't dare and toppled nations with your might. It's actually quite upsetting to see how far you've fallen. As much as it hurts me to see you like this, I must keep going for both of our sakes. So, I'm going to cut to the chase. Let's make another deal; I'll call off the attack, allow enough time for your people to be treated and the dead to be mourned. It's the least I can do. After all, I used to live here 400 years ago, even if this world is nearly unrecognisable to me, the smell and feel is rather nostalgic."

"And what do you want in return?" Sam questions.

Turning to the three, Bargaining moved his finger, pointing to Alice herself. "Her, I want what's rightfully mine."

Alton stepped in front of Alice, snarking, ready to fight. "Like hell, we'll just give up one of our own like that! I'd rather die than let that happen."

Bargaining frowned, scratching his neck, grumbling to himself. "No, no, no. This isn't how the plan was supposed to go… You're ruining everything, Ten. You've lost your way, and now you've become the very thing you despised. Nothing but vermin who has no place in this world but to cause pain to others. Very well. It seems I'll have to take things into my own hand."

"Like hell, you will!" Alton snapped, holding his hand up, freezing Bargaining on the spot. Unable to escape, Alton was about to strike away when with a simple blink, Bargaining had broken out and was now inches from him. "What the?!"

Bargaining unleashed a powerful uppercut lifting Alton from his spot, making him blackout for a short moment. While in the air, Bargaining hopped over, smacking him back down, taking Alton down in a matter of seconds. Both Alice and Sam were left dazed seeing their leader being defeated so quickly. Sam twirled her hand around, unleashing a barrage of fire. "You bastard!"

Bargaining began walking forward, taking the attack head-on being scorched to pieces. Falling to his knees, unable to stand in the blink of an eye, he was unscathed back on his feet. Sam was left gobsmacked as she tried to counter only for Bargaining's elbow to smash against her hand breaking two of her fingers. Flinching, Sam was backhanded sent flying into the peak of the tree, collapsing down alongside Alton.

Alice was alone in her fight as she didn't let her fallen allies sway her. She unleashed her bow, firing off a dozen arrows that flew around before stabbing Bargaining one by one. Staggering with each blow, Bargaining fell once more, looking to the ground bleeding. But like the others, in the blink of an eye, he was cured almost like it never happened. "That's not possible."

"Oh, my dear sister, you haven't seen anything yet."

Alton jumped, looking to get in an ambushed strike. Still, in the blink of an eye, Bargaining vanished, causing Alton to roll forward-looking around. "Show yourself!"

"Right here, Alton." Bargaining taunted, kicking Alton back, sending him flying off the Titan when he turned to look. As Alton went crashing down into the city on fire in the blink of an eye, he found himself back in the original place he was left startled. "What's wrong? You've seemed to have lost track of time, my old friend."

Alton tried fighting back as he threw a punch, but he found himself attacking a downed Sam in the blink of an eye. Shaken, Alton missed his mark by an inch, falling to the floor. Bargaining ran over, kicking Alton while he was down, sending him back even further. As Alton and Sam were nearly finished, Bargaining raised his hand as heavenly gates opened everywhere, drowning the two from escape. "Heaven's armoury. I'm afraid this is the end, my dear beloved brother."

"Stop, I said stop!" Alice screeched, panting. "Don't hurt them… I'll, I'll go with you. Just please don't hurt them."

Bargaining halted his attack smiling. "See, that wasn't so difficult now, was it? We didn't have to waste so much time after all." Walking to his prize, Bargaining placed a hand on Alice's shoulder. "I'll keep my promise, Alton. We'll stop our attack for now. Mourn your dead before we return. If you wish to win this battle, Alton Brantley gathers the Stages. Take them as your own and make your dream come true. Until then."

"Alton… I'm sorry."

Alton crawled forward, holding his hand out, screaming. "Alice, no Alice!" Wings ripped from Bargaining's back as he flew off with Alice in hand away from the city. Alton stared on, losing conscience whispering to himself. "No… Give her back. Give Alice back to me… Don't go."

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