Chapter 287: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

The small town of Haven was the central hub and sanctuary to the endless storm that plagued the country. Those who are brave enough to make a living hunting or bounty hunting resigned here, withstanding the weather making new lives for themselves. Among them was also refugees who fled Victoria during the V.I.R.A.L purge. A few criminals and washed-up streamers now hide out in a lawless town. This is where Emil, Jinx and Florence had found themselves after nearly a week of travelling. Getting used to the harsh weather, the three were no closer to finding Zinnia, but this wouldn't budge Emil knowing he was near.

Entering the town, there were already edgy looks from the citizens and other refugees. Emil zipped up his coat, letting out a sigh of relief about making it this far. "I wasn't sure that crazed hunter was telling the truth but am I glad he was. Don't you see this is our first big clue?"

Jinx rubbed her hands together, uncertain. "I highly doubt just because we found a settlement out here that means anything."

"But it's a start."

"Although I can understand where both of you are coming from, I don't think we can completely jump to conclusions that Zinnia is here. If there is one settlement, that doesn't mean there isn't more." Florence explained, stopping Emil from coming up with a counter-argument. "But that doesn't mean no one here has seen Zinnia either. We should ask about it. I'll look around for any possible Garden infiltration. You two ask the locals what they know."

Florence ploughs through the snow keeping her hood up as Emil and Jinx turn to each other. "What are you waiting for? Let's get this over and done with. We've already been out here for a little over a week."

"Part of me was hoping it wouldn't take this long."

"Now that's just hopeful thinking," Jinx exclaimed, looking idly at each of the locals always keeping her hand near her gun. "It seems the people here aren't that trusting."

"Could you blame them? When we starting asking questions, let me do the talking. The last thing we need is to start anything."

Jinx lowered her hand, moving away from her gun, nodding. "Rodger, Rodger."

Making it to the place with the most lights, Emil and Jinx found themselves standing in the middle of a tavern. It wasn't that busy with about a dozen people sitting around drinking to themselves. A couple were around a table talking. The moment Emil and Jinx entered, everyone turned to them, inspecting the new kids on the block. After a while, they went back to their drinks. The windows to the tavern were boarded up with small chunks of snow piling up at the entrance; because of this, everyone was still wearing their coats with no escape from the cold. "Act natural; best to conceal that gun too."

"Do you want a side of fries with that, sir?" Jinx grumbled, hiding her pistols walking in sitting at the bar. Tapping the side, she got the bartender's attention. "A glass of your finest drink, please, sir." The man eyed her down, throwing a towel over his shoulder sliding a drink over to her. Taking a sip, she frowned, not too pleased by the taste. "And here I was hoping for a Pina colada…."

Emil sat next to her taking his scarf off taking a much-needed break. "You mind if we ask you a few questions? We're looking for a girl, about this height, pink hair, green eyes. Has a major hero complex."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The bartender shut down almost instantly. "But you won't find any help here. I'll serve you that, but we don't want your kind here."

"Our kind? The hell does that mean?!" Jinx snapped.

"It means we don't want you V.I.R.A.L streamers around." A voice barked. Emil and Jinx turned only to both flinch, finding the remark coming from Riley Syndicate. She sat at the tavern's back, legs on the table with a few of her lackeys. "How many more streamers are going to plague my life?"

Jinx snapped from the table, drawing her gun only to get everyone in the tavern standing up, ready to fight. Gritting her teeth, she lowered her gun, hissing. "How the living fuck are you still alive, Syndicate? Alton Brantley killed you."

With a smug look, Riley shrugged her shoulders. "What can I say? I'm a hard girl to kill. I wouldn't advise causing trouble here; V.I.R.A.L isn't going to save you. Everyone knows who you two are. Members of the Montague family, many despise your kind here. So, if you don't want these beer-chugging murderers to rip your head off, I'd advise treading carefully."

Emil stood up, making Jinx stand down. "I take it none of you heard then? V.I.R.A.L is dead. In fact, all of Victoria is."

This got everyone staring, shocked as even Riley sat up startled. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me right. The CEOs, the Streamers, all of that is gone. The Garden attacked and decimated the streamers. Vanguard, Diego, Goro. All of the big streamers are all dead."

"The Garden, give me a break! That is just a load of shit to scare the children. The Garden isn't real."

"Say what you want, but I witnessed hundreds die by their hands. They devasted Rhinefield in a matter of hours."

"He's fucking lying. Kick him out already!"

"Enough!" Riley yelled, making everyone stop. She stared on conflicted, standing up. "Everyone out…. I said, everyone, get out!" All the hunters and thieves left, leaving only Riley, her men, Emil and Jinx. "You're not bullshitting me on this, are you?"


"And my sister? Did she make it out?"

"We're not sure. Last we saw of her, she was taking on one of the five stages of grief alone."

Riley sat back down in shock. "So, it's true. She really is dead…."

"We never said-."

"I felt it. Our physic connection was cut just over a week ago. That only happens if one dies. If you're here, it only confirms the worst. My father failed, and Scarlett wasted her life to nothing. What an idiot, I warned her this would happen." She ranted, smashing a glass. "That stupid idiot…."

"If you don't ask me minding, what the hell are you doing here, and why aren't you dead?!" Jinx snapped.

"Long story short, Alton spared me. I have laid low in this area for a couple years now. You being here is no coincidence. You're here to find Zinnia, correct?"

"You know where Zinnia is?!" Emil cried in disbelief.

Riley raised her hand, sighing. "Hold your horses, Montague; we were together for a little while. I was staying in her village until she ambushed me. We came to an understanding, but we got separated a week ago when the Garden attacked the village. The stage of Grief Anger butchered the city and killed her old man Kurt Hatching."

"Shit…. Where is she now?"

"Beats me. She could be dead for all I know. I did her a favour and got her people to safety, but after that, I came back here, the others respect me or fear me. Maybe both. I'm laying low hoping the Garden misses this place once and for all."

"Where is the village?" Emil asked in a panic.

Riley aimlessly pointed in a random spot, mumbling. "Ahh, that way. Just keep walking. You'll come across your friend dead."

"This is a waste of time, Emil. This coward won't tell us anything. She'd rather drink to her death than avenge her own sister."

"Avenge, my sister? Just who the hell do you think I am?" Riley barked, flipping the table over. "My sister gave me nothing, my hell and torment. She tried to kill me on serval occasions because she was jealous. She sold me out and lied to me all for her brainwashed family. Why the hell would I even avenge that for? Besides, this is the Garden we're talking about. I'm not stupid Hollie, I am more than aware of when I'm outmatched. Fighting the Garden for justice or whatever would only get me killed."

"Leave it, Jinx."

"I have no intention of helping you, so if that's everything, get the fuck out of my sight."

Emil stared at Riley shaking his head. "You're lying. You're not here to lay low; you're here because you're waiting for Zinnia."

Walking out, Emil was flung out the door smashing into the snow as Riley floated out pissed off. "Don't you dare claim I've gotten soft, Emil? I've watched the people I care about die in front of me. I abandoned everything to find freedom, and I won't let Team Rhapsody drag me back into that lie. I got so caught up in the moment. Streaming, fighting Acceptance, the Moss and Paradox, it blinded me from the truth. Scarlett snapped because of it, the last bit of goodwill we had wasted because of it."

"Wait…. Those fights. Only Scarlett knew of those…. No way!"

"Enough! I don't need Team Rhapsody for anything! I'm not weak; I can make it on my own without them. I am a survivor, and I refuse to fall in line with you ever again, Emil!"

Jinx clocked her gun firing as Riley stopped all her bullets. "So much for you only doing the talking. I'm going to kill this bitch."

"No! No…. Don't, we need her alive."

"You're joking?!"

"I need to confirm something, and we need to find Zinnia. I don't know what you've been through, Riley, but I'm going to tear down that wall of lies and bring back the real you. We need you as much as you need Team Rhapsody!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She screamed, tearing the roof off the tavern. "Friends, teammates, heroes. All of it is just a load of bullshit! I'll show you as I tear those false ideals apart and reveal the truth in this all. You can't rely on anything now. Shut up and die!"

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