
16. There Is a First Time for Everything

Content Warning: Sex!

But seriously, this is the sex scene probably a lot of you have been waiting for, but if you're not interested you can skip all the way down to the bottom and start reading after the break (the "* * *").

We went back to Kerda's room. I was going to go elsewhere, but as she put it: "Are you really going to feel more at ease with a stranger than me?" 

When the door was closed. She said, "So, ready to have some fun tonight, Mistress."

"Hey! No! I'm no... mistress. No!"

"Easy! Relax. I'm just playing. Besides haven't you ever wanted your very own green slave girl."

"No. I. No. Never. Well, there was... No!"

"Shhh." She massages my shoulders and gets me seated on the bed.

I screw up my courage and blurt out, "I have to tell you something. I... I sort of had sex with Lady Givinghead today. So, you won't want me now. I guess. And that's cool." I'm both embarrassed by the confession and a little relieved. At least, she'll see that I'm not any kind of a prize and leave me be tonight.

But she gets all excited and says, "Really! That's great, and I don't mind. I had a couple of clients myself while you and Astra were taking care of things."

"A couple?!?"

"Well, not a couple-couple, but two. Had to find a way to keep myself busy, didn't I. You're not jealous are you?"

"Of course not!"

"Good. So, how do you want me?"

I recoil, mentally, tightening up and growing smaller. "I don't! I mean..."

I'd been a little horny all day, if I'm being honest. Nothing abnormal and nothing I couldn't handle. Nothing that I had experienced before in my male body, although probably not since I was in my teens. Although it got worse once I was in a bed with sexy Kerda. Especially with her touching me and saying all sorts of suggestive things. A twinge shoots up straight from my groin and through my stomach, tightening my abs in... well, not pain, but... need. My breath starts to quicken and comes out as panting, and I can feel the fabric of my thong sticking to me as it soaks with my desire. 

"You don't want me?" Kerda says with a faux pout.

"No. I do! But I'm... Scared."

"Scared. Why?"

"I've never... Never like this before..." Unable to make my words work, I point to her then me.

"Oh, a virgin!" But then she smiles. "No. Not a  virgin. You're in the closet in real life, aren't you? Never allowed yourself to be with another woman before?"

Oh, crap. This lie only gets harder to admit to. I should have told everyone from the beginning that I wasn't really a girl. It just seemed so weird explaining it—revealing to everyone that I'm a fraud. I didn't even correct Astra when she kept using female pronouns while introducing me to the group, even when some of the others made a point about stating their own.

Now, how could I answer Kerda without turning it into some big humiliating thing. Would she think I was a total perv, pretending to be a woman? Would she think I was trying to catfish her? Would she quit the party?

But isn't there some truth to what she's asking? I very carefully say, "Never with another woman." I hang onto that one qualifier that indicates the act I never participated in was between two women.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." Then, she kisses me, mashing her massive chest against my own.

The heat of her breath and her body is burning but nothing compared to the furnace building up inside of me.

Kerda opens her top and places my hand on her breast. My hand feels tiny on the mound of flesh, and I caressed and squeeze it to dispel my need, but it only grows stronger. Kerda's tongue twists around my own and she runs her hand over the hair on the top of my head and down my back. 

I'm lost in her warm wet mouth and how it holds onto my own, until her wandering hand takes hold of my right breast. She pinches the nipple pierced by the barbell and an electric jolt of pleasure-pain makes me gasp, and I learn what women mean by "gushing." The sensation is so weird and wonderful. But it's also maddening. I need some attention down there or I'm going to go insane.

Kerda explores my nipple and whispers into my open mouth, "Oooh, naughty. What other secrets do you have?"

Then her hand is making its way down my belly. Instead of stopping her this time, my mind urges it on, psychically rushing it to its destination. If such a thing is possible. 

Fingers press against my eager pleasure center and I suck in air.

"Oh, my-my," she whispers in my ear. "Someone is all soaked. Let's get you out of those wet clothes, okay?"

I nod hesitantly, and she pulls my thong down to my knees revealing my slick slit.

Even though I'm bigger than her, I feel small in Kerda's arms as she cradles me against her body and explores my womanhood with her fingers. Her touch is expert and knows just where to go and what to do. I stifle mewls, watching her manipulate this strange anatomy of mine which I hadn't even dared touch myself. 

I slowly become aware that she's staring at my face. When I turn to her, she says, "You're adorable." Then, she takes her hand from me and my pussy twitches and gasps at the loss. Gently, she rubs her fingers over my lips, spreading my juices over them. When she places them in my mouth, I close my lips around them. "Looks like that pretty little mouth want to suck on something. I think I have the perfect thing."

She pulls her fingers out with a pop and pulls my head down to her chest, guiding me to one of her large olive-green nipples. I latch on. And Kerda's hand returns to the epicenter of my need. When I feel her finger insert itself inside of me, the shock freezes me for a second. Being penetrate is such an odd thing. My body feels tight and a little uncomfortable around the warm finger, but it also feels amazing. She starts sliding it in and out of me, but it's too slow, and I start grinding against it matching her rhythm.

A second finger joins the first stretching me out more, and she thrusts them in faster. Harder. And deeper. My brain melts. I would have begged for this, if I knew I could have it. But Kerda hadn't made me go to those lengths, she just gave me it—taught me that I wanted it.

Sucking on her breast with my hands lost on her vast bosom, I gaze up at her gorgeous face. I'm completely in her power. And in the second that I realize how she's in control, my orgasm floods me.

My cries are muffled by the mountain of flesh in my face, and she squeezes me to it tighter, while keeping up the pace with her fingers, slowing only as my insensible noises of ecstasy dies down. But they pump slowly inside of me drawing out my climax impossibly long.

When she finally stops and my orgasm is nothing but a delirious echo in my head, she loosens her hold on my body. I have the muscle strength of a blanket and loll in her arms, staring into her face with the dopiest grin I've probably ever had in my life.

"How was that?" she asks.

"Great! Amazing!" Then, with an earnestness that seems to rub my heart raw, I say, "Thank you!"

"Oh, don't thank me yet. We're just getting started."

* * *

We only have time for 7 hours sleep and I get up with reduced Life Balance. Which is exactly what Astra said not to do. At least, eating breakfast should compensate. Although that might mean skipping a bath. And I could probably really use a bath.

My skin is sticky and crust with dried sweat and other things from last night's adventure. I probably could have a quick dip if I got up right away, but I linger in Kerda's embrace, our naked bodies pressed tight together in a spooning position, until her sleep cycle ends a few minutes after my own.

When she stirs, I turn and kiss her. "That was fun," she says. "Thank you for letting me introduce you to the wonderful world of sapphic pleasure." She kisses my lips, then my nose. "Now, go off and use this knowledge wisely.

I giggle, feeling a contentment I'd never known before.

I hold onto the feeling for as long as possible before we have to go down and meet the others.

However, my bliss is shattered with the announcement:

*** Congratulations ***

Your special skill is now unlocked!

Receive the skill Last Gasp!

At first, I'm both excited and intrigued that I'd gained an unexpected new skill. Then I read the description.

Last Gasp: Your appearance has the ability to draw the attention of wounded foes and bring them to orgasm with their dying breath. At level 1: 10% chance of activating when enemies are at 5% life or less, distracts enemy for 1D4 rounds, saps life 1D4 for each round distracted.

Freaking Katie! Like I really need monsters gaping at me and blowing their load as they die. This game sucks!





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