
2. Character Creation (Part 2)

It takes about a second to register what this dumb AI has told me. This naked woman is the character I'm supposed to play.

"What!?! I'd like to undo my selection."

I'm sorry, but I don't recognize that command.

I spend a good five minutes trying everything I can think of to go back to the species selection screen, but it's impossible. The only thing I can do is tweak the appearance of my avatar. But even then, the options are severely limited.

I try and darken the deathly pale skin, but the option is locked. I try and reduce the breast size, but it's at the lowest setting and I can only increase their size. Which I don't do. 

In the end, I give up, realizing I'm just wasting time. Every second I linger here, my friends are having adventures without me, gaining levels, and getting farther and farther away from the starting point. I need to get on with this.

With a sigh, I finalize the selection. I've played women in games before. If the species and class is really as powerful as the game implied, then I can live with it for three days.

The system gives me a brief description of my new species and class.

Banshees are in a similar category to the more common Unseelie, neither mortal nor fairy folk, they fall somewhat in between and navigate both the realms of earth and energy. Due to their rarity, little is known about their social structure or their way of life. Banshees are always female and are align with the element Air. They have an affinity for the dead and the veil between the living and the dead. Other than their skin and ears, they are easily mistaken for human in appearance. Legendary for their voice, they have species specific skill, Wail, that can influence the minds of others.

Mystics are in tune with the hidden forces of Feronia. They can learn to speak with spirits and sometimes even command them. They can also learn spells to manipulate these forces to their benefit. Mystics derive their power from their Harmony with the world around them.

I hadn't noticed anything strange about the ears. But now I see they have a very delicate point to them.

Another message comes up.

*** Congratulations! ***

The Banshee species starts with 8 extra attribute points not normally allotted to new players!

These points as well as some of your free points have been pre-assigned and cannot be changed.

Please assign your remaining 10 points.


Name:  <Not selected>
Class:  Mystic
Species:  Banshee
Vigor:  6
Intellect:  6
Harmony:  10
Finesse:  6
Stamina:  6
Presence:  10

There's too many things to choose from. I just want to get going, not fiddle with every last detail. But I scan the list and catch "Harmony." I saw that in the class description, so it must be important. It's pretty high already, but I add 4 more points to it. Then add 2 each to Intellect and Finesse, so they don't suck. (Vigor and Stamina seem less important for a mage build.)

I'm left with two points and I'm really not sure where they would help me most. I say aloud in frustration, "Damn! I don't know."

Don't worry. I have taken care of it for you!

You're welcome!

For species skills, you receive Wail and one of your choice. Please make you're selection.

I really hadn't intended for Katie to spend my remaining points for me, and I notice she's dropped them in Presence. Which pisses me off because I doubt that was the best use of them. But I don't waste time arguing and instead focus on my options for the skill.

Mist Walker
Call Forth
Aura of Despair
I don't know what any of these mean, but I pick Mist Walker because it sounds kind of cool.

The Mystic class starts with the passive skill Detect Spirits and the active skill Necromancy.

Please select 2 starter spells from the Necromancy options.

For Whom the Bell Tolls
One Foot in the Grave
Dance with Death
Death Warmed Over

"Oh, give me a break! How much longer is this going to go on?"


In light of your hurry, I have chosen One Foot in the Grave and Dance with Death for you.

You're welcome!

What will you're name in Feronia name be?

I almost give my own name but realize how ridiculous it would sound with that feminine body. My brain stalls and for a moment and I can't think of any women's names. Then, I can only think of Emma, but I can't use the name of the woman I have a crush on. What of I do meet up with her? I can just imagine how well that would go. 
"Ummm..." One of my guilty pleasures is Taylor Swift's music, so I go with: "Taylor."

That is a terrible name for a Banshee.

Please select one of the following. Or I can select for you.

Again, I can't go move forward or back from this menu, and Katie won't let me select anything other than one of these three. They're actually not terrible character names, and I like the sound of Triste. I select it and wonder aloud if there's a meaning behind it.

It means sad in Spanish.

You are Sad, I mean, Triste!


As the system tells me the name. I wonder why this had to be such a hassle, when I ended up with my own name after all.

Wait! Have I always been called Triste? I think back and can't come up with a single memory where that's not my name. Still, it seems strange for some reason.

Next up, I have the option of starting outfits. The first looks like a skimpy maid's costume, only all black and with lots of lace. The second looks like a black bridal gown complete with veil and train. And even though the face is covered, the cleavage sure as hell isn't. The last, is the most normal looking. A plain black dress that reaches the ankles. The toes of leather boots emerge from beneath the hem. It's not tight or revealing, so I pick it.

Then, I have to choose from a dagger, a staff, or a bell as a starting weapon. I have no damn clue how a bell is a weapon. The dagger is curved and pretty long like a fang from a giant serpent. It looks evil and lethal, so I go with that.

*** Congratulations! ***

Character creation is complete!

Prepare to Enter the World of Feronia!


Loading environment ...

Selecting start zone...

Opening portal...

Please stand by...

There's a brief moment of disorientation, and then I'm standing in a field with the night sky overhead.
I take a couple of steps and begin to take stock of myself. It soon becomes apparent how seriously I've screwed up my character creation.

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