Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 107

< A burning fire. (3) >

British Hong Kong.

We headed to Lloyd’s Insurance as soon as we landed in Hong Kong Port. I’ve seen quite a few Lloyd’s insurance under the name of hedge funds and Detroit Investment Bank, so I thought I’d leave a special room if not to treat a VIP.

-Please make security a top priority.

Tokyo Pinkerton Detective Agency.

Detectives and working staff were rented out in the safest building in Hong Kong. In this case, security was the top priority, and the moment security was broken, it was an issue so serious that it was withdrawn immediately.

If caught, he even ordered them to prepare to erase the traces.

‘I should thank Peter.’

The database was sufficient as Peter continued to send detailed information about the Qing Empire for a year.

“The Detroit Director?”

Lloyd Insurance.

central hall.

As James and I entered the Lloyd’s Insurance Hall in a hurry, though not fast, a familiar face was waiting for me.


It was an underwriter (insurance executive) who made a successful contract with the British government in Gibraltar.

He looked at us with half joy and half astonishment.

“What’s wrong with James-senpai here…”

Just to reaffirm, James is from Lloyd’s Insurance.

I quickly intercepted the words.

“Robert. I’m sorry for the sudden, but have you ever heard of a currency swap? It’s a technique recently used in Japan.”

“Of course I know. Isn’t that the technique used by the Japan Settlement Bank, where the Detroit director is a member of the board?”

you know

thank god.

I raised the corners of my lips.

“Do you know the detailed attack principle?”

“Yes! Simply put, I understand that you are buying money with scraps of paper. I am also interested in this, so I have analyzed it as a report.”

I’ve worked with acquaintances before, and I’m quick to the current international situation.


There has never been a more perfect partner.

I immediately reached out my hand.

“If only Robert could, would you like to join us on this project? Lloyd’s Insurance was looking for a collaborator, but there is no talent like Robert right now.”


“We need you.”

Robert’s eyes lit up.

For a moment, the spirit of a lion was overflowing, but all of a sudden, he started looking at me with innocent eyes like a hamster.

It seemed like he was muttering “golden.golden.” but it must be because of his mood.

Robert immediately grabbed my hand.

“Of course I’ll join you!”


We smiled at each other and shook hands. As expected, the eel jelly guys were amazingly good at smelling money.


“Are you from Shanghai?”

Spacious Lloyd’s Insurance Special Room.

Me, James, and Robert were having a meeting around the round table. In the middle of the table was a map of mainland China, and I picked up a chess piece and laid it on top of the important cities.

“This operation is delicate, but it has to be rough.”

“Delicate but rough…”

“Yeah, the security is delicate so that you don’t get caught. And you have to fire the offensive like fire. However, the fire must be fired in order.”

Currency swap contracts are basically overpowered by force. This is because the moment the opponent slits the ship, you have to tear it up by hand with a cleaver, but if it is the concession of Shanghai, the power of the Western powers is more dominant.

In other words, Shanghai was too appropriate as the first target to slit the opponent’s ship.

“Shanghai is home to dozens of banks from major powers. Even the Shanghai Stock Exchange is operating in a ‘relatively’ financial area.”

Surprisingly, in this field, Shanghai may be better than Tokyo. It would be natural if the Western powers took their place and sat down.

“But in other words, it means that the reaction comes so quickly. The flesh has come up plump enough to be eaten.”

“Dear Detroit, there will be a branch of Lloyd’s Insurance in Shanghai. Hong Kong and Shanghai are our British gardens.”

“Yeah, that’s why I needed more Lloyd’s insurance. Glad to have Robert.”

“I’m more than happy.”

Robert’s eyes began to burn unusually, but he ignored it.


This place is different from other provincial provinces in China.

It is possible to immediately catch the reaction of the financial attack, and the emerging financial powers of the Qing Dynasty were also planting their gardens here. If you pull out the roots here, everything will be pulled out.

“Shanghai Commercial Bank, Daechung Bank, and Jiongtong Bank. These three banks can be attacked in Shanghai. Even these three banks are newly established banks.”

“The banks of mature powers are banks that are likely to explode just by touching them.”

“However, it is a masterpiece for its size, so there are many places to eat.”

Large chunks of meat were placed on the tables of the great powers. It was clear that the hungry lions would rush and tear the pieces of meat to pieces.

We just throw the bait and they’ll take care of the rest.

‘We don’t sit still and eat 30% of the commission sweetly.’

widely. ugh-

I dragged the Royal Navy chess pieces onto the map with a stick to Shanghai.

“Unlike other inland regions, the Shanghai Concession is an environment where Western troops can be stationed. In addition, Hong Kong has a Royal Navy stationed there.”

“Ah, the Royal Navy probably won’t…”

“We’ll be out soon.”

Robert opened his mouth to argue, but I stopped him. We had Qnard Shipping, which watched the Bank of Japan rob Japan in real time. And it was no secret that the Qunard had a large number of British Foreign Ministry officials.

In addition, I have already telegrammed some of the operations to the British Treasury before arriving in Hong Kong.

“Because the Foreign Ministry and the Treasury Department would soon be running to Downing 10th Street to set their feet on fire.”


“Downing 10th Street is in desperate need of money right now.”


Boer War.

The war between the British and the Boers in South Africa, where machine guns are about to be slaughtered. England had one hippo, a money-eating hippopotamus.

“The British government needs huge resources to somehow stamp out the Boers, and they probably won’t miss this opportunity.”

“Huh. That’s right. You definitely have a wide viewing angle.”

“thank you.”

In addition, they entered into armed negotiations with the Spanish government while still blocking the Strait of Gibraltar.

Money, especially silver ingots, will light up your eyes and run. The Japan Settlement Bank has made crazy returns, and if you stand still, you’re not the UK. They’re the ones who even go to war with opium.

But it remains to be seen whether or not they can make money. This is the mainland of China, where if you are greedy, you will become an endless bog.

‘Well, if the US Navy has a Joker soon, the Royal Navy will also turn to it.’

I looked at Taiwan’s military port.

Although there are no chess pieces, the US naval base still had the power to block the Japanese sea. I fiddled with the chess piece in my hand.

“Perhaps the Royal Navy will move within a week. We will have to face the Chinese banks in the Shanghai Concession within that week.”

“The channel with them is owned by Lloyd’s Insurance. If you turn the phone right now, it will take less than a day to make an offer to them.”

“You’re reliable.”

“Just tell me, and we’ll start right away. It’s an honor for me to be able to participate in the Detroit Director’s plan. You can visit us often in the future.”

Things are going smoothly.

As it was the last time he roasted Gibraltar, Robert was a good underwriter. As soon as Robert finished speaking, he went to the bookshelf and began to pull out the relevant documents.

At that time, James, who was listening to our meeting and taking notes, raised his hand.

“Bocchan, but there is a causal relationship that I can’t understand. Why Shanghai? There must already be many towns such as Qingdao, Weihaiwei, and Lushun, where Western powers can reach out.”

“Oh, that’s what I was wondering too.”

Robert also looked at me, sitting in his arms full of papers.

‘reason? yes.’

Shanghai is the bomb.

If the modern banks there collapse, the Qing Empire’s new financial network will immediately stop. Above all, it was able to attract the attention of the governors.

“There is a person who needs attention. He is a crafty person who will invariably move if something happens in Shanghai. He is a person who will turn his eyes to digging for silver from the ground.”

“Who are you?”

The pronoun of the back of the head.

Icon of Qing Dynasty betrayal.

god of tightrope.

The governor of Shandong Province of the Qing Dynasty and commander of the New Army, who wears various titles.

“This is Comfort Sky.”

He will set fire to the gunpowder of the arms race.

I leaned back on the backrest and picked up a Coke bottle. Cool the lid off.

Cheek- Bean!

“Then things will happen in Shanghai, so we’ll see.”

smiled slyly.

We just cast the bait in the shadows.



Transportation Bank Headquarters.

“Sung Daein. Additional funds to be invested in the Gyeonghan Railroad have been paid. Governor Hogwang even gave me a gift to express my gratitude.”

president’s room.

Seongseon-hui frowned and rubbed his hands. As I got older, my eyes became blurred.

“How long would it take for the Beijing-Hankou Railway to be completed?”

“Governor Ho Guang said that he was looking at it for two or three years due to its length. Isn’t it a huge railroad from the center of the continent to Beijing?”

“…Okay, then, report how much money the transportation bank has left.”

Seong Seon-hui has not spent one night comfortably after witnessing the recent collapse of the Japanese Empire by one bank.

His eyelids darkened.

“Currently, the funds remain around 1 million yuan in silver. If you include Shanghai Commercial Bank and Daechung Bank, it will be even bigger.”

“You haven’t contacted me about the currency swap yet?”

“Yes, there is no communication from Issa Peter.”

This is the problem that is afflicting Seongseonhoe.

This terrible weapon, the currency swap that destroyed the Japanese general, was lying in piles in a safe in the form of a contract.

‘Even the limited and the unlimited are mixed evenly, so it is bankruptcy the moment Peter moved.’

Even when Peter moved in and asked for a currency swap, he couldn’t stop it. Until the contract was signed, I never really imagined that the peso would explode overnight.

“I’m not going to bring pesos as silver coins. I’m sure I’ll bring those scraps of paper money.”

There are RMB banknotes and silver bars.

However, if they were determined and collected, it was clear that the bills and silver ingots would all be devoured.



Seongseon-hui snarled with a blood stick around his neck.

I couldn’t even speak to Governor Hogwang. We couldn’t dare to say that we might be insolvent.

“That means I am the head of the Qing Empire Railway Administration…!”

It was trusted by the Qing Empire and entrusted with full power over the railway. The relationship with Governor Hogwang continued to trade with the railroad.

The transportation bank and other banks were also winning large transactions in the Hogwang area by taking advantage of the preferential treatment.

“Already, the clothes of the Boxers are destroying the railroad, so hermits are counting like water. What a disgrace!”

But what if the currency swap is strangling?

it’s all over



“Right now, connect the phone to Governor Yanggang. No matter how much you think about it, it seems that the military will have no choice but to overcome this! Right now! Call the bank board of directors!”

“Yes, yes!”

Peter hasn’t come yet.

But the moment when the messenger of death brings the plague called Tonghwaswap. The Qing Empire’s modern finance will come to an end.

no. must be stopped by force.

“One o’clock is urgent!”

devouring Japan.

A huge typhoon that would land in the Qing Empire was threatening Shanghai and Bank of China. And unfortunately, the only way to protect this was the military.

shadows cast


boo woo-

a week later.

Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

A temporary naval port for the United States Navy.

“This is a dreadnought…”

military port wharf.

Sailors poured out of the base to watch the asymmetric force that changed the paradigm of the world navy. For Japan’s maritime blockade, a dreadnought dispatched from the Atlantic Ocean three months ago has finally arrived at Kaohsiung Port.

The dreadnought was boasting of its majesty with an overwhelming size that was about three times that of an ordinary battleship.

gang! gang! gang!

“Everyone back down! We need to anchor the dreadnought, what are you doing now! I want to be arrested by the military police!”

“Oh no!”


Every time the giant moves through the current, a profound sound of water that is different from that of an ordinary warship is resounding. Hundreds of sailors rushed in and felt their hearts expand.

The strong winds of the waves scratched the hem of his clothes and fluttered his hair.

“Is that a dreadnought?”


However, the admirals at the naval base had a different reaction from the sailors.

“Yes, Admiral. I am planning to join the 5th Fleet of British Hong Kong. But I am not going to change my flagship battleship with a full-dreadnought-class battleship.”

“Aren’t all Dreadnought-class specs obviously lower? Why don’t they replace the Dreadnought-class with their flagship?”

The admiral put the cigar he was biting between his fingers. The operations officer turned over the documents and continued the briefing.

“It is said that Marshal Dewey made a deal with the Royal Navy. To be precise, Secretary of State John Hay, Secretary of the Navy John Long, and Marshal Dewey made a deal with the Royal Navy.”

“Write. Let me explain it so you can understand.”

“Yes, in exchange for loaning out the dreadnoughts to the Royal Navy for three months, we expanded our Far East defenses further.”


Rent a dreadnought?

what am i listening to now No, it’s a common thing to rent warships, but you’re renting a dreadnought?

‘Bull shit…..’


The cigar fell from the gap between the Admiral’s fingers when he remembered the dreadnought fluttering Union Jack instead of the Stars and Stripes.

“What does it mean to broaden the defense line in the Far East? Please explain it so I can understand.”

“You know. The Far East Defense Line was extremely attached to the shores of our island, and it means that they widened it. They said they revised the Long-Richard secret agreement.”


The operations officer held a stick and opened a large map in the operation room. The admiral bowed his head and looked down at the map.

“It means that we will allow the Far East defense line, originally along the coast of Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines, to expand into the South China Sea and East China Sea.

“Permission is a b*tch. If the dreadnought wanted so much, how would the conditions be this generous?”

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Of course, dret notes stimulate the romance of the navy. But aren’t the conditions too generous?

“The Korean Peninsula covers all three sides of the sea.”

“In fact, it is interpreted to mean that we will tolerate the influence of the Korean Peninsula. However, Weihaiwei, Lushun, Qingdao, etc. were exquisitely avoided.”

“The exquisiteness has been gnawed at like a rat. By the way, the trusts will be very cheering. The land transport route to the Qing Empire is wide open.”

“I would.”

However, the admiral’s eyebrows frowned even more.

“But, Raimi, why do those dogs covet our dreadnoughts? Where the hell are they going to use them?”


The operations officer let out a sigh.

I gave up after trying to figure out how far to say it in my head. He didn’t really understand the madness of the Royal Navy either.

“This is a top-secret matter.”

“Hey, do you know how many years you’ve been with me now? I have a heavy mouth, so tell me quickly.”

“After that, in case of emergency, we will hold an armed demonstration in Shanghai. The Boxers have harmed our own people, so we will rescue them. A bill is pending in the parliament, but the current situation in the Boer War is worsening and it will be passed soon.”

“What? Wait. Where?”

“Shanghai. You heard me right.”

The admiral’s eyes fluttered violently at the shocking response from the operations officer.

So the Joker of Detroit began to reveal it to Shanghai.

< A burning fire. (3) > end

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