Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 117

< A box that cannot be opened. (2) >

US White House.

late night.

Treasury Secretary Ryman Gage and President William McKinley sat at the reception table in the Oval Office, flipping through documents one by one.


These were the documents handed over through the Detroit director.


Silver standard international currency.

It was also a monster created by the Detroit director. President McKinley, who was hungry for a moment, leaned his back in his chair and fell into anguish.

tuk tuk. He tapped the desk with his finger.

“What do you think, Secretary Gage? Do you think this silver standard will succeed?”

President McKinley looked at Secretary Gage sitting in front of him. Secretary Gage nodded slowly.

“Maybe it will work.”

“Is there any evidence?”

“There is sufficient evidence. It is similar to the US, which has a gold standard in the first place. Even unlike the dollar, it is much safer because it is a currency issued within the amount of silver. Silver price is a problem…”

Secretary Gage shrugged.

“There is no need to worry as BOSS monopolizes silver and can fix the price of silver. They are also taking over silver mines.”

“Ha, I’m sure you’ll succeed.”

President McKinley sighed.

Re-election was almost confirmed.

presidential elections too. re-election elections. In the end, McKinley was on a pro-business route, but he wasn’t an empty-headed nerd either.

Detroit was well aware of the dangers.

‘An individual who can control the fate of a nation is extremely dangerous.’


Upon death, the vice president takes over.

But if you ask the Detroit director is there a substitute? No.

I’m not talking about his successor.

There is no substitute for his abilities.

“No matter how good you are, if you can’t maintain it, you’ll just collapse.”

Human lifespan was too short.

President McKinley murmured, and Secretary Gage asked immediately.

“You’re from Detroit.”

“Oh, did I say it out loud? Yes, that’s right.”

McKinley shook his head shyly.

‘Too much power rests on one individual.’

I don’t know if he is immortal.

But isn’t it?

In such a subject, the Detroit director absolutely reigns within a strong fence like a dictatorship, far from the separation of powers like the United States.

That’s good.

As a business, you must have that kind of reason to operate.

It is not a denial of basic liberties.

But it was clearly wrong to be so deeply involved in the existence of the state.

McKinley, who had been walking the pro-trust line, also began to feel a sense of crisis.

Trusts are too strong in America.

At the forefront of that was the Detroit director.

measures were needed.

“Japan has almost become a Detroit director’s monopoly.”

“Yeah, it’s less than half that of JP Morgan’s capital, but it’s true.”

this crazy

“…how the hell did the monster called JP Morgan come about?”

9 billion.

Even if you eat 1/4 of the Japanese archipelago, you can’t even fill half of the Morgan family. For reference, Morgan’s equity capital is $40 billion.

But Detroit didn’t just swallow the Japanese archipelago.

“Sir, how about Detroit having 30% of the silver in the Qing Empire?”

“That’s a bit big.”

The silver of the Qing Empire is beyond imagination.

It was estimated that the Qing Empire had an economic power roughly comparable to that of the British mainland.

The current Qing Empire, which had entered the era of semi-warlords of governors, was somewhat lowered, but nevertheless was overwhelming in terms of the size of the continent.

That’s 30% of the Qing Empire silver.

“It’s going to be about 40 billion dollars.”


“If 5 billion nyang is actually found in the Qing Empire, 30% of the total of 1 trillion nyang is 300 billion dollars. Of course, 5 billion nyang will never be found.”

McKinley clicked his tongue.

crazy size

At a point where the US economy is estimated at $200 billion, could it be $300 billion?

Even though the probability is less than 0.001%, the chatter becomes cold.

It wasn’t even money, it was real.

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

Secretary Gage reassured the president.

“If silver actually spilled a trillion dollars, the silver market would collapse instantly. It would immediately drop below 1/100 of its value.”

“But you have BOSS.”

If BOSS succeeds.

If you can actually mine 5 billion dong.

What if $300 billion could be controlled by individuals?

If it is possible to increase the currency multiplier in the distant future, 4,5 times will be ridiculous.

Personal wealth could have exceeded the annual output of the United States.

“…We’ll discuss this later. Let’s get out of here.”



Secretary Gage closed the door.


McKinley’s gaze turned to the drawer below.

A folder of files lying quietly in an old-fashioned chest of drawers.


McKinley carefully opened the drawer.

And I read the title of the file.

[Sherman Antitrust Amendments.]

Antitrust card.

The White House was smiling at businesses on the outside and slowly preparing to wield a mace against them on the inside.

It was an amendment to a much stronger antitrust law that was being debated among a small number of Republican senators.


However, splitting Detroit directly was too risky.

I need to set an example…

McKinley shook his head.

In less than a second, one of the most suitable companies came to mind.

“Come to think of it, I recently told you that Standard Oil is almost at war with Texas.”

The largest privately held company in the United States.

standard oil.

McKinley mentally decided the first hitter of antitrust.


Crick. Crick.

“President McKinley will be re-elected soon. We won’t be able to reach you for a while.”


“It’ll be fine. Please be mindful. We have to act.”

“Yes, I know.”

dark room.

Two men and women were standing in the blackout curtain with hardened faces. The man swung the revolver given to him by the woman and swiped the cool metal surface on the back of the bullet with his thumb.

“If we leave the capitalists and imperialist governments as they are, they will get out of hand. The American imperialists have already shown their ambition to devour the Pacific Ocean by colluding with the capitalists.”


“That’s right. We must seek freedom. At this rate, the American people will have to suffer and live in the power and dictatorship of capital.”

The woman passionately pushed the man.

A flash of madness flashed in the man’s eyes.

“Freedom… you have to protect it.”

“Yes, the fall of the central government is the only way to break the cartel of imperialists and capitalists. Without the central government, everyone will be able to live in an equal society.”

The gap between the rich and the poor will be resolved by exploiting their cartel, and wealth will be redistributed.

The anarchists were obsessed with fantasies of anarchy.

“So shoot.”

The woman looked at the man with a hardened face and blazing eyes.

The man’s eyes grew increasingly hard.

“President McKinley is our target.”

“I know.”

“After he’s re-elected, let’s agree on an exact date for the assassination.”

Leon Cholgos.

An anarchist who assassinated the president in the original history.

“I will definitely succeed. And I will win freedom.”

Anarchist terrorists also began to wriggle in the shadows.


“Are you going to New York now?”

Tokyo, Japan.

Mitsui Bank Headquarters.

Samuel Sachs said to me with a tired look. I nodded.

“Yeah, I was just going to go back to see the situation in Japan. I heard that the Smithsonian Foundation came to Japan for geological surveys and prospecting.”

“Smithsonian Foundation?”

“Yes, I have to ask for a special safe. I want to get some advice from them.

Smithsonian Science Association.

It is most certainly best to leave the mines, geological surveys, and surveys to the Smithsonian Foundation.

If you put in a lot of investment money, your eyes will turn over and you will run like a scoundrel.

Scientists are always hungry for money.

‘The profitability of the Unsan Gold Mine was also explored by the Smithsonian Foundation.’

“Isn’t the Smithsonian Foundation a national institution?”

“That’s right. It’s a government agency that runs on the US government budget and at the same time the Chief Justice of the United States serves as the chairman of the board. In fact, the Smithsonian is good for geological surveys, surveys, and science and technology.”

“It’s okay, because they are one of the best scientists in America. But why the special safe…ah.”

“Yeah, you signed BOSS, too, sir.”

Actually, before coming to Sachs, I met and talked with surveyors and scientists of the Smithsonian Foundation who were prospecting for Iwami Silver Mine.

‘…a safe on a Pacific island?’

Well. The reaction wasn’t very good, but do your job, idiot. you can

You can pour any dollar into the grinding mill.

‘Hundreds of thousands are impossible.’

‘Well, you can do the numbers yourself. Just place a larger safe on an island that won’t sink.’

‘Is it a safe?’

‘If you put reinforcing bars on the outside of a special silver ingot safe and hit the concrete like crazy, it won’t take a month just to break it.’

If it’s that big, it’s too heavy to carry.

Scientists at the Smithsonian Foundation opened their mouths with bewildered expressions.

I made you smile

‘The point is, as long as it’s physically impossible to get out for a month.’

Anyway, physically, more than one month is important. You just need to physically block the bank run.


Sax looked at me.

He raised his index finger.

“By the way, is that phrase written in Article 1 of the internal regulations of Detroit BOSS intentional?”

Article 1 – BOSS operates as an independent financial institution that is not involved in international politics.

By inserting this clause, BOSS would be able to secure its position as a defense mechanism that is not swayed by the powers of each country as much as possible.

…. on the surface.

“It’s a cause. A cause. Political issues from the executive or legislative branch get in the way of finance, so it usually doesn’t look good. The central bank shouldn’t be swayed by them.”

In addition, BOSS member organizations are engraved with the clause that they cannot be expelled due to political issues.

In effect, it declared that it would exist as a neutral independent institution.

Whether war breaks out, genocide occurs, whether the country becomes socialist or communist, whether the Nazis are founded, or a world war breaks out.

BOSS stays neutral.

A financial institution can maintain its independence only when it exists as a firm position that is not swayed by international politics and does not fall into a vegetative institution.

“The executive director’s authority was also simple.”

“Actually, if you go into detail, it’s complicated, but if you look at it simply, there is only the right to veto (the right to veto).”

Unlike other institutions, the executive director has the right to veto. But that’s it.

Voting rights are shared equally by all institutions.

The number of executive directors is not important.

“You’re quite generous. It’s good to see that you also intervened in the China Settlement Bank, which accounts for nearly 30% of the silver held by the board of directors.”

“If it weren’t for these conditions, no one would participate in a real monopoly.”

That’s a lie.

China Settlement Bank, which has an oligopoly of 30% for Qing Empire and 40% for BOSS, reigns as a monster of real silver.

In fact, the China Settlement Bank is holding tight to the amount of silver reserves, and at the same time, if I withdraw, BOSS will inevitably collapse.

In a nutshell, it means that other banks have to look at us.

“That’s a masterpiece. But the conditions are generous.”

“It’s better to tie up the generosity, because it’s predictable. You have to keep it in a controllable area.”

It is still a multipolar system.

In the end, the standing director’s veto power was more important than the number.

– I am not harmful.

I appealed this to international sympathy.

‘Actually, the more executive directors the United States holds, the fewer the number of institutions with veto power.’

It seems that there are a lot of tricks because of the mood.

What a generous condition.

“Then, which institution was selected as the executive director?”

“The Bank of China Settlement, Bank of Japan Settlement, JP Morgan, Reichsbank, and Bank of England.”

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

One German and one British.

The rest are American.

“Haha, that’s a bummer. If favorable conditions arise for the English-French negotiations, the Germans will reject them, and if favorable conditions arise for the Triple Alliance, the British will reject them.”

America is neutral.

Britain and Germany took the veto one by one.

It has actually become an arena arena, but I think this is the image of an international organization running ‘soundly’.

…it can never be.

“Director Sax.”

“Why but.”

“The multipolar system will bring about a quick end.”

I think it’s a good thing I gave them some veto power. Without these concessions, they would never have joined BOSS.

‘Boss is not involved in politics? dog sound.’

Economics cannot be separated from politics.

How ridiculous it is that the ‘invisible hand’ is a concept that can eventually survive under the protection of the government.

The moment a dictatorship comes into power, the invisible hand ends.

‘The lesson I learned when my Chinese stock was hit with a red mace. International politics and economy are inseparable.’

A multipolar system is like a gunpowder.

No one is taking the initiative, so it is common to get ripped to pieces by being hit here and there.

Why did the UN succeed and why did the League of Nations fail?

The United Nations was dominated by the Soviet Union and the United States.

The League of Nations was a multipolar system.


I hate the multipolar system of European powers.

– Pax Americana.

I want the United States to exist as an overwhelming hegemon.

So I hope so.

May everything go as historically as possible.

It seems it’s already too late…

“The multipolar system brings a quick end. It might be.”

“Yes, first of all, our BOSS does not interfere in international politics as much as possible. It is a defense that will protect us from the multipolar system. So whether they go to war or not, we don’t care.”

“You mean to keep the center as a completely neutral force.”

“you’re right.”

“It’s as if you’re sure there’s going to be a war.”

“Haha, it’s something the world doesn’t know. I always just calculate the risk.”

‘Now that the multipolar system is a world war, it is an unavoidable flow of fate.’

War isn’t bad either.

Then, BOSS can penetrate more deeply into their countries and secure its position as a more steadfast key currency.

‘Slowly the Federal Reserve (FED) must also prepare.’

Bethlehem Steel is also George.

US Steel should also be established.

Anyway, back to New York, there was a mountain of work to do.

“Director Sax.”

“What do you mean, just call me Sax?”

“Sachs. Have you heard of the situation on the mainland?”

“Well. The last time I went there was nothing special. Wall Street is noisy with your heroic stories.”


“Oh, Standard Oil is almost at war with Texas. There’s been a lot of talk about monopoly.”

When I heard Sax’s words, I suddenly thought of it.

The remarks of Vice President Archibald, who said the mainland was unusual.

It was lightly dismissed as an annual event, but to mention the director of Sachs, it means that something is different now.

His expression hardened slightly.

“Didn’t the US government say anything else?”

“No. President McKinley is also very busy preparing for re-election now.”

“It’s so chaotic, but it’s rather quiet…”

The quieter it is, the more it can be a fabricated silence.

And this probably meant the federal government was sending a signal.

In fact, even in the original history, Standard Oil was eventually split, so you may not know.

I said with a serious expression.

“It seems that the US government will soon bring out the mace. The mace of the anti-monopoly law.”

“Haha, you’re worried a lot. President McKinley’s promise was a pro-trust line, so will he bring up the anti-monopoly law?”

“I’ll take it out.”

‘Even if I don’t know it, I always take it out to split other trusts.’

At my words, Director Sax’s expression became serious.


“You’re going to try to keep it in check. I still don’t know how. But can you let go and lose it?”

“Detroit. If that prediction is true, the opponent is the White House. What are you going to do?”

I wasn’t expecting a wash, but it seemed like he was probably sharpening his knife in his hometown.

I let out a smirk.

“I think I’ve been too easy on myself so far. If you’re going to stab me in the foot with an axe, I’ll have to show you how terrifying I can be.”

Moreover, antitrust laws are not an agenda that can be easily skipped over.

after being re-elected.

If it was taken out, it was after that.

“You’re getting ready soon. You still have time.”

Since I noticed this first, there’s still plenty of time.

< A box that cannot be opened. (2) > end

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