Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 89

< Tokyo Bailout Committee. (1) >

[The Empire of Japan requested a bailout from the Japan Settlement Bank. Tokyo Treaty signed.]

[Tokyo, bailout committee established. Medium-sized companies knocking on the door desperately.]

[Zaibatsu, who saw blood through lax management and expansion. The need for reform through bailouts.]

– Asahi Shimbun.


“Instead of Prime Minister Yamakata. Should I just stay like this?”

Joshua Faction.

Prime Minister Yamagata was wearing a kimono and holding a teacup. The faction leaders were summoned, and generals in military uniforms and key politicians in the cabinet gathered.

The army was controlled by Josh Bern.

“The time has come for our Joshu-beol to inherit the spirit of the Yushin Governors, John Hwang-yang! We must raise an army, build sheep, and restore the glory of the Great Japanese Empire!”

“That’s right! The Minister of the Army Katsura was right. The bailout is not to underestimate the Japanese Empire! Isn’t that the same thing as stabbing the sheep first and then applying a cure! This is an atrocity that cannot be overlooked!”

“Ito, who surrendered to them, still doesn’t know what he’s doing without wearing robes! He’s like a loser with a defeated spirit!”

The generals of the army vomited blood in their mouths and poured out their passionate performances. Hirobumi Ito, one of the three Joshu Zones, sold the country. The economy of the Japanese Empire was sinking, and the fact that the Japanese military had also been exposed to the threat of disarmament was causing the economy to burn with fire.

But, seeing these generals, Yamakata sighed inwardly.

‘Why is it that all the generals who will lead the Japanese Empire look like this? Hirobumi Ito was my enemy, but it hurts to lose him.’

Ito’s fall.

Yamagata knew exactly what that meant. Yamagata was praised as the father of the army by supporting the army generals, but he was also predicting the possibility of a runaway army. He knew the dangers of the Japanese military better than anyone.

However, when Hirobumi Ito was overthrown, a fence to block the runaway army disappeared.

‘To touch America right now is suicide. Even if the navy budget is 7.5 billion dollars, it is a huge amount that cannot come out even if you squeeze the entire Japanese budget and drive it to the navy.’

If Yamagata had not seen the world, it would not have been possible to establish the foundation of the Meiji government together with Ito Hirobumi.


As a sigh escaped Yamagata’s mouth, the attention of the army generals was focused.

“It’s no different for all of you to get together today. I’m sorry that I lost my expectations, but I’d appreciate it if everyone showed self-restraint.”


At Yamagata’s unexpected declaration of surrender, the army generals rolled their pupils. However, a thick line of blood quickly appeared on his forehead and neck.

Yamagata sighed inwardly.

‘That’s why Ito Hirobumi is needed.’

The army generals stood up like dogs.

“Are you saying that even the Prime Minister Yamagata is going to give in to those mean sheep! Are you saying that you’re going to watch over their actions of stabbing the Japanese Empire with a nonsensical institution called bailout money?”

“You, the leader of the Josh Bee, shouldn’t say things like that! I’m going to suck your fingers until the damn sheep take away all of your local businesses!”

Whoa, whoops, whoops, whoops.

The generals began to bark, and Yamagata’s eyes grew cold. There is only one reason why they are so hot. Because the money line they were wearing was in danger of disappearing.

The glory of the Japanese Empire. All of those things are good, but above all else, they are complaining about the disarmament crisis of the army and the sheep pulling their swords to dismantle the chaebols who gave them money.

But now.

Now is not the time.

“You guys need to open your eyes. Have you already forgotten about the Otsu incident?”

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Otsu case.

As the name came out, the room became as quiet as a mouse.

The Japanese imperial police attempted to assassinate Russian Crown Prince Nikolai and failed. After the attempted assassination of the current Russian Tsar, Emperor Nicholas, the Japanese Empire turned upside down to apologize to the Russian Empire.


The fear of Russia was deeply ingrained in them.

“You know what? The budget allocated to the US Navy is $7.5 billion. The budget allocated to the US Army is $7.5 billion. Just half a year after this budget was passed, warships are pouring out of their shipyards like newspapers from a web press. It is said that 500,000 soldiers were drafted. There are 200,000 troops stationed in the Philippines alone.”


“Even the great Russian Empire can’t afford this much money. Tsar Russia is the only country that can stand against the British Empire, where Ivans are harvested from the fields? The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with such a British Empire. HSBC Bank Stopped the Japanese Empire You really don’t know what that means?”

The British Empire had lost its hands.

This was almost as if they were going to join hands with the United States and bring a slaughter knife to the Japanese Empire. It is said that the strategy against Russia has changed. The Japanese Empire is no longer useless, so this is going to be a mess.

“Germany’s Deutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank) also chewed on our request. You know what’s even more surprising?”

“…what is it?”

“They say that even though the United States led as many as three fleets and opened the port of Yokohama in the Japanese Empire, there is no news from the Russian Empire!!!”


Yamagata grinded his teeth.

The Russian Empire had the ports of Vladivostok and Rusun in the Far East. It is near the Japanese Empire.

But their enemy, the British Empire. Even though the United States, which had joined hands with the British Empire, led the fleet and invaded the Far East.

They didn’t have a single message.

“Something must have happened to imperial Russia. What did you do to Russia, so you must have taken advantage of this opportunity to stab Japan!!!”


“It’s common sense to think that way. So don’t be arrogant.”

Yamagata warned everyone who had gathered.

“Will that day be the day when the Japanese Empire will disappear from the map?”

Never touch America.

Don’t pluck the lion’s nose hair.

That is.



Temporary building of the bailout committee.

Japan Settlement Bank Tokyo Branch.

“The Asahi Shimbun picks up articles with a flair.”

Samuel Sachs smacked the newspaper with a satisfied face.

The Asahi Shimbun is a left-wing progressive magazine. It was a daily newspaper that continued the tone of criticizing the Japanese government.

Conversely, the Yomiuri Shimbun is moderately conservative. Although he was restrained, he was pouring out bad words about the Bailout Committee.

The Sachs seemed to care quite a bit about the press, but I was different.

speed battle.

Speed war was more important than the media right now.

“As soon as the brokerage was established, mid-sized shipping companies began to knock on the door desperately. The heads of small and medium-sized national banks also came and knocked on the door.”

“Well, it’s still noisy outside, isn’t it?”

The headquarters of the Bank of Japan for Settlement was being used as the temporary bailout committee building.

-Give us first!!! We have to pay the bill right away, so it’s urgent!!! If you can’t pay right away tonight, you’re bankrupt!!!

– Are you the only bankrupt?! We are also bankrupt. Do we have to bring it to lunch?!

-What? Let’s try it!!!


Police officers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department stood everywhere, risking their lives for sword fighting as well as raising their voices, but to no avail.

Thousands of people flocked to the front door of the headquarters and were knocking on the door to receive a bailout.

“Emergency credit loans have a limit, and in order to get a full-fledged loan, you have to get a credit evaluation.”

“Haha, Detroit, you’re a very literate person. If you get an emergency credit loan and just breathe, of course, you’ll get a credit evaluation to get an additional loan.

A pain that won’t die.

Because controlling the degree is the key.

“Rather than that, it is the disposal of Yasuda Bank.”

The first thing the bailout committee did when it was established was to test how well the slaughter knife worked.

Yasuda Bank.

It was a systemic bank that filed for bankruptcy.

4th in business rankings and 5th in banking rankings.

“Oh, is it that real estate tycoon? The credit rating is obviously…”


bailout committee.

The hedge fund, which was selected as an international credit rating agency, immediately went into internal audit and accounting audit, and the first quick result was rated C.

That is, the probability of default is 90%.

Samuel Sachs shrugged and shook his hands.

“It’s awful. It’s awful.”

“The purpose is the dissolution of Yasuda Bank. According to the credit rating, all loans from the Central Bank of Japan and institutional banks were forcibly liquidated, and the funds required for the bailout were calculated…”


I picked up the report.

“No hope. Bankruptcy proceedings have begun. All real estate owned by Yasuda Bank was seized by the Asset Sales Department of the Bailout Financial Services Commission, and the assets were graded and sent to the auction house. bought all of them.”

“…Uh-huh. I must have ate it at a bargain price because I must have been quite slapped.”

“Yes, and the forced liquidation of Yasuda Bank has been completed. All debts have been forgiven.


I spread my palms out wide.

By absorbing all real estate in Tokyo and core areas. The chaebol was disbanded and blown up.

When the No. 1 bank, which was referred to the bailout committee, collapsed, other national and commercial banks were terrified.

Even though he was ranked 4th in the hierarchy.

“But this isn’t the end, is it?”

“Yeah, I’m looking for a speed fight, but I still can’t completely ignore Japanese public opinion. I’ve taken some measures.”

With the capital purchased by Yasuda Bank, the Japan Settlement Bank established a new in-house bank, and the company was split.

The separated corporation inherited the name of Yasuda Bank and achieved 110% of employment succession.

keep wages.

“110%? How can the employment succession exceed 100%?”

“It has to be so. In the future, Shin Yasuda Bank is a company that will become our leading Japanese real estate agent. It is a bank that will absorb all Japanese real estate in the future. As a result of hiring former employees, it is 110% of employment succession.”

“… Besides, it is a percentage bonus that is measured according to the performance of the Japanese real estate purchased. This is what Yasuda Bank employees are angry about.”

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Of course, the executives of Yasuda Bank were a bit of a problem.

However, later, through various conciliatory measures such as a wage increase, the Yasuda conglomerate’s family members were all cut off.

He cut out the Yasuda conglomerate with a slaughter knife.

“The chaebol disbanding. So where is the next target?”


In fact, it was like it was decided.

“It is the first national bank of Hirobumi Ito.”


Headquarters of the First National Bank.

This place was reminiscent of a battlefield today. All the directors of the First National Bank were convened urgently, and the staff went into a state of emergency.

Hirobumi Ito was full of poison due to his resignation, and so was Shibusawa Eichi.

executive meeting.

Executives approached the meeting as if they were walking on thin ice.

“This is the current state of deposits at the First National Bank. The amount invested by the Mitsui and Furukawa conglomerates, the customs duty of Joseon, and the public funds of the Joseon government are deposited.”

“Isn’t there any other loan to Japanese loan sharks in Joseon?”

“Yes, there are quite a lot of loans to Japanese lenders, mainly in the open ports.”

“Squeeze them out. I can’t afford to worry about how many jaws are dying. I mean, squeeze them with the feeling of squeezing dry rags right now to raise capital!!!!”


Shibusawa Eichi snorted with bloodshot eyes.

The Yasuda conglomerate was dismantled to pieces in front of his eyes. The Asano chaebol, which had been funded by Yasuda Bank, was also naturally referred to a bailout, and is currently undergoing internal and accounting audits.

However, when Jeonju to provide capital has disappeared, where is the company going to run properly?

It is a Class C line alongside Yasuda Bank.

‘It can’t be ruined like this…’

Government deposits of the Joseon government and the amount of customs duties in Korea. And most of the deposits held by the First National Bank are interest on loans that squeeze Joseon peasants through loan business.

The 1st National Bank’s order was issued to collect even a single straw from a thatched house.

In Hanseong, Busan, Incheon, and Wonsan, Japanese loan sharks hired samurai and thugs to squeeze the blood of the Joseon peasants.

“It turns out to be quite salty. And we are planning to withdraw the gold of the king of Joseon from HSBC through the pro-Japanese group.”

The director who was in charge of the Joseon Dynasty smiled a disgusting smile. But Shibusawa Eichi muttered with bloodshot eyes.


“It’s not enough… Order more squeeze. Whether it’s selling shoes, selling blankets, or selling people!!! Why does Mitsubishi’s Hashima Coal Mine need a worker? It’s just a matter of selling it there!!! Some money Please bring me a !!!”


The runaway Eichi broke out in a cold sweat.

There is no problem with the dismissal of Hirobumi Ito. Worse than that, the fact that he was tied up with him as a tyrant.

Although the security was tight and samurai were hired, you never know when the Yushin governors will kill you.

But what if the foundation of the First National Bank disappears?

He swallowed the saliva through his dry throat.

square square.

and at that point.

The Japanese director of the First National Bank, bought by Goldman Sachs, was taking the minutes with a hawk eye. In addition, a password-coded evaluation record.


1st National Bank Credit Rating Report.

– Detecting the status of illegal loan business. Measurement of interest on loans after land acquisition in Joseon, where foreign ownership of land is prohibited.

– Capture the status of human trafficking. Confirmation of inflow into Mitsubishi’s Hashima (warship island) coal mine. Requires internal audit of Mitsubishi Coal Mining.

– Captured the illegal embezzlement of the king of Joseon Naetanggeum. Requires cooperation with HSBC Bank.

In addition, numerous illegal acts and criminal acts are occurring. Ratings by this rating agency are as follows.



D grade.

The rating agency’s lowest rating was sent from the First National Bank to the Bailout Committee.

Upon hearing this news, the Tokyo bailout committee turned upside down.


Samuel Sachs screamed in contemplation on a modern-day slavery contract.

“Is this the actual situation that is taking place in the powers that are looking at the 20th century!!! How can such a wrathful situation!!! Detroit, no way you are. Don’t you want to just let this happen? The races to eat must be slaughtered and slaughtered!!!”

Samuel Sachs looked at me with a chilly face. It looks like it overlapped with the real-time pogrom (persecution of Jews) in the Russian Empire.

I shrugged.

“I just filed a complaint with the US Court of Justice and the International Court of Justice in The Hague through Attorney General Griggs. I will soon file a complaint with the Imperial Court of Japan as well.”


The International Court of Justice was originally an international institution established in 1945 according to the UN Charter, but with my enormous support and the agreement of the Universal Conference, it was established 45 years earlier in The Hague, the neutral country of the Netherlands.

There is no problem in filing a complaint as it is an international issue that can escalate into a problem involving the United States, Korea and Japan.

‘I’ll take a look at the Minister of Justice.’

At the end of his term, Attorney General Griggs, who promised full cooperation to me, was scheduled to be appointed as the top member of the International Permanent Court of Arbitration and is the US Attorney General.

Besides, in America, there were still capitalists above the law.

Perhaps the trial will proceed quickly.

“So, let’s leave this wrathful criminal act to them and do our job.”

I twisted my lips.

Both past and present lives were not very pleasant, even as they were mixed with Korean and Joseon blood. But like a Wall Street capitalist, the calculations ran faster.

“What a fine cause this is.”

America of Justice.

Defenders of the liberal camp.

We just hold the torch of freedom and enforce justice.

That was just the story.

< Tokyo Bailout Committee. (1) > end

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