Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 22.2

"The Emperor is with us all!" Shouted a chaplain, "While we preach his true word! These foreigners from the stars claim to know his word better then us! These self-proclaimed Brides of the Emperor came here, to our world! One Loyal! One Able and One Forever Faithful!!!" His hands gestured aggressively towards those near him, riling them up.

The Chaplain's demagoguery rallied the people around him, as they chanted "Forever Faithful" as they raised their weapons into the air, auto, las or even older weapons of a bolt-action variety but no less deadly. As the PDF, Guard and the Militia formations heard him from the speakers of the Vox caster or Holographic tables throughout the world, while the Sisters were trapped behind their Fortress Monasteries, though only two were left of the five that existed.   

The Chaplain raised his hands and the crowd slowly quietened down, with his holy text in hand he opened it and repeated a phase that became a core tenant, "While the God-Emperor serves us from above! Protecting us from beings unknown! We must serve him as well! Protecting his mortal form upon the Throne from the known! The Mutant! The Xenos! The Daemon and Heretic! All are unknown and yet known!"

He paused as he licked his lips, "They came here to turn us against what we are! They came here to turn us against the Imperium! They claim to know the Emperor's plan when no one can! They claim to serve the Imperium? But why do they slaughter us? They slaughtered men, women... children! That didn't 'fit' their Imperium!"

He shook his head, the effect only being seen by those present before him. "I say bothers and sisters that we drive off the interlopers once and for all! So that we may all go back to our lives in serves to the Imperium of Man! Our tithes are payed. Our men are ready. For once and all we shall show these Brides that the Emperor is loved and welcomed here with open arms. But we will not accept their twisted interpretation of our God-Emperor!"

"Remember what we promised! Our Faith! Our Arms, and our Armor!" The Chaplain finished, as the Basilisks mounted upon their gun carriages fired, rocking the Sisters of Battle's monastery just on the horizon with the crowd cheering as a special set of cameras they could watch the destruction.




The Guardsmen felt the Basilisk's rounds hit the ground, the Monastery's walls and it's spire before even the sound of them firing reached their position, the men and women got ready as they knew what was going to happen. It happened to the last three Monasteries.

"Here they come!" The captain shouted, with NCOs getting their men into the pre-arranged kill-zone.

Auto-canons, Heavy Bolt-guns and even re-appropriated weapons from the other Holy-armories within the former Sister monasteries that they blessed, some of those being several some kind of... "Bolter Cannonade" as it was named locally.

The crew of six got themselves ready to use it. A man no one could see with a golden glow had to describe it. It would be a old British Pom-Pom AA system turned into a anti-infantry/horde weapon, as it was almost identical to the images he saw, but where each round would act like a normal shell meaning this would be a eight barreled Auto-canon, but each shell was a enlarged bolt round, meaning this was a Bolter weapon.

Walking closer he picked up a manual giving a general idea of how this weapon worked. Nodding be placed it back down before someone noticed and waited to see it's effectiveness. The Sisters of Battle reacted as the men expected them too, with blind rage and heart filled with vengeance.

A scoff came from the side. the Sergeant of the section of the line had a almost depressed scowl, "Why do they always rush out like this? The first one had tanks... at least, but that was why we hit it first. If this is what these people are able to do then I'm disappointed. We didn't survive through the edge of the Black Crusade passing us by for nothing."

The crews nodded and sighted down the Sisters, from the Golden man's position he could tell that most of the sisters didn't have power armor outside of what looked like a Superior and her retinue, the rest wore some horrid attempt by the Sisters to use the local armor as substitutes... shame that armor was designed around tankers first, infantry second.

Which leads to full sisters expected to wear ceremite armor forced into local sets of body armor or none at all other then their holy vestments.

"Fire." An almost bored order called, and the Bolter Cannonade opened out, the four loaders keeping a constant stream of ammo into the eight barrels of death, the unarmored sisters simply disappeared in a bloody mist. The ceremite barely lasted longer, barely.

The crew laugh as they watched the Sister Superior get sent flying from a single bolt round glance off her armor, but the force tossed her armored form like a ragdoll, only after another hundred rounds the Cannonade ceased firing. The crews of other weapons glared at the Cannonade as the Sister were gone before even entering their own range. After all a counter-attack involving... maybe fifty sisters of battle were just gone in a seconds of combat.

The golden figure shook his head in disappointment, while he had to admit the sisters were brave, honorable in their own way... but their faith left them vulnerable. With this counterattack by the sister's being laughably repulsed... but why?

Looking at the men around him, despite their victory they seemed unsure... the waste seemed needless.

"They've got a dozen alive, roughly. With that sister in armor squirming."

"Don't bother. We only have another three full burst of ammo, and the Tech-Priests are still keeping their heads in their asses about manufacturing more ammo." The officer commanded, "Remember what intel said, they have one engine within, and that thing is more then about to eat most of the cannonade we've got."

The golden figure narrowed his eyes and left the position walking towards the Monastery. Watching as the sister Hospitallers retrieved... or recover they fallen sisters, regardless of  how small of the remains.

He only managed to reach halfway before hearing praying... and almost pulled his form disappeared and reappeared.

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