Watching the Dawn

v5 Chapter 14 - 23 things won in the interlude (end)

“Look at the scars on your armor, is that your family’s armor?”

“No,” Anne shook her head, her red hair drifting in the wind. She pulled out a strap and bited into the same ponytail style as Twilight.

“That was when I officially became a knight, the full armor that the mentor gave me. That was the mentor’s spare armor, which was almost brand new at the time. These traces and repairs were left when I followed the mentor in England. After that world , The armor has gradually been unable to keep up with my fighting intensity, it is now just a souvenir. “

Anne said indifferently, but Twistar stared at her with wide eyes. So many scars! Some are even pierced through the breastplate before and after, but they are all taken by one person? ! Actually all the world bears? ! For the first time, Twilight was shocked.

“So, do you understand!” Annie stared at Twilight’s eyes seriously.

“In such a life where I can’t see hope at all, I suddenly find that the man who is stinky but extremely ordinary turns out to be a rare good man. Is my kind of excitement? Yes! Now he takes me to a peaceful world to recuperate. What can the old lady do besides paying off her debts ?! “

“He, peace!” Twistar was shocked. “You mean this nobleman bullied civilians! The thieves raged on Shanglu! The war among the various races is constant! The world where the gods are fighting … is peaceful?”

“Of course!” Anne glanced disdainfully. “This kind of slow-paced life, this kind of unhurried training, isn’t that what people do in peacetime? Do you know how to train in war? Take a sword? Go to the battlefield. Only those who survive will qualify for training! You will be qualified if you survive again! “

Twilight shook his head, not thinking about those things. The two people have completely different ideas.

She took the topic back to the beginning, “Are you still not answering that you love him? What do you love?”

“The old lady has never loved him! The old lady was just shocked by him. The people I met. I haven’t counted the things I experienced.

But for the first time, there was actually a contractor like npc, ah, don’t care about this, it’s the meaning of a big man. Like a big man, I nodded my finger, but how can I tmd this stubborn stone? ! Just when I think the world is like this, life is like this, I am numb. When I was waiting for death and maybe died in a corner someday, a person told me with one finger-you tm is all cranky, not even touched by the real world of tm!

So the old lady admired her death, and every day she thought about it. So you ask what I like and love. I do not know. I can only say that I like the feeling of looking at the world with my eyes open! Damn it! “Annie kept using” old lady “and swear words, as if she could not express her thoughts without saying so.

Twilight didn’t care about these slightly rude words, she was shocked by other things: “You are really Lu Yuan? The sixteen-year-old is still childish. Lu Yuan, who can’t even build a tent ?!”

“Sixteen years old ?!” Anne collapsed on her head. “What a hate! The old lady was over twenty when she saw him! Who is the sweetheart!”

“What about you now?”


“Peace has satisfied you, isn’t it? What are your thoughts now? Living with A Yuan?”

“No, I’m going to fight and explore.”

“But, you are not tired of …”

“This is War Syndrome. Twilight. What I expect is to be needed, recognized, and need to achieve self-worth. Need to strive for goals. Rather than being forced to be oppressed to fight. Although the result is the same. But the mood is completely not The same. Because A Yuan, I met a good boss this time. The company ’s prospects are very promising, maybe it will be listed in the future, so this time I am looking forward to going to the battlefield again! How about? Twilight, do you want to come together? Join Ayuan and our world? “

“No, I grew up here and all my friends are here. I’m like a tree in this forest, I can’t live without it.”

“Maybe.” Anne replied noncommittally, some things, or Lu Yuan said better.

“I heard that A Yuan specially made a pair of armor for you. Can you wear it?” Annie suggested, so Twistar wore the “Forest Dance” armor without shyness and showed it in front of Annie, watching her with joy and admiration. Eyes.

“Come on, hold this sword,” Anne seemed to pass a hand and a half sword to Twilight at random.

Mu Qing didn’t take it, but remembered something, and said with a bad face, “Then you will shout grotesques like ‘My King Saigao’, right? Looking at me, I actually think of other women, right?” Wouldn’t it be the kind of creature called ‘Dead House’ that A Yuan said? “

“Ha, haha, well, how is it possible.” Annie covered her mouth and smirked.

“It’s not like that! Ayuan was like you at the time, and he also said the grotesque”! “Mu Xing shouted, pointing her finger at her.

“Huh, I can’t think of Ah Yuan being the same person!” Annie said, turning her eyes.

“No, no matter if you are a Chinese or something, you just like the same hobby at most! Don’t say it as if you are a gang! Me, me and Ayuan are already that, already! I won’t give in “” Twilight rebelled against all the words and actions that pushed her apart.

“That? Both Ayuan and I will have one in the morning and one in the evening.” Annie looked at the helpless Twilight teasing.

“We have three every day, no, four, four shots are enough!” Twistar said sternly.

“Remember Ding Mumu I mentioned? We are often together. 3p is like … just like … eating as usual …” Annie closed her mouth shyly, and she couldn’t talk anymore.

“3! 3p! This … that …” Twilight, who was experiencing a hot topic, also began to feel dizzy.

“Both, it’s all sweat, let’s take a shower.” Someone changed the subject again.

“Uh, um. Here.”

“Wash together?”

“Come together!”

At this time, the outskirts of Candlehold.

The battle is coming to an end.

Although the monsters brought by Shaflock were mostly killed by Grian, but with the assistance of Pastor Barr, he still controlled the situation. In the deep rainy night, Tsavorok, wearing a dark body steel armor, was like a hill giant. He approached Greian with a huge two-handed sword and shouted, “Say! Tell everything you know about Arando Tell me! I will consider saving you from death! “

Shi Li’an gasped back against the tree at this time, his face was pale, the wound in his abdomen was bleeding all the time, and his hair was kinked wetly, blocking his expression. The mage’s robe was mixed with mud and blood, and it was wet and attached to the body. Actually now he has no energy to do anything except standing.

He did n’t regret leaving Candlestick at this time, because he rushed to fill only half of his spell slots. He only hoped that his adopted son Zhanem, another child of Barr, could escape under the cover of the rainy night, and do n’t be shaffer turn up! It seems that Suffolk did not yet know what Arlando predicted, otherwise he would immediately drop himself and desperately chase after his adopted son Chanem.

The children of Barr can only gain each other ’s power by killing each other, and those who have gathered all the powers of Barr ’s son will be on the throne of Barr, the **** of killing (actually Barr is resurrected from his body).

“Punish him,” said Shafrock.

The female priest prayed loudly, and then pointed a finger towards Ge Lian. A gray light entered his body. Corrosive magical art ravaged Ge Lian’s internal organs, causing a large amount of spasms and screams, but Ge Li’an still didn’t say a word.

“Still not talking? It’s a shame.” Suffolk raised his huge steel sword. “So, say goodbye!”

“Who are you?” Greian said weakly.

“What?” Suffolk stopped the sword and moved closer, “What are you talking about?”

At this moment, “Boom!” A crunch sounded, and Suffolk only felt the helmet sway, as if hit by a stone, which deflected his vision. Then I heard a scream from around me, a round thing fell at his feet, and I opened my eyes and looked at Shafrock unwillingly, it was the head of the female priest!

When he put his helmet on, a thin soldier stood just in front of his chest, the thin soldier braved the rain, and he stood in awkward position in front of Grean. Another female warrior rushed out of the woods and came to Greian’s side.

“Quickly bring … bring …” After sneak attack on the female priest, Khalid was holding a sword and a shield in front of Shaflock. The half-elf’s thin figure was comparable to Shaflock, just like a child facing an adult ~ I got it! “Jasila dropped the sling, holding the cane in one hand and grabbing Grean’s struggling back to back,” Hold on! Greian! The other harpists will be here soon! “After finishing talking, he walked around the tree and rushed towards the forest. He was quickly covered by the rainy night.”

The heavy downpour continued to rain, and the rain arrow hit the two people’s metal armor, splashing light water vapor.

He didn’t chase the grian who was carried away, nor did he wield a weapon to attack. Shafrock stood there wearing a horned helmet silently, except for the red eyes exposed by the helmet, he could not see the expression at all. He faced Khalid, the white vapor squirting from the gap in the helmet like a bull.

Kalide stepped back slowly, and the huge pressure made his calf tremble slightly.

However, in the end, Severlock did not speak and wield his sword. After confrontation for a while, he looked around the battlefield, picked up the female priest’s head, and turned and walked out of the rain and mud.

(Ps: try the 3k chapter, there is a chapter in the afternoon, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets!) (Unfinished to be continued …)

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