Watching the Dawn

v5 Chapter 32 - Under the mine

Most kobolds and goblins living underground all year round have night vision capabilities. But Lu Yuan does not have elven blood, and certainly cannot night vision. The second-level spell “Dark Vision” can provide night vision, but it is not worth wasting a second-level spell slot. Lu Yuan chose to use the zero-ring spell “Dancing Light” to illuminate. The spiritual energy consumed by the zero-ring spell is almost negligible, but he can create four light sources 150 feet away and can direct the movement of 1000 feet before disappearing. Around, it is really the best choice for pathfinding lighting.

On the edge of a small bridge across a crack in the earth, in the dark, several kobolds squatted there quietly, and only occasionally made a barking sound. “Woo ~ Wang ~” One of the kobolds stood up and picked up his bow and arrow. With its barking, all the kobolds stood up and pulled away their bows and arrows. Their ears could already hear the sound of pedaling in the distant aisle. This sound is refracted through the stone walls of the mine and can travel very long distances.

Several kobolds opened their bows and aimed at the aisle in front. Soon, four light **** that jumped and spun out of the corner. “Woo ~?” No traces of people were found, and one of the kobolds screamed in confusion, but then the four light **** accelerated sharply and flew over. Without thinking about it, several kobolds shot the arrow in the hand towards the sphere of light. The arrow only passed through the sphere of light and crackled into the aisle on the opposite side, without seeming to cause any damage to the sphere of light.

“Wang Wang!” It seemed that the leading kobold roared twice, and all four kobolds stopped archery and watched the ball of light fly towards here. The leading kobold twitched his nose violently, and he smelled a human odor, but could not determine the position. Just as it turned around and looked around, the sounds of “呲” and “噗”, the tips of the “Piercer” sword and the “Glass Stick” stretched out from above, pierced the neck of the leader and another kobold, Instantly mad the remaining kobolds. They dropped the bow and arrow in their hands and rushed to the ground with their limbs in an attempt to bite with their teeth.

Unfortunately for Shaolin Luyuan. It would be nonsense to be bitten by a dog. The first dog in the world to beat a dog is the beggar’s Huahuazi, and the second is a dervish along the door. Lu Yuan is an authentic priest of the dervish, with a staff stick in his hand, crackling and cracking, breaking the necks of the remaining three dogs.

“Wang ~ Wang ~ Wang ~” “Wang ~ Wang ~ Wang ~” “Wang ~ Wang ~ Wang ~”.

It seemed to hear the noise from here, and the kobolds cried one after another in the distance, and a large number of kobolds rushed towards this side. Lu Yuan’s backup plan is to retreat to the stronghold at Zhanem to stay and stand by. But he observed the nearby terrain, quickly collected the bows and arrows used by the kobolds on the ground, and pulled back. These bows and arrows are military supplies, giving such good weapons as kobolds. The Iron Throne is really willing to pay the cost.

When dozens of kobolds rushed to the bridge. At first I was attracted by several light **** still flying on the body. Immediately sniffing the smell, walked over to the bridge. This is a small piece of grease thrown out of the darkness and landed on the bridge. In an instant, it turned into a large area of ​​greasy ground. Stepping on the ground of the stone bridge rubbed with grease, I couldn’t hold it at all. Some kobolds slipped, others dropped their bows and arrows, and grabbed the ground with their claws on all fours. Lu Yuan took the crimson short stick from his sleeve and read the start word. An orange fireball flew towards the kobold on the bridge and burst into the dogs.

Fireball Staff, opened here.

The grease burned violently through the flames, and the blaze exploded by the fireball technique threw some of the kobolds off the bridge. Howling fell into the abyss. Most of the rest screamed in the flames. None of the ten escaped the flame.

“What sound?” When the sound of the explosion below passed up, the intuitive keen Jahra was the first to notice the vibration of the ground.

“It’s okay, A Yuan is casting a spell,” Twistar explained. The three men sat helplessly against the wall and waited for the result. The three of them just went to the upper level, and when they reached a crowded place, it was all right … The sound of explosions kept coming, although even though two layers separated, they could accumulate continuous explosions, and even Khalid had already felt it.

Chanem, who was guarding the stronghold at the lower level, was nervously watching the dark passage in the distance, alerting enemies who might rush out at any time.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the sounds below suddenly stop and become silent.

“Shall we take a look?” Aimon asked nervously against Chanem’s shoulder.

“Wait a second,” Chanem patted Emmon’s back, comforting him. Then he said, “You are here, I will look forward a little bit.”

He cast a “shield” technique, then walked out of the bunker in a faint blue light package.

“Too reckless,” a woman’s voice came from behind, scolding mercilessly.

“Jahira”, “Jahira”, Chanem and Aimeng shouted in surprise, the two rookies were in the dark mine, lonely and blankly clinging to a stronghold. During this period, the fear may be only Chanem I know clearly. Because he still needs to comfort Imon and cheer her up. But who will comfort my sorrow? Looking at the hands that Jahira and Kalid clasped together, he felt more worried.

“However, courage is commendable without giving up your companions.” This is Twilight. Anyway, righteous behavior needs to be affirmed. “Let’s go, Ayuan has solved it, let’s go together.”

Hearing Mu Xing praise him, Chanem’s eyes lit up, and he walked towards Twilight, but he turned in a smirk in Jahira’s smiling eyes.

In order to prevent the elves from having problems again, the five people marched as quickly as possible.

“Skip the stone”, as the bridge over the fissure cracked, two words were written on one side of the wall, and several people jumped over the stones placed on the bridge in sequence. Under those stones weighing more than ten kilograms, some were pressed with black painted steel wire, and some were steel clips clamped on the stones, all of which were damaged traps. In the other half of the bridge, scorched kobold bodies lay everywhere, and the air was filled with a strange smell of barbecue.

“Vag ~” Even if I have seen a lot of corpses and **** Mongolian, when I smelled this smell, I might think of the barbecue that I ate in the past two days, and I immediately vomited. Her foot tripped on the last stone, “Ah!” Screaming and falling forward. At this time, the stone seemed to rub the steel wire underneath, croaking, and several crossbow arrows fired.

“Imon!” She heard Chanem shouting her name loudly, and I really wanted to … listen to it a few more times.

Aimen, who was falling, closed his eyes and reached forward with his hand. But tears burst into tears.

Although she didn’t know what the little girl was thinking, she didn’t feel the pain of being hit by an arrow, she only heard the sound of “Bang Bang”, and then she fell heavily on the bridge. When she opened her eyes, she saw Kalid’s not-so-burly figure, holding her shield with both hands to cover her side.

“Ka, Khalid! He, he’s injured, help him!” Yelling said in a panic as he saw the blood flowing ticking. The power of the crossbow arrows fired by the heavy machine crossbow is very huge. Every crossbow arrow shot through his bread iron shield. Wear out about the length of two arrows. Kalid needed to support the shield. The right hand was penetrated by a crossbow arrow. The arrow came out of the wrist and was extremely injured.

But even so. He still kept Ai Meng behind him motionlessly.

“Keep off!” When Twilight jumped over, and his body was still in the air, two white lights suddenly flickered out, and everyone heard only two clicks of “Kata”, and the two swords were sheathed. Then there was the sound of “popping” the shield dropping off the bridge deck. The arrow that passed through Kalid’s palm has been broken into three sections, and the arrow tail has been cut off, leaving only a shaft of the shaft that penetrates the palm diagonally. Throughout the process, the two swords subtly cancelled each other out. Even Kalid’s wound didn’t pull a little.

“Hold back,” she then took out the arrow shaft, cast spells, bandaged, and dealt with Kalid’s hands. Chanem had lifted Emmon over there. Comfort her.

“Jahira, Khalid has given it to you, and we will speed up.” Twilight took over the command.

In the world of Faeren, healing spells and potions still take time to take effect. There is no way to get immediate treatment like the game. A bottle of broken hands will work, or a blue bottle. At the beginning, Greian was seriously injured in the abdomen, and he would follow Ilminster to cultivate for six months. An injury like Khalid may take two weeks to recover. The “tanks” in the team lost their fighting power, and the main melee evening star can only top.

Fortunately, the rest of the journey went smoothly, and there were no major problems with the traps. After all, it is just a mine, not an underground maze, and the traps are well distinguished. There is no way to set up large traps such as **** and rolling stones. It is nothing more than pulling a few crossbows on the root wire. The clever thing is to split into several rounds of shooting, so that you can’t break it clean at once.

At the lowest level, the surrounding area was empty, and a huge rock cave eroded by vertical and horizontal underground rivers appeared. Most of the caves were still submerged by underground river water and stretched out into a dark world. A stone beam leading to the opposite cliff became the only road now. Lu Yuan was standing on the side of the stone beam, hiding at the corner.

“How is it? Ayuan.” Even though Twistar just stood beside him casually, her body had blocked almost all the routes that could attack Lu Yuan. What he said was asking questions, and keen eyesight inspected Lu Yuan’s whole body up and down, and he was relieved when he didn’t find a wound.

“On the opposite side, walk down the stone beam and you can see a hill and the cave developed above. There is the target. Now there are some ambushes on the other side of the stone beam. We need to attack. Everyone is ready to bow …”, After everyone took out the crossbow and filled it, Lu Yuan also took out the fireball technique staff and said, “One, two, three … let go!”

Lu Yuan waved his staff, and an orange-red fireball flew over the stone beam, hitting the side of the cliff. With the sound of a blast, a huge air wave enveloped the flame and refracted toward the invisible side. Sure enough, the monsters ambushed on the other side but were blown up-a large number of kobolds, goblins, and even skeleton soldiers poured out.

Lu Yuan released “cobweb technique”, Chanem released “greasy technique”, and Twilight released “entanglement technique”, which fell on the head and wound the spider silk and was caught by the vines. The monsters were very tangled and jammed at the intersection. Crowded together. As Lu Yuan waved his little red stick, fireballs exploded among the monsters. Fireball is indeed the first tactical spell the mage obtained. Refilling such a fireball stick requires not only one mage with more than five rings, but also several spell slots per day for two weeks, and it can be exchanged for 40+ fireballs with less than 2,000 gold coins of material. Surgical spare, this is extremely convenient! Although the fireball technique cast by the staff, the cast level is only the lowest five levels, the lethality is slightly insufficient, and the vegetable abuse is appropriate.

Three or five fireballs went down, the hole was almost cleared, and the rest were shot one by one. The road ahead is finally open.

Twilight holds double swords. Leading through Shi Liang. She stabbed a few kobolds who were still struggling under her feet at random, and seemed to walk forward unguardedly. When she walked around the corner, the double swords stabbed behind her under the ribs without warning, followed by hissing. The sound of the blade cutting the air, blood splattered, and a huge half-ogre male, two meters high, fell out of the shadows in embarrassment.

“I surrender! I surrender!” The man of the half-ogre race shouted, dropped the large shield and mace in his hand, and hurriedly pressed the wound on his throat. Twilight’s four swords are extremely fast and ruthless. He caused a deep wound on his shoulder, forehead, abdomen and throat. “I’m Mura. Servant of the king of lies, Shrek. The person in charge here. I will say everything I know and treat me quickly!”

“It’s okay,” Lu Yuan walked over and said, raising his hand to stab the stick into his big mouth like an ogre. Straight from behind.

“Don’t kill him!” “Wait a moment.” “Stop.” Several dissuasive voices were a step slower. Mugla made a gurgling sound, looking at the landing far, angry and suspicious, and took a last breath. With a jingle, his palms around his neck were loosened, and a Syracuse’s holy symbol fell from his fingers. The holy emblem rolled down the stone beam, jingled and jumped a few times before stopping in front of Chanem. The positive light flashes, and a spell has been launched for most of it. Although Mura, who leads the magic, is dead. The incomplete magic that was about to be launched was still inspired by Shirek and flew towards the nearest Zhanem.

After all, it was a child who had just left his adoptive father for less than a week. Chanem looked at the red magic light ball that detached from the holy symbol under his feet unexpectedly, and he stiffened for a moment, and his mind was blank. At this time. A slender but powerful hand pushed him away, his body directly between him and the red sphere of light, and the magical sphere of light hit the Jahira who pushed Chanem away without stopping.

There was no explosion, no cutting, aging or burning, and everyone was relieved. Twilight quickly stepped forward, quickly grabbing the cane in Jahira’s hand, the sling on his waist, a wooden hammer on his back, a knife and fifteen flying knives. She had just finished all this, and Jazira, who had been standing stiffly, rolled her eyes and slowly looked at a few people around.

Twilight flew back to the original place, and then explained to everyone who was watching her, “It’s” chaos “in the field of Sherick’s trickery. The people who are hit will be unable to distinguish between illusion and reality, and may regard us as enemies. Attack. It ’s just that the spell itself is not complete, so I need to observe it to find a solution. “

“Ah ~” Jahira, who was originally stiff, made a sigh of emotion at this time. She stretched her body like she just woke up, combed her long hair naturally, and then went to the investigation that was pushed down by her as usual. Nem.

“Are you okay?” Watching Jahira pull him up naturally, as if everything was normal, Chanem said in surprise. But why did everyone hide so far?

“You are so cute”, Jahira smiled and grabbed Chanem’s neck collar and pulled him down in front of her. Her large apricot-shaped eyes looked at Chanem’s face with interest and licked her tongue. Said with bright lips. Chanem’s face turned flushed, his eyes evading Jahira’s sight, and he swallowed a big spit with a gurgling sound, allowing Jahira to drag his neck collar as if he was the one who had the spell One.

“Oh, Jia … Jahira.” Kalid covered his eyes and said helplessly, “Quick … Quickly … help her solve … unlock the spell. That’s not … no …”

“Nothing ?! Say it!” Imon, who was already anxiously crying when Chanem was teased by the elder sister, grabbed Kalid’s clothes and urged him.

“Not … now … now … Jahira.”

Is it the former Jahira? There is an inside story. Lu Yuan and Twistar exchanged glances. Twistar dismissed the spell in his hand. Since there is no danger, why not watch it for a while?

“You, you say I’m cute? Jahira, this … I …” Chanem boy stuttered, as if Khalid’s stuttering would be contagious, or … Anyone who is teased by Jahira will change Stuttering?

“Well, it’s cute, it’s like the bear boy I raised!” Jia Xila smirked Yan Yan’s hands grabbed Chanem’s cheeks, pulling and juggling, and everyone watching could not laugh. “Come, Tsaizai dances for her sister, come soon!” Jahira coquetted softly.

“But, but I’m not. Listen, Jahira, I’m Chanem! It’s Greian’s adopted son.” Chanem argued in a panic, only ten centimeters away from Jahira’s eyes. Very chaotic.

“You are Xiongzai!” Jahra said fiercely, being pulled closer. Looking at the beautiful eyes and fierce expressions in close proximity …

“I am! I am Xiongzaizi, and I dance very well.” Chanem succumbed and everyone covered their faces.

“And, it’s not fun, there is no domineering bear.” Chanem was thrown aside by Jahira, just like a toy that was broken. Chanem squatted there in depression, “I am not a bear, I am not domineering …”

“Okay, it’s amazing!” Aimeng saw Jahira’s domineering side-breaking brother play badly, and then throw it away, and couldn’t help but shocked his mouth wide open, said enviously.

“Settle your mind!” With a spell, a white light fell on Jahira’s body. Jahila’s body slowly fell into Twilight’s arms and fell into a deep sleep. “Okay, to a slight degree, it will be fine when she wakes up.” She gave Jahira to Kalid waiting on the side. “And your hand, you need to wrap it again.”

Probably because of too much tension, the wound on Kalid’s right hand broke again, and blood penetrated the layers of gauze.

“To be honest, your husband and wife have done enough for the pair of children. If it were not for you, they might have a hard time leaving here alive.” Lu Yuan walked to Kalid’s side and helped Twilight fight, could not help Lived or commented, “His own growth is the most critical ~ ~ The enemies will be more and more powerful. Can you have a few lives to fight? Whether it is the trust of Ge Lian or some People ’s orders are not worth it. ”

Seeing Khalid’s silence, Lu Yuan shook his head and finally added, “Just today, you almost lost each other!” Khalid shook sharply, and then Lu Yuan shook again, “Two times!” “

He pulled Twilight away, and called Chanem and Imon to go to the enemy’s cave to clean up the remaining soldiers and collect loot. Leaving the injured Khalid to accompany the sleeping Jahira. When they left, Khalid’s body shook violently. He hugged Jahila tightly and kept calling her name in a low voice.

“Kah, Khalid”, seemingly awakened Jahira, said in a vague way, reached out and hugged him, the two hugged tightly.

ps: Of course it is a good thing to have a friend post, but the fan value is zero … Everyone is embarrassed, and Lao Lei can only pretend to be invisible.

ps2: Lao Lei also wants to push the book “Radiation” written by him. Unlike this article, it is a short story and free of charge.

ps3: Apart from subscribing, please leave a recommendation and click. ()

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