Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 142: Compromise (6)

Chapter 142: Compromise (6)

"Damn it, what the hell is this otherwordly plot?"

The coach, putting down his phone, cursed under his breath.

After the match, the team lined up to enter the resting room.

The four teammates, including the captain, looked at Gu Yi strangely, as if they were seeing him for the first time.

The coach was already waiting in the resting room. He glanced at Gu Yi and sneered, "How does it feel? The internet is calling you a 'E-God' now, what's it like to be 'one god carrying four tails'?"

Gu Yi nonchalantly sat down on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

Frustrated, the coach took off his shoe and threw it at Gu Yi.


Gu Yi tilted his head slightly, and the shoe indeed flew past his left ear.

The coach paused for a moment, then picked up his other shoe and threw it.


Gu Yi ducked his head, dodging the coach's shoe once again.

"Your next line is—'You little bastard, let's see if you can pull off a godlike performance in the next round!'"

Updated from "You little bastard, let's see if you can pull off a godlike performance in the next round!"

The coach, pointing at Gu Yi, was visibly shaken.

Everyone looked between Gu Yi and the coach, not knowing what to say.

Gu Yi stood up from the sofa, picked up a banana, and started eating it with relish.

The coach approached Gu Yi, "I've already brought your..."

Gu Yi interjected, "I know you've brought my parents here, and I know you can easily kill my whole family without facing any consequences. I know all that, you don't need to repeat it."

The coach's expression turned grave. He stood up straight, speaking coldly.

"Brat, what are you trying to say?"

Gu Yi didn't answer directly but raised three fingers and began a countdown. "Three... two... one."

Beep, beep, beep—

Just as Gu Yi finished speaking, the coach's phone suddenly rang.

"Take a look. If I'm not mistaken, it should be someone offering to buy me into their team, right?"

The coach, slightly stunned, opened his phone as if compelled.

Indeed, there was an offer to sign Gu Yi, with an opening bid of three million.


"Coach, give me a chance. After tonight, my value could increase twentyfold.

Even if all four of my teammates are sleepwalking, I can still carry the game one against five.

How much can you earn from betting on the side? Three or four million at most?

That money isn't clean, and you'd still need to launder it.

But here I am offering you a contract worth sixty million, and it's all legal, after-tax income. Which is a loss, and which is a gain, you can decide for yourself?"

The coach's demeanor visibly wavered.

Seizing the moment, Gu Yi used his skill of psychological suggestion on the coach.

It worked!

The skill that has never worked before finally came into play this time!

"Fine, it's a deal," the coach sneered. "But don't forget, I still have control over you. 'E-God Gu', don't get too cocky. If your value doesn't increase twentyfold tonight, your whole family will be spending New Year at the bottom of the Pacific."

"Thank you, coach."

Gu Yi nodded slightly.

The coach, with a grimace, turned and left the resting room.

The teammates gathered around Gu Yi, their eyes filled with awe.

"You just now, how did you...?"

"Can you predict the future?"

"How did you guess the coach's next words?"

"How did you know someone was going to buy you?"

The four teammates, who had risen from internet café teams to the professional level, had faced numerous challenges and were constantly under the coach's threats and temptations, never really free. They had never heard of renegotiating fees until now.

Gu Yi was the first in their team to get a contract worth millions.

"It's nothing, all within my calculations."

AD, sitting next to Gu Yi, asked earnestly, "How should we play our next match?"

"Play normally, just like in ranking matches. Choose your best characters; I can handle the rest alone. Let's go, the match is about to start."

Gu Yi quickly finished his banana and tossed it into a trash can in the hallway.

With his repeated deductions, Gu Yi could resolve the battle in just 15 minutes. His ability to foresee and overpower his opponents tactically was unparalleled. freeweɓnø

Now, his teammates followed his lead, and even the coach had been successfully influenced by him. For the next several minutes, Gu Yi wasn't worried about the coach's betrayal and was confident in increasing his value exponentially.

But Gu Yi's plan went beyond just securing a high value.

Securing a high contract value was merely a delaying tactic. His ultimate goal was to have the coach, the ultimate villain, imprisoned.

Based on previous deductions, it would take about thirty minutes for the police to arrive after an alert. In the final round, a simple dance signal to the opponents would be enough for them to call the police.

Remarkably, the sportsmanship of the opponents was far superior to that of the coach.

In all of Gu Yi's deductions, the opponents never took advantage of his plight. Every time Gu Yi sought their help, they assisted. The coach might bribe the media and referees, but he could never buy the sportsmanship of the opponents or the professional ethics of the police.

The opponents and the police were the only factions in this test that Gu Yi could truly trust.

—This was the only viable method Gu Yi had discovered in his multiple deductions!

Unfortunately, Gu Yi had to use his last bit of mental energy to employ psychological suggestions. He wasn't sure if this approach would yield a high score, but he felt it was the best solution he could think of.

On the battlefield of the game:

As Gu Yi had predicted, the opponents reserved two ban slots[1] specifically for him. However, Gu Yi chose an unpopular character to play, instantly igniting the audience's enthusiasm.

Right from the start, Gu Yi faced a three-person gank from the opponents.

He was prepared. Under his tower, he boldly faced the three, securing a triple kill.

"Three against one and still get counter-killed, do you even know how to play?"

"Feed, keep feeding!"

The audience roared in cheer, causing the opponents' morale to implode instantly.

After respawning and returning to his lane, Gu Yi forced the opposing laner to retreat with a single combo. When the opponents shifted their focus to the bottom lane, Gu Yi teleported just in time to assist, directing his jungler to converge, helping his team's AD carry secure a triple kill.

Only ten minutes into the game, the kill count was already 6 to 1 in their favor.

Gu Yi had no intention of dragging out the game. He denied the opponents any chance to farm, directing his team to aggressively dive towers and push the game rapidly. His entire playstyle was as effortless as if he were playing against bots.

Another record was set.

15 minutes and 57 seconds.

The shortest match time in the history of the World Championship, Gu Yi's team secured the victory with a breathtakingly swift assault.

The coach's mouth twitched into a smile as he checked his phone and saw that three more club agents had approached him with offers.

Five million.

Seven million.

Ten million.

Their bids kept rising, momentarily making the coach forget about his side betting.

"Could this really work?"

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