Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 145: The Secret of Section B (1)

Chapter 145: The Secret of Section B (1)

"Gu Yi!"

The invigilator called Gu Yi's name.

Gu Yi went to the office and received a new dream fragment, and the system's notification arrived as expected.

"Your plot exploration rate has increased."

"The current plot exploration rate is 53%."

After receiving the reward, Gu Yi returned to the dormitory with his roommates. He lay in bed for a short rest to recover his mental strength.

At night, the library opened, and most of his roommates left the dormitory. Gu Yi took this opportunity to go to the toilet and prepared a bottle of magic potion.

With two bottles of magic potion in hand, Gu Yi successfully reached the top of the dormitory building, retrieved the wine from the wreckage of the spaceship, and safely returned to the dormitory.

He concealed the wine in his arms, went to the library, found a spot, a book on the table as a disguise, and closed his eyes to begin to deduce.

(The deduction begins!)

(You have arrived at the entrance of Section B.)

(The Librarian sees you and stretches out his hand to stop you.)

(You take out the wine from your embrace, and the Librarian's eyes widen upon seeing the bottle.)

(Librarian: How do you have this thing?)

(You: Oh, it's nothing. I admire you personally, so I bought a bottle of wine...)

(Librarian: Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You just want to get me drunk and then sneak into Section B to steal, right? Dream on, I won't let you in, get lost!)

(You are startled and leave dejectedly.)

(The Librarian quickly walks up and grabs you.)

(Librarian: You can go, but leave the wine. It's important evidence of your bribery, I can't let you take it!)

(You hand the wine to the Librarian.)

(You hide in a dark corner, secretly observing.)

(The Librarian bites open the bottle cap with his mouth and gulps down two large swigs. His face turns red, and he actually starts snoring against the door.)

(You approach and hit and kick the Librarian, but he shows no reaction.)

(After searching the Librarian, you finally find the key to the gate of Section B.)

(You successfully open the gate to Section B.)

(You enter Section B and light your lighter.)

(The chaotic space before you becomes a clear path.)

(You carefully examine every bookshelf in front of you, all of which contain various scientific and technical theories from bizarre civilizations. You do your best to memorize all the content.)

(Leaving the area of books, you continue to explore deeper.)

(This is the collection area, where you see art pieces from various civilizations. These are the witnesses to the existence of extinct civilizations.)

(You try to move the art pieces, but your strength is far from sufficient.)

(You continue to explore deeper.)

(The space ahead becomes even more chaotic, and you need to constantly light your lighter to distinguish the direction.)

(Here is a new batch of books, still historical, but with different focal points. This section primarily details how "Morticians" saved extinct civilizations.)

(The Morticians, in collaboration with the Traveler Star people, the last survivors of extinct civilizations on Traveler Star, while the Morticians themselves were responsible for rescuing the 'ashes' of civilizations—essentially the historical and cultural heritage of these extinct civilizations.)

(It's mentioned that the Morticians also once helped these civilizations resist apocalyptic events leading to the end of the world, but ultimately failed, yet they never gave up hope.)

(You notice an interesting point.)

(Morticians seldom mention their own history. If they need to refer to themselves in books, they always refer to themselves as "the author".)

(So far, you still can't determine the race, origin planet, or the powers and technologies of the Morticians.)

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(You continue exploring for a while.)

(You find the tallest bookshelf in Section B.)

(Using your hands and feet, you climb to the top of the bookshelf. In the middle at the top, you find the fourth handwritten note.)

([Never compromise.])

(You peel off the note and discover a hidden compartment beneath it, from which you retrieve a copper key.)

(You continue exploring Section B.) freewēbnoveℓ.com

(After wandering for about half an hour, you finally find a door with a heavy lock hanging on it.)

(You use the copper key in your hand to unlock the door.)

(You walk through the door.)

(Before your eyes, there is nothingness.)

(You end the deduction!)

Gu Yi opened his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then began to write down everything he had seen in Section B.

To be safe, he applied a psychological suggestion to himself to increase his resistance to mental invasions and then confidently walked towards the gate of Section B.


In the Dark Moon Circus.

Inside the live broadcast.

Gu Yi was holding a book, sitting there, writing and drawing.

Seeing this, the agents quickly activated their devices to analyze the text.

Dark Moon squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "Leader, watching Gu Yi write is really boring. How about we switch to another live broadcast?"


"It's okay, we can do split-screen broadcasting."

Dark Moon stood on a stool, tiptoed, and slid his fingers.

Gu Yi's screen was in the upper right corner, and suddenly dozens of split screens appeared on the big screen.

At this time, there were only a dozen adventurers left, and their mental states were showing signs of collapse.

Someone had plucked all their hair out.

Another person broke their own fingers and dipped them in tomato sauce to eat.

Someone else drowned themselves by pressing their head into the toilet water.

The only ones still maintaining their sense of self were Gu Yi and Chris.

Now, Chris was sitting in the library. Unlike Gu Yi, he did not use the dream fragment to make a magic potion but swallowed it like his classmates.

"What's the use of eating this thing?"

Qu Kangping turned to Dark Moon. Dream fragments were a new appearance in the Weird world, and no one knew their exact use.

Gu Yi had always used them to make magic potions, so the strategy team had not been able to analyze the specific effects of dream fragments.

Dark Moon nodded and said with a smile:

"This is a special resource. Swallowing it raw can enhance spiritual power and void resistance. Gu Yi follows the path of mental strength enhancement, so eating this wouldn't have much effect on him.

Chris, on the other hand, is on the path of spiritual power enhancement, which is why he chose to swallow the dream fragment raw."

"I see."

Chris shivered in his chair as if he had successfully digested the dream fragment. Then he walked straight to the gate of Section and with a wave of his hand, summoned 20 evil spirits.

The Librarian turned his head, his face filled with terror as he looked at Chris.


Chris laughed heartily three times, and the 20 evil spirits surged forward.

Frightened out of his wits, the Librarian kicked open the gate of Section B and hid inside.

Chris closed his eyes, manipulating the evil spirits to chase and hunt down the Librarian.

The Librarian was incredibly fast in escaping, but he was no match for the evil spirit servants. Other than fleeing, he had no means of counterattack.

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