Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 166: The Shocking Kidnapping Case (5)

Chapter 166: The Shocking Kidnapping Case (5)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Love, positioned on the rooftop, suddenly heard several gunshots coming from below. He and his subordinates exchanged puzzled glances.

"What's going on? Have they broken into the hotel?"

"How could they breach so quickly?" Love frowned. "Check with the team downstairs."

"Doctor, there's no response from them."

"Damn it, send some men to investigate the situation, and send extra if needed!"


Love closed his eyes, extending his psychic senses to the presidential suite below.

The emotions of everyone in the room were extremely tense, which was normal under such circumstances. However, one person stood out as an anomaly - they were remarkably calm, almost without any emotional as if they were asleep.

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Love had only encountered such a condition once before - with Gu Yi.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

More intense gunfire erupted from below, and a panicked report came through the radio.

"Doctor, it's an agent! His shooting skills are unreal; we're being taken down without even laying eyes on him."

"An agent, my foot. He's played us!"

Love raised the walkie-talkie in his hand and furiously threw it at the "Gu Yi" hanging from the roof.

After being hit, "Gu Yi" transformed into a wax figure, falling to the ground and shattering into eight pieces.

Qu Kangping watched the remains of "Gu Yi" in astonishment, unable to comprehend what had just happened. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

"How did he do that?"

Love looked down at the wax pieces on the ground, his mind in disarray. For a moment, he felt that his opponent was not just a powerless adventurer but rather a servant of gods like himself, capable of anything.

Without God's permission, it's incredibly difficult for adventurers to use weird powers in the real world. Even if they occasionally manage it, it's usually attributed to sheer luck.

Like the last time in the projection room, how did he manage to summon the void to chase him away?

Why could he use such powers even after returning to the real world?

Love pondered deeply, but soon he realized his thoughts were becoming sluggish. Eventually, his mind convinced him that all these questions were natural and didn't need doubting.

He glanced at his watch; there were only two minutes left of the half-hour.

It was time to fulfill his promise.

"Hand me the phone."

Love took a phone from one of the fanatics, walked to the window, and aimed the camera towards the endless blue sky.

"Hello, everyone, welcome to my live broadcast. Today's weather is perfect for a bungee jumping performance. Next, I will draw a lucky individual from this crowd to perform a bungee jump for us."

Love, holding the phone, moved to the center of the crowd.

"All of you, stand in a line."

The hostages formed a line.

Love grinned, closing his eyes, and walked to the front of the line. "I will close my eyes and walk, singing a song. When I stop singing, whoever I stop in front of will be the one to bungee jump."

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream..."

After finishing the nursery rhyme, Love opened his eyes and turned to see who was in front of him. It was Wang He, the President of the Dragon Country.

"Oh wow, I really hit the jackpot, didn't I? To think that on my first draw, I would pick our esteemed President."


Wang He scoffed and turned his head away.

Qu Kangping stepped forward, speaking loudly, "Hey! I'll do the bungee jump, don't take the leader."

"I've never seen people fight over who gets to die."

Love's eyes turned dark as he glared at Qu Kangping.

Qu Kangping felt an immense pain in his head and involuntarily collapsed to the ground, his legs giving way.

Love dragged Wang He to the window, positioning the camera on him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I promised that if Jin Xin wasn't brought to me within half an hour, I would start killing. There's one minute left. Why haven't I seen the person yet?"

Love peered out the window, looking down at the street.

The Anti-Weirdness Task Force had already stealthily positioned the Scranton Reality Anchor and was quietly installing it nearby. However, this was exactly what Love wanted to see.

The more forces gathered here, the more defenseless the Imperial Capital Prison would become.

As everyone saw Love bring Wang He to the window, they all started to worry.

Love, holding Wang He with one hand, dangled him out of the window.

Wang He was visibly so frightened that his face turned pale, yet he firmly refused to beg for mercy.

Below, the soldiers were in chaos, with some continuously pleading through loudspeakers for restraint.

Beep beep beep...

Love's phone rang, and he answered it while still holding Wang He with a rope.

"It's me."

"Listen, release Leader Wang immediately. If you dare kill him, we won't agree to any of your demands."

"Sorry, but I keep my word. If I say I'll kill a hostage, I will. If you don't agree to my terms, I'll keep killing. If you're capable, just fire a missile and blow up the building."

"You... you bastard..."

"Sorry, negotiation's over."

Love hung up the phone.

"How does it feel, esteemed President?" Love said gleefully. "You're about to take a little trip to hell. Any last wishes?"

"Humanity will never bow to the weird world. Victory will ultimately belong to..."

"Forget it, I don't want to hear it!"

Love shook his head and let go of the rope.


Turning confidently, Love was startled to hear the president's voice still nearby. He leaned over the windowsill to look down.

Gu Yi, half hanging outside, had grabbed the president's rope in the nick of time.

"Gu Yi! You again!"

Furious, Love snatched a handgun from one of his subordinates.

Gu Yi, clenching his teeth, yelled, "Pull me back in!"

Before he could finish, the hostages downstairs scrambled to pull both Gu Yi and Wang He back in. Bullets grazed the outer wall, narrowly missing Wang He.

Finally back on solid ground, Wang He rubbed his trembling legs and looked sincerely at Gu Yi.

"Gu Yi, you saved my life."

"Forget about it," Gu Yi waved it off, still keeping an eye on the movements of the thugs upstairs.

"I don't know how to thank you."

"Maybe lower the housing prices a bit?"

"That's... not within my control."

"Then maybe you should've just jumped?"

"I appreciate your sense of humor."

"I'm not joking."

Gu Yi raised an eyebrow and then turned his attention back to the situation.

"People are coming up to us from downstairs, about 10 of them. But they're not rushing up here yet, probably waiting for more backup to prepare a force to wipe us out.

There are 5 more people coming down from upstairs, blocking the stairway down. Let's not go out yet; we'll fight from here, hit them when they try to help their buddies.

How much ammo do you all have left?"

"Brother Yi, we only have three magazines left."

Gu Yi checked his own handgun, ejecting the magazine, "I've got four bullets left."

"No worries, we can get more ammo after taking down a couple of them."

The high school student from Gotham City spoke calmly, the most composed among them, having taken down the most enemies.

Gu Yi remained noncommittal, knowing that being trapped here would lead to a dead end. Their only chance was to fight their way back to the top floor and take down Love.

Wang He, looking between Gu Yi and the others, asked curiously, "Gu Yi, can you really track the movement of all the enemies in the building?"


"Then why don't you contact the Anti-Weirdness Task Force? If we coordinate with them, we could quickly deal with these people."

"I don't have their contact number."

"I do," Wang He said eagerly. "I'll call them right now."

"Wait, don't rush," Gu Yi stopped Wang He. "The most crucial thing now is to divert some of their forces to the Imperial Capital Prison."

"Why? Is it because..."

Upon hearing this, Wang He quickly grasped Gu Yi's intention and hurriedly reached for his phone.

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