Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 170: The Epitaph of a Hero

Chapter 170: The Epitaph of a Hero

Ah Jian's head drooped listlessly.

Gu Yi forcefully pulled on the control stick, but it was too late.

The rotors crashed into the building, creating a deafening noise. Gu Yi, trapped in the cockpit, was dazed.

Just when Gu Yi was at a loss, Ah Jian suddenly opened his eyes, quickly strapped a parachute onto Gu Yi, and then, holding him, jumped out of the cockpit.

"Brother Ah Jian!"

Gu Yi's eyes widened as he looked at the other man.

Ah Jian's eyes were slowly becoming lifeless as his lips moved slightly.

Although Gu Yi couldn't hear what he was saying, he could read the words from his lips.

"I'm sorry."

Mid-air, Ah Jian used his last bit of strength to kick Gu Yi away.


The helicopter finally exploded.

Debris from the explosion slashed across Gu Yi's eyelids. He clenched his eyes shut and forcefully pulled the parachute open.

The fierce wind whisked Gu Yi away.

For some reason, his vision was blurred, unable to see the scenery ahead clearly.


This is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

The next morning.

Strategy Team Base.

In the dormitory.

Gu Yi had a bullet graze on his thigh and a cut on his eyelid from the explosion debris, but otherwise, he was relatively unharmed.

Today, he donned a new suit, the collar crisply ironed.

Gu Yi stepped out of the door.

Qu Kangping, unusually, was dressed in an agent's uniform, his chest badge shining brightly.

"Are you ready?"


"Let's go."

Gu Yi followed Qu Kangping into the car and they headed to the Martyrs' Cemetery.

This place buried all the adventurers who had fallen in the weird world. Regrettably, these adventurers had no remains to be buried, only cenotaphs.

In that shocking kidnapping case, a total of thirty-seven agents died in action, along with thirteen anti-weirdness special forces soldiers, and forty were severely injured.

However, thanks to everyone's efforts, only one hostage died and three were injured from start to finish in this incident.

The agents lined up, solemnly facing the cenotaphs of their fallen comrades, silently.

Ah Jian was among them.

Regrettably, the enemy left him with no intact body, only a charred badge.

Another cenotaph was added to the Martyrs' Cemetery.


Qu Kangping stood at the forefront of the team, leading everyone in paying respects to the fallen.

Gu Yi followed behind, observing each hero's tombstone.

On the tombstones of all the fallen agents, the same epitaph was inscribed:

[A solemn tribute to those who have died. Victory will ultimately belong to humanity.]

After the funeral.

Gu Yi returned to the car with Qu Kangping.

Qu Kangping sat in the driver's seat, stuffing a cigarette into his mouth. He took out a lighter but couldn't seem to light the cigarette. Frowning, he gripped the lighter with both hands but still couldn't get it to work.

"Damn it..."

Qu Kangping cursed under his breath.

Gu Yi took the lighter from Qu Kangping and finally helped him light his cigarette.

Qu Kangping took a deep drag of the cigarette, feeling a burning sensation in his lungs before exhaling.

"It's all my fault."

Gu Yi looked at Qu Kangping and shook his head, "How is this related to you?"

"I was careless. I should have noticed something was off with Ah Jian sooner. I should have seen the enemy's trap."

"It's not your fault. The enemy was just too powerful."

Qu Kangping didn't respond to this, continuing to speak his thoughts.

"After he personally killed his sister's ghost, his emotions were already unstable, but I failed to help him deal with his feelings in time. To avoid being hunted, we hid in the Dark Moon Circus. Even after returning to the real world, I didn't talk to Ah Jian immediately, which led him down a dark path."

"You mean... the mole in our strategy team was actually..."

Qu Kangping nodded with a bitter smile on his face,

"For Ah Jian, I broke the rules twice.

The first time, I condoned Ah Jian keeping a ghost, and the second time, I helped destroy evidence of Ah Jian's violation.

On my first day back in the real world, Ah Jian came to see me in a wheelchair, insisting on returning to his post. I didn't agree.

Later, Ah Jian kept pleading with me, and I eventually agreed to his request, allowing him to do some simple clerical work at the base.

However, on his second day at work, Ah Jian broke the rules and entered the archives room. It was me who destroyed the audio-visual evidence of his intrusion because I found out that he only went into the archives to look at his sister's photos before she passed away."

Qu Kangping finished his cigarette with a deep drag and continued.

"But.... I was still careless.

Ah Jian had secretly left something in the archives – a transmitter used by Love for broadcasting thoughts. With this device, Love could use psychological suggestions on us remotely.

I personally handled Ah Jian's belongings. In his home, I found his spare phone, which contained his chat history with Love. The day after Ah Jian’s sister completely vanished, he became Love’s puppet due to his unstable mind.

But... I deleted those chat records.

Looking back, if it weren't for your immunity to Love's mental attacks, I really don't know how much bigger a mess we would have made. All of this is my fault; I'm not a competent team leader."

Gu Yi remained silent for a moment, surprised that the traitor in their team was Ah Jian, someone who had always seemed so upright and brave. No one would have believed he could betray his beliefs.


"It's alright, I don't need your comfort. I already feel much better now," Qu Kangping stretched, "In a couple of days, you'll be on an adventure again. Don't let these troubles affect your mood. In our line of work, death and injury are normal. If I die one day, don't be sad, okay?"


"My cigarette is finished. I'm going out to buy a new pack, and then I'll take you back to the base."


Qu Kangping left the car and went to Ah Jian's grave alone to offer paper money in tribute.

He stood up, pulled out a phone from his pocket, and opened the chat history.

[Ah Jian: Can you really bring my sister back to life?]

[Love: Don't worry, just do as I say, and anything is possible.]

[Ah Jian: No, I don’t believe you. You’re lying to me!]

[Love: Ah Jian, from the moment you contacted me, you already knew whether I was lying. Besides, you can't turn back now.]

Qu Kangping, with a cigarette in his mouth, squinted as he deleted the chat history, then threw the phone into the fire.

"Ah Jian, this is the last time I break the rules for you, and the last time in my life."


"The dungeon is about to open. Please prepare, adventurers."

Gu Yi opened his eyes, once again entering the weird world.

This was Gu Yi's fourth time in the weird world, surviving three dungeons consecutively, a record rare enough to be etched into history. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

The dungeon had not yet officially started.

He was standing in front of a mirror.

The reflection showed a somewhat haggard appearance, his beard unkempt, making him look a decade older. After a while, the system's prompt sounded again.

[Dungeon Name] Born with Sin

[Dungeon Introduction] In Wapeng, everyone is born with sin. Upon reaching adulthood, everyone carries a sentence of millions of years, which can only be reduced through ceaseless labor. Work, dedication, and sacrifice – these are the beliefs of the people of Wapeng, the only way to atone for their sins.

[Clearing Conditions]

1. Perfect Level: Successfully uncover the truth behind Wapeng City and eliminate the Unspeakable.

2. Excellent Level: Become a first-class citizen of Wapeng City within one month.

3. Ordinary Level: Become a second-class citizen of Wapeng City within one month.

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