Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 110: The Carnela Port Recapture Operation (17)

Chapter 110: The Carnela Port Recapture Operation (17)

The completion of the underground passageways marked the beginning of the long-awaited full-scale attack. As soon as we received the news from Marcellus, we wasted no time. We entrusted the carts we had brought to the supply troops with whom we had been exchanging goods and turned back the same way to join our comrades.

Upon explaining the situation to our fellow demons, who were diligently untangling and repairing the net’s intricate parts, they swiftly began folding it. Handling the net had become second nature to them over the course of the ten-day period. It didn’t take long for the net to be folded into a compact size.

However, we couldn’t depart just yet. We had to wait for our comrades, who were scouting the sea, to return. It was Farl’s team that was currently out there. So, we patiently awaited their arrival.

After some time had passed, we spotted Farl and the others swiftly soaring across the sky from the far side of the horizon. They were flying at full speed. Even from a distance, I could discern the anxious expressions on their faces, and Gora, Farl’s husband, seemed particularly worried as if he feared she might have sustained an injury or encountered some trouble along the way.

Whether they knew of our concern or not, Farl and the others returned in a hurried state before rolling on the ground. And then, without even showing any signs of questioning our act of folding the net, they immediately exclaimed the urgency of the situation. “Battleships are approaching!”

“They are twenty in number, even more than before! And there are three of those big ones that were only one in our previous battle!”

“At a time like this…! However, thank you for reporting this accurately. Please have some soup and rest. We don’t have much time left.”

Decius, with a stern expression, gazed towards the sea, then made the decision to slightly delay our departure while commending Farl and the others. It wasn’t because Decius was too kind-hearted… Rather, it was a decision based on our interactions with each other. Decius wasn’t a bad person, but unlike Marcellus, he was a man who acted with calculated precision. I had come to understand that much through our past interactions.

And it wasn’t just me and Mika who understood this. Such crucial information was shared among all of us. Hence, even though Farl and the others quickly consumed the soup to warm their chilled bodies, they didn’t savor it. They hurriedly gulped it down.

Once their bowls were empty, we destroyed the empty pot and the stove that had served its purpose. Leaving them behind could potentially invite unnecessary trouble later on. We were already considered enemies by Karelvo. It was crucial to thoroughly eliminate anything that could be used as a “weapon” against us.

This was not only our belief but also Decius’s. He harbored a strong dislike for Karelvo and would do anything to minimize any involvement with him. He might even despise him more than the prisoner of war, Asumi. Well, he probably disliked his use of the Emperor’s authority to his advantage.

But I went off-topic. Once Farl and the others had satisfied their hunger, we immediately set off toward the main camp. With no unnecessary baggage like carts and Decius riding on a horse, we were able to run together as a group. Although we departed in broad daylight, we returned to the main camp before sunset.

“You’re back!” Marcellus said.

“Yes, and there’s something we should report.”

“Report…? Don’t tell me!”

“Yes, exactly that. Let’s go further inside.”

“Ah, understood. Everyone, prepare for camping at the previous location.”

The thing Decius referred to as a report was about the approaching battleships. Marcellus seemed to have already realized this. With a serious expression, he followed Decius toward the depths of the main camp.

During this time, the instructions given to us were somewhat sloppy, but we paid no mind and headed toward the designated location.



Perhaps sensing our presence, Shuu and Apao, who had been lying quietly until now, began neighing and mooing towards us. Mika, who was visibly delighted at the sight of the two, approached them and soothingly calmed down the other horses nearby.

After setting up the tents again in the previously assigned location and relaxing inside, Marcellus returned from the headquarters. His face exuded seriousness, but there was no sense of despair or grave urgency. It seemed that this mission didn’t require us to prepare for total annihilation.

“Listen, everyone. The details of the operation have been finalized. As planned, we will infiltrate the Carnela Port through the underground passages we’ve dug. Our objective is to wreak havoc from the inside.”

“I reported the matter of the approaching battleships, and it seems that the spiritualist unit will handle it. Those who can perform flight spiritual arts will drop a large number of bombs from outside the range of the installed guns. This tactic has proven effective, thanks to all of you who demonstrated it with great dedication.”

“It may not be the most pleasant conversation,” Deceus concluded.

It certainly isn’t. We risked our lives to destroy the battleships. At that time, we had only a limited supply of bombs, but now they have been prepared in large quantities to ensure one-sided destruction. Perhaps it was due to the lack of established mass production methods back then, but it makes you wonder why they weren’t prepared in advance for our use, right?

However, I knew all too well that voicing my complaints right now would be futile. Considering his near-death experience, Linardo wore the sternest expression of us all, but he still remained silent.

“The original plan was to execute the attack operation four days from now… However, considering the arrival of the battleships, we have decided to proceed tomorrow. It’s sudden, but make sure to rest well and prepare for tomorrow,” Marcellus said.

Tomorrow! It truly was unexpected… The appearance of the battleships must have been a headache for the higher-ups. Regardless, it seemed that tomorrow would mark our return to the battlefield after a long time. As Marcellus suggested, I decided to take it easy and get some rest.

After Marcellus left, with nothing else to do, we promptly settled down to sleep. Before that, Mika went around distributing something to everyone. While I continued with my usual control training of my fighting spirit and spiritual power, Mika returned to my side.

“Here you go.”


What Mika handed me was a dried fruit that emitted a faintly sweet aroma. Startled, I gazed at Mika, and he explained with a wry smile why he had it.

“I actually saved one for you, knowing that you seem to enjoy sweet flavors. Since tomorrow will be a fierce battle, please have it now.”

Without hesitation, I eagerly took a bite of the dried fruit. Oh… it was delicious! While I could taste a hint of sweetness in raw seafood, it paled in comparison to the sweetness of the fruit. I enjoyed it, chewing slowly and savoring each bite.

Lost in a sense of bliss, I continued with my usual training as the sky darkened, and night fell without any incidents. With the break of dawn, Tigar and the others who had been sleeping nearby started to wake up. They stretched and checked the condition of their weapons and armor.

Not only our tent but the other Imperial Army tents also bustled with activity. Today, a major operation was about to unfold. Knowing that, it was natural for everyone to feel a little restless.

“Good morning, everyone. Once you’ve had breakfast, we’ll depart. We’ll be using the passageways that all of you have dug. We’re taking the lead and will be the first to infiltrate. Stay prepared for that,” Marcellus said.

The vanguard, huh? It was the most dangerous role, but I had already imagined that it would be entrusted to us. And I was ready for it. I wouldn’t be easily killed. I would survive, no matter what.

With that determination in mind, I chewed on the bread provided and quickly swallowed it. Then I retrieved my swords from the wagon we were using and equipped it. Since there was still time, I drew both swords to check their condition. Hmm, no visible signs of dullness, damage, or dirt on the blades.


When I was about to sheathe both swords after being satisfied with their condition, a question suddenly crossed my mind. Why were my swords in such a pristine state?

It may sound odd coming from me, but I have a feeling that I handle my weapons carelessly. Well, I try to be as careful as possible, but I don’t know the proper way to maintain them, like that one time when Hatakeyama scolded me. It was strange that they remained in such beautiful condition despite that.


I quickly found the answer to my question. It was Mika. That capable and attentive man must have been taking care of them for me. With the answer in mind, I snapped the swords back into their sheaths.

Afterward, we descended into the hole we had dug on the backside of the main camp, overlooking the Carnela Port. Although rope ladders were set up, it was a hassle to go down one by one. I, on the other hand, leaped from above and enjoyed a brief moment of floating before landing silently, without making a sound.

Tigar and the others followed suit, jumping down just like me. It seemed like the sensation of falling pleased them, as Tigar and Linardo couldn’t help but let out joyful shouts.

“Don’t do something foolish… I thought my heart would stop.”

“Other soldiers were utterly shocked, you know? You’re not children… Well, even children wouldn’t do such a thing,”

However, Zald and Sharl reprimanded us as they descended using the rope ladders. Those of us who had jumped down could only hang our heads and apologize.

Afterward, with Marcellus leading the way, we began walking through the underground passage. It wasn’t just we, the demons, walking through the tunnels. The imperial army’s light infantry also followed along. They would launch their assault after we took the lead, aiming to seize control of the outer walls and the port’s functions.

Such a task would prove impossible for our small group. It’s all about placing the right person in the right position. I’ve learned that combat prowess alone isn’t always enough to accomplish everything.

“Is this the deepest point? Time is… Just a little more.”

Marcellus, who was walking at the front with a lantern in his hand, has reached the far end of the underground passageway. After checking the clock he took out from his pocket, he muttered something about time.

The clock was a very rare tool, but in this operation, it was essential for us to coordinate our actions and simultaneously emerge from the underground passages to launch a surprise attack on the surface. The clock made it possible.

While Marcellus stared at the clock, he looked straight at me and said, “It’s time to surface.” I nodded deeply and placed my hand on the ceiling of the underground passage. As I did, that section seemed to melt and transform into sand… before revealing the drainage channel that we had used for the infiltration mission, which was connected to the underground of Carnela Port.


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