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Chapter 234: Evening Party Riot (4)

Chapter 234: Evening Party Riot (4)

Given the nature of the matter, I cannot provide an immediate answer.

A small old man who seemed to be a representative of the nobles said so without changing the stern expression on his face. Refugee relief was a significant issue for the kingdom, and it wasnt something that could be casually resolved without the kings permission. The old nobles response was entirely expected.

However, it was clear to everyone that this response was not what the bandits had hoped for. And perhaps they already expected this reply as the bandits showed no particular reaction.

Well, that was to be expected. Weve planned for this. Then let us suggest this to the royal family.

How dare you! To suggest exploiting the royal family for your schemes! Such insolence deserves a thousand deaths!

Say what you will. I am not a citizen of the Galar Kingdom, and I have nothing to lose. In any case, bring me a response within an hour. And unfortunately, for every hour of delay, the lady here will receive another scar.

No, this cant be

The husband of the woman taken hostage looked desperate and his face seemed to have aged dramatically in just a day. Realistically speaking, it seemed unlikely that a response could be arranged in just one hour.

But it was impossible for a loving husband to remain calm, knowing his wife would be harmed even once. He collapsed on the spot then quickly raised his head with a determined expression on his face.

I understand your demand! I will use up all my familys wealth if I have to, but I will make it happen! Please release my wife!

Hmm? Thats an interesting offer, but I must decline. It wont change the Galar Kingdoms attitude towards refugees. Whats essential is that the kingdom shows a sincere intention to help the refugees.

If thats the case, I will personally persuade His Majesty! Please, let me go to the royal castle!

He was a nobleman who loved his wife, and he had resolved to bear all burdens himself to save her, but the bandit leader rejected this, stating it did not align with his goals. So, the nobleman insisted on persuading the king within the given time limit. He pleaded desperately to save the wife he loved.

However, some of the nobles began to realize something: if they could leave to persuade the king, it meant they could step outside the confines of this perilous mansion. It was an opportunity to escape from this dangerous situation.

Wait! For such an important matter, it would be difficult to persuade His Majesty alone! Therefore, I should also

No, no! If someone is to accompany him, I should be the most suitable!

In that case, someone from my prestigious and historic family should

The nobles began to demonstrate their own excellence and they started competing with eachother to seize the chance to leave under the guise of persuading the king. Although their appeal points varied, they all shared a common trait: their language remained arrogantly high-handed despite essentially groveling to the bandit leader.

Watching the nobles desperately try to escape and leave others behind, the bandit leader narrowed his eyes in amusement. As the clamor of the self-promoting nobles began to wane, he spoke up.

Very well. Lets do this. Lord Viscount, you will go and persuade the king. In recognition of your desperate efforts to save your lady, the punishment will not be administered every hour, but every two hours instead.

Understood! I will surely persuade His Majesty within two hours!

And as for who will accompany you

Who would be able to escape to safety? That decision was about to be made. Few nobles maintained a composed expression, with many praying to be called upon.

The bandit leader slowly scanned the room and then cracked a sinister smile. His face revealed an unmistakable streak of sadistic pleasure, making it clear to the nobles that he intended to make a decision with malicious intent.

It seems there were those among you who fervently proclaimed their own usefulness. Well, its fine for all such individuals to go. Surely, His Majesty the King cannot ignore being persuaded by a host of capable vassals.

I-is that so? Thats commendable

However, only one of you may leave. Your accompanying partners must stay. Lord Viscount made the decision to leave to save his beloved wife. You all will be placed in the same situation.

The bandit leader concluded that this would make them more desperate. At such gatherings, unless one was single or had a specific reason, it was customary to bring a partner. He was telling them to leave that person behind.

This left the nobles unable to keep their composure. To secure their own safety, they would have to sacrifice their partners lives.

Whats the matter? Arent all of you confident in your ability to persuade the king? Its just leaving your partners behind for a mere two hours.

The bandit leader asked this in a genuinely curious tone, but everyone knew one thing for sure. It was absolutely impossible to persuade the king in just two hours.

The reigning king was a mediocre king with only mediocre talent. He was neither a great nor a tyrannical ruler, just a mediocre one. In peaceful times, he was the sort of person barely mentioned in history books, and had it not been for wars or other significant events, future historians would hardly have considered studying him.

However, this king had one particular trait that troubled his servants: he was a miser. or in other words, he was stingy. His penny-pinching ways were extraordinary. He always instructed his Finance Minister, Robert, to keep the budget at the bare minimum and he detested any expenditure beyond that.

For the Finance Minister Robert, who was responsible for the kingdoms finances, the kings frugal nature was seemingly a blessing but in reality it was quite troublesome. The king wanted to cut even the necessary expenses, and he even considered it a virtue to do so. Therefore, it had become part of Roberts job to convince the king to approve the essential amount of budget needed.

Irrespective of the faction he belonged to, Robert worked tirelessly as the Finance Minister to ensure that the budget essential for the countrys administration wasnt reduced. In other countries, finance ministers often had to urge the royal family to limit their lavish spending, but this king had no interest in extravagance. Robert was certain that no other finance minister faced the same struggles as him.

But back to the matter at hand. A king who refused even the usual budget increases, approving additional support for refugees who were not even his own citizens, seemed as likely as the world turning upside down. So the nobles agreeing to this deal would be tantamount to abandoning their partners.

In the past, partners were considered essential for forging connections between families. The moment one chose to abandon their partner, a major rift would form in the relationships bound by blood. Even if there was already some relationship discord, there was not a single person who dared to raise their hand in defiance of this fear.

Whats the matter? Time is running out!

Enough, move aside! Ill go alone!

Wait. I will also go.

The person who said this and raised his hand was the former Marquis Cornell Kehren, who had an unconcealable look of anguish on his face. Although he has retired for the time being, he was a politician who demonstrated his capabilities as the Foreign Minister. If there was anyone in that room who could persuade the king, it had to be someone of at least the Marquiss caliber.

.It seems you are serious. Then, let us have your partner come forward. If I recall correctly, you have brought your granddaughter with you.

I have no intention of hiding her. Fio, come forth.

A Aight

When Cornell called out in a gentle tone towards the balcony, two girls appeared. One was timid and scared while the other was elegant and confident. They were Fiora and Lieselotte, Cornells granddaughter and her new older friend.

Following closely behind them were Lieselottes attendants, alongside the girls respective guard warriors who followed the Goddess of Protection. They had hoped to escape via the balcony, but it seemed the bandits were well aware of this possibility. The girls had been watched beforehand and thus were unable to move.

Stay calm and wait here until this old man returns. Dont worry, leave everything to me.


Please wait.

Although he spoke in a reassuring tone, Fiora was terrified by the focused attention on her. In her defense, Lieselotte stepped forward.

Young Lady Fiora is still a child. It is far too cruel to take her as a hostage. I will take her place instead.

And then she bravely offered herself as a substitute for Fiora. With this action of hers, Lieselotte surprised everyone, even the thieves. They had expected words of pity or pleas for mercy from the innocent and pretty girls mouth, not such a bold offer.

Among them, the one most astonished was Cornell, who had resolved to have the bandits take his granddaughter as a hostage so that he could leave the venue. He began to speak with a change in his complexion but was stopped by Marianne, who was beside him. Then Gina, who stood behind Marianne, whispered something into his ear. After opening and closing his mouth several times, he bit his lower lip as if to restrain himself.

How noble of you Very well. In respect of your will, I shall accept you as the hostage.

Big Sister Liese

Lady Fio, please excuse me for a short while. I will return promptly.

After she gently stroked the head of Fiora, who looked up at her with anxious eyes, Lieselotte began to walk, accompanied by her guard and attendants without showing any hint of fear. However, the bandits at the entrance of the balcony used the tips of the spears in their hands and pointed them at her guards Hilda and Chris.

Oh, your two guards should stay here.

That is fine. However, I would like to have a servant accompany me.

Hmm I will allow one. It must be unsettling to be without anyone by your side.

Thank you. Leo, shall we go?

Y-yes, young lady

Liselotte, accompanied by Leo, approached the bandit leader until they were right in front of him. Next to the lady, who had already been taken hostage, they were confronted by other bandits who pointed their sword tips at them. Lieselotte quietly accepted this situation. (f)ree

No one else claims to be the right one. it seems. Then, I permit the two of you to leave. But remember, the fact remains that we have hostages.

I will certainly persuade His Majesty! Absolutely!

Lieselotte, wait for me.

The two who were assigned as negotiators quickly departed from the venue of the evening party. After a while, the sound of two horses galloping away from the mansion became audible. In the now-silent venue, this sound resonated strangely, filling the space with its echo.


TN: It seems like I mixed up the chapters in Evening Party Riot chapters; sorry. I included a chapter that wasnt finished and mixed up things. Now its fixed.

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