Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 60: The Counterattack Operation (4)

Chapter 60: The Counterattack Operation (4)

As demons, we had higher physical abilities than the average human, even in human form. And when we transformed into our demon form, our physical abilities increased significantly compared to ordinary humans. In addition, all of us were capable of enhancing our physical abilities using our fighting spirit. So what was the outcome of that? The answer is simple: We could run as fast as cavalrymen.

“Kill them! Chase them! Cut them down! So we can go back quickly!”

“Let the cavalry on our side take the lead. We will steadily eliminate the enemy soldiers running at the tail end of the line.”

Tigar led the charge valiantly, while Zald commanded calmly, directing his companions to kill the enemy soldiers. Occasionally, some enemy soldiers would turn back and shoot metal fragments, but I was leading the demon squad in pursuit, and they couldn’t hurt me with their weapons. Instead, those who stopped running to retaliate were the first to be cut down.

Perhaps they realized this, as the enemy soldiers from then on ran relentlessly without looking back. I still couldn’t understand what they were saying, but their voices from the front were filled with intense fear. The fear of death was the same for all living creatures, and I could painfully understand that feeling.

However, it was they who invaded us. They were the ones who started this war. That’s why I didn’t hesitate. Since it was their own actions that led them to this situation.

As we attacked the retreating enemy soldiers from behind, we could hear screams and shouts from the front. The cavalry unit, which had taken a wide detour to get ahead, seemed to have launched a surprise attack from the front. As expected of an elite unit, their formidable fighting spirit and spiritual power could be felt all the way from our position.

The invading army, already demoralized, must have been thrown into chaos by this pincer attack. The enemy soldiers initially stopped and attempted to retaliate, but soon gave up and dispersed in a disorderly retreat. The cavalry unit gathered together to pursue them.

Should we join in the pursuit as well? I had just pondered this when I received another telepathic message from Orvo. He began by saying, “Return now.”

“This is the cavalry unit’s job from here on out. If we take too much credit, we’ll be resented. We’ve done enough,” he added.

“…Alright. Let’s go back.”

“Let’s retreat. But don’t let your guard down.”

It seemed that was enough. Tigar and the others began to retreat as ordered. They sheathed their weapons and wrapped cloth around the blade, changing their bodies from demon form to human form.

I did the same, wiping the blood off my sword before sheathing it and softening the exoskeleton covering my entire body, reverting to my human skin. Then, together with the members of the demon squad, we began our journey back.

“I’m sorry. We misunderstood you,”

“I won’t forget that you risked your life to help us. Thank you,”

As we journeyed back, Tigar and Zald halted and bowed their heads in gratitude towards me, with the other members of the demon squad following suit. I shook my head in response. While I appreciated their gratitude, I had only did this with the intention of keeping my promise to Leo.

Furthermore, their survival was not a result of my individual strength but of their own strength. Thus, I shook my head, though they didn’t seem to understand what I was trying to convey. Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but be impressed by their humble and modest nature.

Should I speak up? But my voice is so hoarse that I can barely hear it myself. I don’t want to disappoint my new allies, with whom I’m building a relationship. Hmm, what should I do…?

As I was pondering this, we arrived at the large carriages. The Lugall and Kadaha units split up and each got into their respective carriage. I also entered the cage before fixing the shackles on my tail and limbs.

“Great job, everyone~! The counterattack was a huge success! We captured all five fortresses. It looks like the imperial soldiers died in the chaos, but… no one on our side died,” Orvo announced as he arrived at the back of the carriage a while later.

He explained the results of the counterattack strategy. By simultaneously attacking all five fortresses, the enemy’s reinforcements were unable to concentrate in one place, resulting in the plan’s success. No matter how powerful the invading army was, they couldn’t handle being attacked in five different places at once.

However, the cost of the operation was also significant. According to Orvo, the number of casualties varied by location, but in the most heavily affected area, they lost over half of their mobilized soldiers. I couldn’t help but feel relieved that I wasn’t sent to that battlefield.

Incidentally, this fortress had the second-lowest number of casualties. If the person who was supposed to lead the cavalry had been able to move, we might not have had to struggle so much. I cursed the nameless and faceless imperial commander in my heart.

“Anyway, we’re heading back to the imperial capital now. I’ve been summoned by His Majesty the Emperor. I don’t know what it’s about, but I can’t go against the sponsor’s wishes.”

It seemed that we wouldn’t be sent to the next front line. I was a little surprised to hear that. Even though it was a short time, I had assumed that I would remain on the front lines since I had once been there for so long.

Our carriage began to move slowly. I didn’t know what I would be made to do in the capital, but I was sure that I would be able to enjoy a peaceful and calm time for a while. Therefore, I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.


The Imperial Army’s counterattack operation was a success. The news of this accomplishment had reached the capital city by the end of that day, thanks to the use of spiritual arts. The Imperial Army had a special military surveillance unit directly under the command of the Emperor which constantly provided up-to-date reports.

The Emperor was greatly pleased and satisfied upon receiving this information. However, the reaction of the court officials was somewhat different. They were relieved from the bottom of their hearts.

While the Emperor was usually rational and composed, once he became angry, he could become uncontrollable and even execute people in the worst case scenario. With the possibility of that no longer being a concern, they could not help but feel relieved.

“Hmm… The precedent demon unit seems to have performed even better than expected,” said the Emperor.

The Imperial Court had several chambers used as offices by the high-ranking officials. Among them, the prime minister’s office was the most spacious and luxurious, with various lavish furnishings crammed inside.

The prime minister read the report sent by the military surveillance unit and learned of the demon unit’s success in the counterattack operation. He had reasonable expectations for the demon unit, having heard of the impressive results achieved independently by only one of them on the central front. Thus, he proposed to the Emperor to create a demon unit using the skilled and disposable atonement soldiers as materials.

And what happened next? The demon unit invaded the enemy’s fortress alone, destroyed the gate from the inside, rampaged inside for a while, and then buried over a hundred enemy soldiers from behind. Even considering that they were skilled soldiers to begin with, the results were beyond expectations.

If they were to mass-produce demons and make them into a legion, they could become a significant military force. Their performance was so impressive that even the prime minister of a great nation was convinced of their usefulness. The Emperor was also reading the report, so he was sure to recognize their value.

“He’s not the type of man who research studies for the sake of status or honor, but rather for the research itself. He’s what you call a ‘research idiot.’ He will never act against our orders.”

However, there was one major obstacle before the plan could be put into action. It was none other than the creator of the demons and the only person who knew the method, Orvo. He had no interest whatsoever in the outcome of the war. His only interest was his own research.

The reason he was lending his power to the Coalition army and the Empire was solely to secure human subjects for his research. The Empire was currently of value to his research, but he would leave immediately if he lost that value.

People of this type would only try to escape more the more they were forcibly restrained. They were excellent but difficult to control, making them very difficult for rulers to handle and incorporate.

“Now, what should we do? His Majesty is probably already aware of his accomplishments. He would surely want to increase the number of demons. However, even the Empire’s spiritualists have no idea how that spiritualist is doing it. When I indirectly asked him if he could produce more, he said that without thorough preparation, the performance would decrease and unforeseen circumstances could occur… Oh dear, His Majesty’s mood will worsen again.”

The Prime Minister let out a sigh and proceeded to carry out his usual duties in his office. As the Emperor’s assistant, the Prime Minister held the highest position in the civil service, and his workload was extensive. It was only because he could manage his demanding duties every day that he was able to continue as the Prime Minister of the Empire.

As the day drew to a close and he thought about returning to his mansion from the court, someone visited him while he was leaning heavily against his chair, feeling exhausted from a full day’s hard work. He hadn’t planned to meet anyone at this time, but the civil servant who greeted him said that the visitor was the head of a venerable noble family who accompanied by a single retainer.

The prime minister was not someone who did not understand the significance of a nobleman visiting him at such an hour without an appointment. Despite his fatigue, he pushed through and welcomed the nobleman and his apparent spiritualist retainer into his office.

“Long time no see, Lord Carnelios. Has it been since the Emperor’s birthday celebration?”

“Yes, that’s right. Please forgive my rudeness in visiting you at this hour without making an appointment beforehand.”

“Please raise your head, Lord Carnelios. If you came despite knowing that it was rude, then it must be a matter of great importance, am I right?”

When the nobleman was welcomed into the office, the Prime Minister appeared amiable, but as he received the nobleman, his gaze became sharp while maintaining the same expression. The nobleman known as Lord Carnelios also responded with a serious expression.

“That’s correct. Before we proceed, I would like to confirm something. Your Excellency, are you aware of the story about the demon unit that performed remarkably on the front lines?”

“Yes, of course. As the Prime Minister, it is only natural that I would know.”

“Then, are you also aware that the spiritualist who accomplished this is said to be a thief who stole that technique from others?”

“…..What do you mean?”

At first, the Prime Minister did not understand what Lord Carnelios was trying to convey. A spiritualist who possessed the ability to create synthetic beasts using human beings, a feat that had been deemed impossible until now. He had even brought examples of his success, having synthesized over forty such beings in the empire. His achievements were beyond doubt.

However, it was difficult to believe that it was all stolen. At least the Prime Minister found it hard to believe.

“Is that true?”

“It would be best to hear it from the person claiming to have had their work stolen himself.”

With those words, Lord Carnelios turned his gaze to the retainer who stood behind him. The latter took a step forward and performed the imperial salute before speaking.

“It is an honor to meet you, Your Excellency. I am Karelvo, Orvo’s older brother. I’m the one who has had his technique for creating demons stolen.”

As Karelvo stood with his head lowered, a smug smile crept onto his face, hidden from the two men by his hood. This was a moment in the distant capital city, far from the battlefield, when a sinister plan began to take shape.

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