Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 86: The Interrogation (1)

Chapter 86: The Interrogation (1)

Following Marcellus and Decius, we turned back towards the fortress. The first thing we saw was an impressive fortress, already completed. Unlike the invaders’ fortifications, this once was made entirely of stones, and it gave off a sense of grandeur and solidity. However, it was understandable that it felt less reliable compared to the walls of the invading army.

The walls extended significantly outward, probably as a countermeasure against the same war chariots as the four-legged, fire breathing war chariot we had brought back. With that shape, it would not be easy to breach… as long as it remained intact.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed large ballistae and catapults on top of the walls, as well as cylindrical weapons that were likely confiscated from the invading army. It created an intimidating atmosphere. Even if we were attacked before launching our counterattack operation, it seemed that we could hold our ground to a certain extent.

Marcellus took the lead as we approached the fortress, carefully observing its details. It seemed that we were also granted permission to enter. I couldn’t help but wonder if the children and the two beast demons were present within these walls as well. Sharpening my senses, I searched for any signs of their presence.

(…There they are, over there.)

The presence of the children and the two beast demons was indeed within the confines of the fortress. Surrounding them were not human beings but numerous horses and similar creatures. That was likely the stable. It seemed that we would spend our time near the stable until the counterattack operation.

Marcellus and the others completed the formalities and proceeded toward the central part of the fortress, separating from us, the demons. As expected, we were brought to the stable by different imperial soldiers. The soldiers simply instructed us to wait here until further orders and quickly returned to their posts.

“Welcome back, Father! Mother!”

“Welcome home!”

Once the imperial soldiers departed, the children, who had been hiding in the wagon, emerged and rushed towards us. The children seemed accustomed to enduring hardships, but loneliness is still loneliness. They clung to the adults, seeking comfort.

After rejoicing our safe return for a while, we began to organize our living space. The interior of the stable was meant for horses used in carriages, which we couldn’t utilize. We set up our tents in a nearby area that wouldn’t obstruct the imperial army and sought shelter there from rain and wind.

We swiftly set up the tents, having grown accustomed to using them during our monitoring mission. I, too, had grown familiar with the process. Before we knew it, the tents were all in place.

“It’s a bit smelly, isn’t it? But that’s probably because the imperial soldiers don’t come around here much,”

“We don’t know when the order to march will come again. Once you’ve eaten the supplied rations, make sure to rest properly while you can,”

After setting up the tents, Tigar and Zald issued instructions to their respective subordinates. Then, Mika served the food he had prepared with a few other demons. Everyone, including myself, savored the meal, and the demons retreated into their tents to rest.

Following the meal, the demons gradually settled into their own tents to sleep. I sat beside the familiar wagon, which had become my designated spot. Mika stood beside me, motionless. I let out a soft sigh and glanced in Mika’s direction.

“Please don’t be so dismissive. It was you who gave me the determination to live. As a follower of the “God of Shadows” I need a guiding light to serve. So it is only natural that you assume responsibility, isn’t that right, my Lord?” Mika said.

After our return from the brink of death, Mika expressed his desire to serve me. I initially told him that I didn’t need any attendants, but Mika insisted on me taking responsibility. I reluctantly relented, telling him to do as he pleased, and he began to constantly stay by my side.

Mika acknowledged that his role could be likened to that of a butler, but I found no particular need for such a position. Nevertheless, I held no objections, allowing Mika do as he pleased.

Moreover, Mika’s change from seeking death to no longer desiring it had a positive impact on the entire demon squad. He became more proactive in conversations and developed good relationships with many other demons. His closest bond was with Rinne, followed by those who learned various skills from Mika.

Not only did Mika gain popularity among the children by teaching them how to handle Shuu and Apao, but he also garnered praise from warriors eager to master the culinary arts, delighting in the taste of his dishes. Mika swiftly earned the trust and admiration of nearly everyone within the demon squad.

Just as I was thinking of Mika as a very slick fellow, I heard footsteps approaching our direction. It seemed to be a single person on foot. The fact that I noticed meant that Mika noticed as well. As expected, Mika was also looking in the direction of the approaching footsteps.

“Oh! You’re awake! Perfect timing. There’s a place I want you to come with me to. Please follow.”



It was Marcellus who had arrived. Both Mika and I had no reason to refuse, so we agreed and followed him. He began walking towards the center of the fortress.

While ignoring the imperial soldiers’ eyes, who stared at us unabashedly, we arrived at a sturdy, low building located in the center of the fortress. The building had no windows, but instead, iron bars were fitted in place. I had a hunch. This place was a prison.

Marcellus called out a word to the guard standing in front of the heavily reinforced metal door, who then handed something to Marcellus before opening the weighty door. Mika and I entered the building with Marcellus.

The building was indeed a prison, just as I had suspected. It was cleaner and devoid of the unpleasant smell compared to the underground prison of the mansion given to Orvo. However, the gloomy atmosphere and the chilly air carried a distinct prison like sense.

I searched for any signs of life within the prison. Surprisingly, there were quite a few presences. Some were soldiers patrolling, while others remained motionless, likely confined to their cells. Except for one person, they all seemed to possess average skills that didn’t deviate from the standard of Imperial soldiers.

The sole exception was someone I recognized, someone who was down in the underground. Whether Marcellus knew this or not, he descended the spiral staircase leading to the underground. Mika and I followed suit, descending into the depths.

The underground of the prison was eerily quiet. We walked through the underground corridor until we reached the front of the solitary confinement cell, the same cell where the woman with blue skin—the White Armored Soldier we had captured—was held.

The woman, dressed just as she was when we captured her, had her limbs restrained by chains extending from the walls of the cell. However, the chains seemed to be of sufficient length, allowing her to move around within the confines of the cell. She didn’t appear to be bound by a “Binding Collar” or anything similar, like we were. It was quite disheartening….to think that a prisoner had more freedom than me.

“The reason I brought you two here is none other than this one. We’re about to interrogate this prisoner, and I wanted you here to protect me if anything happens.”


Marcellus revealed the purpose behind bringing us here, and it seemed that the woman in the cell, who had been sitting on a shabby bed, noticed our presence upon hearing his voice. With an intense burst of energy that seemed capable of tearing the chains apart, she stood up and vigorously shook the bars, shouting angrily in our direction.

Though we didn’t know the reason for her anger, it was so sudden that we instinctively tensed up. At that moment, I aimed the stinger on my tail towards her, and her voice gradually grew quieter. Ah, I see. Perhaps she has developed a slight trauma from being stung by the tail multiple times.

As I swayed the tip of my tail from side to side, the woman’s gaze, accompanied by beads of sweat on her forehead, followed its movements. It appears that she was indeed afraid of the stinger.

“Huh? She’s quieter than I expected… Well, that actually works in our favor.”

Marcellus took out a large key and entered the cell. He then attached a black device to his own ear and attempted to hand the same device to the captive woman. However, she was so focused on following my tail with her eyes that she didn’t seem to notice Marcellus entering the cell, let alone accept the device.

Unable to do anything else, Marcellus swiftly attached the device to the woman’s ear. Finally realizing what was happening, she quickly jumped back and tried to remove the device attached to her ear.

“■■■■!■■■■■■!” (Wait, wait! Don’t take it off!)


“Oh, I see. It’s a translation device. It automatically converts the thoughts of the one who attached it into a language that can be understood… Theoretically, it was said to be possible, according to Master Orvo. But I had no idea it had reached the practical stage.” Mika said.

Marcellus’s voice, filled with urgency, sounded like a dual echo in my ears. One side was in Ditto, the common language used on the continent by everyone, while the other side was in the mysterious language used by the invading forces. It was a translation device that made such communication possible… Truly, a convenient tool had been created.

The captive woman, perhaps noticing the change, ceased her attempts to remove the device and released her grip from it. Witnessing this, Marcellus visibly exhaled in relief.

“■■■■■■■■.■■…” (Let’s introduce ourselves first, I am…)

“■■■■■■■■,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.” (Before that, tell him to lower his tail down.)

“■■■■, ■■■■■■■■” (Understood. Mr. Scorpion, please lower your tail.)

Following Marcellus’ request, I complied by lowering my tail. At that moment, the woman displayed a blatant sense of relief. It seemed that her trauma had been quite intense… I felt a slight twinge of guilt.

Perhaps emboldened by my gesture of lowering the tail, the woman sat on the bed and crossed her arms and legs. Despite being a captive, she assumed an air of self-importance. I briefly considered wagging my tail at her again, but such an act might be perceived as disrespect towards Marcellus. So, I remained composed and watched her closely.

“■■■■,■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.” (Okay, let’s talk. Are you curious about me? I’m Marcellus, by the way, and I’ll be asking you several questions. It would be helpful if you could answer them as honestly as possible.)

“……■■■■■.,” (I have some conditions.)

“■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.” (What are they? I’m willing to accommodate your requests as much as possible.)

“■■■■■” (Increase the amount of food.)


“■■■■■■.■■■■■■■, ■■■■■■■■” (Include dessert as well. If you do that, I’ll share some information.)

“■■■■■■■■■; ■■■■■■■■■.” (Alright, I’ll try to negotiate with the higher-ups.)

“■■■■■■. ■■■■■■■, ■■■■■■■?” (Negotiations have been successful then. So, what do you want to ask?)

Upon hearing that the condition for negotiation was an increase in food, not only Marcellus but also Mika and I were taken aback. We wondered if such a trivial matter would suffice.

However, the woman’s expression showed that she was dead serious. In response, Marcellus adopted a tone as if he were about to fulfill a difficult task. And so, with all of us present, the interrogation of the captive began.

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