Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 90: At the headquarters

Chapter 90: At the headquarters

“…..The above was the content obtained from the interrogation of the White Armored Soldier, also known as Asumi Ishakram. As no anomalies were heard from the translation device, it is believed to be entirely true… or rather, true from her own perspective.”

After parting ways with the hades scorpion demon and Mika, Marcellus reported the information he had extracted through interrogation to the Chief of Staff. Present in the room were not only the Chief of Staff but also several of his subordinates, including the division commanders of the First, Third, and Fourth Divisions, along with the leading general. f reeweb novel.com

Those in charge of the headquarters of this front line were gathered before him. Marcellus was only the captain of the 6th Battalion of the 8th Regiment of the 1st Division. Although he was by no means a low-ranking soldier, his position was far inferior compared to those present in the room. Since entering the room, he had been constantly nervous.

“Hmm… the existence, history, and circumstances of the northern continent. It’s truly an intriguing story.”

“Indeed, it is interesting, but wouldn’t it be of little use in directly formulating strategies or tactics?”

“No, the fact that negotiations have become possible is a significant achievement in itself. If we can extract valuable information going forward, it will be worthwhile. Well done, Mr. Orox. You will continue to be assigned with the task of interrogation,”

“Yes, sir!”

Among those present in the room, including the general and the chief of staff, many praised Marcellus for his accomplishments. Within the obtained information, there was hardly any directly useful intelligence for the operations. However, there were numerous voices acknowledging that the mere ability to hold conversations with previously unreachable adversaries was a significant achievement.

Although he was recognized by individuals with much higher positions in the Imperial Army than himself, Marcellus couldn’t afford to feel proud. The tension made it difficult for him to respond, and he could barely manage to give his replies.

“By the way, it’s quite unusual that one of the conditions presented for negotiations was to have lavish meals… It seems like too meager of a compensation, even considering the difficulties we’ve been facing with food shortages. I suspect there must be some mix of truth and falsehood in the captive’s story,”

“Well, well, it could also be that the captive simply lacks loyalty toward her own country,”

“Regardless, it’s fortunate that the translation device has the ability to detect lies. The development department has done a great job… though I wish they wouldn’t go on and on with lengthy and incomprehensible technical explanations,”

“Speaking of the development department, I heard that they were moved to tears when they saw the nearly intact fire-breathing war chariot that Mr. Orox and his team captured. They reported that, with the weapon undamaged, they were able to fully understand its mechanism. It won’t be long before the Imperial Army begins producing fire-breathing war chariots of their own,”

“It’s safe to say that you contributed in changing the history of the Imperial Army. Petty officials with small minds might become envious and jealous of your accomplishments.”

The general and the chief of staff laughed cheerfully, and although the remarks about jealousy were mere jokes, they didn’t ease Marcellus’s tension. The old officials in the headquarters directed warm gazes toward the apprehensive young man.

“Enough with the jokes… It goes without saying, but we’ll report this to our home country. It’s mere speculation, but it might involve sharing the information with other nations. If the stories from this captive are true, it could be useful to know that there are individuals within the Republic Army who question the idea of war,”

“Are you aiming to exploit internal divisions? Your Excellency, it might be possible for the Empire, but… on other fronts, there are many who have suffered the destruction of their countries, so it could be challenging,”

“Hmm… in that case, if only the Empire were to make peace, we would be isolated on the continent. What we do will ultimately depend on His Majesty the Emperor’s wishes… but it’s highly unlikely that he would ever allow peace to be made with the invaders who ravaged our land. He is a resolute ruler,”

Marcellus listened to the conversation unfold before him, wondering why someone like himself was privy to discussions that seemed to touch on classified matters. However, since he hadn’t been ordered to leave yet, he stood upright, awaiting further instructions.

Right then, a knock came from the door. The general gestured for the person to enter, and it turned out to be the captain of the Military Law Enforcement Unit who appeared. With brisk movements, he saluted and briefly glanced at Marcellus before starting his report.

“My apologies for the disturbance, Your Excellency. There is an urgent matter that needs to be reported.”

“Hmm, proceed.”

“Yes, sir! A brawl broke out within the fortress earlier, but the military law enforcers swiftly brought it under control. The problem is that the instigators of the brawl were the demon summoned by the guest spiritualist and the squad of former Atonement Soldiers turned demons.”


Hearing the report from the captain of the military law enforcement unit, Marcellus widened his eyes. He had no idea how such a situation had occurred. Although he had many questions in his mind, there was one concern that immediately escaped his lips.

“Are the members of the demon squad unharmed!?”

“Who… Who do you think you are, questioning me!?”

“Mr. Orox, I understand your concern for your subordinates, but please try to remain calm.”

“I-I apologize, sir…”

Marcellus confronted the captain of the Military Law Enforcement Unit, but the Chief of Staff intervened to calm the situation. After regaining his composure, Marcellus took a step back and apologized to the captain. With a snort and a stern gaze at Marcellus, the captain continued his report.

“Fortunately, there have been no casualties, but there are numerous injuries on both sides. For now, we have detained them in the prison, but the guest spiritualist is protesting. He demand the release of his demons and the execution of the demon squad. How should we proceed?”

When the Hades Scorpion Demon appeared and began wreaking havoc, Karelvo sensed the danger and fled to a safe location. However, despite his belief that his creation would prevail, the outcome was a resounding defeat.

Enraged by this turn of events, Karelvo protested to the captain of the Military Law Enforcement Unit, demanding the execution of the demon squad as solely responsible. Considering Karelvo’s position as a guest spiritualist invited by the Emperor himself, the captain hurriedly reported the incident, taking that into consideration.

“Do we have a clear understanding of what transpired?”

“Yes. It appears that the guest spiritualist instigated an unprovoked attack on the demon squad while they were on break, and in turn, they retaliated. We have gathered consistent testimonies from multiple soldiers who witnessed the incident. There was no time for them to coordinate their stories, so it is safe to assume that this is indeed the truth.”

However, the consideration shown by the captain of the Military Law Enforcement Unit towards Karelvo had its limits. Though he possessed an arrogant demeanor, the captain and his unit remained dedicated to their duty. This was because only the most exceptional and unwaveringly loyal individuals were chosen to serve in the Military Law Enforcement Unit. They swiftly conducted their investigation and had already grasped the truth.

The general placed his hand on his chin, directing his gaze towards Marcellus and the Chief of Staff. He had heard doubts regarding the usefulness of the newly synthesized demon unit voiced by the Chief of Staff. Unintentionally, it had become clear which force was stronger between Marcellus’ demon squad and Karelvo’s newly created demons.

“I see… Once the injuries of the new demons brought by the guest spiritualist have healed, release them. We must uphold his reputation. However, the execution of the demon squad will be rejected. We cannot afford to lose such a formidable force in vain. They are not only crucial for the recapture of Carnela Port but also for the upcoming war.”

“Then, should we also release the demon squad?”

“No, leave them in the prison. We cannot allow another similar brawl to occur. Furthermore, for the sake of discipline, one of the parties must remain in confinement.”

The general’s response was to partially grant Karelvo’s request. The demons created by Karelvo would be released. However, the execution of the demon squad, which served as a great fighting force, would not be allowed. Executing them would bring no benefits to the Imperial Army, only the disadvantage of losing valuable assets.

However, the demon squad would not be released from prison either. By doing so, it would appease Karelvo to some extent, prevent further brawls, and demonstrate to other soldiers that discipline was being upheld. Although the demon squad would bear the brunt of the decision, it was an inevitable outcome given their weaker position.

“Your Excellency, may I offer my opinion?”

In response, Marcellus, who had been tense until now, spoke up. No one expected him to challenge the general’s decision, and all eyes turned to Marcellus.

Among them were stares that harbored clear hostility, much like the captain of the Military Law Enforcement Unit. However, Marcellus showed no signs of backing down. Intrigued by his demeanor, the general allowed Marcellus to speak, curious about what he would say.

“Hmm, go ahead and speak.”

“Yes! I, as a junior officer, agree that keeping the demon squad imprisoned is the right decision. However, three members of the squad have successfully carried out that perilous mission to infiltrate Carnela Port with me, while the others have been engaged in monitoring duties in the planted forest. Taking that into consideration, could we possibly improve their treatment while they are in prison?”

What Marcellus sought was not to overturn the general’s ruling. Ideally, he would have wanted to release the demon squad from prison. However, he couldn’t present any benefits to the general that outweighed the decision to keep them imprisoned. Therefore, he thought of at least improving the demons’ environment to some extent.

When the general heard his opinion, though his expression remained unchanged, he secretly admired Marcellus. Rather than emotionally challenging his judgment, Marcellus appealed for better conditions while highlighting the demons’ achievements. He was a considerate and compassionate commander toward his subordinates.

“…Very well. It seems that the demons’ presence is crucial for interrogating the prisoner. Captain of the Military Law Enforcement, on which floor are they imprisoned?”

“They are on the second floor, Your Excellency.”

“Then, we will grant them limited freedom on the second floor. Also, provide them with the same meals as the captive prisoner. Is that acceptable?”

“We are grateful for your generous treatment, Your Excellency!”

“In return, I expect them to work diligently in the operation to recapture Carnela Port. Now, dismiss!”

“Yes, sir! Thank you for your understanding!”

Marcellus, surprised with the unexpected generosity, expressed his joy and deeply bowed to the general. With a triumphant cheer in his heart, he left the headquarters.


TN: They will receive same meals as the woman prisoner who negotiated for better meals already.

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