What If… Harry Potter

07 What if Harry was pure evil and no one knew? Part 1

(Warning: This is going to be odd. Some gore, death, technically incest, underage sex, harem, etc., etc.)
It wouldn't let me post the whole thing as one chapter, so it's it two parts. Here's the first 61,000 words.

I became aware on that fateful night. My plan to create a horcrux with the Potter brat's death had failed. Mostly. Part of my soul had broken off from my body and lodged itself into the boy's cursed scar. At least, that's the conclusion I had come up with.

According to the old geezer that examined me, the real me had apparently died and now I was just a remnant of the dark lord trapped inside a baby's forehead. Little did he realize it was just me in the boy's head. His little brain had almost nothing in it. No real personality for me to corrupt, no life experiences besides a baby's first year, and no way to stop my more experienced mind from taking over.

Being a baby with an adult's mind was the worst experience anyone could ever wish for. Wet and dirty diapers, being unable to move how you want, and being force-fed baby food. Of course, I never got the food first. No, I got it after the fat tub of my cousin had his fill and I got the remains. I couldn't wait for my body to mature enough for me to start using magic. I would get the nasty woman back for how she treated me.

It took several months before I got my chance. Petunia had laid down on the couch with her tub of a son on her chest and she had left me on the floor. I didn't mind, because it gave me the chance to do something she would hate if she knew I had done it.

You see, I needed nourishment and I wasn't getting it from the dregs the woman gave me, so I decided to take things into my own hands. My little baby hands pulled my little body up to stand beside the couch and my goal was in sight. I carefully pulled her top open and eased her bra down enough to access my target. I played with the nipple a little to pop it out and smiled.

Sweet nourishment. I thought and carefully put my lips around the prominent nipple. I sucked gently and tried to not do it too hard, because I didn't want her to notice. If she did, my hopes that she would assume it was her son were less than ideal. Luckily, she didn't notice, and my mouth filled with delicious milk. I kneaded her breast very softly and I felt my body grow a little bit stronger. It really was a wonder why breast milk was so much better than anything else.

My covert feeding plans went on for quite some time. Petunia never questioned why when she stopped breastfeeding the tub that she kept lactating. I didn't enlighten her and kept up my routine every time she slept, no matter where she was. The best part was that I started to feel a familiar tingle that magic gave me and used that to make sure Petunia stayed asleep just long enough for me to finish eating.

Since I had a good handle on my magic and my temper, I never let them know that I was odd or had anything special about me. I knew what muggles would do to someone with magic. These muggles were hateful enough towards me without proof that I was a wizard as well.

It was a good thing that my spell repertoire was vast and I only had to wait for my magic to get strong enough to cast spells. I knew all of the low powered ones by heart and used them covertly. By the time I was five and ready to go to school, I had several hundred British pounds, several pieces of jewellery, and more blackmail material on my uncle than any reasonable person should have. Since I wasn't a reasonable person, it was appropriate.

The walrus of a man that was my uncle dropped myself and Dudley at the school. As soon as the car started to drive away, Dudley turned towards me with a grin on his face. “Start running.”

I wasn't stupid and did as he said. Little did he know that I could enhance myself slightly with magic and pretty much disappeared from the fat boy's sight right away. I wasn't going to let the implied threat to my person go unanswered, however.

When the bell rang and Dudley was walking with the other kids in the neighbourhood that shared his penchant for hurting others, I cast a stinging hex at his backside. He yelped and turned to punch the kid behind him, who just happened to be his best friend, Piers Polkiss.

“Quit it!” Dudley spat and walked away from his shocked friend.

It made me laugh. I was going to have so much fun torturing these little bastards, now that I was out of the house and could get away with it.

I stayed quiet in class and knew that if I drew attention to myself, I would be worse off. I had lots of experience with the same thing when I had been in Hogwarts, so I made sure that my marks were exactly in the middle of the rest of the students. No one complained and no one tried to get me to work harder. It was perfect.

I didn't make friends, thanks to Dudley threatening everyone. I honestly didn't care. They were children and I wouldn't have a conversation with one when I was an adult. Why would I try when I was a kid again with an adult mind?

I snuck around the school for months and mapped out the different rooms, caught several of the teachers doing naughty things, and robbed them blind while they did it. With my accumulating wealth and tricking the bullies into bullying the other bullies, I really enjoyed my time there at the school.

I survived the year at school and was soon stuck at home again for the summer. It wasn't so bad, though. I had easily been getting out of my cupboard for years and made sure I always had enough food to eat. Especially my favorite drink that was slowly making my aunt go insane. I had endless pleasure from the listening charm I put on the kitchen table.

“Why won't they stop?” Petunia asked as she dabbed at her wet top. “It's been years since Dudders drank from me!”

“I don't know, Pet. Have you gotten checked out?” Vernon asked without looking from behind the newspaper.

“Yes, they said that my body is just used to being a mother.” Petunia spat, angrily. “Maybe if I was still nursing, it would make sense!”

I covered my mouth to stop my laugh. If she only knew that I drank from both of her breasts every single night. Sleeping charms were the best, right behind lactating charms to keep her breasts nice and full for me. If I had cared about such things, I would have appreciated that despite her face, her breasts were actually quite attractive and her nipples were large and supple.

“BOY! Get out here and do your chores!” Vernon shouted and unlocked my cupboard.

I complied, of course. He would never know that I took money from him for every chore I did. It was only fair, after all. Who doesn't want to get paid for their work?

“Don't burn the bacon.” Petunia told me with a stern face.

“Yes, Aunt Petunia.” I said and cooked breakfast for them and the tub of lard. I always made more than they asked me to, knowing full well that they would eat everything and not care that they were doing exactly what I wanted. I was slowly killing them by overfeeding them and they did it willingly.

The summer soon passed and I did chores outside as well. None of the neighbourhood kids approached me as they watched me work. They were too scared of Dudley to chance trying to be my friend. If they only knew that I was much scarier than Dudley, they wouldn't look at me with sad faces. Perhaps I needed to step up my enhancement rituals? Having to wear these horrible glasses was a pain in the ass.

It took me a month to find and gather the right ingredients. I had lucked out and found a messenger owl two streets over at old Figg's house. Of course, I investigated and found out that she was a spy for Dumbledore. The idiot always kept one of her windows opened for her cats to come and go when they wanted and I overheard her reporting in. I was going to have a lot of fun with the old bag. She didn't need all of her toes anyway.

When the ritual was done, I felt great. I didn't need my glasses anymore and I could feel my magic even stronger than before. I wasn't going to rush things, however. I wasn't stupid. I was in this for the long run and no one was going to stop me this time. The wizarding world would never know what hit it. I cast a notice-me-not charm on my face and went home. No one asked about the missing glasses.

The next school year came and went, with more money and jewellery for me and more bullying for the bullies. The other kids would have thanked me if they knew it was me putting the bullies against each other. Poor Dudley was all alone and the other bullies kept trying to get him. He was too big for them to get the upper hand, so it was technically a draw again this year. Maybe next year I'll try to help them overcome the odds. Nah. It's too much fun watching them struggle with the 'pig in a wig'.

I chuckled and thought that I should thank Sally for that nickname. She's cute in a little girl kind of way and teasing her will be fun. When she wasn't expecting it during recess, I snuck over to her while the other kids were playing a game of Hide and Seek and kissed her cheek.

“EWW!” Sally said and wiped at her face. “You're yucky!”

“I like you, too.” I said and laughed when she swung her fist at me. “Missed me!” I took off running and didn't see her blush. I laughed again when she was found because of her yelling after that. She hollered my name and chased me. It was definitely fun teasing her.


School moved on, as did time, and soon it was several years later. The bullies of the school had suffered several 'accidents' that couldn't be attributed to me. I was much too sneaky to be caught. If I could evade fully grown wizards during a time of war, escaping from powerless muggles was child's play. Ha. I made a pun.

Wait, that's not right. I think something's wrong with me. I shouldn't be having fun. I was supposed to be plotting the downfall of magical society to rule over the sheep. What the hell am I doing? I think I need a drink. Ah, Petunia. I enjoy the taste of your breasts most of all. Oh, damn. I really think something is wrong with me. I'll think more about it later. Right now, there were nipples to suck and delicious milk to drink.


Today was the day. My eleventh birthday and the letter I was waiting a decade for. I went outside to do my normal chores and to my surprise, Sally had come to the house and ambushed me. Before I knew it, she was kissing my face all over and hugged the life out of me while calling me her first boyfriend. I wasn't sure why I didn't fight her off.

It felt oddly nice, even though she was only eleven and I had the mind of an adult. Or, at least I thought I did. My time as a child had apparently warped my sense of self to the point that I wasn't as concerned about much besides living day to day. I took pleasure in playing, watching television, and having a girl that I thought hated me, give me immature kisses when no one was looking.

I almost missed seeing the owl as it landed on the hedge behind Sally. I waved to the bird and motioned to Sally, and it seemed to understand. I didn't have to wait long before Sally became embarrassed and took off, telling me she would always love me and would see me next summer. I didn't know what the warm feeling in my chest was. It itches.

I went to the owl and untied the letter from its leg. I pulled out my response from my pocket and tied it in place. “Back to McGonagall, please.”

The owl hooted and took off, so I folded up the letter and tucked it into my pocket. I wouldn't get to open it until tonight. I wouldn't tell anyone I was going anywhere until I left, which would be after one more blood ritual. I wonder how long it will take for Dumbledore to miss old lady Figg and wonder why she's not reporting. That reminded me that I had letters to write and prepare as well.

Once I left, I wouldn't be back for about a year. I had thought about staying away or getting my own place, then realized where I was had good wards. I would have to upgrade them, however. The paltry ones Dumbledore set up were pathetic. Leader of the Light? He was more like the Leader of the Blind. He was almost as evil as I was and none of them could see it. The idiots.

I finished my chores later that day and went inside the house to make supper. I didn't bother trying to make enough for myself to eat, because I knew they would say something about me not deserving any food today without actually admitting it was my birthday. I was glad I had cast impotence spells on Uncle Walrus and Duddikins years ago. I wasn't sure why neither of them had ever mentioned it.

That night after everyone went to bed, I cast several sleep spells on them and wrote the letters I wanted to send out and two I would leave on the breakfast table. One was for Vernon to let him know I would be away at boarding school and one for Petunia to let her know I was really going to miss suckling on her bountiful breasts. They really were delicious and I emphasized that as much as possible.

I wonder what she'll think about after finally finding out why she's still lactating ten years after giving birth. I wish I could be here for that. I knew better than to be at hand when she discovers that it was me that's been playing with her in bed for the last few years and not Vernon, though. I'll have to rely on my imagination until I come back next year and pluck the memories from her head.

In fact, since this is my last night here, why not give her one last thrill? I put the letters where they needed to be on the table and in sight, put the others in my backpack to be sent when I left. I made my way up the stairs and entered my aunt's bedroom to go over to the bed. She was a hard looking woman, and yet, I felt some affection for her.

I opened her top and indulged myself as I played with her breasts and suckled on them. I soon had my stomach filled with her milky goodness and my eyes drifted down to between her legs. I didn't fail to notice that she was wet. My mind accepted that she enjoyed what I was doing as much as I enjoyed doing it, so my fingers slid down her belly and into her panties.

“Mmm.” Petunia moaned in her sleep as my fingers played with her.

I felt oddly connected with her as I gave her pleasure that I knew she wanted. I tried to stop those thoughts, because I didn't want her to be happy at all. My fingers didn't stop, however. It was like they had a mind of their own and soon, Petunia let out a satisfied moan. I removed my now soaked hand and looked at the large wet spot on the bed.

Who knew that the horse faced woman was so horny that she could get off so quickly? I asked myself and smelled my hand. Why does it smell like pancakes? I thought and stared at my wet fingers. I opened mouth and stuck out my tongue as I moved my hand down to taste it, just to see if it did taste like it smelled... then I shook my head and stopped myself before I defiled my mouth with a muggle's fluids.

It never crossed my mind that I had been kissed a dozen times by Sally and had a lot of her saliva in my mouth. It was funny how my brain worked at justifying things. I cast several cleaning charms to clear up the mess and looked back at Petunia's peaceful face. I wasn't sure why I felt bad about calling her horse faced.

I thought back to Sally and her proclamation of loving me, which was something I had never heard before. I stared at Petunia and for some reason, I wished that she had said something similar to me at any point during the last ten years. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“Goodbye, Petunia.” I whispered to her and left the bedroom.

I went downstairs and grabbed my money and jewellery stash, tucked them in my backpack, and left the house. I walked several streets over to where I knew Sally lived and went to the mail slot of the front door to drop off her letter. I changed my mind and walked around the outside of the house, listening to the surface thoughts of those inside, and found Sally's room. I easily opened her bedroom window and climbed inside.

Sally was asleep in her bed and was only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of thin frilly shorts. She was the ultimate girly girl, despite trying to be a tomboy, and her bedroom reflected that. She had pink things everywhere mixed with sports things and I almost laughed at the teddy bear wearing boxing gloves.

That's fitting. I thought and took out the letter and the small box with a necklace in it. I put them on her desk, in clear view of the bed, and propped the letter up on the lamp. I must be a sentimental old fool to give a little girl jewellery, then I shook my head at my foolishness and climbed back out through the window and shut it silently.

My next stop was Figg's place. I had one more ritual that I could do, as long as the old woman had enough blood in her. If not, I would have to brew up a blood replenishing potion or add some of my own blood. It wouldn't be as effective if I did; but, beggars couldn't be choosers.

Luckily, the old woman had just enough inside of her to power the runes I carved in the wood floor. With her life's blood pouring over the ritual circle and her last breath filling the air, the ritual completed and power rushed through me. My muscles popped and veins appeared for a few seconds as my magic was forced through my body to enhance it. I also grew several inches and my hair grew out, as if I had reached puberty a couple of years early, which was the point of the ritual.

I had put it off for longer than I had wanted to, mainly because I didn't want to be here when they discovered Figg was missing. The further away I was from the crime scene, the better. Not that I was going to leave any evidence behind, anyway.

With my main task done, I erased the ritual circle and vanished Figg's body. I also robbed her of all her money and valuables before I walked down the street to an appropriate spot. No one was around, so I twirled in place and apparated to Charring Cross Road. The Leaky Cauldron was always open and I entered to see a young woman behind the bar.

“Hello, young man.” The young woman said. “It's a little late for you to be out, isn't it?”

“No, it's very early.” I responded and she chuckled. “I got my letter and came here as soon as I could. I need a room.”

“For the night?” The woman asked with a smile, because most of the night was over.

I had to smile back. “Do you give deals if I want to stay for a month?”

The woman laughed. “Cheeky little thing, aren't you?”

“Only because you want me to be.” I said and she laughed again.

“I'm sure we can come to an agreement, young man.” The woman said. “How about I give you a room for the remainder of the night and after you visit Gringotts in the morning, we can discuss further arrangements?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.” I said and gave her a slight bow.

The woman looked very pleased and grabbed a key from under the bar. “Please, follow me.” She said and led me to the stairs. “Don't be looking up my skirt, now.”

“I would be a fool not to enjoy the chance to admire such beauty.” I countered and she laughed. I wasn't surprised as she added a bit of a sway in her hips as she walked up the stairs. Her skirt was just long enough passed her knees that even if I was trying to look, I wouldn't see anything. I could tell that she did have a nice backside, though.

“Here we are.” The woman said and opened the very first door. “It's the smallest room and furthest from the bathroom.”

“That's fine. I'm only eleven. I can hold it for more than an hour, unlike some of the old geezers.”

The woman laughed and laughed as she handed me the key. “I'll... see you... in the morning! Ha ha!”

“Goodnight, Milady.” I said and took her hand to kiss the back of it.

“Oh, such a charmer!” The woman said, her face full of amusement. “Goodnight.”

I closed the door of the room and set my backpack down. It really was a small room and I didn't mind that at all. It was huge in comparison to my cupboard and I felt almost free as I hopped up onto the real bed and laid down. This was going to be the start of something spectacular, I could feel it.


I left the Leaky Cauldron and went to Gringotts the next morning and pilfered the Potter vault. Who needed to carry a few thousand galleons on them? Me, of course. I also arranged for a full accounting and informed them I was raised by muggles and never received any notices from them and that someone had stolen my key. They were not happy and would investigate my claims immediately.

I went back to the pub and arranged with Tom, and the young woman who was his daughter, to stay for the month. They gave me a very good deal, especially since I agreed to stay in that tiny room that no one else wanted.

I sent the letters I had written the day before and wondered what everyone would think about it. It wouldn't be the first time that I had used the press and a lawyer at the same time. It should cause quite the scandal when the wizarding world learned that their savior, Harry Potter, had been kidnapped by Dumbledore and was raised by muggles.

I had to actively silence myself and laughed as I did my school shopping. I had cast an undetectable extension charm on my backpack, to the clerk's surprise, and bought my school books. I had thought about not getting anything and lying about not knowing the school could send someone to guide me, then decided to play things out.

There was no way that they would let me take my Owls and Newts without at least attending school first. Or having a wand. Boy, that was going to be a fun time. I sighed and went over to Ollivander's wand shop and went inside.

“Ah, Mister Potter. I was wondering when I would see you.” Ollivander said.

“Probably at the very time I received my letter.” I said and the old man smiled.

“Quite right.” Ollivander said. “Shall we get to it?”

I nodded and didn't flinch when his tape measure flicked all over the place to measure me. I knew it was just a distraction as the man used his magic to assess my capabilities and compatibility.

“Hmm. It seems that you are going to be a difficult customer.” Ollivander said and tapped his chin.

“I doubt that.” I said with a smile. “I have a feeling you know what wand to try first.”

Ollivander's eyebrows rose at my words.

“Even if you thought that I had been raised by wizards, which I wasn't, you should assume that I heard the story. We both know the wand that was used that night.”

Olivander sighed. “Yes, we all know. Yew and phoenix feather. An infamous wand for just that one act and it hasn't been seen since.”

I wasn't sure what to say to that, so I stayed silent.

“I'll be right back.” Ollivander said.

I nodded and watched as he went to the back of the store and retrieved one box and came back.

“Holly and phoenix feather. It is the closest match to that wand, considering it has a feather from the same phoenix.”

I picked it up and my hair fluttered and a glow appeared as red sparks shot out the end. “I knew it.”

“Yes, it's not surprising, really.” Ollivander said and almost looked sad. “We can expect great things from you, Mister Potter. After all, He-who-must-not-be-named also did great things. Terrible, yes; but, great.”

I nodded and handed over the requested gold for the wand and left. I hadn't felt this strong of a connection with a wand in years, which meant that it really was my power that was flowing through this body and I hadn't co-opted it or altered it. I couldn't explain it, however. How did my magic get into this body when all I wanted was to make a horcrux?

I pushed those thoughts aside and went to Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions. I needed new clothes and this would get me my Hogwarts outfits at least. I would need to go out to muggle London to get pants and shirts that would fit for casual wear.

“Hogwarts, dear?” The older lady asked.

“No, I've come here to ask you to marry me.” I responded with a straight face.

Madam Malkin looked surprised for a moment, then she laughed. “I suppose I shouldn't assume that everyone coming in is a student.”

I nodded. “As you can see, my attire is atrocious and I need it replaced with actual clothing.”

She looked at me and frowned slightly. “Should I ask what happened?”

“I'm wearing an overweight muggle cousin's hand-me-downs. I haven't had anything new since I was a baby.”

Madam Malkin gasped and ran over to me. “You poor thing! I'll handle getting you a whole new wardrobe as soon as possible!”

“As is appropriate for my future wife.” I said cheekily, and she snorted a laugh.

“You better hope I never take you seriously, young man.” She said and led me over to a small platform. “You know we live a long time and the age difference doesn't matter once we reach majority?”

“Are you warning me or propositioning me?” I asked, which made her give me an appraising look.

“Let's get you stripped off before I make that decision.” Madam Malkin said with a smirk.

I laughed this time and she helped me remove most of my clothing to leave me in just my underwear.

“Oh, dear. The underwear, too?” She asked, sadly.

“I made sure to wash them three times before I used them and I also wore them inside out the first time, just in case.”

Madam Malkin tried not to laugh, then she couldn't help it. “Oh... oh, that...” She laughed for several moments before calming down and used her measuring tape on me. She did it with her hands at first, then she let the tape go and it kept going by itself as she wrote down the numbers. “Yes, I see. Good, that's good. Hmm, nice sized rib cage. A little small in the hips...”

“Hey! I'm eleven!” I said and she chuckled.

“You make up for it with your plump cheeks, dear.” Madam Malkin said, appreciatively.

I wasn't sure what to say to that, since I was pretty sure she just complimented my ass.

“Do you want the standard school robes as well as a few general outfits?”

“High quality cloth and your best enchantments, please. I don't want to deal with itching or cold.”

Madam Malkin nodded and made several notes. “I can have everything done in a couple of days.”

“Can you bring in helpers to get it done faster?” I asked, curious.

“That is with helpers.” She said with a smile. “This is a busy time.”

I nodded and looked over at the rack of standard clothes. “Can I get pants and a shirt to wear right now? I don't want to put the others back on.”

“Of course. I won't even charge full price for them.” Madam Malkin said and grabbed what I wanted. It only took her ten minutes to make the necessary alterations and she handed me the clothing and new underwear. Boxer shorts. “Believe me, you'll thank me later. Briefs are too restrictive for... ahem.”

I raised my eyebrows at her and she chuckled and brought me over to the change room. I changed and came out looking like a different person.

“Oh, very nice.” Madam Malkin said and combed my hair with her fingers. “Do you want to pay now or when you pick up your clothing?”

“When I pick them up. I might think of something else to get before then.” I said and transferred my possessions from my old pants pockets to my new ones. “I'll see you in a couple of days.”

“I look forward to it.” Madam Malkin said as I walked to the door. “Oh! What's your name, young man? I need to mark the items with your name for school.”

I waited until I was about to go out the door before I turned around. “My name's Harry. Harry Potter.”

The shocked look on her face was priceless and I quickly sorted it into my permanent memory.

My trip into muggle London was uneventful. When you had money to spend, no one questioned why an eleven year old was out by themselves shopping. I didn't leave empty handed, either. You wouldn't believe the theft opportunities that muggles provided. It was almost as if they had no idea they could be robbed. It was both refreshing and hilarious. I actually came out of the mall with more money than I had when I entered.

I returned to the Leaky Cauldron and ate the first real meal I had in my life. When I took a drink of the milk I had ordered, I almost gagged. I was really going to miss Petunia's delicious breast milk.


The summer passed by quickly, with my review of the school books, getting my new wardrobe, and exploring all of the parts of Diagon Alley that wizards refused to talk about and constantly frequented. I went in disguise, of course. The world couldn't know that Harry Potter was going to Knockturn Alley for potion ingredients and dark artifacts, not after learning how he was raised.

Oh, that had been a great day for me when that edition of the paper arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. Everyone was talking about it, how the muggles needed to suffer for doing what they did to their savior, and Dumbledore's name being dragged through the mud. It was the best week of my life, especially when the young woman snuck into my room that night.

“Harry?” She whispered. “Are you awake?”

“I am.” I whispered back and she came in and shut the door. “What are you...” My voice dropped off when she dropped her nightgown to show that she only wore a pair of panties underneath.

“I'm so sorry about what happened to you.” She said and came over to the bed. She lifted the blanket and climbed into bed with me.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

She didn't say anything and looked into my eyes before she gave me a soft and tender kiss. Being the responsible man that I was, I kissed her back and didn't refuse her. She moaned a little and then she moved her hands down to see that I was only wearing boxers. She smiled and her hand slipped inside to touch me directly.

My left hand went to her breasts and my right went for her panties. She moaned even louder as we made out and felt each other up. If I had to guess, I was pretty sure she was fulfilling a fantasy for herself as she jerked me off. When my lips went around one of her nipples and I started to suckle, I felt her gush over the fingers I had between her legs.

“Ohhhh.” She moaned and laid back on the bed as I kept fingering her. “Oh! Ohhh... ohhh...oh.”

Her voice trailed off as she came several times, then she shivered as I came all over her hand. She was panting a little and her half-closed eyes stared at me as her eyelashes fluttered.

“Why... couldn't you... be older?” She asked in a whisper.

“I would have lost my first time to you if I was.” I whispered back and she laughed softly.

“This didn't count?” She asked and lifted her had to show the fluids that covered it.

I shook my head and lifted my own hand to show her it was covered as well, then to her surprise, I licked my fingers. She shivered again and moaned a little.

“Please... if you... know how.”

I smirked at her and nodded down at myself. “A fair exchange.”

She laid there and thought about it for a minute before she nodded. She moved down under the blanket and gasped. “It's clean!”

“I wouldn't want you to deal with the mess.” I said and then felt her appreciation as she did her best to pretend she was a vacuum. I had just finished, so it took her a little while to get me to go again.

She didn't mind, because she had a big smile on her face as she rolled over and shamelessly spread her legs for me. “Show me what you got!”

I wasn't going to disappoint her and did as she asked. In fact, I subtly used magic to enhance her sensations and made sure that she came a dozen times before she fell unconscious from pleasure overload. I cleaned us up and put her clothes back on her, then fell asleep with her asleep beside me.

Was it evil of me to give mind-blowing foreplay to an eighteen year old girl and probably ruined her for any other man that will probably only stick it in her and finish? Yes. Yes, it was. I didn't even know her name and I'd been staying at the pub for almost a month.

I chuckled when I awoke the next morning and found her cuddled up to me as if I was a teddy bear. Her lips were firmly planted on my neck and her breathing tickled my skin. I lightly pat her arm to try and wake her.

“Huuhhhh.” She sighed and then her lips started working and she kissed my neck several times. Her arms around me tightened and she moaned a little. “Why couldn't you be older?”

“You asked me that last night.” I replied.

She sighed and lifted her head to look into my eyes. “Yes, we would have had sex if you were.”

I nodded and kissed her lips. “What we did was great, though.”

She let a smile appear on her face. “Oh, it was. It really was.”

I chuckled again. “Now we need to get cleaned up and go get breakfast.”

She lost the smile and sighed. “Spoilsport.”

“You do realize I have one more night before I need to leave for the train, don't you?”

Her face brightened and she grinned. “Right! We can do it again tonight!” She exclaimed and kissed me quickly several times, then hopped out of bed. “I need to get dressed and... hey, I'm dressed!”

“I did that for you last night.” I said and stood up myself. “Do you want to use the bathroom first?”

She had a thinking look on her face, then she nodded and ran from the room.

I had to laugh at her and grabbed a different set of clothes from the day before and waited for her to finish cleaning herself up.

“I'll have breakfast ready when you come down.” She said and looked around, didn't see anyone else in the hallway, and kissed me before she ran down the stairs.

I went in and took a quick bath, just for propriety's sake instead of relying on cleaning spells, and dressed. I went downstairs and several others were there eating already.

“Right here!” The young woman said happily and came over to me with a heaping plate of food. Eggs, sausages, toast, and hash browns.

“Thank you.” I said and took the plate to a table in the back of the room and ate. I didn't really have anything left to do to prepare for school, so the day was pretty much just me wasting time. I didn't mind, because Tom's daughter kept me entertained. She had apparently traded shifts with someone else for the last couple of days, because of the higher traffic through the pub during the days right before September first.

She snuck into my room again that night and our mutual exchange made her very happy. At first, anyway. Once she realized she wouldn't see me again for a long time, she cried. Of course, being the evil bastard I was, I promised her I would lick her as many times as she wanted the next time. She agreed and we went to sleep with her hugging me.


I shook my head at the chaos in front of me on the train platform. I had intentionally tried to come early and all I got for my trouble was a gathering of press, parents, and students that all wanted a look at Harry Potter. It was a good thing I had expected something like it and had glamoured myself with red hair and freckles. It worked, because none of them actually knew what I looked like.

I boarded the train and found an empty compartment. I didn't have a trunk, since everything fit in my backpack, and I slung it onto the seat beside me as I sat down. I cancelled the glamour and took out a book with all my notes on what I needed to do to take over the wizarding world. Brute force didn't work the last time and I was reluctant to try it again. No, subtlety and stealth were needed this time.

I sat there going over my notes for nearly half an hour before the door of my compartment opened and a redhead entered. He gave me a look, especially at my unmarked forehead, then he left without saying a word. I had to chuckle at that, because it was clear that he was looking for Harry Potter.

The train started up and I was surprised that no one else had come into the compartment to either sit down or to talk. I supposed that there just weren't that many students this year. Just as I thought that, the door opened and a cute bushy-haired girl spoke huffily.

“Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one.”

I gave her a look and saw that she was already dressed in her school robes. “Did he think you were a Prefect because of your robes?”

The girl looked a bit surprised. “Yes, actually.”

I nodded. “Then I suggest you look for the first compartment in the first car. It's the Prefect car and they do patrols regularly. If anyone finds a toad, they should know about it.”

“Thank you.” She said and turned to leave, then looked back. “What book is that?”

“This? It's my guide to taking over the world. I'm only on page two, however.” I said and cast a very light cheering charm on her.

The girl let out a laugh. “That's funny.”

“The world is funny. Did you know wizards used to squat and poop anywhere they wanted to and would just vanish the mess afterwards?”

The girl looked surprised for a second and then covered her mouth as she giggled. “That's disgusting.”

“I'm sure everyone's noses were relieved when they discovered muggles had something called toilets.” I said and cast another charm to make her laugh more. “You see, for years they vanished the poop and not the smell.”

“Oh, my god!” The girl's face was red as she laughed and laughed.

I closed my book and tucked the notes away in my backpack. “I wonder if they'll teach that in History of Magic? The Great Poop Vanishing of 1840.”

The girl was in hysterics now and had both hands covering her face. Several people walking by had poked their heads into the compartment to glance at her. She had to wave them away and couldn't tell them she was laughing at poop. It was just too stupid to say out loud.

“I'd say the Prefects should have heard of the missing frog by now.” I reminded her and she stood. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Like... likewise.” She said with a chuckle and left.

It took another half an hour before the compartment door opened again and I kept my face impassive as Malfoy's brat stepped into the compartment. He gave me a sneer and a squinted look, especially at my forehead, then he huffed and left.

Apparently, Malfoy didn't get my letter or he ignored it. I thought and went to the door. Perhaps a lesson is needed for him to remember his place.

I stepped out into the hallway and flicked my hand at the blond boy's back. He let out a yelp and fell forwards onto his face before the two large boys could catch him. They picked him up and they moved on. I stepped back into my compartment and closed the door again.

My next letter should reach Lucius just as his son discovers his new affliction. I chuckled and sat back to relax for the rest of the train ride.


“First years! This way! First years!” The giant of a man named Hagrid shouted.

I ignored him and went to one of the carriages with my backpack over my shoulder. “No need to wait for others, thestral. Proceed.”

The thestral let out a huff and trotted around the other parked carriages. With a much lighter load, it practically ran to the castle, much to my delight. When we reached the castle, I hopped down and summoned a nice slab of steak from Hagrid's hut.

“Thank you.” I said and fed the meat to the beast. “You have time for another load if you wish.”

The thestral gave me a baleful look and I laughed and pat its head.

I left it there on the road in front of the castle and went up to the large oak doors. “Home.” I whispered and the doors clacked and swung open for me. I held back my smile at the welcome and nodded as I entered the castle for the first time in decades.

Some of the teachers were at the head table and I wasn't stupid enough to go right into the Great Hall. I stayed there in the Entrance Hall and waited for the others to come. I cast a subtle glamour on my robes to make them Griffindor colors and only had to wait ten minutes for the first large group of students to arrive. I slipped in with them, thanks to a notice-me-not charm to my face, and sat down with the Griffindors.

I dropped the ignore spell on my face after a few minutes and no one paid me any attention. Yes, I'll fit right in with this house of the brave and ignorant. I thought with amusement. Hiding in plain sight is so much fun.

Soon, the Great Hall was filled with students and the first years were brought in to be shown off like a little parade. I was pleased with myself for avoiding the whole thing and watched the other first years fidget under the stares of all the other students.

The sorting started and it went on for quite some time. When the bushy-haired girl from the train was sorted into Griffindor, she hopped up from the stool and ran to the table... only to stop and stare at me.

“Hello! Welcome to Griffindor.” I said and took her hand. I helped her sit and she kept staring at me. “Is there something on my face?”

“No! I.. I just thought...”

“...that I was a first year?” I asked and she nodded. “I am.”

The others at the table turned and looked at us.

“But... how did you...”

“Magic.” I said.

“Harry Potter!” Minerva McGonagall said loudly.

“Excuse me.” I said and stood when I heard my name being called.

Hermione watched me walk over to the stool and I almost laughed as her mind whirled through all the possibilities. She desperately needed to know how I had gotten to the castle before her and had Griffindor robes without being sorted first.

In fact, the entire hall seemed to be in the same boat. Watching a Griffindor go to the stool to be sorted wasn't a sight that any of them had ever seen before.

I sat on the stool and chuckled at McGonagall's shocked face. I took the hat from her and put it on my head. Hello, Fabian.

Tom? How... oh, that stupid old bastard. The hat replied. He's doomed us all with his machinations!

I chuckled again. Don't worry, old friend. You can see what I intend to do.

Yes, and it scares me that it's going to work very effectively. The hat said with a sigh.

I hope so. I thought with amusement. I'll make sure to put you on occasionally to keep you updated.

The hat was actually surprised by the offer and quickly agreed. “Better be... Griffindor!”

I took the hat off and handed it to McGonagall and went back to the seat I had been in before. There was only a smattering of applause because no one was really sure what just happened.

“Harry, how did you do that?” Hermione asked.

“I'll explain it all tonight in the common room. I'm sure we can sneak off to a private corner together.” I said and winked at her.

Hermione blushed and ducked her head. “O-okay.”

Yes, this was going to be a fun year. I thought and put my arm around her waist. “You and I are going to be great friends. I just know it.”

Hermione lifted her head slightly to look into my eyes to see if I was lying.

“Really, we are.” I said and leaned close to whisper in her ear. “I've read all the school's books and can cast everything.”

Hermione gasped and her eyes widened. “No way.”

I used my other hand to make a small space on the table that only she could see, then conjured the head of a red rose for her.

She reached for it and hid it from view as she pet and felt it. “It's real.”

“As real as you want it to be.” I whispered. “It can last an hour or ten years, depending on how intensely you concentrate.”

Hermione looked into my eyes again. “How long for this?”

I smiled a smug smile. “It's for you, my first magical friend. So, forever.”

Hermione sucked in a sharp breath and stared down at it as she blushed.

“It's also unbreakable and won't wither.” I whispered and made it glow as I cast the spells wandlessly.

Hermione gasped and looked at my hand. “Where's your...”

“Shh. It's a secret. Remember tonight.” I whispered and sat up straight after she nodded.

“Ronald Weasley!” McGonagall called out and the lanky redhead that tried to find him on the train ran forward.

“Oh, no. He's coming here, isn't he?” I asked out loud, which made several people around me laugh.

“All the Weasleys are sorted into Griffindor.” Someone said proudly and I turned to see three redheads.

“Damn, there's more of you?” I asked and more people laughed.

“Griffindor!” The hat called and the people at my table clapped and congratulated the latest member.

“Hey, budge over. I need to sit here.” Ron said to Hermione.

“There's lots of room at the end of the table.” I said.

“Best mates sit together!” Ron exclaimed.

“Yes, and they are. Can you not see me hugging her?” I asked and lifted my other arm briefly, then put it back. “Hermione and I are great friends and we're going to take over the world together.”

The others around us laughed again and started joking around. Ron gave us a longing look and moved a couple people down and sat beside a dark skinned kid.

“Are we really?” Hermione asked in a whisper.

“If you can learn what I can teach you, then yes.” I said and leaned my head against hers. “I would try to do it alone; but, I know it won't work. I need a partner. Someone who's smart, dedicated, and wants to change the world as much as I do.”

Hermione's eyes almost lit up at my words. “I... I do. I mean, I want to. I mean...”

“Shh. Tonight.” I said and she nodded.

With the sorting done, the feast began. I wasn't surprised by the mounds of food and quickly filled my plate to eat heartily and to get the best nutrients for my growing body. I noticed Hermione doing the same thing and we exchanged knowing smiles.

The headmaster stood when the meal was done to give his speech. I ignored most of it, right up until he mentioned the third floor corridor and a painful death. I almost burst out laughing and not for the reasons people thought. Oh, no. It was the perfect opportunity to gather specific ritual ingredients, especially if I could entice a few idiots to check the place out.

I heard the redheads discussing it and ignored them. They were too obvious if they disappeared. It would have to be a nondescript student from Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.

“First years, come with me.” A pretty voice said and I looked up to see a handsome dark skinned girl with slightly puffy lips that looked like they wanted to be kissed.

What kind of thought was that? I asked myself and stood up with Hermione. She stayed by my side as we followed the prefect over to one of the redheads and they both led us through the castle to the Giffindor common room.

Ron kept trying to butt in between us and I put my arm back around Hermione to stop the redheaded idiot from getting closer to me.

“Do you want to get changed for bed before we talk?” I asked Hermione in a whisper.

Hermione looked conflicted as she thought about it.

“We might be a while and it would be better to be comfortable.” I said. “I'll even wear pyjamas.”

Hermione blinked her eyes at me and mouthed the words 'you don't wear pyjamas'.

I winked at her and sent her up to her dorm and went to my own.

“Mate, you can't just ignore me all the time. We're friends and friends don't ignore each other.” Ron said as he followed me up the stairs.

“Would you rather I cut out your tongue so you'll stop talking to me?” I asked him as we entered the dorm and he made some kind of inarticulate sound. “No? Then piss off and leave me alone. You can't force me to be friends with you.”

“Hey!” Ron said and grabbed my arm to turn me around.

I let him and used my palm to smack him in the chest and used a stunning spell to knock him out. “What? A little tap and you're out? That's pathetic.” I said and looked at the other three boys in the dorm.

They looked at me and then at Ron crumpled on the floor.

I shrugged and grabbed the boy's shirt and dragged him to the unoccupied bed and left him there against it. “He was annoying me.”

“We saw.” A pudgy boy said and shrugged. “Serves him right. I hate pushy people, too.”

I nodded and went to my bed and took off my backpack. I quickly changed and used several cleaning and freshening spells on myself and put on a new set of pyjamas.

“Where's your trunk?” The dark skinned boy asked.

“I didn't need one.” I said and put my backpack back over my shoulder. “See you later.”

“You can't be out after curfew!” One of them said loudly.

“I'm not leaving the common room.” I responded and went back downstairs. I glanced around to look for my target and didn't see her, so I went to the far corner of the room and sat in the comfy chair there.

Ten minutes later, Hermione came down the stairs and she had her hair done up and pinned back. She was also wearing a nice set of pink pyjamas with little books on them. It was cute, I had to admit.

“Over here.” I said and waved to get her attention.

Hermione walked over to me and looked slightly hesitant. “There's only one chair.”

I stood up for a moment, glanced around to make sure no one was looking, then used my wand to expand the chair to be twice as wide. Hermione covered her mouth to hide her gasp. I cast several privacy charms to hide us and muffle our voices, then sat down and pat the spot beside me.

Hermione looked at me expectantly. “You're going to teach me that spell.”

I chuckled and held my hand out to her. She took a deep breath, held her head up, and took my hand. I helped her sit comfortably and put my arm around her. She didn't flinch or try to pull away.

“I like your hair like that.” I said and she gave me a squinted eyed look. “I didn't say I didn't like it before.” I moved my hand up slightly and rubbed her back a little. “I liked your hair before, too.”

Hermione looked skeptical.

“When you opened the compartment door on the train, the first thing I thought was that you were a cute bushy-haired girl.” I admitted as I looked into her eyes.

Hermione opened her mouth to accuse me of lying, then she blushed and looked away. “Only my mum says stuff like that and means it.”

“Oh? What does your dad say?” I asked, curious.

Hermione actually blushed more. “I'm... his little... princess.”

I smiled and nodded. “I'm sure they love you a lot to tell you those things.”

Hermione blinked her eyes and turned back to stare at me. She hadn't missed what I implied.

“Did you enjoy the trip across the lake?” I asked and her mind went right to where I wanted it to go.

“You promised to explain!” Hermione exclaimed.

I chuckled and leaned in close before I told her about the carriage ride, waiting for the other students, using glamors, and then waiting.

“No one noticed.” Hermione whispered. “You just acted like a normal student and no one noticed.”

“You got it.” I said and gave her a slight squeeze with the arm I had around her waist. “It's one of the best infiltration techniques. As long as you act like you belong there, almost no one will question why you are there and will assume you are supposed to be.”

“Wow.” Hermione breathed. “Oh, wow.”

“It's shocking, I know. The best thing is that it applies to almost everything. Going out in public. Visiting Diagon Alley. Coming to Hogwarts. As long as you pretend you fit in, everyone will believe you do.”

Hermione sat in silence for several minutes as she absorbed that little nugget of information.

I stayed quiet and let her stew in her own head. I casually followed her thoughts and didn't try to influence them at all as she came to the right conclusions.

“Teach me something.” Hermione all but begged.

“How about a privacy spell to stop any eavesdroppers?” I asked and she nodded.

For the next half an hour, I taught her one that she could cast either on herself, on others, or on an object. It created a small area that no sound would leave. She loved it.

“I did it! I did it! My first advanced spell!” Hermione gushed.

“I knew you could do it.” I praised her and she beamed a smile at me. “We should get to bed. It's getting late.”

“Okay.” Hermione said and started to slide off of the chair, then she turned back to look at my face. “Thank you, Harry.”

“That was nothing. Wait until we blow through all of this year's spells before Halloween.” I said with a smile.

Hermione let out a little shriek of delight, darted her head forward to kiss me, then she jumped off the chair like it was on fire. “I can't believe I just did that!” She exclaimed and ran, her face bright red.

I chuckled and cancelled the spell on the chair and ended the area privacy spells before I went upstairs to the boy's dorm and went to bed.


I was up early the next morning and left a note for Hermione before I made my way to the owlery to deliver a letter to Lucius Malfoy. I went to the Great Hall after that. When I sat down for breakfast, I received a not-quite-unexpected visitor.

“Scarhead!” A whiny voice spat from nearby and I ignored it. “Hey! Potter! I'm talking to you!”

I slowly turned to look at the ponce. “Obviously, you are mistaken. I am called the Boy-Who-Lived, not Scarhead. You need to get your titles right before opening your mouth and letting nonsense flow out.”

Draco Malfoy looked like he was getting angry. “I came over here to...”

“...insult the heir of the House of Potter, in front of hundreds of witnesses, and to act like a fool.” I said and slowly stood up. “Is that the proper way for a pure blood to act in polite society?”

Draco's face went red.

“No, of course it isn't. You're just too arrogant to care about social protocol or how others will look at you for acting so childish in public.”

“When my father hears about this...” Draco started to say.

“I'm sure he'll get the truth from you.” I said sarcastically and then smiled. “Shall I give him the real story in my own letter?”

Draco's eyes widened slightly at that.

“Slink off back to the hole you crawled out from and stop making a fool of yourself and dragging your name into the mud even further than it already is.” I said and pointed to his guards. “Get him out of my face before I do something he will regret.”

Everyone was surprised when they did just that by grabbing Draco's arms and practically dragged him over to the Slytherin table.

“I can't believe that actually worked.” Hermione said as she walked over to me. “I'm not going to ask why they listened to you.”

I waved at the seat beside mine and she sat. “Everyone thinks they're dumb as dirt and they use that to confuse everyone.”

Hermione gave me a blank stare for a moment. “Okay. Wow.”

I chuckled and sat down. “They are members of the house of the cunning and ambitious.”

Hermione smiled and we enjoyed a nice breakfast without further interruptions.

Our schedules were delivered afterwards and we had a light day of courses. I thought it was perfect and Hermione looked disappointed.

“Hermione, this gives us loads of free time.”

“I know! What a waste of a good day to learn.” Hermione sighed.

I put my arm around her and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “It's not a waste if I'm teaching you.”

Hermione sucked in a breath and turned her head to look at me. I intentionally puckered my lips for her to 'accidentally' meet them and she automatically puckered her lips in response. For a split second. Then, she jerked her head back slightly, blushed deeply and ducked her head, then started to mutter under her breath.

“Come on, cutie. We have Transfiguration first.” I said to keep her flustered. She continued to sputter as I led her from the hall to the proper classroom and she calmed down when she learned we would be getting a lot of theory and would cast a practical spell in the same class.

Pretty soon, the day passed with me taking up all of the extra time teaching Hermione what she needed to know. She wasn't happy with what I was doing at first, then she understood when I explained how to build a house, you needed a solid foundation and then you could pile on the bricks. After reassuring her she would be ready in only a few weeks, she did everything I asked.


A week later, a parcel arrived for me during the morning owl deliveries. I wasn't surprised, considering what little Draco was going through. I never make idle threats and the ponce was confined to the medical wing until they tracked down where he could have gotten Spattergrout. That wasn't what I cursed him with, it just looked the same. A curse breaker could fix him up in a few minutes, as it was a common affliction in Egyptian tombs.

I would keep my word to Lucius and lift the curse if what I wanted was inside the parcel. I wouldn't open it at the breakfast table, though. No one else needed to know my business and I wasn't going to break the protection ward on the wrapping until I was in a secured location.

I felt several mental probes pass through my fake feeble defenses and see my fake memories of ordering a less than common book as a present. The probes faded and I held in my laugh at their not so subtle attempts to learn my secrets. One of them felt slightly familiar, so I would need to do a few little magical inquiries to see if my suspicions were right.

“What's that?” Hermione asked as I tucked the parcel into my backpack.

“Something to help us learn faster.” I said and she beamed a smile at me. She was so easy to entice with knowledge that I almost felt bad about corrupting her to be my right hand. Almost. I needed her and we did share similar goals. I was just going to change her motivations a little. It was going to take years of work; but, I had a whole lifetime ahead of myself and a lot of patience. Plus, she was really cute when she was happy.


It took me until the end of September before my search and detect spells discovered what I suspected. A shade of myself was attached to the back of Quirrel's head. I didn't know what part of me he had found, or if my other horcruxes were compromised. It was vexing, mainly because it would be difficult for me to get down into the Chamber of Secrets without him knowing. I would need to time things perfectly and wait for an opportunity to strike.


October came and went, with the last day being Halloween for the muggles. I wasn't sure why Dumbledore changed all of the wizarding celebrations to the muggle counterparts. It lessened the significance of the holidays and made people forget the importance of the solstices.

No matter. I had everything prepared for Hermione's first ritual, the same one I had done as a child to boost my magic potential, and she was very excited about being able to cast more advanced spells. We would go during the feast while everyone was busy and no one would notice us missing until afterwards, thanks to my subtle spells on our housemates to ignore us for the day.

When it was time, we snuck off to the girl's bathroom and I hissed at the fake sink. It opened and Hermione gave me the 'you will explain later' look. I nodded and called for the stairs. I closed the sink after we entered the tunnel and we walked all the way down to the bottom.

“I think that would make a great slide.” Hermione commented.

“If you like having old rusty water and dirt all over your robes, then yes, it would be quite fun.” I said.

“Are you a wizard or not? Cast cleaning charms on it.” Hermione said in a haughty voice.

I looked at her with wide eyes and she giggled. We continued down the new tunnel and came to the chamber door. I hissed for it to open and we went inside. There was no fear of the chamber's guardian, because it was in an enchanted sleep and wouldn't wake until the counter spell was cast.

“The third pipe on the left.” I said and she followed me to the spot. Inside was a small room that almost looked like the rest of the pipe. If you didn't know what to look for, you could easily miss it. I hissed a command and the pipe opened up slightly and the floor flattened out.

It took us ten minutes to set everything out and I placed the temporary rune carved markers where they were supposed to be. I used sticking charms to keep them in place, then told Hermione that she needed to take off as much clothing as possible.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped and hugged her robes tightly.

I chuckled and took her hands in mine. “I like you a lot, Hermione. More than I should.” I said and she blushed. “However, I will be facing away and getting everything ready for you. I will pass you the bowl when it's time and I'll chant the spell. I won't look and I won't be angry if you won't let me steal your knickers afterwards.”

“Harry!” Hermione blushed again and smacked me.

“Sorry.” I said with a grin, not really sorry, and she grumbled about cheeky boys as she pushed me over to the side of the circle. I quickly did the prep, not letting Hermione see what actually went into the bowl, and sat there to listen to her disrobe.

“I'm... I'm ready.” Hermione whispered.

“Don't be offended by what I ask you next.” I said and waited a second. “Are you completely naked? If not and you are still wearing your underwear, please tell me. I will need to change the 'bare as the day I was born' part of the chant.”

“You would do that?” Hermione asked, unsure.

“I told you before that I don't want to embarrass you. I'm trying to help you unlock some of your potential. If you need to keep your underwear on, it's only a slight modification to the calculations of the spell.”

“Thank you, Harry.” Hermione said and then took a breath. “I'm naked.”

I stopped moving and waited for a moment. “Really? No knickers or clips in your hair?”

“Oh!” Hermione gasped and I heard a little clatter. “Okay, now I am.”

I had to hold my laugh in. “Here's the bowl.” I said and held it out without turning around. “Take a small drink of the potion when I say, then slowly pour the rest into the channel at your feet. It will help empower the runes with my magic.”

“Your magic?” Hermione asked and took the bowl.

“I'm kind of jumpstarting your magical maturity. I would have you power it if it wouldn't have exhausted you, which would defeat the whole purpose.”

Hermione was quiet for a few seconds. “You can't increase nothing, right?”

“I knew you were the brightest witch I've ever met.” I complimented her and I could almost sense the blush she had. “That's exactly right. If you use up your magic to power the ritual, there's nothing left for the ritual to work with.”

“Th-thank you, Harry.” Hermione whispered.

“It's the truth.” I said and knelt on the floor to reach back and touch the closest rune engraving. “I'm starting the chant. I'll point to you when to drink and pour.”

“Okay.” Hermione said.

I started to chant and let my magic flow out. I thought I heard Hermione breathe a little faster and ignored it. I got to the point where she needed to drink and pointed to her. I felt the connection form and Hermione gasped. I pointed down and she must have started pouring, because I could feel the liquid flow through the carvings. I continued to chant and when I felt my fingers get wet, I said the final words of power and removed my hand.

“OHHHH!” Hermione moaned as all the power I had built up with the ritual was shoved into her body.

It took almost ten minutes for the feeling to abate enough for me to know that it was successful.

“Hermione? Are you okay?” I asked.

“I'm more than okay.” Hermione purred, then I felt her bare arms go around my neck from behind. “I feel wonderful and it's all thanks to you.” She then whispered into my ear. “My best friend.”

“Hermione, what are...” I started to ask, then she kissed my cheek. “Hermione!”

Hermione giggled and let me go. “Don't peek! I'm still completely starkers!”

I chuckled. “You're literally daring me to look, aren't you?”

“Will you?” Hermione asked. “Can you stand to keep your integrity with me so close like this?”

“I respect you, so yes. I promised you that I wouldn't look.” I said and didn't move. “You mean more to me than stealing a glance at your cute little ass.”

Hermione giggled. “How do you know it's cute?”

“All of you is cute, so it's a basic extrapolation of the proven evidence.” I responded and stood. Things went quiet after that and a couple of minutes later, her hand touched my shoulder.

“You can look now.” Hermione said.

I turned around to look at her and she was fully dressed. She even had her hair pinned back on one side. “See? You're totally cute.”

Hermione blushed a little and then smiled as she handed me a tiny bundle of cloth.

“What's this?” I asked and looked at it. It took me a second to see the little frills on the edges of the folded item. It was her knickers. “Hermione!”

Hermione laughed and leaned in to kiss my cheek again. “Thanks for doing this for me and for being a complete gentleman.”

“But... but this... why would you...”

“Just because you are a gentleman right now, I might not want you to stay that way.” Hermione said, cryptically.

I looked at the cloth in my hand and then at her face.

“Let's get out of here before they send someone to look for us.”

I shook my head. “No, there's one more thing I need to do while down here.” I said and took out the parcel Lucius sent me.

“Is that what you said would help us get stronger faster?” Hermione asked.

“Yes.” I said and opened the parcel after dispelling the protection ward on the package.

“A journal?” Hermione asked, a little surprised.

“It's much more than a normal journal.” I said and took out different ritual carvings and put the others away. “With this, I'll increase my magic potential to surpass Dumbledore.”

Hermione stared at me in shock.

“It's a magical repository.” I explained, not telling her that it was the very first horcrux I had made as a teenager. It contained half of my soul and magic at the time. My knowledge back then was severely lacking, so I wasn't as careful when doing forbidden rituals. I had actually captured more of my consciousness than the ritual specified. I wasn't worried about that, though.

“What are you going to do?” Hermione asked and moved to help me set things up.

“I'm going to absorb it.” I said and she gave me a slightly worried look. “It's all right. I learned a while ago how to bypass any protections or dangerous aspects of things like this.”

Hermione sighed in relief and we had everything ready in only a few minutes.

“Here goes.” I said and started to chant as I opened the book to the middle crease.

Hermione stepped back when she felt the magic swirl around the circle and watched me in fascination, as if memorizing what I was doing. I let her, because she would be seeing it a few more times if she was going to be my right hand.

The diary glowed and writing appeared on the blank pages. I ignored it and kept chanting. The writing became more frantic and I almost laughed at the desperation my younger self was displaying.

I am so far beyond you. I thought and shoved my hand into the diary.

Hermione gasped as my hand disappeared into the book.

I started to glow as the power of the horcrux was sucked out and was absorbed by my body. I cast a quick silence spell to stop the scream the diary let out, and let the soul piece dissolve and join with mine. My hair whipped around, even short like it was, and my clothing flapped and snapped in the torrent of wind inside the circle as my magic sucked up the magic in the diary as my hand rose back to the surface.

I sat back on the floor and then fell backwards onto the floor to lay down on my back, only to stare up at a very surprised Hermione. She stared back down at me and then she blushed. She didn't move, which surprised me, because I had a completely clear look up her skirt.

I gave her a very bright smile. “I knew it! You're completely cute all over!”

Hermione blushed furiously and then kicked my shoulder. “You prat!”

“Sorry.” I said, not sorry at all, and she shook her head and kicked my other shoulder. “You know, I can see more when you do that.”

Hermione glared down at me, then she smiled slightly. “I know.”

I burst out laughing and after a moment, she laughed, too. Apparently, she had no problem showing off if it was on her own terms.

I sat up, careful not to hook the edge of her skirt, and stood up. “Whew... okay, give me a minute.” I said and braced a hand on her shoulder.

“Are you all right?” Hermione asked, concerned.

“Power rush.” I said and she nodded in understanding. She had just had her own and knew what I meant. Getting your magic boosted so much took a little bit to get used to.

We stood there for a few minutes until I felt fine. We cleaned the place up and would dispose of the used wood carvings in the fireplace of the common room. After a couple cleaning spells, we left the chamber that I locked up again and we went back to the tunnel stairs.

I took Hermione's advice and as we ascended, cast cleaning charms on the pipes. I didn't miss the smirk on her face as I did so. “I'm not going to ignore a brilliant witch's advice.”

Hermione blushed for only a moment and then nodded. She was getting used to the praise quickly.

We made it out of the bathroom without incident and went all the way back up to the Griffindor common room entrance. We were both surprised to see a large group going inside with the Prefects counting everyone.

“Hurry up! Inside, inside!” The girl said and waved us in.

Neither Hermione nor I asked what was going on and sat together at the side of the room. It didn't take us long to hear about the troll in the dungeon and that Quirrell had told everyone about it. I gave Hermione a pointed look and she nodded. We both knew it was a distraction and the only one who knew about the troll, Quirrell, was the main culprit to want a distraction.

I leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Third floor?”

Hermione nodded slightly and didn't speak.

“All the houses were sent to their common rooms by the headmaster. Only an idiot wouldn't follow his direction.” Someone else mentioned.

“Hold on, is that right?” I asked and stood. “If the troll was in the dungeons, then the headmaster just sent the Slytherins and the Hufflepuffs to their deaths.”

“WHAT?!” Several people yelled, including the Prefects.

“Their common rooms are in the dungeons.” I said and everyone paled.

“We need to tell the teachers!” One of the Prefects exclaimed and ran out through the door.

“...and now we can see what an idiot looks like.” I said and a few people laughed. I sat down and put an arm around Hermione. “He'll be fine.” I whispered to her. “If the timing of the incident was the same as the second ritual, then the teachers should have dealt with the troll already. Unless they're all incompetent.”

Hermione gave me a reproachful look for a moment and then shrugged. “It's debatable.”

I had to suppress my laugh to a low chuckle. “I see someone is realizing the standard of education is somewhat lacking for exceptional students that need more of a challenge.”

“I've learned more from you in two months than I did on my own for almost a year.” Hermione said. “What we're being shown in class is barely starter material.”

I nodded. “I think that's why magical families have such an advantage here. They've been using magic for years and taught their children before coming to school.”

“That explains their good marks right off the bat.” Hermione said. “The muggle-borns and muggle-raised are at a distinct disadvantage.”

“They always have been.” I said and she sighed. “Yes, we will change that. Early accidental magic detection, more integration of magic into the schools, and better preparation for everyone to excel if they want it.”

“Yes.” Hermione almost growled, clearly eager to get the plans started.

“Easy, girl. It will take time. You know that.” I said and rubbed her back.

“What about finding others of a like mind?” Hermione asked.

“It's too soon for that. Like us, they are barely aware of the world they are in and how they will be treated.”

Hermione sighed. “I know you're right. I just...”

I leaned in close and whispered. “It's frustrating and there's not much we can do about it. Yet.” I reassured her. “Plus, I have you all to myself right now and I don't want anyone else to get between us.”

Hermione blushed slightly and turned her head to look at me, then she surprised me by pressing her lips to mine for a second. She didn't say anything and looked back at the others in the common room.

“I'm being seduced by an older woman.” I whispered to tease her and she giggled.

We were sent to bed half an hour later and Hermione gave me a particular look, tapped my pocket that I had her knickers in, and went up the stairs.

“Little minx.” I whispered and went up to my dorm with the other boys.


Nothing happened after the troll incident. No Aurors came to investigate, no punishments or reprimands for Quirrell, and none of the teachers would tell the students anything about how they dealt with the troll. I wasn't having that, so a few secret letters were sent out of the castle to get the ball rolling, as the muggles would say.

Two days and an article in the Daily Prophet later, the castle was swarming with parents concerned over their children, Aurors looking for breaches in the castle defenses, and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement yelling at Dumbledore for allowing a monster into the castle and for the weakened wards.

Madam Bones promised to be back in a week to check to see if they were back up to full functionality. With the castle this close to the forbidden forest, the wards needed to be at full strength. I agreed, mainly because it would mess up Dumbledore's plans for Quirrell, whatever they were. The headmaster looked properly chastised and I knew it was an act. His grandfatherly persona was too accepting to be anything but an act.


November rolled into December and Hermione informed me that she was going home for the holidays. I decided to give her a present early while we were sitting in the common room on our expanded armchair and handed her a notification from Gringotts.

“What's this for?” Hermione asked and opened the envelope to read what it said. She gasped and tears came to her eyes. “No, you... you can't! It's too expensive!”

I shook my head and took her hands in mine. “Your parents are too important to leave unprotected. The goblins will use the best ward makers and have everything installed before you go there for Christmas break.”

Hermione's lower lip trembled and I knew what was coming, a crying fit, so I stopped her by giving her a kiss right on the lips. I held it for about five seconds and then broke it.

“I'd empty my vault for you if it would make you happy.” I whispered to her, gave her another quick kiss, and ran for it before she realized I had stopped her from telling me that I couldn't spend the money. I was half-way out of the common room's door when she finally came back to her senses.

“HARRY! Get back here!” Hermione shouted.

“It's already paid for! Goblins don't give refunds!” I shouted back and took off down the hallway.

“HAAARRRYYYYY!” Hermione's voice yelled and was soon cut off as the portrait door closed.


“I'm going to miss you.” Hermione said softly and ducked her head as she pulled her winter coat on.

“You can write to me every day and I'll look forward to hearing about how your dad almost broke his neck skiing.” I joked and she didn't laugh. “I'll miss you, too.”

Hermione looked up and into my eyes. I let her see that I would miss her and she took a step forward to kiss me. It was only a second long, as if she didn't want to push things, and she stepped back.

“Happy Christmas.” Hermione said, picked up her backpack, and walked towards the common room's door.

“Are you two going out?” A girl's voice asked from behind me.

“No, it's deeper than that. Ever since we met, we've always been together.” I said as I turned and saw a dark skinned girl with long black hair and a curly haired blonde with white skin. Both were wearing their winter coats and carried clothing bags.

There was a squeal of happiness by the portrait entrance and I smiled, because I had spoken loud enough for Hermione to hear.

“But, you're only eleven.” The blonde said and looked a little confused.

“Ah, but she's twelve and we all know that girls mature faster than boys. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to tell me so. She is a Griffindor, after all.” I said and heard a soft giggle just before the portrait door closed.

The two girls in front of me looked at each other and then back at me. “Happy Christmas.”

“Happy Yule.” I said and bowed to them, then took each of their hands and kissed the backs of them. Both girls blushed and then ran past me and out the portrait door. I laughed under my breath and went back up to my dorm room to grab a book to read.


On Christmas day, I woke to see several presents at the foot of my bed. I wondered who the others were from and went to check them after casting a silence charm on the redhead that was still asleep in his bed.

The present from Hermione was expected and it was a book on advanced magic with a note to hurry up and teach her the spells inside. I chuckled and put it aside to open the next one. It was a small box with a fifty pence piece inside and a note.

“This was all I could get out of Vernon. Aunt Petunia.” I read out loud and laughed. “Well, she tried, anyway. I wonder if her breasts are still aching for me?” I asked and took out the coin, only to see another note. I read it silently this time and had to smile.

Petunia had read the letter I left on the table for her before I left home. She wrote that she was shocked that I had been using her like that for so many years... then she wrote that she wished I had returned for the holidays, despite Vernon's protests.

I laughed again and folded up the note to put back in the small box with the coin and put them into my backpack. The last package was a large brown wrapped thing and I opened the card on it.

“Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.” I read out loud again and shook my head. I recognized Dumbledore's handwriting and put the note aside and opened the package. I caught my breath at the flow of magic from the cloak that was inside. “The Potters had something like this and didn't use it?”

I pulled the cloak out and went to put it on, then froze. This wasn't right. I wasn't impulsive like this. I dropped the cloak and felt the magic ebb slightly. I knew what had happened immediately and ran my hand in the air over the cloak and cast dispelling spells to break the compulsion spells on it.

“Damn that old fool.” I said and cursed under my breath when I found the piece of cloth sewn into the back of the collar.

It took me nearly half an hour to remove it and not damage the immensely valuable Invisibility cloak. The piece of cloth had tracking charms, revealing charms, and the remains of the compulsion spells on it. It was an ingenious way to add enchantments to something that shouldn't hold further enchantments. It just pissed me off that it could have ruined the cloak and made it unusable.

I used several spells to dissect the point of the compulsions and it took me another ten minutes to discover the location. It was an abandoned classroom on the third floor. Something of high interest was there and the headmaster desperately wanted me to go there while no one else was roaming the castle, namely at night.

Now I had a decision to make. Do I fall into the trap like he intended, or do I ignore it and see where things go? I asked myself and sat down to stare at the cloak. No, I can't let him discover I can fight off his compulsions. I'll need to go tonight at the first opportunity.

I wasn't going to go without protections, however. I wasn't stupid, so I prepared several things for my late night excursion. Eye protection, magic resistant pyjamas, silent slippers, and the works.

I nodded and hid the things in my backpack with the cloak, then lifted the silence spell on the redhead before I left to go to breakfast. It was a simple affair and I avoided the few others that were sitting at the smaller tables used during the holidays. I barely spoke unless spoken to and everyone noticed how withdrawn I was.

“Is something wrong, my boy?” Albus Dumbledore asked me as the empty plates disappeared.

“I just wish my muggle relatives didn't abuse me so much growing up. If my life had been better, I could have had a home to visit for the holidays.” I said with a sad voice.

I tried my best to not laugh at the complete silence that my words had caused. I also didn't look up to see the shocked looks on the teacher's faces or the horrified looks on the faces of the other students.

“I'm going back to my dorm room. Happy... happy Christmas.” I said with a slightly choked voice and left at a jog before anyone could say anything to stop me or before I burst out laughing.

I spent the whole day in bed and relaxed as I read the book Hermione bought for me. Most of the spells I knew already and I would surprise her when she came back from the holidays by teaching her the Patronus and the component Messenger spell. She could even use the memory of her parents being protected, which made her very happy.

When the time was right and the redhead was asleep, I gathered my outfit to wear and changed before putting on the cloak. I had to carry the piece of cloth with the tracking charms on it, just so the old man wouldn't suspect anything. I made sure to wander a little beforehand and ran into Snape and Quirrell having an argument.

I had to get away before that part of me Quirrell had in his head detected me. I strode quickly to the proper hallway and entered the abandoned classroom. I felt two very strong magical presences in the room and didn't react. I couldn't let the old man know I knew he was standing in the corner of the room. Instead, I walked forward away from the door and towards the center of the room.

The Mirror Of Erised. I thought in surprise. Of course he would have a Class Five restricted magical object in a school full of children. I was very glad that I had my protections in place and took off the cloak to reveal myself to both the mirror and the old man. I fake gasped and then sat down in front of the thing as I pretended to stare at it.

Nothing happened for two hours, so I pretended to shake my head and stood up, grabbed the cloak, and went to the door. I looked back at the mirror for a few seconds and then left.

Was I wrong? I asked myself as I went back to the Griffindor common room. I thought he wanted me there to talk or something.

Not knowing what I did wrong, I went to bed and slept until the morning. I spend the day in bed again, only leaving for meals, and then I had an epiphany. I was sure that Dumbledore wanted me to go back and establish a pattern because of the mirror. I prepared everything and went right back to the abandoned classroom and resumed sitting in front of the mirror, uncloaked.

“Back again, Harry?”

I pretended to jump and shot to my feet. “H-headmaster!”

“Relax, my boy.” Dumbledore said and cast a wandless calming spell. “It's quite all right. The Mirror of Erised is an intriguing object.”

I nodded and looked back at it. “It's almost like it wants me to keep looking at it.”

“That's exactly what it does, my boy. Exactly.” Dumbledore said, proudly. “Men have wasted away in front of it as they yearned for what it shows them.”

“What exactly does it show them?” I asked, knowing full well what it was.

“It shows them their heart's desire.”

“Even if it's unachievable?” I asked and the old man sighed.

“Yes, which is why the mirror is so dangerous.” Dumbledore said. “That is also why it will be moved to a new home tomorrow and I beg you not to go searching for it.”

I felt the compulsion charm wash over me and I nodded.

“Very well, my boy. Off to bed you go.”

“Yes, headmaster.” I said and picked up the cloak. I went to the door and looked back at the mirror with a sad face, then slipped on the cloak and left. I was halfway back to the common room before I started laughing and had to cast silence on myself. “He didn't even ask me what I saw! Which was nothing! Ha ha!”


The day before the Christmas holidays were to end, there was a Wizengamut meeting and Dumbledore left the castle without telling anyone. What he didn't know was that there were two particular hidden wards inside the castle. One was what fed information to the Marauder's map to show them who was inside the castle and where. The other was to send a slight alarm to let someone know that the headmaster was no longer inside the castle.

Two people immediately reacted to that alarm. One was a teacher that was sitting at the teacher's table for breakfast and the other was a student that was on their way to the Great Hall. The teacher coughed several times and had to excuse himself as he made his way out of the hall.

The student was at a flat run going towards the third floor. He cast several detection spells at the hallway where the door was and then cast a notice ward before he opened the door. He met the Cerberus and conjured several rubber balls and threw them around the room. The large dog barked several times and tried, fruitlessly, to have all three of his heads try to catch the rubber balls at the same time.

The student held in a laugh and opened the easily seen trap door, cast a concealing charm on it and jumped through as he shut it. Anyone coming into the room wouldn't see it right away and would need a detection spell. The student landed in a large group of vines and quickly cast fire to make the vines retreat. All plants hated fire.

The student dropped down to the floor below and walked over to the door, only to see brooms and flying keys in the next room. He shook his head at the stupidity and walked across the room to the other door and switched the lock with the handle and turned the handle. The door opened easily and he closed it and cancelled the switch.

The next room was a giant chess set and the student laughed. He cast a simple transfiguration on the floor to make the chess board split, causing the board to not be playable, and making a walkway appear in the middle. He walked by the stationary pieces and cancelled the transfiguration to restore the board to a playable area.

The next room also made him laugh. He couldn't believe that Snape would create such a simple puzzle. The student sighed as the black flames appeared and blocked the door forward.

“Really? Poisoned Corruption Flames to keep me out?” The student asked and reached down, scooped them up in his hand, and opened the door. He stepped through and put the flames back where they were previously. “I taught you that spell, Severus.”

He shut the door and looked at the troll sitting on an oversized stuffed chair. The troll looked back at him and seemed to be surprised that there was someone else there. He didn't even have his club on him.

“Don't get up.” The student said and transfigured the chair to have manacles that locked the troll in place. “They'll dissolve in a minute.”

The troll grunted and watched the boy enter the next room.

“So, that's where he hid you.” The student said and walked across the room to the Mirror of Erised. “What are you doing here?”

There was a bit of magic from it and the boy chuckled.

“I bet you're hiding something for the old man.” He said and then felt something drop into his pocket. “What's this?” He asked and pulled out the bright red stone. “Sweet Merlin's balls!”

“I believe you have something of mine.” A voice said from across the room.

The student turned around to look at the teacher that had left the Great Hall in a rush.

“HARRY POTTER!” Professor Quirrell yelled when he recognized the boy.

“Quirrell.” Harry said with a smile and quickly put the philosopher's stone into his backpack. “I had hoped you wouldn't feel that alarm.”

Quirrell chuckled. “My master set that up and tuned it for me to detect.”

“You're as bad of a liar as you are an actor.” Harry said with a chuckle. “No one would ever suspect p-p-poor st-st-stuttering P-Professor Qu-Quirrell!”

The man looked angry for a moment and then smiled. “How long have you known?”

“It doesn't matter.” Harry said and walked forward. “Your farce ends today.”

“Yes. With that stone, my master will fashion a new body for himself and will bring pain and death to all of those that oppose him.” Quirrell said.

“I already have a new body and don't need another.” Harry said with a feral grin.

“What?” “What?” Quirrell's voice and another voice said from the back of his head.

“I won't stand for the competition from a cheap copy.” Harry said and cast an immobilization spell at Quirrell, who didn't expect a wandless spell and pitched forward onto his face, breaking his nose and causing a lot of damage. “Let's take a look at you, shall we?”

“No! I am Voldemort!” The voice behind the stinky turban said with anger.

“You would say that.” Harry said and pulled off the turban. “Eww. Are you causing necrosis?”

“NO! I am only consuming his life force!”

Harry chuckled and took out new carved wooden pieces with runes on them. “Not for long.”

“What are you doing?” Voldemort asked.

“You'll see.” Harry said and set things up before he knelt at Quirrell's shoulder and started chanting.

“Wait, what... what are you... NO! No, I am the original! You can't do this!” Voldemort said in a panic.

“If you can't feel it, I've got about sixty percent more of my soul than you do, not counting the original soul I absorbed from this body.” Harry said and said the last few lines of the chant as his magic filled the room.

“NO! NOOOOOO!” Voldemort yelled and then choked when Harry shoved his hand right into the face on the back of Quirrell's head.

Magic burst out of them and they both glowed brightly. The funny thing was, Quirrell whimpered and then his head started to collapse and burn into ash.

“That's new.” Harry said and silenced the unholy scream from the black cloud that was around his glowing hand. After about a minute, the black mist dissipated and Quirrell was a pile of ash on the floor.

Just then, Harry felt a double rush of power as the ritual completed and not one but two sources of magic flowed into him. He fell onto his back as his body expanded slightly and he grew two inches. The magic was changing him enough to let him hold so much more power than he had been prepared for. The power rushed through him and he groaned as his muscles strained and his bones creaked.

The pain seemed to go on forever... and then it was over and Harry lay there on the floor, sweat soaked and breathing heavily. It took him ten minutes before he felt that it was safe enough to move. He looked at Quirrell's remains and waved his hand over the ashes to vanish them. He searched the clothing for anything of value and found his office key.

Harry tucked it into a pocket and vanished the now empty clothing. He now had a culprit to frame and chuckled as he made his way back through the obstacles and up through the trap door. The dog was happily chewing on several mouthfuls of rubber balls, so Harry conjured up more for it before shutting the door. The dog barked happily and lost the balls in its mouths, then scrambled to get them back and the new ones, too.

Harry laughed and slipped on the invisibility cloak and went to Quirrell's office. He took his time and searched through everything, casting detection spells and disabling traps along the way. He found several hundred galleons, a vault key that he couldn't use without a certain person's will leaving everything to him that he would write as soon as possible, and a dozen expensive and difficult to find books.

Harry pilfered everything and used Quirrell's things to magic a quill and wrote in the man's handwriting. His will was simple and concise, considering the man didn't have any family, and Harry sealed it with a Hogwarts teacher's seal and left it on the desk.

Harry also wrote a letter of resignation stating that he needed to get away from the horrible job Quirrell had done teaching. The stutter was just too much for him to overcome and he didn't want to ruin the futures of the students. He had also found something valuable in the castle and couldn't in good conscience leave it around for a student to find.

With that out of the way, Harry left the room and locked it before going to the kitchens. He needed to eat and the house elves were always happy to help a hungry student.


“HARRY!” Hermione yelled as she barrelled into the castle through several other students and then tackled me to the floor.

“Is someone excited to see me?” I asked and hugged her as the returning students around us laughed.

“No.” Hermione said and blushed in embarrassment.

“Then maybe we can get off the floor and I'll carry your things up to your room for you?”

Hermione nodded and climbed off of me and I stood to help her take off her coat and carried her bag for her. We went up to Griffindor tower and entered the common room. Before I could carry her things to the stairs, she warned me about the alarm. I chuckled and waved my hand at the stairs and walked up them, shocking everyone that was there.

“How did you do that?!?” Hermione asked as she ran up behind me. “WAIT! Get out of my room!”

I laughed and put her bag down in front of the dorm door and stepped back. “I wouldn't invade your personal space, or that of the other girls, without your permission. Or theirs.”

Hermione sighed in relief. “So, what did you do to the stairs?”

“Immobilization charm.” I said and kissed her cheek before walking down the stairs. “The alarm still went off, only the stairs can't change and the alarm can't move to make a sound.”

“That's so simple.” Hermione said and turned to look at me. “I'll be right down after I change!”

“No rush. Supper's not for half an hour.” I said and went back down to the common room.

“Dude! How did you do that?” A boy from my year asked.

“Magic.” I said and went over to the corner to sit in the chair that had unofficially become 'our' chair to wait for Hermione.

Fifteen minutes later, Hermione was back and dressed in her finest school uniform.

I walked over to her and took her hand. “Good evening, my lady.” I said and kissed the back of it. “You look ravishing.”

Hermione blushed for a second and then whacked me in the back of the head. “Stop fooling around.”

I chuckled and offered her my elbow. She gave me an exasperated look and then sighed as she took it. “I knew you couldn't resist my charm.” I said and led her from the common room.

“You better mean that metaphorically and not physically.” Hermione warned me.

“My dear Hermione, I would never cast a compulsion charm on you. If I can't entice your desirable mind with normal means, then I don't deserve to have your attention.”

Hermione looked at me with slightly wide eyes, then she nodded. “Good answer.”

“You deserve the best.” I said as we descended the stairs. “What did your parents say about the wards?”

“They didn't understand what it meant at first.” Hermione said and then laughed softly. “It wasn't until I cast a repairing charm on the coffee table and made it look like new that they got it.”

I grinned at her. “I'm glad you figured that part out.”

“I almost didn't.” Hermione admitted and then took out a sheet of paper. “This is a copy of my Wizard Home Registration Form.”

“You liked my New Years gift, then?” I asked.

“I loved it.” Hermione whispered. “Thank you, Harry. Thank you so much.”

“Like I told you. Only the best is good enough for my best friend.” I said and we kept walking towards the Great Hall.

“Did you do the same for your home as well?” Hermione asked.

“No. My uncle would never allow wizards or goblins into the home to verify that a magical lived there. In fact, he might deny that I lived there at all if anyone asked.”

Hermione sighed. “I don't know how you can stand living there.”

“I cast impotence curses on my uncle and cousin.” I said with a smile.

“You didn't!” Hermione gasped and stared at me as we entered the hall. “You did!”

“Of course I did.” I said and she looked like she was getting angry. “I would never subject any girl to suffer the attention of my cousin and no woman deserves to have that walrus trying to assault them, especially his secretaries.”

Hermione's anger changed from me to my uncle instantly. “He DIDN'T!”

“He did. It happened several times before I could do anything about it, though.” I said and sat her down at the table and sat beside her with my arm around her. “He hasn't touched my aunt since she had Dudley and tried other avenues, or so he claimed. I could prevent him from trying anything with other women or hurting someone else like he hurt her, I did so.”

Hermione leaned into my embrace and kissed my cheek.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“You are a vindictive and cruel person, Harry Potter.” Hermone whispered and then kissed my cheek again. “But, you're mine and I can accept that you care about others in your own way.”

“Others?” I asked.

“Your aunt. I know she treated you badly, and yet, you made sure she was protected from your uncle.” Hermione said. “Then my parents. You don't even know them and you made their safety a priority and paid a lot of galleons for it.”


“No, Harry. I know what I'm getting into. You haven't hidden anything from me and...” Hermione leaned back in briefly to whisper. “...I know you put your own blood in that potion bowl for the ritual.”

“I wanted to help you and my blood was the catalyst.” I whispered back and then smiled. “You drank it anyway.”

Hermione nodded. “You are a powerful wizard, Harry. Even if all those childhood stories about you are fabrications, I think they would have been real if you had been given the chance to grow up with your proper heritage.”

“So, you don't want me to sue them and shut them down?” I asked with a crooked smile.

“No, just get your cut of the royalties and let them make even more.” Hermione said. “Why wouldn't you want to make money off of your fame? Other people are.”

“I think I love you.” I whispered and she turned to me with her mouth open in surprise. It was the perfect opportunity, so I kissed her... right there in the middle of the Great Hall.

Almost immediately, there were catcalls, hollers, and shouts of encouragement from everyone.

I broke the kiss and saw that Hermione's face was bright red. “I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.” I apologized, sincerely this time.

It took her a few moments before she responded. “I guess... it's okay. At least everyone knows now.”

I refused to gloat openly and ducked my head to grin only at her.

“Oh, you prat!” Hermione whispered heatedly, guessing accurately that I had wanted everyone to know.

“I can teach you the Patronus spell after supper.” I said to distract her and her eyes practically lit up. “Yes, really. Thanks for the book, by the way.”

Hermione was vibrating a little in anticipation of learning a spell that even the seventh year students didn't learn. It was actually taught during Auror training and even then it was a difficult spell to learn.

We ate the food for the returning feast in silence and then went to the closest empty and unused classroom.

I took nearly half an hour to describe what the spell entailed, the requirements, and the different uses for it. Hermione sucked it all in and asked appropriate questions to clarify things, and I told her the secret about finding the happiest memory to use as fuel.

“I want you to think back to before Christmas when I gave you the Gringotts letter.” I said to her.

“My parents!” Hermione gasped.

“You got it.” I said. “You were overjoyed about having them safe from harm. I want you to concentrate on that memory and remember that feeling. When you cast the spell, push that feeling out with your magic and let it protect you, just like those wards protect your parents.”

Hermione closed her eyes and I could feel her bring that memory forward. She didn't concentrate on her parents, though. No, she thought of me doing that for her and she whipped her wand up to point out at the middle of the classroom.

“Expecto Patronum!” Hermione shouted and a huge blast of white mist came out and flowed in front of her to make a shield.

“Excellent, Hermione! You did it!”

Hermione stopped and took several breaths. “No, I... it wasn't corporeal.”

I laughed. “Hermione, you produced a solid mist of happiness that will hold off a Dementor. Grown wizards can't do what you just did!”

Hermione blushed at the praise. “I... well...”

“Here.” I said and handed her some chocolate. “This will keep your strength up.”

“Thank you.” Hermione said and ate several small pieces of the bar. “I actually do feel better.”

“I do know what I'm doing.” I said with a snooty voice and she chuckled before she hit my arm playfully. “This is enough for tonight.” I handed her the rest of the bar of chocolate. “Don't practice this spell with no one else around. You might collapse from exhaustion and no one will know what happened.”

Hermione gave me a squinted eyed look.

“I'm only warning you. We can practice this tomorrow during our off classes.”

“All right.” Hermione said and we left the classroom.

“Just so you know, when you do achieve the animal manifestation, I can also teach you the messenger derivative spell.”

Hermione let out a familiar squeal of happiness, kissed my cheek, and took off running.

I didn't bother chasing her and let her run off her excess energy as I casually walked up to the Griffindor common room. I entered and wasn't surprised that I didn't see Hermione.

“I guess it's official that you and Hermione are together.” A female voice said and I turned to see the dark skinned girl with the blonde girl beside her on the couch.

“I didn't need to make it official, since what we are to each other is our business.” I said and then shrugged. “Now that everyone knows, they should also know that I am a very protective person.”

No one in the common room missed my meaning.

“Keep it in mind that I am the savior of the wizarding world and I defeated a dark lord at the tender age of fifteen months.” I said to the room and then smiled a crooked smile. “That's just something for you all to think about.”

No one said anything, so I nodded and went up the stairs. I had made my point and probably wouldn't have to remind them again.


It was a few days later that someone finally found out that Quirrell was missing. It spread throughout the castle like gossip usually did, almost instantly, and lots of speculation was thrown about with him stealing the stone and fleeing. The best part? Eating meals in the Great Hall and seeing the dejected faces of the teachers, especially Dumbledore's. If my mental protections hadn't been as great as they were, I would have been in fits of laughter and rolling around on the floor.

Hermione gave me a reproachful look when she saw me fighting to not laugh, so I took her to the same abandoned classroom we practised spellwork in and I cast several protection spells and privacy wards. When they were in place, I told her about my fight with Quirrell during the holidays and legitimately finding the Philosopher's Stone and that I hadn't even been looking for it.

Hermione stared at me for nearly ten minutes with a completely blank face, then she started laughing.

I stood there with a smirk on my face and let her laugh herself hoarse.

“Only... only you, Harry... would find a priceless artifact... and fight the shade of a dark lord... and beat him... then take the stone for yourself! Ha ha hahaha!” Hermione laughed and laughed.

“It's not that funny.” I said and she only laughed harder.

“I... I'm glad... I made my choice.” Hermione said when she eventually calmed down. “If I didn't know that you could take care of yourself, I would be pissed that you put yourself in that much danger.”

I stepped close to her and put my arms around her. “That's another reason why I'm glad we found each other.” I said and looked into her eyes. “You make taking over the wizarding world worth it.”

Hermione blushed for a few seconds and then she smiled. “I'm glad you think so.”

I had to laugh. “Yep, definitely worth it.”

“Have you figured out how it works?” Hermione asked.

“Kind of.” I said and her smile was infectious. “Do you want to help me research...”

“YES!” Hermione yelled and then kissed me. “I know just the book!”

“Of course you do.” I said and let her drag me out of the classroom towards the Griffindor common room. She deposited me in our chair and ran up to her room, then came back down with a huge dusty tome.

“I borrowed this from the library for some light reading.” Hermione said as she sat down beside me and leaned into my side before she opened the book on our shared laps. Inside was a detailed description of the stone, its supposed properties and a lot of speculation, and the man who made it.

“Oh, my. Do you think we can play a prank on him?” I asked and nodded at the book.

“What do you have in mind?” Hermione asked.

“Well, we know the stone was taken from Dumbledore and he doesn't know where it is.” I said and Hermione's eyes widened. “Why don't we contact Flamel and asked him about how he used to use the thing, now that's it's supposedly lost? It's not really a secret anymore, is it?”

Hermione beamed a smile at me. “You implied that Quirrell took it in the letter.”

“Also, they will never find him or the stone. I vanished the ashes and his clothing, as well as his things in his office.” I explained. “That reminds me.” I said and whispered in her ear. “I found a bunch of old rare and expensive books in his private collection.”

Hermione shivered slightly before she gave me a look that I would later remember as 'I'm going to snog you senseless'. Then she did. I honestly don't remember much of anything after that, until she said it was time for me to go to bed. I agreed and went on my way, completely missing the satisfied look on her face.


Dumbledore took over the Defence Against the Dart Arts classes for a week until he hired an old Auror to take over for the remainder of the year. The man didn't want to stay any longer than that, because of the curse on the position. He was actually quite vocal about it, which made me laugh and cover it with a cough.

Hermione turned to me and whispered. “What is it?”

“It's a myth.” I whispered back. “Because everyone believes that bad things happen to teachers that teach the subject, it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy that something happens and the teacher leaves by the end of the year.”

Hermione blinked her eyes at me as if confused. “Really? For nearly twenty years?”

I chuckled. “Well, prune face was vanquished over ten years ago. Would his curse or spell still work if he's not around to power it or renew it if it's an enchantment?”

Hermione looked thoughtful for a moment, then she had to smile. “You're right. Even if he did do something to curse the position, it would have faded when he was defeated, just like the taboo he had on his name.”

“Exactly. It's not physically possible to perpetuate something like that. Even wards need recharging and realigning every few years. They'll waver and break down if they aren't handled properly.”

Hermione's eyes widened. “That's why Madam Bones was so angry at the headmaster when the troll got in!”

“That's my brilliant witch.” I said and she blushed for only a second before she recovered and gave me a stern look. “Are you getting used to my compliments?”

Hermione shook her head and looked back at the front of the class.

“I have to change things up if you are.” I said and then leaned in to whisper. “Thank you for clipping your hair back on this side. I can see your pretty face easily and I want to kiss your cheek.”

Hermione blushed and it didn't fade away. “I'm not stopping you.”

“So Griffindorish.” I breathed and lightly pressed my lips to her cheek for a second. “I think you deserve two kisses for being so bold.” I whispered and did it again.

Hermione had a huge smile on her face as her blush slowly faded. “You're missing the class.”

“The only thing inside this class that matters to me, is you.” I whispered and her blush rushed back.

“Potter! What do I do if I run into a Krupp?” The old Auror asked.

“If you're smart, the same thing as a strange dog. Toss it something to distract it, make a really loud sound to scare it off, or hope it's friendly.” I responded without looking.

“Huh. Not bad, Potter.” The old man said. “How do I tell them apart?”

“Offer it something to drink, milk preferably. The dog will suck it up like it's ambrosia while the Krupp will be weary of anything offered to it and will shy away.”

“Good! Ten points to Griffindor.” The old Auror said. “Now, stop making lovey-dovey eyes at Granger and pretend to pay attention by looking forward like she is.”

I had to laugh at him calling the both of us out and did as instructed. I saw the man smile with a nod. The rest of the class passed by quickly, even if I wasn't just staring at Hermione, and we left the class with the sounds of several people making snide remarks about me, us, and her. The first I ignored, the second I could tolerate as good fun, the third I considered a threat and turned with my wand out and shoved it into Malfoy's chest.

“One more word out of you, and your father will need to come and collect what's left of you from the hospital wing.” I said.

Malfoy huffed. “You don't have the guts to...”

I shot a Depulso out through my wand, just to cover my tracks and hide my wandless spellcasting.

Malfoy flew back ten feet and slammed into the stone wall. There were sounds of several broken bones and the blond ponce collapsed to the floor as several of the Slytherins rushed over to check him.

“POTTER!” The old Auror's voice yelled.

“It was a basic impact spell, sir. I only meant to push him away. I don't know why he flew so far.”

The old Auror held his hand out for my wand and checked it, only to see the first year push spell, Depulso. “So it was. Were you angry at his insults to you?”

“No, to Hermione. Normal people don't say those kinds of things, especially to my girlfriend.”

The old Auror sighed. “Well, there's nothing to be done for it. Come on, we need to go see the headmaster in the infirmary.”

“Huh?” A few of the students asked, confused.

“He'll be notified when someone is harmed inside the castle.” The man said and went to Malfoy to magic up a stretcher and levitated him onto it.

“You haven't been here for very long, sir.” I said and he gave me a squinted eyed look. “The Slytherins have been cursing students in the hallways for years and the headmaster never does anything to stop them.”

“It's not just us!” One of the Slytherins said and was immediately hushed with silencing spells from his housemates.

I nodded at the boy and looked back at the teacher. “Any questions?”

The old man grumbled and told me to go with him. I kissed Hermione's cheek before following the man and the stretcher to the hospital wing. It was a bit of a wait while the new DADA teacher sent a student to go and get the headmaster.

To say the old Auror was disappointed with this, was a severe understatement. In fact, he never mentioned me once and berated Dumbledore for not knowing about the incident or coming right away when a student was hurt. He knew there were intent wards active in the castle and that no incidents should be happening at all.

“The headmaster intentionally puts rival houses together in classes to try and force them to cooperate with each other. It hasn't worked and only makes things worse by causing intentional conflicts.” I said when the Auror paused in his verbal assault on Dumbledore to take a breath. I laughed mentally as the old man took my words and ran with them. I didn't even get a detention when he was done.

All things considered, it was a fun time for me. I told Hermione this when I eventually made it to my History of Magic class. Professor Binns hadn't noticed my very late arrival and Hermione was only too eager to hear about what I witnessed and to get to our own magic lesson. She knew all of this year's course material already and was just using the time in class for review.


A month later, after things settled down into a normal routine, I was finally able to get to the Room of Lost Things. I really loved this place. I went right to the spot where I had hidden Ravenclaw's diadem in plain sight and tucked it into my robes. With my primary goal achieved, I went back to the front of the room and summoned several trunks. I checked them to see if they were magical, repaired them to restore the expanding charms on them, and then grinned.

I was sure that after the last time I had been here, the amount of lost money was going to be significant. I opened one of the trunks in front of me and summoned all the galleons. A stream of gold coins came at me from all over the room, so I cast a shield and the gold hit it and dropped right into the expanded trunk.

I started laughing when it took nearly ten minutes before the last of the coins hit my shield and went into the trunk. I closed it and shrunk it to put into my pocket, then I opened the next trunk and summoned all of the silver sickles. The deluge of silver was almost blinding and the patter of them hitting my shield sounded like rain.

The trunk was almost filled when the rain of silver stopped and I closed and shrunk it. I also wondered if the last trunk would hold all of the bronze knuts that could potentially be there in the room. Just in case, I made another trunk and summoned the lowest denominator of money for wizards. A huge wave of bronze lifted up and rushed towards me.

“Oh, crap!” I said and summoned a physical shield instead of using a magical one. It sounded like bullets hitting the large wooden table and I watched as a river of knuts flowed into the expanded trunk. It was quickly filled and started to overflow. I pushed it out of the way and put the second trunk there. It was filled as well and I had to cancel my summon spell.

“What the hell? Is every kid in school losing knuts all over the place?” I asked myself and looked at the large piles of knuts that covered the items in front of where I was standing and shook my head. I made five more trunks and continued the summon spell. It amazed me that the amount of lost money was never questioned.

I was sure that there were hundreds of galleons of bronze knuts here and six full expanded trunks and a seventh that was half filled, told me it might even be more than that. I was almost afraid to do what I thought of next. I made another trunk and expanded it, then summoned all gold, silver, jewellery, and gems. There was a small rumbling, then another pile of items came out of the lost items and flew over to me.

I used a cushioning charm on the table to stop them from being damaged and another on the bottom of the trunk. It wasn't filled, so there weren't a lot of items. I could feel that some of them had curses on them as well. I would have to clean them before fixing them and making them presentable. I now had years, or even decades, of potential gifts.

I glanced over the furniture and thought about fixing some of it up and using it, considering some of it were antiques, then decided I would need somewhere to put it if I was going to do that. I didn't have access to anything like that, so I shelved that idea for now. I had enough work ahead of me with just the jewellery, so I shrunk the trunks of bronze knuts and jewellery before I stuffed them in my pockets.

The last thing I did was summon muggle money. I knew there wouldn't be a lot, considering no one would use British currency at the castle. I was only slightly surprised when several hundred pounds of bills and coins flowed towards me. I chuckled and stuffed it all into the side pocket in my backpack before leaving my favorite room in the castle.

I snuck down into the chamber of secrets and used the same absorption ritual on the diadem to reclaim the little bit of magic that I had stored inside with the soul piece. It only let out a small scream as it dissolved. The best part was that I felt another double hit of magic as the ritual let me absorb the latent magic inside the diadem as well.

My mind was suddenly expanded like the trunks I had made and everything I knew fit into the expanded space easily. It was like an advanced form of Occlumency and I could almost physically feel the spaces where I could stuff more knowledge. It was honestly a great feeling and I looked down at the normal diadem in front of me.

“No, that's a shame. I can't leave it like that.” I said and started casting the charms and spells to copy the abilities I had stolen from it. It took me an hour to get just the base charms into place and then another three hours to layer each of the follow-up spells to increase the brain's processing speed and ability to protect itself.

When I was done, I sat back and stared at a much improved diadem. It no longer had the drawback of giving a headache when worn for extended periods of time. Magic had made leaps and bounds since the time of the founders and I easily corrected the flaws that the original had.

I packed up and left the chamber, careful of anyone nearby the bathroom exit because it was after curfew, and I walked back to the Griffindor common room under my invisibility cloak. When I entered the common room, I saw a very unhappy Hermione sitting on our chair in the corner and she was angrily tapping her foot. I ducked back out and took off the cloak before walking back inside and walked over to her with my hands held up in supplication.

Hermione only glared at me a little. “Where. Have. You. Been?” She said, her anger palatable.

“Finding and fixing a present beyond all presents for you.” I said and quickly cast several privacy charms and a slight visual distortion ward. It wouldn't last, because people would see the haze in the corner and wonder what it was.

“A likely story.” Hermione said, her voice cold. “I've been waiting here for hours!”

I didn't sit beside her as I motioned to the floor to cushion it, then I knelt in front of her. “My dear, I wouldn't trade away time with you for anything that wasn't as important.” I said, apologetically. “You know I hold you above all others... besides myself.”

That had her angry smile twitch a little and almost become a real smile.

I held back my own smile and glanced around. “I really wanted to wait until your birthday for this.”

“I am not waiting six months for an apology about ditching me all day today!” Hermione spat.

“I know. That's why I'm giving it to you now.” I said and looked around again, then pulled out the cloth wrapped item. “The original enchantments lost their charge...” Because I absorbed it. “...so it took me a while to replace them and fix the flaws.”

“What... what is it?” Hermione asked as she accepted the cloth bundle.

“I've obscured the corner for a few minutes, so don't take too long looking at it.” I said and motioned for her to open it.

Hermione's anger fled as she started to flip open the cloth and then she sucked in a sharp breath. “NO!”

“Yes.” I said and lifted out Ravenclaw's diadem. “Before you say it's an historical artifact, it no longer had the original powers and I've been adding and layering spells to replace them. This is what I've been doing all day.”


“For you, My Hermione.” I said and tucked the diadem onto her head and tucked the ends into her hair.

Hermione gasped and her eyes flickered with a subtle glow as the spells took effect. “Oh... my... god.”

“I hope you can forgive...” I started to say and suddenly had a bushy-haired girl snogging me senseless.

“Iloveyou, Iloveyou, I love you!” Hermione said between kisses.

I barely heard her at this point and kissed her back just as passionately.

When the kissing session ended sometime later, Hermione was cuddled into my side as we laid down on the floor. She had tackled me at some point and I didn't remember it happening.

“Thank you, Harry.” Hermione said and hugged me tightly.

“Just so you know, I removed the time restriction and the cause of the headaches.” I said and her grip on me tightened. “Yes, that means you never have to take it off.”

Hermione let me go and she was above me with her face hovering over mine. “I really do love you.”

“Should I mention that it has a permanent notice-me-not charm and that no one but us will see you wearing it?” I asked and she dropped down to crush her lips against mine and started another snogging session.


During one of my late night sojourns across the castle to pilfer another book from the restricted section in the library, I came across a very interesting sight. I started to chuckle and my disembodied laughter filled the nearly empty hallway. There was a telltale squeak of fright and a frantic little rat started to run. A quick summons and a conjured cage later, I dropped the hood of my cloak.

“Hello, Peter.” I said with a manic grin.

The rat squealed in fright and tried to escape.

“There's no lock or latch for you to open.” I said and changed my destination from the library to the Chamber of Secrets. “Don't worry. Your suffering as a rat will soon be at an end.”

The rat trembled in fear and let out low squeals.

“I'm not going to kill you.” I said and then chuckled. “I'm going to harvest you for potion ingredients and keep healing you.”

The rat fainted and I laughed and laughed as I took him down into the chamber.


“I love you so much. I love you so much. I love you so much.” Hermione mumbled as she flipped each page of one of Quirrell's rare books. She sat beside me and was engrossed in acquiring more knowledge even faster than she had ever been able to do. Her retention was great before I gave her the means to cheat and file her memories. Now, she was a book consumer almost as scary as myself.

“Are you talking to me or the diadem?” I asked her.

“Yes.” Hermione said and went back to muttering.

I chuckled and kissed her cheek before going back to my own book. “I'll do my best over the summer to search for even more books for you.”

Hermione stopped flipping pages and gave me a stony look. “You promise?”

“Well, I do have to find you a different birthday gift.” I teased and her face instantly changed as she beamed a smile at me. “There's the smile I like so much.”

“You're spoiling me, you know.” Hermione whispered and went back to her book.

“I know.” I said and lightly pet her hair. “I'm not afraid to maintain your habit, no matter the cost.”

Hermione blushed for several seconds before her hand reached up and took mine. “My parents want you to visit during the summer.”

“After your vacation?” I asked and she nodded. “I would be honored to meet the people that birthed such a wonder into this world.”

Hermione's blush returned. “Will you... check the wards... and... maybe...”

“I would be happy to add anything you want.” I said and she sighed happily.

“Thank you.”

“I'll do anything you ask, you know that.” I said and kissed her cheek again. “What do you think the exams will be like?”

“A breeze.” Hermione said and slowly started flipping pages with her free hand and held mine with the other. “You're right. There's no grade advancement for over-achievers, the points system is flawed beyond fixing, and the Prefects lord their perceived powers over those beneath them instead of enforcing the rules and protecting students.”

I chuckled. “You left out that teachers don't interfere in what they consider 'student quarrels'.”

“Urrh, don't remind me.” Hermione grunted. “Even our head of house doesn't lift a finger and it's her specific job to help us.”

I nodded. “The whole thing needs to be revamped.” I said and pulled out several sheets of parchment. “These are some of my ideas.”

Hermione let my hand go and snatched the papers from me before I could blink. “These are... really informative. I actually agree with them.” She said, clearly surprised.

“I'm glad to be of acceptable service, my lady.” I joked and she glanced at me before she chuckled.

“I know I shouldn't be surprised after hanging out with you all year, it's just that I don't expect anyone to be up to my mental standards for sussing out all of the problems and solutions.” Hermione said. “Please don't be insulted by that.”

“I feel the same way, so I'm not insulted.” I said and she looked at me with wide eyes. “I grew up with muggles that have less than a normal intellectual's burdens.”

Hermione laughed softly at that. “Just like all the kids at my grade school.”

I nodded and she handed the pages back. “Like I told you before, it'll be years before we can do anything about this.”

Hermione smiled slyly. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“I see you've had a brainstorm. Let me have it.” I prompted.

“We could use the media to start a subtle campaign of undermining everything.” Hermione suggested.

“Hmm, tell me more.” I urged.

“Well, we could start seeding little doubts here and there, letting it seep into the minds of witches and wizards that change needs to happen. Their children's futures depends on it.”

I thought about it and started to smile. “Very good, Hermione. Very, very good.” I said and leaned over to kiss her briefly. “I assume you have a few drafts ready?” I asked and she nodded. “We'll start after you get back from France, that way, people are in relaxed moods because of summer and will be more open for ideas.”

Hermione nodded and went back to reading the book on her lap.


We aced the written exams and blew away the practicals of the spellwork we were 'taught' that year. Both McGonagall and Flitwick were shocked at what we did as first years. The old Auror just laughed and gave us both Outstandings before we were halfway done, because there wasn't a higher grade, and sat back and enjoyed the show. He even applauded at the end.

The train ride back to London was long and neither Hermone nor I complained about getting to spend another seven or so hours together, completely uninterrupted. Malfoy had learned his lesson and hadn't bothered us after that day. When he walked by our compartment, he only glanced in for a moment and kept going. I waved to Crabbe and Goyle, who surprisingly waved back.

The train came to a stop and we gathered our things together. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and carried Hermione's trunk for her. The featherlight charm was a wonderful thing. The reason I didn't shrink it was because we had to keep up appearances.

We walked out through the barrier into the muggle part of the station and searched for her parents. It didn't take long and we found them near the edge of the crowd.

“There they are! Mom! Dad!” Hermione said, excitedly.

“Honey!” Her mother exclaimed and strode over to us, then she scooped Hermione up into a hug and swung her around.

“Mom!” Hermione said with a laugh, clearly happy with the enthusiastic hug.

I could see the similarities between mother and daughter and I suspected that as Hermione grew older, she would be as close to this woman's looks as was humanly possible. I also liked what I saw.

“How is my little girl?” Her father asked and joined in the hug. He was a normal looking person with short brown hair and an athletic build.

“Dad!” Hermione said and transferred the hug to her father. When she was put down, both of her parents stared at her. “What is it?”

“You've grown about an inch I think.” Her mother said and checked her slightly shorter sleeves. “Yes, I'd say close to an inch.”

“We'll have to check you against the door jam at home.” Her father said.

“Really?” Hermione asked, excited. “We haven't checked in years!”

Her father chuckled. “I think you're entering another growth spurt, so we might be checking a lot more for the next few years.”

“Yes!” Hermione exclaimed and both of her parents laughed.

“Who is this young man?” Her mother asked when she finally noticed me.

“That's my boyfriend, Harry Potter!” Hermione said and saw the slight change in the expressions her parents had. “No, it's not like that! We've only kissed a couple of times and we mostly just study together.”

The mother relaxed and the father looked even more worried.

I stepped forward and took her mother's hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Granger. I can clearly see where Hermione gets her beauty and her brains from.” I said and kissed the back of her hand. “If she grows up to be anything like you, I will feel just as lucky and privileged as your husband certainly does.”

“Oh, my.” Mrs. Granger whispered as she blushed. “You're quite the charmer, aren't you?”

“I try.” I said with a grin and she laughed softly. I let her hand go and held it out to Hermione's father. “Sir, I am honored to meet the man that helped raise such a studious daughter. If it wasn't for you, I never could have met the girl that means more to me than anything else.”

Hermione's father wasn't sure what to say to that.

“It's true, dad.” Hermione said. “Harry, can you...”

“Of course.” I said and tapped the diadem with a finger, then I touched both of her parents on their hands. They both gasped as their perceptions now included seeing the glittering diamonds on the tiara Hermione wore.

“Is that real?” Hermione's mother whispered as she ran her fingers over the diadem. “Wow, it is.”

“Nothing is too good for Hermione.” I added and her mother nodded.

“I don't know what to say.” Her father said.

“Hermione invited me over after you come back from vacation. If you will permit it, I could stay for a couple of weeks, or even the remainder of the summer. You can get to know me better and then decide if you will approve of me having your daughter's attention.”

Hermione's parents exchanged looks and seemed to be talking telepathically. I knew they weren't, since they didn't have any mental defenses at all. I could tell that I was winning them over, though.

“We'll discuss it later and let you know.” Hermione's mother said and I nodded.

“I couldn't ask for anything more.” I said and bowed my head slightly. “If you will excuse me, I need to find my relatives. They should be around here somewhere.”

“Bye, Harry.” Hermione said and hugged me tightly, then kissed my cheek. “I'll see you in a month.”

I nodded to her and started to walk away, then went back. “Mr. Granger, the trunk is very light, so don't be surprised when it is easy to lift. Don't strain yourself thinking Hermione's books are heavy.”

Mr. Granger smiled. “Thanks for the warning. I can imagine me bracing for the weight and then flinging the damn thing halfway across the station.”

I chuckled, as did Hermione and her mother. I waved and left them to go in search of my relatives. It didn't take me long, considering there seemed to be a clear area around my huge uncle. I wasn't sure if it was his scowl or his sheer size, though. My aunt and cousin were with him, too.

“Boy.” Vernon said as I approached.

“Uncle.” I said and looked at Petunia. “Aunt Petunia.” I glanced at Dudley. “Cousin.”

“You made us wait.” Vernon said.

“The place is crowded and I just saw you.” I said as an explanation, unwilling to tell him I was with a friend and enjoying myself. He wouldn't like that.

“Let's go.” Petunia said.

I followed behind them as they left the station. When we reached the car and before it was unlocked, I took off my backpack and opened the side pocket. I had counted and sorted the money previously and only put three hundred pounds back into it while putting the extra in another pocket.

“Uncle Vernon.” I said and he stopped moving to turn and glare at me.

“What?!?” Vernon almost spat.

“The school gives scholarship students a stipend for extras, like sweets and things. I know I'm not allowed to have things like that, so I saved it up all year.” I pulled out the huge wad of cash and held it out to him. “We're in London, so you can take my aunt and cousin out to eat at a nice restaurant. Maybe an all you can eat buffet.”

Vernon looked at me like I was trying to trick him.

“I'll wait in the car. You know I can't eat rich foods like that.” I said, which answered the 'do I have to feed you as well' question.

Vernon looked at Petunia and saw the same look of approval on her face that I did. Dudley just looked hungry and was drooling a little. It took Vernon a moment before he carefully took the money from me and counted it.

“There's three hundred pounds here!” Vernon exclaimed and Petunia gasped.

“It was a long year.” I said with a shrug.

“Get in the car!” Vernon spat and they scrambled to do it as quickly as possible.

I held in my laugh and slung my backpack over my shoulder and climbed into the back of the car. I made sure my face was blank and only looked out through the window as Vernon searched for the best place. He quickly parked when he saw a buffet sign and he was out of the car and knocking on my window. I lowered it and he glared at me.

“I'm locking the car.” Vernon said.

“I won't move or set off the alarm.” I promised.

Vernon grunted and let me roll up the window before he locked the doors.

They were gone for almost three hours.

I didn't mind, because I had closed my eyes as soon as they left and sorted through some of my older memories while I formulated a few plans that I could implement over the next few years. I also had plans to recover the other horcruxes and reclaim the lost magic. I had been so stupid to do that, handicapping myself, and I wanted to rectify it as soon as possible. Without getting caught, that is.

The car doors unlocked and I opened my eyes to look at them. Both Vernon and Dudley looked stuffed and quite happy. Petunia had a pensive look on her face and her eyes locked onto mine before she climbed into the car. I winked at her and she froze for a second, then got in the car and didn't say anything.

“That was the best buffet in the world!” Dudley said with a sigh and rubbed his belly. “We gotta remember this place and do it again!”

Vernon laughed and pulled out into traffic. As far as he was concerned, it was worth the trip to London to get the boy, just for that one meal.

I had to smile at the man's thoughts and looked out the window to hide it.

The drive back to Little Winging in Surrey didn't take too long, considering the late hour and the light traffic, so Vernon was in an even happier mood when we parked in the driveway. He didn't berate me and warn me about doing any funny business, which was an improvement over his normal disposition. I was going to have to bribe him with money and food more often if it made him leave me alone.

“Time for bed, I think.” Vernon said as he shut the front door behind us. No one argued and the large man pointedly looked at Petunia, then at me, and went up the stairs.

I wasn't sure what that was about, since he wasn't thinking anything.

“Come with me.” Petunia said, her voice angry.

I nodded and followed her. She didn't go to the cupboard under the stairs and went up them instead. I was more than curious about this and followed her. She opened the first door at the top of the stairs and went inside. I looked in and saw her swipe a hand over the bed that was covered in Dudley's broken toys that he had thrown in here instead of throwing them out.

“This is your room now.” Petunia said, to my surprise. “Clean it up and get it sorted out by tomorrow night.”

“Yes, Aunt Petunia.” I said immediately. Agreeing right away was always the best choice.

Petunia gave me a stern look and nodded. She walked to the door and didn't leave. She closed the door before she turned back to me. “There isn't a stipend for sweets, is there?”

I had no real reason to lie, so I didn't. “No. It was just an idea I had.”

“Why?” Petunia asked, genuinely curious.

“I wanted to see what he would do. Would he keep the money? Grunt at me and ask for more? Or would he actually take you out for a good meal?” I asked with a shrug. “I wasn't surprised by his choice, only that he seemed happy and left me alone afterwards. I call that a success.”

Petunia was quiet and her thoughts were too fast for even my prodigious skills to sort through. She nodded, opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, and closed the door behind herself. I heard the locks go into place and almost laughed, because I now had a much bigger cupboard to live in.

I opened my backpack and pulled out several small ward stones I had prepared for other purposes, namely recovering the ring from the Gaunt shack, and activated them as I dropped them out the window. The self burrowing runes were great to hide them as they sunk into the ground as if they were in quicksand. I felt them snap into place and obliterate the other wards around the house, which was going to send alarm bells to a certain headmaster.

I chuckled at that and started to clean up the room. I was tempted to use magic; but, I had to wait for the wards to permeate the house before I could fool the trace wards that the ministry had to track underage and accidental magic.

About two hours later, the locks on the door clicked softly. I could hear the pensive thoughts of my aunt as she stood outside the door and tried to convince herself that she was crazy and didn't want to do what she wanted to do. It was almost endearing to hear her desire for relief overcome her hatred for anything magic.

In the end, she rationalized that I couldn't do magic outside of school and she opened my door. By this point, I had plenty of time to strip off my clothes down to my boxers and had the blankets on the bed turned down as if I was about to go to bed.

“Aunt Petunia?” I whispered, making sure I put some confusion on my face.

Petunia didn't say anything and came into the room before shutting the door. It was then that I saw the negligee she wore and it actually flattered her thin figure. She stayed quiet and walked over to the bed and sat down, gave me a forlorn look, and peeled the negligee off to show her breasts with two large nipple covers.

I didn't ask her what she wanted, because her thoughts were screaming at me to take the blatant hints. I knelt in front of her and carefully pulled the covers off of her nipples. They were red and inflamed, clearly sore, and very tender. I reached up and cupped the side of her face and she closed her eyes at the tender touch.

“Lay down and I'll take care of you.” I whispered and she did as I asked. I gazed at her breasts and admired them for what they were. Life-giving apparatuses and sexual pleasure devices. “You have beautiful breasts and I missed them terribly.”

Petunia blushed and nodded.

I carefully cupped the closest one and started to lick and then suckle on it as I discreetly cast healing charms on it. Milk flowed out easily and I stopped briefly to look at her.

“Breast milk machine to keep it going.” Petunia whispered.

“Thank you.” I whispered back, my voice full of sincerity, and she blushed even more. I smiled at her and went back to continue my feeding. I hadn't eaten all day and I was very hungry. Petunia didn't mind at all.

(* AN: If you don't want to read some more questionable things, you'll want to skip to the next *AN.)

In fact, she had to hold a hand over her mouth to stop her moans as I started to massage her breast to get more milk out of it. I switched to the other one and cast healing charms as I sucked as hard as I could on it. She almost cried out in pleasure when she felt very close to an orgasm. I had to cast a silence spell on the room to stop any stray sounds from escaping.

I caressed her belly with my hand and slid it down between her legs. She didn't protest or close her legs to stop me. In fact, to my slight surprise, she actually opened her legs a bit more to make it easier for me. I didn't disappoint her and deftly slid my hand into her panties and started to play with her as I fed vigorously from her aching breasts.

Using my Legilimancy skills, I quickly found where she liked it the best and ruthlessly attacked with my fingers down below and with my lips and tongue on her chest. It didn't take long for her to let out a scream of pleasure and her body shook as her womanhood gushed over my fingers.

“Ohhh... ohhh, god. I came. I really came.” Petunia whispered, shocked.

I stopped sucking on her breasts and looked at her face. I could see the confusion there and heard it in her thoughts. I decided to take that doubt away and lifted up my soaked fingers to show her. She stared at the evidence with wide eyes and then she gasped when I sucked on them.

“You... how could you...”

“You gave me a precious gift.” I whispered to her. “This was your first willing orgasm, knowing full well who I am and what you've done to me growing up.”

Petunia's eyes flooded with tears. “I'm so sorry, Harry. I tried. I did. He wouldn't listen to me and he...”

“Shh.” I said and put my other hand over her mouth briefly. “I know.”

“You do?” Petunia asked, her tears slowing to a stop.

“Who do you think made Vernon impotent?” I asked her.

Petunia sucked in a sharp breath and covered her own mouth with a hand. “You... no, how...”

“It doesn't matter. It worked, didn't it? He stopped cheating on you.”

Petunia nodded and her hand moved from her mouth to the side of my face. “Harry, thank you.”

“You don't have to thank me for that. He deserved to never touch another woman again.” I said and after a moment, she nodded.

“I... I should get back to bed.” Petunia said and sat up.

“You're already in a bed.” I said and she looked surprised.

“Harry, you can't expect me to stay here tonight.”

“Do you think you're going to get much sleep with him?” I asked.

“I... no, not really.” Petunia admitted. “I just...” She looked at my wet hand and down at her soaked panties. “I need to clean up and change first.”

I thought about it and nodded. “I haven't finished feeding yet, either. How do your breasts feel?”

Petunia carefully felt her chest and sighed with relief. “Fine. They feel fine now.”

“I'm glad.” I said and stood up, then helped her to stand. Your corruption to becoming my loyal supporter is almost complete.

“You're taller.” Petunia observed when she saw that my forehead was equal to her neck when it used to be equal to her shoulder.

“I grew at least a couple of inches.” I said with a smile and flexed my arms to show the burgeoning muscles. “I've starting puberty early, too.”

“You have?” Petunia asked and her eyes went from my arms right down to my boxers. Her mind ground to a halt when she saw the clear tent pole sticking out. I did that? She asked herself, shocked. She wasn't sure if she should be proud to make a young man hard or disappointed that she couldn't do anything with it.

“Yes. It happened right after Christmas and I read your second note.” I said and she caught her breath. “I kept it, you know.” I walked over to my backpack and pulled out the little box with the fifty pence piece in it. “The only present you ever gave me.” I said and hugged it. “I'll treasure it always.”

Petunia let out a shaky sigh. She knew she was a horrible person for how she treated me and she was sad that I valued that pittance only because it came from her.

“It's not what's in the gift.” I said and put it back into my backpack, then walked back over to her. “It's what you said about wanting me here to do this for you.” I looked into her eyes and very slowly dipped down to kiss one of her nipples. She stared at me as I suckled a little on it, then I did the same to her other breast. “Delicious.”

Petunia blushed hard and she swallowed audibly. She wasn't sure what to do now.

I smiled at her. “I'll let you use the bathroom first to clean up. I'm going to be a while in there.”

“Why?” Petunia asked. “What are you going to do in there?”

“I'm going to wank off a few times as I think about you.” I said and reached down and rubbed myself.

“Wh-wh-what?” Petunia stuttered.

“I overheard one of the other boys at school talking about it. He said it felt great, especially if you think about someone you really like.” I said and rubbed a little faster as I stared at her breasts. “He... oh, boy... he's right.”

Petunia's breathing sped up slightly as she watched me play with myself through my boxer shorts. She licked her lips and one of her hands went to her breasts to squeeze them and the other went down to between her legs to play with herself. She was panting heavily now and I enjoyed watching her and listening to her mind telling her how wrong this was and how turned on she was.

“Ugh, the cloth is starting to hurt. He didn't mention that.” I said and stepped back to pull off my underwear.

Petunia caught her breath when I was revealed and both of her hands moved faster.

“That's better.” I said and gripped myself and started to jerk off. “No, that's not right. It's dry and he said... oh, I remember.” I said and reached over to Petunia's womanhood and added my hand to hers.

Petunia gasped and came on my fingers, which was perfect, so I gathered some of it up and put my hand back on my erection and rubbed her juices all over it to slick it up.

“That's much better.” I said and started stroking myself to match her movements that hadn't stopped, despite my brief interruption. It didn't take long before I felt myself build up to an orgasm. I used a bit of magic on her to quickly get her to the same point, then I jerked really fast. “I'm gonna come, Petunia! I'm coming for you!”

“YES!” Petunia yelled and quickly hugged me close and pressed herself against my erection. “OHH!”

We came together and she shivered as I sprayed myself all over her belly and she squirted a little and it dribbled down her thighs and my legs.

“Ohhh... oh, god. Oh, god.” Petunia whispered as she clutched to me. Her mind was reeling over what had just happened and she had no idea what she was going to do to not make things awkward.

“That felt really good!” I said, making sure I put as much happiness as I could into my voice. “Thank you, Petunia. I had no idea that jerking off could be so much fun!”

Petunia gave me a surprised look for a moment, then she smiled at things not feeling awkward. “It really was, wasn't it?”

“Yeah! I'm glad I saved it just for you.” I said and placed several kisses on her breasts. “Thanks to you two as well.”

Petunia laughed as she let me out of the hug and stepped back. When she looked down at the mess we had made between us, she was both impressed by the amount I had let out and sad at how difficult it was going to be to clean it out of the carpet.

“Don't worry. I'll take care of that later.” I offered and held a hand out to her. “May I escort you to the bathroom and help you clean yourself up?”

Petunia gave me an incredulous look.

I chuckled. “I'm sorry, that's how men are supposed to treat high class women. It's one of the many things I learned at school this year.”

Petunia was conflicted. Now that the euphoria of pleasure was starting to fade, her mind was starting to second guess itself.

“I still have another wank or two to do before I can sleep.” I said and pointed down at myself.

Petunia gasped at my returned erection. “What... how...”

I pointed at her breasts. “You've been letting me suck, play, and stare at them as much as I wanted tonight. I can't help it.”

Petunia looked down at herself again and seemed to just now realize that she was completely naked. She looked around and found her panties and her negligee were folded on the bed she stood beside.

“I... I can clean myself up.” Petunia whispered and picked up her negligee and damp panties. She hugged the negligee to her chest and glanced at the panties in her hand. After a moment's indecision, she handed them to me. “What I don't see, I don't have to know about.”

“I understand, Petunia.” I smiled at her as I hung her panties on my erection. “Goodnight.”

Petunia blushed and went to the door. Before she opened it, she turned around to stare at me.

I could hear in her thoughts that maybe I had cast some kind of spell on her to make her do those things. I couldn't let her think that, so I walked over to her and lightly caressed her breasts.

She shivered at how good that felt, so I moved my other hand down to between her legs. She shivered again as her body reacted, even after several orgasms, and she started panting right away.

“No matter what you think about yourself, you are a woman that needs someone to desire her.” I whispered to her and slipped my fingers inside of her to make her gasp. “This isn't a spell to make you horny or anything, even though it's a kind of magic all on its own.”

“Oh, god!” Petunia exclaimed when I easily found a sensitive spot and used it to make her come again. She leaned against the door and tried to calm her breathing.

“You have needs and your body is yelling at you for relief.” I whispered and took her into a hug as I buried my face between her breasts. “I'm sorry I wasn't here at Christmas to help you.”

“That wasn't your fault.” Petunia whispered.

“I know.” I said and looked up at her face. “I'm here now.”

Petunia took a deep breath, that just happened to push her breasts into my face, and sighed. “Harry...”

“I'll be here every night, jerking off to you.” I said and she caught her breath. “Any time you want to do the same, my door is only locked from the outside.”

Petunia had to laugh at my attempt at a joke. “Harry, you know I...”

“Yes.” I said and kissed her breasts. “Go to the bathroom and clean up. I'll use it afterwards.”

Petunia gave me a longing look as her mind filled with images of me wanking over the toilet.

I let her out of the hug and stepped back to let her open the door. “Goodnight, Petunia.”

“G-goodnight.” Petunia said and left. She locked the locks and went to the bathroom, never questioning how I was going to use the bathroom after her if she locked my door.

I felt the wards finally settle into place and nodded. I could cast bigger spells now and they wouldn't register. I had been extremely lucky that I put the ward stone right outside my room and the few little spells I had used hadn't been detected. I stood there and waited for Petunia to finish in the bathroom and go back to her bedroom before I used it myself. I knew she wanted a little show and I was going to give it to her.


Petunia snuck back out of her bedroom and went to the bathroom. Despite how wrong it was, she had had an absolutely wonderful time earlier that night and she wanted confirmation that Harry was going to do what he said. She wasn't sure why she wanted it, only that she did. She carefully opened the bathroom door and peeked in, only to catch her breath.

Harry sat on the toilet with her damp panties held against his face and he was furiously stroking himself. “Oh... Petunia!”

Petunia jumped a little and thought she had been discovered. She was about to enter when Harry spoke again.

“We can't!” Harry exclaimed. “No... it's wrong... oh, so wrong!” He said and jerked even faster. “I want you so bad and I can't stick it in you! I can't!”

Petunia's new panties were immediately soaked.

“It's wrong... we can't do that... oh, but I want to!” Harry gasped. “W-wait... maybe... maybe we... no, we can't. Only... wait... what if... just... just with our mouths. It's not wrong if it's just with a mouth, right?”

Petunia's hand dipped into her panties and she bit her lip as she played with herself. Her eyes followed Harry's jerking hand and she imagined herself doing that.

“Yes... oh, yeah... that's it's Petunia! Kiss it... lick... ohhhh, I'm gonna come! Open your mouth and suck it for me! Oh GOD!”

Petunia caught her breath as a geyser seemed to go off and she stared at the stream of white stuff that shot out and flew several feet to land on the tile floor. Two more smaller shots followed it and she licked her lips at the thought that Harry was imagining he was giving it all to her.

“Ohhhh.... ohhhh.” Harry panted and relaxed against the back of the toilet. “Wow, Petunia. I didn't know you could do something like that. Look at the huge mess I made because of you.”

Petunia looked at the floor and she was impressed at the amount. He had finished earlier and had expelled a lot that she had washed off. At the time, she had pushed aside the regret she felt about it only being on her belly.

“Don't worry. I'm a good boy. I'll clean it up just like you taught me to.” Harry said as he stood up.

Petunia saw a bit more white stuff drip down from his penis and the regret she felt before came back in a rush as she imagined it hitting her tongue and not the floor.

“You taught me well.” Harry said and efficiently cleaned up the mess to leave a clean and slightly sparkling floor. He wiped at himself briefly, then he stepped into the shower and started to wash himself. “That's it. Use your hands, Petunia.”

What is he imagining? Petunia ask herself and unconsciously moved her hand in her panties to his hand movements. After a few minutes, she was surprised when Harry was hard again. No, how can he...

“Mmm, yes! That's good! Soo gooood!” Harry exclaimed and started jerking off again. “Suck... suck it! It's not sex! Ohhh... oh, yeah... ohhh.”

Petunia's fingers dug into herself and she mirrored his jerking motions. Her eyes admired his erection while her mind admired his stamina. She worked herself as he worked himself, for a third time. When he finished again, so did she. She came back to her senses when she heard the water turn off and she got up and went back to her bedroom.

She listened intensely for him to go back to his room before she went to the bathroom to clean herself up again. It was the first time in her life that she had soiled two pairs of panties on the same day and both because she came in them.

Petunia shook her head at the absurdity. Her eyes went to the clean floor where Harry had made a mess and then she walked over to the shower. She couldn't see anything, so he must have cleaned up in there, too. She appreciated his diligence in keeping her home clean, even if she was the one to practically beat it into him.

She sighed at that thought, then remembered him saying that she had taught him well. She felt a little proud because of that, and knew that she also felt a little proud of him as well. He had turned out so well and never once had any accidental magic like Lily had when she was a child.

He even has her eyes. Petunia thought and went back to her room.

She went to bed with only the negligee on and without putting on underwear. She also had a long and restless night with Vernon turning over in his sleep occasionally and taking up most of the bed.

Petunia got up in the morning, a bit bleary-eyed, and went out into the hallway. She unlocked Harry's door as she went by and knocked. “Breakfast. Now.”

The door opened and a fresh-faced and bright-eyed Harry stood there with a smile on his face. “Right away, Aunt Petunia.”

Petunia only grunted and went down the stairs with him following her.

“You sit down and relax. I'll have the tea ready in a minute.” Harry said.

Petunia nodded absently and plopped down onto a chair at the kitchen table. After a minute, she felt itchy between her legs and reached down to adjust her underwear... only to find that she didn't have any on. Her eyes widened at her predicament and she stared at the young man making the tea.

Harry turned around with a well-brewed cup of tea and brought it over to her. “Here you go. Just how you like it.”

Petunia didn't take it and only stared at him.

“What is it?” Harry asked and his eyes saw where her hand was tucked between her legs. “Oh. Okay.”

Petunia blinked her eyes at him for a moment, then he ducked down and disappeared under the table. “Wait, what are you doing?”

“Helping you.” Harry said and moved her hand out of the way. “No panties? I guess you didn't want to mess up another pair, huh? That's smart. Less laundry to do.”

“Harry, what... what are you saying?” Petunia asked.

“Scoot forward a little. I can't do much with you sitting that far back.”

Petunia looked down at the table and imagined he was anxiously waiting for her to move. She only hesitated briefly and them moved forward to basically only have part of her ass on the chair edge.

“That's much better than I expected.” Harry said.

Petunia gasped and moaned as she felt him lick her. “Harry! You can't do that!”

“It's okay. I figured out that it doesn't count.” Harry responded before he started making out with her lower lips.

“Harrrrrryyyy...” Petunia moaned as he did some things to her with his tongue that she hadn't felt before. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time anyone had done anything to her like that, not even on her wedding night when she had gotten pregnant with Dudley.

Not surprisingly, it didn't take long before Petunia had a mind-blowing orgasm. She gripped the table edge tightly with her hands and fought to not pass out from it.

“I hope you feel better now.” Harry said and came out from under the table, his chin soaked. “I'll be right back to clean you up.”

Petunia could only nod as he ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. He was back a couple of minutes later with some wet wipes and a soft hand towel, then he crawled under the table again and she felt him gently kiss her a few times, wipe her down, and dry her off.

“There! All clean.” Harry said and came out from under the table, cleaned off his chin and dried it with the same towel, and tossed the towel over his shoulder. “I'll have breakfast ready in about ten minutes.”

Petunia nodded and watched as Harry deftly cooked up a huge amount of eggs, sausages, hash browns, and toast. She stayed where she was, a bit too stunned to do anything else, and kept watching as he dished the food up properly and only gave himself a very small portion.

Harry saw her staring and he smiled. “I have a meal supplement to take after Uncle Vernon leaves for work.”

Petunia nodded agreement. It was the least she could do after he did what he did between her legs.

“It smells good.” A gruff voice said as he trundled down the stairs. A thumping came right behind him and the walrus and pig boy came into the kitchen.

Neither Harry nor Petunia had started eating, knowing full well that they couldn't without Uncle Vernon there. The man grunted as he sat down and dug into the mound of food on his plate. Dudley did as well and Harry quickly ate his portion, just in case Dudley had the idea that Harry wasn't hungry.

“Well, I'm off.” Vernon said when he was done and stood. “Bye, Pet.”

Petunia didn't react and he left without even kissing her cheek.

“I'm at Piers' house today.” Dudley said and stood before walking out of the kitchen. “See ya.”

Petunia didn't react and watched as Dudley left.

As soon as the front door shut, Harry ran over to it, locked it, and ran back into the kitchen.

“I'm sorry that they don't show you any affection.” Harry said as he approached Petunia. She had a bit of a lost look on her face and he cupped the sides of her face with his hands. “It's okay to feel like you do.”

“No, I... I'm a good wife and mother...”

“...that they take for granted and ignore most of the time.” Harry said and she couldn't help but agree in her mind. “Well, I'm here now. I hope you can stand being the object of my affection for a while.”

Petunia had to laugh a little at that. “I'm such a horrible and greedy person. I'm actually looking forward to having you, someone I treated badly for your whole life, to give me your attention.”

“Not for my whole life.” Harry whispered and looked into her eyes.

“Harry, we.. really shouldn't. This is wrong and...”

“...very exciting.” Harry said and helped her to stand. “I almost jerked off again when I saw you weren't wearing panties.”

Petunia blushed. “Harry, what you did...”

“Do you want to go to the couch or back upstairs?” Harry asked, cutting her off.

Petunia was conflicted about both doing something with him and about where.

“I think you can relax more on the couch.” Harry suggested and led her to the living room. He laid her down on it and stared at her. “I get to touch this.” He whispered, awe in his voice and he pulled her negligee down to reveal her breasts.

Petunia kept blushing, then she moaned as his lips found her breasts and he started drinking her milk. Her hands went to his head and she ran her fingers through his hair as he relieved the building pressure in her mammary glands. She hadn't even realized they were getting full and the relief she felt was a pleasure by itself.

When Harry started using his hands to knead her breast and to play with her between her legs, Petunia moaned loudly and happily.

I've got you now. You're mine. Harry thought with satisfaction and brought her to orgasm twice before he stood up by her head. He pulled himself out to show her he was erect, and she didn't say a word as she slipped her mouth over him and started to suck.

Petunia didn't know what had come over her as she went to town on the penis in her mouth. She had only ever done it once to Vernon and he wasn't well endowed. He would have seemed bigger if his girth didn't conceal a good portion of him or if he was closer in proportion. Harry on the other hand, seemed to have more penis than his body should have. She sucked, licked, and kissed it all along its length. She even gave a couple of kisses to the sack hanging below it before plunging her mouth over the shaft again.

“You're the best, Petunia!” Harry exclaimed.

Petunia felt such a well of enjoyment from his praise, that she doubled her efforts. She needed to have him finish to prove to herself that she was the one in control and that she wanted him to need her. She wanted his praise of her to be deserved.

“Oh... ohhhh... your mouth... god, your mouth!” Harry nearly shouted and then he started to spasm.

“HMMMM!” Petunia moaned as she opened her throat as she grabbed his hips and pulled him in tight to her face. She held him there and felt him spill himself deep into her throat. She tried to swallow and realized she couldn't with him lodged in there, so she let his sperm roll down on its own.

When Harry finally stopped coming, he carefully pulled out of Petunia's throat and mouth. He saw her swallow several times, then she gave him a very satisfied look and slipped the head of his penis back into her mouth to keep sucking it a little to get those last few drops out.

“W-wow.” Harry whispered and stared at the woman below him on the couch. He had expected to eventually turn her and might at some point get her to drink his sperm without touching him. Instead, he was actually surprised by her utter willingness to do what she just did and she was actually pleased with herself for doing it. “Wow.”

Petunia grinned at him, her smile bigger than it had ever been before, and she felt vindicated by what she had done. She had shown him that she was the one in charge and that his innocent playing had serious consequences. Consequences that she was going to exploit for as long as she could. Now that they had crossed that line, she drew another in her mind and promised to never cross it. Absolutely no sex.

(*AN: Here's the end of the questionable part. It'll only be implied from here on out.)

Petunia and Harry went to the bathroom and cleaned themselves up as they stared at each other. When they were done and dressed, they went out into the hallway.

“I'll get started on the chores right away.” Harry said and left her to do just that.


Life at Privet Drive continued on for the next month and things settled into a routine. I did my chores, assisted by subtle magic when possible, and I cooked the meals for my relatives. I also did my duty where Petunia was concerned. She had proven that she actually missed me during the school year and I had to make sure that she always had proof that I did as well. She was greedy for affection and I enjoyed her tasty breast milk. It was a win-win situation and we both enjoyed it.

I easily avoided any bullying that Dudley tried and I never did anything that would gain Vernon's attention. It was better doing it that way than trying to use magic to change the man's behavior. I could have done that; but, altering a person's personality always seemed to have odd drawbacks or problems that can't be foreseen. That was why the Imperius curse needed to be reapplied constantly. Doing things they wouldn't normally do, did things to a mind that were unpredictable.

I received a letter from Hermione by normal post a week into July and she asked me to stay over for two weeks. I approached Petunia and showed her the letter. She didn't look happy about it, until I explained that Hermione had been my only friend all year and that she had helped me deal with being away from her all year.

That made Petunia melt a little and she agreed, as long as I didn't forget about her. I laughed and gave her a hug, whispered that I could never forget her bountiful breasts, then I smacked her ass before I ran for the front door.

“HARRY!” Petunia yelled at me as the door slammed behind me.

I held in my laugh until I was outside and down the street. She would make me pay for that later. The look of happy indignation on her face was worth it, though. I roamed around for an hour or so, avoided where the bullies hung out, and went back to the house to cook supper.

Petunia gave me a stern glare when I entered the kitchen, so I ducked my head and went over to her. She let out a huff and put her arms around me briefly, pinched my butt hard enough to make me squeal, and told me to get to work.

Vernon's grunt from the living room sounded pleased, which meant he approved Petunia's actions to get that sound out of me. He hadn't seen it, because he was staring at the television.

I winked at Petunia and got to work. She always seemed to do things like that by subverting Vernon's expectations for my benefit. I appreciated her effort, so while I quickly did up supper to cook in the oven, I would occasionally whisper compliments to her about how smart she was and how I couldn't wait to feed from her again.

An hour later, supper was ready and while the others ate, I did prep work for several meals and marked the containers for Petunia's ease of use. When I was done, I had a small plate of food and saw Petunia's smile. She liked it when I did things to make her life easier, especially when I didn't have to do them.

The next day, Mr. Granger picked me up at the house. My relatives and half of the neighbourhood stared at the BMW that slowly drove up the block and parked in front of the house.

“Hello, Harry.” Mr. Granger said as I opened the front door and came out with my backpack. “Ready to go?”

“Yes, sir.” I said and he opened the back door for me. I turned and waved to my stunned relatives, then hopped into the car to see a giggling Hermione.

“I knew they would react like that to dad's casual car.” Hermione said and hugged me as the car door shut. “How are you?”

“I'm looking forward to two blissful weeks of interrogations and possible waterboarding.” I said with a straight face, then we both burst out laughing.

“Hardy-har-har.” Mr. Granger said as he sat in the driver's seat. “Are you sure you're all right? No problems?”

“No, sir. I found avoidance of confrontation much easier with bribes, enticements, and cooking meals that made them too sluggish to bother me.” I explained and glanced at Hermione. “I think this is the first summer that I've had the easiest time.”

“You really did it and it worked?” Hermione asked as her father drove the car away from Privet Drive. “What did he do?”

“My uncle actually took the others to an all-you-can-eat buffet like I suggested. The ride here from London was the best trip I've ever had in the car.”

Hermione let out a laugh. “Now you've established a precedent, he's going to expect it every time.”

“I know, and it's worth it.” I said and took her hand. “How was the trip? Did you visit the Louvre like you wanted?”

“Dad got us the grand tour!” Hermione said happily, then proceeded to tell me all about the experience.

I sat there and listened to her go on and on for the whole drive back to her house. I also noticed her father continuously glance at me in the rear view mirror. I suspected that he was thinking I wasn't sincere in my interest and he couldn't have been more wrong. I didn't try reading his mind, though. It wouldn't benefit me yet.

We eventually pulled into their driveway and a very nice two storey home was there. I got out of the car and saw that the house was well above middle class and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't gaudy or overdone. Some people make that mistake and try to show off their wealth, to their own detriment.

“What do you think?” Hermione asked as she climbed out.

“I think it's perfect.” I said and turned to face her. “Just like you.”

Hermione blushed for a second, then laughed softly. “Mom's waiting inside with brunch.”

“Brunch is an odd name. Who's that?” I asked when her father walked around the car. I needed to feign some lack of knowledge or he would be suspicious.

“Harry, brunch is not a person. It's a small meal between breakfast and lunch.” Hermione corrected me.

“Wait, what?” I asked and gave her a confused look. “How can my relatives not know about that? They eat all the time!”

Hermione chuckled and led me into the house. “I guess it's not something they would have heard of.”

“I cook enough meals as it is. Please tell me there's nothing between lunch and supper. Lupper? Sunch?” I asked and she laughed. “I'm never telling them I've had brunch. Nope. Not going to happen.”

“Come on. Mom's going to want to hear this.” Hermione said and led me through the house to the kitchen.

“Good morning, Harry.” Mrs. Granger said and I suddenly found my face buried into her chest in a tight hug.

“Mom!” Hermione exclaimed.

“You've told us enough about his home life that I thought a motherly hug was warranted.” Mrs. Granger said and looked down at me. “I hope that's okay.”

“I can't say no to a face so similar to Hermione's.” I responded.

“Aww!” Hermione and her mother said at the same time and I felt Hermione hug me from behind.

Mr. Granger behind us barked a laugh. “You've done it now! I hope you really like the classic Granger hug. They are going to tackle you when you least expect it.”

“I'm not adverse to the possibility.” I said with a crooked smile and the three Grangers laughed.

We sat down at the kitchen table and ate brunch. I made note of what it entailed and had an odd idea about surprising Petunia with it while Vernon and Dudley were out of the house. I pushed that thought aside and enjoyed conversing with the elder Grangers and Hermione. Their viewpoints were similar and divergent at the same time, which kept the conversation interesting.

“Mrs. Granger, you really enjoyed your vacation to the fullest.” I commented.

“We always do, and please call me Emma.” Emma Granger said. “My husband is Dan. He might let you call him that if you agree to a round or two of golf.”

“I assume this Saturday?” I asked and looked at him, only to see a big grin similar to Hermione's.

“You're on!” Dan said and saluted me with his cup of tea.

“There goes my warning about encouraging him.” Emma groused, which made Hermione laugh. “Go on and take Harry to the room that's his for the next two weeks.”

“Okay.” Hermione said and took my hand. “You're going to like it, especially after staying in... well...”

I chuckled. “They actually moved me from the cupboard under the stairs to Dudley's second bedroom.”

“No!” Hermione gasped.

“I know! It was a surprise to me, too.” I said as she led me from the kitchen. I didn't have to see the faces of her parents to know that they didn't like the subject of my living arrangements, which was why I mentioned it this way. “I still had to clean it up myself, though.”

“Did you use magic?” Hermione asked.

“Not at first.” I said and pat my backpack. “I used a couple of the supplementary ward stones I made during the year.”

“Can you integrate them into our ward scheme?” Hermione asked.

“I'd have to look at the setup before I can confirm or deny it.” I said.

“They put it out back, so we can look at it later.” Hermione responded and took me up the stairs. “My room's on the right side of the hall. Yours is on the left. My parents are at the end.”

I nodded and dropped my backpack off in my room. It was quite nice and a lot bigger than Dudley's second bedroom. “Is that a queen size bed?”

“Yes!” Hermione said and ran over to it and hopped onto it with a thump. “It's bouncy, too!”

“You better not be jumping on the bed!” Emma's voice called from downstairs.

Hermione laughed and sat up. “I swear, she has ears like a hawk!”

I chuckled and sat beside her. “So, what are the plans for my stay here?”

“Only a bit of shopping, maybe some sight-seeing, and waiting for our marks from school.”

“You're dying to know if we aced everything as well as we thought, even though the teachers told us we did?” I asked in amusement.

“Yes! It's not official until we get the results!”

I chuckled again. “Do I need to remind you that the year end tests don't really matter until our Owls?”

“They matter to me.” Hermione said with determination, then she gave me a hug. “I can't thank you enough for helping me do so well.”

“It's the least I could do for you being my friend.” I said and she hugged me tighter.

“Go ahead and put your things in the bathroom. You have your own, by the way.”

“Okay, now you're spoiling me.” I said and she grinned at me.

“Dad said it's to stop any accidental meetings in the main bathroom.” Hermione said with a roll of her eyes.

“I definitely don't want to meet your dad wearing just a towel.” I said and shivered to make her laugh.

“He meant you an me, you nut.” Hermione said and stood up. “Come downstairs to the living room when you're done. Dad and mom want to have a rules talk and you know we can't get out of it.”

I nodded and watched her walk out the door, then she poked her head back in to smile at me.

“I'm really glad you're here, Harry.”

“Me, too.” I said and she shut the door.


“Tee off time!” Dan exclaimed at the breakfast table Saturday morning.

“Don't wreck Harry's opinion of you so soon, dear.” Emma said with a smirk.

“Nonsense.” Dan said and stood. “Let's go, Harry. Horribly matched clothing and bright colors await!”

Emma and Hermione laughed at my exaggerated sigh.

We were changed and in the car with two sets of golf clubs barely ten minutes later.

“Now my young friend, you will discover the secret of golf day.” Dan said and pulled into the local pub.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he laughed.

“I do golf; but, I'm not as crazy about it as I pretend.” Dan admitted. “The most I've golfed in a single day is nine holes. It's a lot of walking and it's a bit boring if you get stuck by yourself or with a partner that isn't a conversationalist.”

I had to agree with that as we entered the pub. “When's the actual tee off time?”

“Not for a couple of hours. I usually clear out early and let the girls have the whole day to themselves.”

“That's very noble of you.” I said.

“Dan! You're right on time.” A man's voice said from the bar.

“Hey, Phil. I brought a potential recruit to the epic secret of golf.” Dan said and motioned to me.

“Ah, starting him off young. Good plan.” Phil said with a laugh. “He'll have his future wife happy to have a day without their man in the house to bug them.”

Dan nodded and we sat down at the bar. “Draft, please.” He said to the bartender.

“Three fingers of whiskey, twelve years old at least.” I ordered with a blank face, then snorted and laughed at the men's shocked faces.

“That's older than you are!” Dan exclaimed.

“Soda pop it is.” The bartender said and handed me a glass.

“I saw someone order that on television once.” I said with a grin.

“That was almost a perfect delivery.” Phil said and raised his beer stein to salute me. “If it wasn't for the laugh at the end...”

“I couldn't help it. Your faces set me off.” I said and sipped the soda pop.

Dan pat my shoulder and took a long drink of his beer. “Ahhh! It's good today.”

“It's a fresh barrel.” The bartender said and started to clean some glasses.

“GOOAALLL!” The television at the side of the bar yelled out.

“Dammit, I missed it.” Phil said and turned to look. “Come on, replay!”

The replay played and Phil and Dan yelled 'goal' with the announcer, then shared some light conversation. I was a little surprised that I was enjoying myself, even if I wasn't casually drinking. Dan stopped an hour before we had to leave and passed the bartender's test for sobriety before we left.

Golf was interesting and quite easy. I had a more difficult time trying to be horrible at it to let Dan teach me some tips and tricks. I wasn't a natural with it or anything, it was just that magic required a lot more precision and accuracy than was required for whacking a little ball with a metal pole.

We played four holes and went to go get lunch, talked about the course and the upcoming holes, then went back to the course and played five more holes. We returned to the same pub we started at that morning and ordered supper there. Phil came in soon after and joined us.

“I went a bit longer. Business golf today.” Phil said and sat down.

“Were you the caddy this time?” Dan asked with a grin.

Phil laughed. “No, thank god. Assistant to the boss.”

“Much better. How many times did you underscore him?”

“Only six this time. Two lost balls and I ignored the extra strokes for recovery.” Phil said.

“Nice. It must have been a great game for him.”

“Best he's had in almost a year.” Phil said with a knowing smile. “He's invited me again next month.”

“Ha!” Dan said and held up his glass and knocked it together with Phil's. “That promotion is yours!”

“My wife's going to be happy, that's for sure.” Phil said and took a drink.

“You did your time in the trenches. It's time for command.” Dan said and Phil nodded.

I watched and listened to them talk about business like it was a war, and I slowly had a plan form in my head. It only slightly modified the ones I already had and also fit in nicely. If this was how the normal workers in the ministry saw things, then my attempt to take it over in the future had just become much easier. I would tell Hermione about it later.

We went back to the Granger home about two hours later, fairly late in the day and early in the evening.

“Honey, we're home!” Dan shouted loudly into the house as we entered.

“Living room!” Emma responded.

“We're getting cleaned up before assaulting you with our funk!” Dan said and motioned to the stairs.

I heard her and Hermione gag a little and then laugh.

“I always make that joke.” Dan whispered as we went upstairs to shower and change.

I dressed in pyjamas, even though I don't normally wear them, and went downstairs to the living room.

“We're watching something special.” Hermione said and pat the couch beside her.

I sat down where indicated and put my arm over her shoulder. She leaned into me a little, as if we were studying in our chair in the Griffindor common room, and I heard Emma's thoughts about how natural we had done it.

“What did you pick?” Dan asked as he entered wearing pants and a shirt.

“Hopefully something Harry will like.” Emma said and nodded to Hermione, who used the remote to start the movie. A well-recognized angled text scroll started on the screen and we spent the next two hours or so watching the most famous science fiction movie in existence.


Emma and Dan were resting in bed later that night reading books.

“You know he hasn't tried to sneak into her room even once.” Emma said, amusement in her voice.

“I know, and it's odd. He should have tried to at least peek at her.” Dan responded.

Emma laughed softly. “You're complaining that he isn't trying to sneak around with our daughter?”

“No, I... well, actually...”

“Honey, maybe he doesn't think that way about her.” Emma said, trying to rationalize it.

“No, he loves her in his own way.” Dan said. “I've seen the way he holds her and caters to her.”

Emma nodded. “Maybe he's being respectful and not doing anything because he's here?”

“Maybe.” Dan said and stood up. “I'm going to check one more time.”

Emma shook her head. “If you do catch him sneaking, don't you dare stop him.”

“But... it's my job.” Dan said.

“You can't stand there and tell me you want him to and then tell him he can't!”

Dan opened his mouth to say exactly that, then sighed. “Fine. If he is creeping on her, I'll let him be.”

Emma nodded and watched her husband sneak out of their bedroom. She smiled and went back to reading her book.

Dan crept along the hallway and looked into Harry's room. There were no lumps under the blanket and he sighed mentally in relief while also snarling angrily at a boy going near his daughter. He crossed the hall and carefully opened Hermione's bedroom door... then froze as he saw his daughter waving her wand around with a large silvery otter floating around her.

“I finally got it!” Hermione exclaimed and lunged at Harry, then she kissed him right on the lips. They held it for several seconds and the silvery otter brightened up considerably. “Oh! It's reactive!”

“The more happiness you pour into it, the stronger it gets.” Harry said and rubbed her back. “Now that you've completed this step, we can do the message variant.”

“YES!” Hermione yelled and then slapped her hand over her mouth.

Harry chuckled. “It's all right. I cast a silence charm over your parents' bedroom door.”

“Whew!” Hermione said and sat down on the bed as the spell ended.

“Eat more chocolate. You need to keep your energy up and it works best for this spell, remember?” Harry said and she nodded as she put a small square of chocolate into her mouth. “You'll need to brush your teeth after the lesson.”

“I know. I also didn't eat any sweets all week to let me eat some tonight.” Hermione said.

Dan eased the door shut and crept back to his bedroom. He didn't feel any magic before he entered the bedroom.

“So? Was he ravishing her?” Emma asked.

“No, he... well, they kissed...”

“A peck or a real one?” Emma leaned forward, interested in the answer.

“Real. Hermione was thanking him for teaching her a spell.” Dan said and climbed into bed.

“Wait, he's teaching her magic and not sneaking into her room for... other things?” Emma asked, surprised.

“No, he's being a gentleman.” Dan said as the thought seemed to settle into his mind. “He's not taking advantage of the clear opportunity sleeping in the same house gives him.”

“Actually, he is... just not in the way we would.” Emma said, now that she was thinking about it.

Dan nodded and pulled the blanket up to his neck as he laid down.

“You're not going to read anymore?” Emma asked.

“No, I need to think.” Dan said and rolled over to face away from his wife.

“I've almost got everything ready for his birthday party.” Emma said. “According to Hermione, he's never had one.”

Dan stiffened for a moment, then sighed. “Trying to put him into a normal boy's perspective is failing.”

“I know.” Emma said and sighed as she put her book aside. “Sometimes he's perfectly fine and then something will come up and he won't know how to react or what to say.”

“I've noticed that, too. He looks at me as if he's trying to commit what I'm saying or doing to memory.”

“Yes, me too.” Emma said and laid down before she turned off the bedroom lights. “I'm a little nervous that we're not showing him the right things sometimes.”

Dan nodded. “We can't be anyone but ourselves, so don't worry about that. I'm sure he knows we don't have a normal family dynamic, especially with a daughter like Hermione.”

Emma chuckled. “His relatives are 'normal', so I am not upset about that at all.”

Dan turned over to look at her. “Hermione told you that?”

Emma nodded. “She also said he's never been this happy, except when he's alone with her at school.”

Dan sighed. “I guess... well, there's not really anything we can do.”

“No, we would just make it worse.” Emma said and reached for her husband to hug him. “Hermione said he appreciates the thought.”

“He knows we would help him if we could?” Dan asked and she nodded. “Good. That's good.”

Emma smiled and gave him a kiss. “You're going to give him your approval, aren't you?”

Dan thought about denying it, then shrugged. “On his birthday.”

“Good boy.” Emma said and gave him another kiss. “Goodnight.”



“Happy Birthday!” Emma, Dan and Hermione shouted when I entered the kitchen on July thirty-first.

“What? How? Why?” I asked, feigning confusion. I had known about the surprise party for days.

“That's our secret.” Emma said with a very pleased smile.

“I... I don't know what to say.” I whispered as I walked over to the kitchen table and the cake there with my name on it and a dozen candles. “Hermione, I...”

Hermione took me into a hug and held me for several minutes. I had to dredge up some bad memories to make myself sad and let a few tears form in my eyes. I wouldn't normally do that and would keep everything hidden behind my mind shields. This time, I needed for her parents to see genuine emotion on my face.

“It's okay, Harry. We appreciate you.” Emma said and joined in on the hug when she saw my face. She used a tissue to wipe at my face and hugged me tighter than Hermione did.

“Thank... thank you.” I said and hugged them back just as hard.

I didn't mind having two sets of breasts, one budding and one full sized, pressed against my sides. I almost couldn't wait for Hermione's to grow out enough for the both of us to enjoy them. It would be another year, perhaps two, before her body would be mature enough. That is, unless I did the second ritual with her and boosted her again.

I started to smile at the thought and both Hermione and her mother gave me kisses on my cheeks.

“I'll light the candles.” Hermione said as she let me go and took out her wand to waved over the cake. The candles lit up as one and I had to give her a bit of applause for doing it silently. She blushed a little and then prompted me to make a wish.

I gave her a pointed look and a smile, then closed my eyes and blew out the candles.

“Don't tell us!” Emma almost shouted and covered my mouth with her hand. “It's a secret. If you tell anyone, it won't come true.”

I had to laugh, because with magic, I was sure to get my wish. When I looked back at Hermione, she was blushing again.

We cut the cake and had a small piece each, even though it was diet cake and wouldn't give the same sugar rush that a normal cake would. We played a few easy games that normal people played during birthday parties, and I was at a loss to learn about them and what to do. I could see Emma's and Dan's sadness hidden behind their smiles.

When we sat down to have brunch, because my party had postponed breakfast, I thanked them both profusely for giving me something I never had before. I also went to Hermione and gave her cheek a kiss and whispered a quiet thank you to her for letting her parents know.

“You deserve to have a few normal things in your life.” Hermione said and then quickly spoke again. “I mean actual normal things, not your uncle's version of normal.”

I smiled. “I knew what you meant.”

“Good.” Hermione said and hugged me tightly. “We need to get changed. We're going out shopping.”

“What? No presents?” I asked, a little cheekily.

“We both need a few new clothes, apparently.” Hermione said and looked at her mother.

“We'll make sure to get a size or two bigger, just so there's room for you to keep growing into them.” Emma said. “There will be presents afterwards.”

I nodded and we went upstairs to get changed from our pyjamas to normal muggle clothes. We went in Dan's casual car, the BMW, and drove to London's biggest high-end store, Harrods. What followed was a whirlwind of shops, clothing try-ons, and a very happy Emma with a chuckling Dan carrying everything.

“I wanted to warn you that she loves playing dress up with Hermione.” Dan whispered to me while we waited and the girls were off in the lingerie department that we were vehemently denied entry to. “She swore me to secrecy and denied me... ah... you're a bit young for that part.”

I chuckled and smiled at him. “I am well aware of how women control men, Dan.”

“You are?” Dan asked, a little surprised.

“My aunt did so for years until my uncle became impotent.” I said. “It was surprisingly effective up to that point.”

Dan laughed. “Yes, it really is. If I wasn't allowed to...”

“You better not finish that statement.” Emma said from behind us.

“Sorry, dear.” Dan apologized immediately. “I sometimes forget Harry's only young.”

Hermione gave him a smile. “He's as old as I am.”

“So, about twenty.” Dan countered.

“DAD!” Hermione yelled and he laughed.

“Come on, you.” Emma said and hooked her arm through Dan's. “Let's go have a nice dinner out.”

I helped carry some of the packages to the car and we were soon at a mid-scale restaurant and had an excellent meal. We went back to Hermione's house after that and settled in the living room to rest. Everyone had a great day.

“Presents!” Hermione exclaimed and shot to her feet before running from the room.

Her parents laughed as she ran to wherever the gifts were and brought them back.

“Open ours first.” Emma said and Hermione handed over a small box.

I unwrapped it and opened it to see a house key. “What's this?”

“It's a spare key to this house.” Dan said.

Hermione let out a squeal of delight and gave me one of her patented Granger hugs.

“After the things you've done for this family with the protection wards... and how you treat our only daughter...” Emma said, her smile warm and happy.

“We want you to know that you're always welcome here.” Dan said.

There was a brief flash of light and Hermione let out another squeal of delight.

“What was that?” Emma and Dan asked at the same time.

“You've keyed Harry into the house wards as part of the family!” Hermione said loudly and let me go to hug her father, then her mother. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“It was supposed to be a present for Harry.” Dan said and made Hermione and Emma laugh.

“It was.” I said and looked at the other present.

“This is from me.” Hermione said and handed it over. “I know there's not much that you need...”

“I only need you.” I said and cut her off. “Everything else is just nice to have.”

Hermione blushed and hugged me while her parents looked quite happy at my words.

I opened the present and inside was a book and over two dozen parchment pages of written notes, maps, and calculation formulas. I picked up the book and it was the wizarding world's version of fairy tales.

“On page sixty-six, you'll find the object of my research.” Hermione said and my eyes widened.

“Your research?” I asked and started to look at the pages.

“No, don't spoil it.” Hermione covered them with her hand. “Look at the book first.”

I nodded and opened the book to the right page and saw it was the tale of the three brothers.

“Read it and pay close attention.” Hermione said with a smirk and sat beside me to wait.

“I might as well read it aloud.” I said and she put her arm around me. “A long time ago, there were three brothers. They were great wizards of their time and...”

I read the entire story about them avoiding certain death in a raging river, then Death itself tricking them into taking cursed items. When I was finished, Hermione stared at me expectantly.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Didn't the things they get sound familiar? What were they?” Hermione pointedly asked.

“A wand, a stone, and a cloak.” I said and she nodded.

“Clarify that statement.” Hermione said with a satisfied smile on her face.

“The Elder wand or the death stick, the resurrection stone that can bring ghosts back from the afterlife, and the cloak of invisibility.” I said and she nodded.

“Think about it.” Hermione said and handed me the first page of notes.

“Normal invisibility cloaks only last a year or two, then need to be enchanted again or resewn with Demiguise hair.” I read and looked at her calculations. It was then that it hit me. “My invisibility cloak!”

“Yes!” Hermione said and kissed my cheek. “It's at least two decades old, because your father used it in school.”

“But... no, how...” I looked at the other notes. I flipped through them quickly and saw both evidence and personal accounts about both of the other items from decades ago. “It's real?”

Hermione pulled out the bottom page and handed it to me. “They were last seen after Grindelwald took power and was defeated.”

“By Dumbledore!” I gasped and read the eye witness account of the battle.

“Yes.” Hermione said. “The headmaster has the Elder wand.”

“You are a brilliant witch!” I exclaimed and pushed the papers aside as I pulled her in close. I looked into her eyes and saw anticipation there, so I smiled and proceeded to kiss her senseless.

Emma and Dan were shocked speechless as I snogged their daughter right there in front of them.

I broke the kiss a few minutes later and saw Hermione's face was flushed red. “I apologize for my enthusiasm.”

“It's all right, Harry.” Hermione said and her eyes went to her still stunned parents. “Um, you might want to run. Dad's recovering.”

“No.” I said, to everyone's surprise. “I made the decision to do that and I'll face the consequences... right after I give out presents of my own.”

“What?” Emma, Hermione and Dan asked.

“You've brought me into your home and I couldn't in good conscience forget to give you house-warming gifts.” I said and left the room to get my backpack. I came back in and sat down beside Hermione. I reached into my backpack and pulled out a wide and ornately carved wooden box that I handed to Emma.

“Harry, you shouldn't be giving us gifts. It's your birthday.” Emma said and rubbed a hand over the dark stained and smooth wood.

“I've never had a birthday before, so maybe this can be how things go from now on.” I said and nodded to it. “Open it.”

Emma opened it and gasped. “Harry!”

Inside the wide box was a diamond and sapphire necklace with several engraved stones.

“It'll never wear out, need to be cleaned, or repaired.” I said as she took it out to show her husband and her daughter. “I also put some mild protection charms on it and a few that are also on Hermione's diadem.”

“Mom! Put it on!” Hermione urged. She had felt guilty that she didn't want to share the powers of the tiara. She had gotten used to the excess brain power and didn't want to give it up, even for the brief times that she showered and needed to take it off.

“I hope you like it.” I said as Emma put the necklace on with Dan's help. I took out another wooden box to give to Dan.

“Harry, you really shouldn't.” Dan said and Emma shivered as the enchantments of the necklace kicked in and took effect.

“Oh, my god.” Emma whispered and her fingers caressed the sapphires. “My... my mind is... oh, god.”

“Honey, are you okay?” Dan asked without opening his present.

“Dan, I... with how my mind is working right now, I want to...” Emma stopped talking as she turned to look at him with hunger in her eyes. “Open his present, dear. I suspect it's something similar.”

Dan held in a sigh and opened it. Inside was an old ornate wrist watch.

“It used to be a pocket watch and I added the more modern metal strap for your wrist.” I said and he took it out. “It's twenty-four carat gold with diamonds and sapphires inlaid in the face. The enchantments aren't as extensive as the necklace, because I didn't have as much room to work with.”

“Wait, you did this?” Emma asked and her fingers hadn't stopped stroking the sapphires.

I nodded. “The watch never has to be tended because it's self-winding, self-repairing, and has some of the same enhancements as the necklace.”

“Put it on, Dan.” Emma ordered and he wasn't going to say no to her command voice.

Dan put it on and nothing happened. “Are you sure this thing... worrrrrrks! Geezus Crackers!”

Hermione and Emma laughed at his cursing substitute.

“What the hell... why do things make more sense now?” Dan asked and felt Emma take his hand. A thrill went through him and he turned his head to stare at her.

“Is anything else going through your head right now?” Emma asked with a smirk.

“Kids, it's been a great day. We're going to bed, so don't stay up late or do anything bad.” Dan said and stood. “I need a few minutes to get ready.”

“Go.” Emma said and he took off at a jog. When he was out of sight, she walked over to me. “You knew we would react like this, didn't you?”

“I suspected.” I said. “I haven't seen either of you make any moves towards each other and thought you were holding off because I was in the house.”

Emma smiled and make me stand up. She took me into a hug and this time, intentionally squished my face into her chest. “I know you like this.”

“Who wouldn't?” I asked and she laughed. “Make sure you tell Dan what you want and direct him properly. He should be able to see the proper signs when you react to him; but, it's better to be sure and enjoy yourself.”

Emma gave me a concerned look and then looked at Hermione. “You don't do anything sexual, do you?”

“No, like I told you before, it's just occasional kisses and a couple snogging sessions.” Hermione said and smiled. “I know you won't say anything if there was a bit more to it. I am your daughter after all.”

Emma laughed and nodded, then looked at me. “Do not take advantage of her, you hear me?”

“I would never force myself on her, academically or otherwise.” I said, truthfully.

Emma nodded and smiled, then winked at her daughter.

“Mom? What are you...” Hermione stared to ask and then her mouth dropped open when her mother kissed me.

Emma was a great kisser apparently. I quickly learned to reciprocate and kissed her back to show that her teaching skills were well earned. She let out a little moan and broke the kiss.

“MOM!” Hermione yelled.

“It's all right.” I said as Emma let me go. “She was giving me some vital information.”

“Yes, I was.” Emma said and rubbed a hand through my hair. “Make her happy, Harry.”

“I have... I do... I will.” I promised and Emma gave me a very happy smile.

“Goodnight, you two.” Emma said and walked out of the living room, her hips swaying a bit more than normal.

“I... I can't believe...” Hermione shook her head. “My mom would never do that.”

“She wants to make sure you're happy.” I said and sat down beside her.

“Harry, she just kissed you like she kisses dad!” Hermione almost shouted.

“She did... and this is why.” I said and leaned in to kiss her.

Hermione struggled for about two seconds before she seemed to lose all resistance and moaned into my mouth as I kissed her how her mother had just taught me. Her arms went around me and we slid down to lay on the couch as we snogged each other. She picked it up almost as quickly as I did and we both started to moan into each other's mouths.

After what seemed like a long time, we broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes.

“Wow.” Hermione whispered. “Woooow.”

“Yeah.” I whispered back. “She gave us both a great gift.”

Hermione nodded and we laid there without saying anything else for quite some time. We eventually decided to go to bed and when I tried to go to my room, she held onto my hand and took me into hers. We climbed into bed, facing each other, and drifted off to sleep like that.


“Look at that.” Emma whispered the next morning as she peeked into her daughter's room with her husband. “They knew we were busy last night and they still only laid near each other and fell asleep. I expected them to be cuddled up on the couch or something. At least.”

Dan closed the door and took his wife down to the kitchen. “Well, now we know they really are responsible and respect each other and personal boundaries.” He said and started making tea.

“We sure as heck gave them lots of opportunities to try and disappoint us.” Emma said with a laugh.

Dan had to laugh as well. They really had conspired the entire time Harry stayed with them to engineer a lot of perceived unsupervised alone time between him and Hermione.

“Last night was the first time we couldn't keep watch on them and they still didn't do anything.” Emma said and accepted the cup of tea. “Harry's a good pick for our Hermione.”

Dan reluctantly nodded. “He's proving to be the best thing to happen to her since she started school.”

“Just him keeping up with her academically would have endeared him to me. After everything he's given us...” Emma lightly caressed the sapphires on the necklace she still wore. “We should keep him.”

Dan chuckled and sat next to her. “If only it were that easy.”

Emma sighed and nodded. They knew they couldn't interfere with his home situation without making it worse. As long as they kept telling Harry that they would step in as soon as he wanted them to, they would have to be happy with that.

“What do you want to do with the last few days of his stay here?” Dan asked.

“How about a little drive up the coast?” Emma asked.

“Actually, that's not a bad idea. We've got a light load at work that the others can cover for us. We can skive-off and go for the rest of the week and the weekend.”

“That sounds great.” Emma said and drank some tea. “I'll even bring some of the things I bought at Harrods yesterday.”

“Wait, what you wore last night wasn't from there?” Dan asked, surprised. “You looked so sexy.”

Emma blushed and gave him a kiss. “Thank you, dear. I love you, too.”


We were in a little inn on the coast and it had been a great week. The little mini-trip the Grangers had taken me on was the best thing, for two reasons.

The first one was that I was privileged to see Emma wearing a sexy lacy bra and panties that barely covered her, which gave me a very nice and informative view of what Hermione was going to look like at that age. The cheeky woman actually winked at me before bending over and kissing my cheek, giving me a wonderful view of her breasts and the necklace she still wore, then she ducked into her bedroom and shut the door.

The second one was that I visited the old cave that my horcrux was in. Or used to be. I read the note in the fake and chuckled at the little bastard that had stolen the original. Regalus Arcturus Black. I suspected how he did it, considering I had used his elf to put it there in the first place. Hopefully, it would only take a quick visit to get the location of Slytherin's locket.

All of my plans were starting to coalesce together and I was going to gather up the last few horcruxes soon. I wasn't sure how to get the cup from the goblins yet. Perhaps I'll mention it to Hermione and we can work on it together. She is a brilliant witch and I need to give her more compliments. I also think that I'm starting to get addicted to her kisses. I can't go more than an hour or so before I try to steal one from her. Hermione just giggles and lets me.

I stood at the large window in our shared rooms on the last night of our stay before the drive back to London and stared out at the churning water.

“Thinking about the future?” Dan asked me and walked over to stand beside me.

“It's more like contemplating what I can get away with before reality comes crashing down and tries to crush me.” I joked and he let out a laugh.

“I know what you mean.” Dan said and stared at the water with me. “I really love my daughter. If you do something stupid and ever hurt her...”

“...she'll eviscerate me long before you hear about it.” I said with a smile. “She won't even use magic.”

Dan snorted a laugh and nodded. “That's my girl.”

I turned slightly to look at him and gauge his reaction to my next words. “I think she's our girl now.”

Dan gave me a glance and nodded. “I think so, too.”

I smiled and looked back out at the water. “We always protect what's ours.”

“Yes, we do.” Dan agreed.

Neither of us saw the bright smiles of the two people standing just outside the room. A pleased smile on the mother's face and an excited smile on the daughter's.


It didn't take much convincing to get the Grangers to let me take the bus back to Privet Drive. They were going to be busy catching up at work and our Hogwarts letters had come in. There was going to be another shopping day later in the week and I couldn't agree to show up at the same time, since coordinating with my uncle's work schedule would be near impossible.

Not that I would, because I would just leave whenever I wanted. It was just an excuse for me to get away and recover the horcruxes that I had easy access to. I made a few more ward stones and travelled by bus to Little Hangleton. I knew exactly where to go and set them up to counter the offensive wards I set in place. They were weak and near collapse, so it didn't take much to break them and get to the ring.

I countered the Withering curse on the ring and tucked it into my pocket. I wouldn't bother doing the reclamation ritual until I had the locket as well. Why waste the time and effort if I can do them both at the same time?

I removed the new ward stones and took another bus to a suburb called Grimmauld Place. I was happy to see that it wasn't covered under a Fidelus charm and went to the door and knocked. After ten minutes, the door clicked and slowly creaked open.

“Filthy half-blood shows up, bold as brass.” The old elf mumbled loudly. “What do you want?”

“I've come to complete Regulus' work.” I said and the old elf stared at me like I was an apparition. I took out the note and showed it to him. “As you can see, I know he took a dark magic artifact and replaced it with his own locket.”

“Does the filthy half-blood actually have it?” The old elf muttered.

I smiled and took it out of my pocket. “How about a trade? I give you Regulus' locket and you give me the other one to destroy?”

“You swear it?” The old elf asked.

“I will remove the taint on the artifact.” I said with a nod. “If you have a ritual room...”

“Right this way, master half-blood.” The old elf muttered and let me inside.

This is going better than I imagined. I thought and followed the elf through a dank and dangerous house. It had been empty for years and tons of magical creatures had taken up residence. We ended in a room that had a sand-like floor and I nodded to the elf as I got to work. I set out the carved wooden squares I had and set them into the sand-like floor. They didn't move.

“The locket.” The old elf said and I held out the locket to him. He snatched it and sniffed it, licked it briefly, then closed his eyes and hugged it.

“The dark artifact.” I said and he popped away and popped back with it dangling from a chain. I took it and wasn't surprised that I could feel tendrils of the soul piece inside trying desperately to influence me. I chuckled at the feeble attempt at control and set the locket down in the middle of the ritual circle. I took out the ring and the old elf hissed.

“Another one!” The old elf hissed.

“Yes, and there's another that I can't get to right now.” I said and he squinted his eyes at me. I could read his thoughts and he didn't believe me. “It's a magical cup inside Bellatrix Lestrange's vault in Gringotts. I'll have to bribe my way in or...”

The old elf popped away and his sudden disappearance surprised me enough that I sat there and waited to see if he would return. He came back a few minutes later and dropped the small cup beside the locket and ring.

“Nasty thing corrupting other things in Mistress Bellatrix's vault.” The old elf mumbled and stepped back.

I'm not going to ask how he has access. I thought and started the ritual. Of course, I did the locket first and the old elf let out a frightened yell at the soul piece screaming its death. I didn't wait for the power rush to hit me before doing the ring and cup. I would need to lay down and let the power and magic to flow over me.

Just like the diadem, I felt the inherent enchantments and spells in the locket, the cup, and the ring flow into me as well as the magic I had mistakenly cut from myself and stored in the items. I was used to the extra rush and rode it out fairly well. What I didn't expect was to grow another two inches and for more muscles to form and strength to fill me.

When the ritual completed, I couldn't gauge exactly how strong I was and I was sure that I didn't want to know. Wizards weren't the kinds of people that cared about physical strength, so they would see my slightly altered form as a waste of time that I could have spent learning magic. Little did they realize that physical strength increased your stamina and also how long you could cast magic before exhausting yourself.

“Master half-blood be absorbing magic.” The old elf said, awe in his voice.

I stood up and his eyes enlarged at my new height. “I was reclaiming what was given up in ignorance.”

The old elf nodded. “If your business is done, then begone.”

“Of course. I appreciate the use of the room. It made dealing with these items much easier than trying to find somewhere else.” I said and tucked the items into my backpack. “Enjoy your old master's property.”

The old elf nodded and led me from the room and back to the front door. It slammed behind me and I was a little surprised that he didn't want Hufflepuff's cup to put back into the vault. I shrugged and walked away from there and found the closest bus line. I studied the schedule and chose the right bus to head back to Privet Drive.

I suspected that I had a very anxious aunt with sore breasts waiting for me and made it there before darkness fell. Vernon's car was in the driveway and I quietly went inside. I didn't want him to be angry at me for just showing up, so I snuck down the hallway and peeked into the living room to see my relatives sitting on the couch. Vernon and Dudley were engrossed with whatever was on the television and Petunia looked disgusted to just be sitting near them.

I cast a subtle notice-me charm on Petunia and her head whipped to where I was peeking into the room. I gave her a little wave, made a gesture to tell her ten minutes, then pointed at the ceiling. She gave me a smile and nod, so I left and went up the stairs. I put my backpack in my room and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I went back to my bedroom wearing just a towel and saw a very happy Petunia waiting for me. It was a little surprising that the smile made her hard-looking face actually look appealing. I shut the door behind me and cast a silence charm on it, then walked over to the bed. She didn't say a word as she pulled off her top to show me she wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples seemed to twitch in anticipation.

I smiled at her and eased her back onto the bed, then started to kiss and suckle on her breasts. Her milk was just as delicious as it always was. “I missed this.” I whispered to her and continued to do my duty for her, as her thoughts rationalized what I was doing. Anything else that happened between us was just a bonus for the both of us.


I managed to attend going to Diagon Ally with Hermione and her mother. It made her happy, so I had to do it. Emma and Hermione noticed my new growth during that shopping trip and I explained it away as another magical expansion.

Emma looked a little concerned as she looked at her daughter, until I reassured her in a whisper that I would need another peek at her in her lacy underwear before I could do anything with Hermione. It made the woman blush slightly, laugh, and lightly slap my arm.

“Go get your books. I'll grab the potions kits.” Emma said and walked away.

“What was that with my mom?” Hermione asked me as we went into Flourish and Blotts.

“She's worried I'll take advantage of you with my new height. I just told her that she would have to kiss me again and teach me something new to share with you.” I said with a grin.

Hermione blushed, barked a laugh, and smacked my arm. “Don't you dare!”

Just like her mother. I thought with a laugh and hugged her. “I'm joking about the kissing part.”

“I'm glad.” Hermione said and looked around the store briefly, then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me for a full minute. “The only one allowed to do that is me.”

“You've gotten really good at it, so I have no objection.” I said and kissed her back briefly. “Let's check and see if my book order is in.”

Hermione let out a delighted squeal and dragged me over to the counter.

“Your birthday is not until September, you know.” I reminded her as the clerk put my order on the counter.

“I don't care.” Hermione said and hugged the bundle of books to her chest. “Thank you for these.”

I gave her a tender kiss and then paid the clerk, who looked at us fondly.

We left after getting our school books that I put in my backpack and we met up with Emma to continue our shopping. We stopped for ice cream and then headed to their place where I expanded Hermione's trunk. She begged me to teach her how to do it and I promised that I would when she was ready.

“Why not now?” Hermione asked.

“Because.” I said and took her into my arms and kissed her soundly. After a few minutes, I broke the kiss and she had a big smile on her face. “You would be casting it on everything you could find.”

Hermione thought about it for a few seconds and then nodded. “I would need to practice.”

“I know.” I said and kissed her again, dropped off her school things, and left.


Hermione's subtle media campaign started in earnest after our shopping trip and lasted for the rest of the summer. I was funnelling lots of galleons her way so she could pay for certain stories to appear and for specific facts to be inserted into news articles.

She felt guilty about accepting the money at first, until I told her that it was funded by all of the lost bronze knuts that I found in the castle. She asked how many I had and then she laughed when I told her I had seven expanded trunks full of them. She doesn't ask where the money comes from anymore.


When I showed up at the platform to meet Hermione and her parents, I was now a complete being. After the various rituals and restoring my complete magical self, I was strong, powerful, and felt invincible. The best part was that no one knew I had recovered my horcruxes. All of the tainted soul pieces had been cleansed and re-absorbed by me.

I was also wearing the best outfit that Emma had helped me pick out. I had on dark and tight jeans with an emerald green dress shirt and gold cuff links with the Potter crest on them. I also had a plain leather jacket on with my backpack over my shoulder. With this look, I fit in easily with both muggles and wizards.

“There he is!” Hermione shouted and I turned to catch her as she lunged at me. “Hi!”

I kissed her before letting her go. “Hello, beautiful.”

“You are not going to embarrass me today.” Hermione said with a smirk.

I winked at her and turned to her mother. “Hello, Emma. You look exceedingly beautiful today.”

“You're not embarrassing me either, you handsome little devil.” Emma said and stopped pushing the trolley cart with Hermione's trunk on it to take me into a hug.

I had to chuckle at that description. “You did dress me, so I'll take that compliment.”

Emma laughed softly and let me go. “You're not denying the devil part?”

“Nope.” I said with a grin and she laughed a little more. “No Dan today?”

“He had an emergency last minute surgery.” Emma said. “How was the rest of your summer?”

“A little lonely without having the two of you to stare at all the time.” I said, cheekily.

“No, I'm still not embarrassed.” Hermione said and went behind the cart. “We need to get on the train before it gets too crowded.”

I nodded and we moved towards the barrier. “Ladies first.”

Hermione smiled and pushed the cart to the barrier. “Bye, Mom! See you at Christmas!”

“Bye, Hermione.” Emma said and caught my arm. When Hermione went through the barrier, she turned me to face her. “I probably shouldn't tell you this, because Hermione might be angry at me for it.”

“I won't say a word.” I said and she nodded.

“Hermione started her period last week. She's going to have some major mood swings and she may snap at you for no reason. She is also cramping and might not want you to touch or hug her for a while.” Emma warned me.

“Is that all?” I asked.

“You... aren't concerned?” Emma asked.

“No. Witches have been dealing with those kinds of problems for centuries.” I said and took out a piece of paper and wrote out the names of three potions. “The first is for the excessive bleeding. The second is for the cramping and easing your body's reaction to the blood loss. The last is a mild calming draught that you can take.”

Emma stared at the note and looked at a loss for what to say.

“Here's a couple hundred galleons and that should last you for a year or two.” I said and took out a small sack to hand to her. “I'll buy an owl for you and you can order the potions from any apothecary in the owl order catalogue.”

“These aren't listed in there.” Emma said. She had pretty much memorized the main things to order after Hermione had started Hogwarts.

“No, they are only for special orders. Everyone knows about them and they don't talk about them.” I said and she nodded. It was almost the same as in the muggle world. Everyone knew of the problems women had and ignored it as much as possible.

“Thank you, Harry.” Emma said and gave me a look. It was similar to the one Petunia gave me after she discovered that I had been feeding from her breasts for years and wanted me to keep doing it.

I reached up and pulled her down into a searing and passionate kiss for about thirty seconds. “Now go home, change into your new sexy underwear, and ravage Dan as you imagine I'm watching you.”

Emma shivered a little and licked her lips. “Did... did you?”

I smiled at her and walked towards the barrier. “You need to stop wearing bikini bottoms when you're sunbathing. The sun kissed marks on your cute ass are very distracting.” I turned at the last second to see her blush and winked at her as I walked backwards through the barrier.

“HARRY!” Hermione yelled and I turned to face forward again. “Where have you been? I've got my trunk on the train already!”

“Your mom needed some information that wasn't in the owl order catalogue. I also told her I'd buy your family an owl and you can stay in contact with them without having to send them a letter first.”

“Harry! That's brilliant!” Hermione exclaimed and hugged me tightly, nearly choking me. “I love you!”

“I love you, too.” I said and kissed her. “Let's get you back on the train and I can massage your back.”

“Okay.” Hermione said and we went to the compartment that she chose. “Wait, how did you know my back is sore?”

“You're slouching and you're not wearing your backpack.” I said and she nodded, then she ordered me to sit where she wanted me and leaned against me slightly to let me massage her.

I would need to make the same order as Emma and would claim her mother sent them. It was the safest way and I would claim innocence if asked directly. I did not want Hermione angry at me for something stupid like personal care and would avoid the subject at all costs.


Time moved on and my plans, with Hermione's help, started to slowly infect the minds and consciousnesses of the witches and wizards of the wizarding world. People started questioning why things were the way they were and asked why our education was so sub-standard when it was supposed to be the best school in Britain.

Word started to spread about misrepresentation in the government and the departments being underfunded because the Minister of Magic kept siphoning funds for his private charities, namely himself. He tried to deny it and then a few discreet accounts of his Gringotts transfers were published.

The goblins didn't care about the records they were paid for being published, as long as they got their share of the money. If a crime was committed through their bank, they were going to confiscate a huge part of the illicit funds. Needless to say, they made a lot of money over the next few months while the minister and his friends were investigated by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

A no confidence vote was held and Fudge was outed before being charged with accepting bribes and stealing money from the Ministry of Magic. That really rankled the other employees that had been getting pay cuts. The idiot had been giving himself raises nearly every other month for doing an exemplary job running the country, or so he convinced himself. No one else agreed with that opinion.


Reform came slowly and eventually, the corruption and graft inside the Ministry was reduced to more manageable levels. Amelia Bones, the head of the DMLE, couldn't have been happier. She loved her job and it was the first time in several years that the minister wasn't trying to interfere with her.

Dumbledore tried on several occasions to create some strife inside the castle and directed me or Hermione to investigate it. He also tried, quite fruitlessly, to have Ron try to join in and become our friend. Neither Hermione nor I were having any of it and told Ron that if Dumbledore trusted him so much that he would give him such an important job, he didn't need us and could handle it himself.

Bless the poor idiot, because he did try. He spent three weeks in the hospital wing, too. Hermione and I laughed a lot over that.

I kept teaching Hermione during our off classes and on weekends. We both excelled at school and no one complained about how well we were doing, not even Snape. I only had to curse him once or twice to make sure. He still twitched occasionally, so I called it a win and let it go.

I spent the Christmas holidays at the Grangers and Hermione was very happy to have me there for a family Christmas. Her mother was happy to have me there for another reason. If I wasn't already dating her daughter, Dan would have had some serious competition. She was a gorgeous woman, especially when she was decked out in frilly red underwear and a Santa hat.

For two whole weeks I got to witness Hermione's mother prancing around in various different kinds of underwear and also saw her getting it on with Dan in various rooms of the house. Let me tell you, I learned a lot about what a woman likes during that time.

I was also regularly assaulted by Hermione's mouth and tongue at random times. I honestly didn't mind and gave as good as I got. It was fun and she had a great time with it, too. I even received a decent snog at midnight on New Years Eve as we danced in the living room. Her parents were there and were snogging as well, so they couldn't complain.

It wasn't until I was about to leave that I found out what was going on. Emma walked me out to the garage while Hermione and Dan were getting ready.

“Hermione's had her fun, so I think I can take that thing off of you now.” Emma said and pulled something off of the top of my head.

My eyes widened at the short stick with a large piece of mistletoe on it.

“She said it was a simple sticking charm and that you couldn't wash it off.” Emma said with a grin.

“Dammit, she's been kissing me all this time and I didn't know why!”

Emma chuckled and looked at it for a moment, then grinned. “Oh, what the hell. It's the holidays.” She said and stuck it behind her ear and bent down slightly to wrap her arms around my neck and tried to snog me senseless. I wasn't one to ignore a challenge and kissed her back just as enthusiastically.

We were both breathing a little heavily as we broke the kiss.

“You've gotten better.” Emma observed and licked her lips. “A lot better.”

“I've been practising a lot with...” I stopped talking when Emma opened her top to show me that she was wearing a sheer lace see through top. Wow. I thought and my mouth dropped open. Her beautiful breasts were clearly seen and she did not need a bra because they were very firm and perky.

Emma saw my expression and smirked. “I bet you'd love to suck on these, wouldn't you?”

I took that as an invitation, flicked my hand to split the fabric and my other hand to cast a silence charm on the garage door before I latched my lips onto one of her bright pink nipples. It popped out and made suckling it a lot easier. I hugged her close with one arm and used my free hand to massage her other breast. She moaned as I pretty much had my way with her breasts.

“Ssss... ohhh... sss-stop. Stop.” Emma said a few moments later.

I did as asked and flicked my hands at her to clean my saliva off of her nipples and to repair the fabric. I closed her top and quickly buttoned it for her as she stared at me.

“Before you ask, no, I haven't seen Hermione naked or tasted her like I've tasted you.” I said and reached down under her skirt, moved my hand up her thigh, and poked her soaked panties with my fingers. I pulled my hand out and showed it to her before I sucked the wetness off. “Both times.”

“Oh, god.” Emma whispered and closed her eyes. “You can't tell Hermione.”

“Why would I do that?” I asked and pointed to the mistletoe. “I was just following tradition.”

Emma touched the stick in her hair and then looked down at the only breast I had kissed. “Cheeky bastard.”

I cancelled the spell on the door and we waited for Dan and Hermione. “I would be that if you had put that in your back pocket.” I said with a smirk, then reached out and touched the belt around her waist. “Or maybe your front pocket.”

Emma shivered and I could smell her sexy fluids. “Damn, I... need to go change.”

“I've got it.” I said and flicked my hand at her crotch to clean her up, then I waved my hand and erased the smell.

“That's... handy.” Emma said and gave me a distinctly sexy look.

“It is.” I said. “Have you decided where you'll be vacationing this summer?”

Just then the garage door opened and Dan and Hermione came in with her bag.

“Italy.” Emma responded. “Why? Do you think you can get away and come with us?”

“OH! Can he? Can he come with us?” Hermione asked.

“I don't see why not.” Emma said and looked at her husband. “What do you think, Dan?”

“I don't run a charity.” Dan said with a straight face, then he laughed. “After everything he's bought for us, not counting the Christmas presents, a little trip to Italy is nothing.”

“Then you'll be coming with us the second week of summer break.” Emma said, her voice happy.

“YAY!” Hermione yelled and hugged her father, then her mother, then hugged me.

We piled into the car and drove to King's Cross Station. They dropped us off at the right platform and just before Hermione and I passed through the barrier to the magical side, Emma had opened her top just enough to show her husband what she was wearing underneath.

I almost laughed at his immediate thought that the backseat of their car was close enough for a quick shag. Emma looked at me and winked as Dan dragged her away. I waved at her and went through the barrier.

The train ride back to school was full of occasional snogs with Hermione and some book reading.


To my surprise, the school year passed by almost before I knew it. With no major events or things for me to do, I was just studying and teaching Hermione. We had gotten closer and she allowed me a few little peeks here and there of her chest and occasionally would bend over in front of me to show off her panties. This was when I first discovered the things she had bought with her mother at the lingerie shop.

“Thank you.” I whispered to her when she sat back down and I kissed her to let her know I appreciated her efforts on my behalf. I also carefully let her arm, and sometimes her hand, to rest on my crotch to let her feel exactly how much I appreciated it. Hermione only blushed the first couple of times and now she actually expected it when we sat together, even when she didn't tease me first. I didn't mind.

Summer arrived and I gave Vernon another three hundred pounds. He stopped for the buffet again and the drive home was uneventful. Petunia appreciated it when I did my duty for her that night and she reciprocated in kind. That week home passed quickly and Hermione and her family were to pick me up on their way to the airport the next day.

To say Petunia was disappointed that I would be going on vacation for a month was an understatement. She was mollified slightly when I gave her a diamond necklace worth several thousand pounds. She was ecstatic when I also surprised her with matching earrings and a diamond encrusted bracelet. She made sure to thank me a lot that night in her own way.

I left the next day and I flew with the Grangers to Italy. I had been abroad several times, only never as a tourist. The experience that the Grangers had arranged was the best that anyone could have asked for. High class everything from rooms, to food, to the service, was the order of the day wherever we went. The life of a rich muggle travelling was definitely a lot better than how a wizard was treated.

I rubbernecked like a tourist and tried to look at everything as we toured across the country, which amused Emma and Dan to no end. Hermione just tried to tell me about everything as we saw it. I hugged and kissed her more openly in front of her parents and they didn't say anything.

At one point while we were stopped at an overlook point on a mountain and enjoying the view of a mountain valley. I noticed Emma whisper to Hermione and was about to ask her what she said, when in the next moment, I was dragged into an observation booth beside the road and snogged for several minutes. We didn't even get to use the apparatus to look at the town down below before we had to leave. Neither of us complained about it.

We stopped at the local bed and breakfast and spent the night. Dan was exhausted after driving all day, so he actually slept. Hermione had worn herself out after keeping her energy levels up all day, and she went to bed with a promise from me to sneak in with her later. Even if she was asleep, she wanted me there.

That left myself and Emma wide awake and alone. She nodded at the doors to the rooms and I cast silence on both of them, sleep spells just in case, and locked them. I sat down on the couch and waited for what I knew was going to happen.

“Finally.” Emma said and strode over to me.

“Emma, what are you doing?” I asked, just to make sure she knew what she was doing.

“I'm going to suck off whatever you have between your legs.” Emma said and dropped to her knees. “I can never express what those potions have done for me and my daughter this last year.”

I didn't stop her hands as she undid my pants and pulled them down.

“My life has improved by leaps and bounds since you've entered it and I hope this is the start of my effort of repaying you.” Emma said and pulled my boxers down to see that I was already erect and ready. “Oh, my.” She whispered and looked at my face. “Hermione is going to be one lucky girl.”

I nodded and caressed her hair and her cheek. “I told you a long time ago that if she grows up to be anything like you, I am going to be the luckiest guy in the world, just like Dan.”

Emma blushed and looked down at what was in her hand, then she gently licked it as if it was going to run away if she was too rough.

“It won't break.” I whispered and that bolstered her decision.

Emma slipped her head down and started to go at it like a champion. I wasn't surprised that she was so good at it and groaned as she used her tongue in a few unique ways.

“You're so good... I can't... I'm gonna come!” I warned her.

Emma stopped sucking and kept going with her hand as she looked at my face. “Give it to me, you stud.” She whispered. “Blow it all in my mouth. I want you to coat my throat and make me choke on it.”

“Consider... it... done!” I exclaimed and she opened her mouth for me.

Emma's eyes widened as I shot out a huge amount for her, then another and another. She almost didn't keep up with it and had to keep swallowing. When I stopped throbbing in her hand, the look of shock on her face was priceless.

“That was so hot that I couldn't hold back.” I said and stroked her hair again. “You're such a good girl for doing that for me. Thank you.”

Emma blushed and licked her lips. “You're welcome.”

I stood up and she looked at me hanging there in front of her. “Let me return the favor.”

“Wh-what?” Emma asked.

“I see some mistletoe.” I said and pointed to her belt.

Emma looked down and saw a bit of mistletoe hanging on her belt. “How did that get there?”

“Magic.” I said and picked her up, making her let out an 'eep!' sound, and sat her on the couch. I quickly stripped off her pants and panties, then dove between her legs. With magic on my side and her already quite horny, it only took a few minutes for her to let out a very loud scream of pleasure and to spray a little over my face.

“Ohhh... oh, god. I just... wow.” Emma said and panted to try and catch her breath.

“That's one.” I whispered and she stared at me. “How many more do you want?”

“A-a-all of them.” Emma whispered before she could change her mind. “If they are all like that, give me all of them.”

I smiled at her and opened my mouth to show her my tongue, then I hissed at her.

Emma gasped as my tongue vibrated. She quickly gripped my hair tightly and shoved my face between her legs. “HURRY UP AND START!” She yelled and then her moans filled the shared rooms as I used my skills on her.

I had to silence the whole room to stop anyone from outside hearing her. I had her at about fifteen orgasms before she started convulsing uncontrollably and was muttering about how very happy she was that I was definitely going to be a part of the family. I didn't stop, though. She needed about a dozen more to be convinced that having me around was a good idea.

She was now the second of my devoted followers.


“This was the best trip ever!” Hermione said as the plane landed in London.

“It really was.” Emma said and glanced at me and then at her husband.

“I don't think any of us have had this much fun before.” Dan admitted. “I mean, we even played a bit of golf! How cool was that?”

Emma, Hermione and I laughed.

They dropped me off back at Privet Drive and I gave Hermione a very formidable snog, Shook Dan's hand, and then grinned at him before I kissed Emma's cheek.

“Hey!” Dan said in mock anger and shook his fist at me.

“Too late! I already stole it!” I joked and they laughed as I grabbed my bag and ran for it.


The rest of the summer passed with my birthday forgotten by my uncle and cousin. My aunt however, she surprised me with a late night visit and a kiss on the lips. That actually surprised me, because she hadn't shown me any affection like that before. She had only smiled and waved before, and that was it. I wasn't going to disappoint her, though.

I grabbed her by the face and kissed her like Hermione's mother kissed me. She was surprised this time and tried to reciprocate. She wasn't as quick of a study as Hermione was, so it took a while for her to get the hang of it. I didn't mind the practice and neither did she.


My plans to take over the wizarding world were progressing slowly and steadily. The articles had caused reforms in Hogwarts that had been implemented over the summer. The new school year would be more student friendly and would encourage self-study and replace the lacking teachers.

Hermione was ecstatic about the news and her parents made a special trip to pick me up on the way to the train to save my uncle the drive.

I thanked her and them as we drove to London and looked at Hermione. “I swear, you're getting prettier every time I see you.”

Hermione didn't blush this time and just kissed me.

“Not good enough, huh?” I asked and she laughed. “I'll think of something better.”

“You don't have to.” Hermione said and held my hand. “Just you being here makes me happy.”

“Well, there goes all my future efforts to woo you.” I said with an exaggerated sigh.

Hermione and her parents laughed.

After a few minutes, Emma turned to look at me. “We're going to a family reunion for Christmas this year, so you can't come over.”

“I'm sorry to hear that and happy that you're going to meet family. That's pretty rare for you.” I said, considering I had known them for three years now and this was the first mention of other family.

“Everyone's coming home for grandma, so we're going, too.” Dan said. “This might be her last one.”

“Ah.” I said in understanding. “I'm sorry that the ministry restricts things from extended family.”

“So are we.” Emma said. “You don't know how much my friends would want those monthly potions.”

I chuckled and glanced at Hermione. “I have some idea.”

“Hey!” Hermione spat and whacked my arm.

“I'm sorry, my love. I shouldn't joke about things like that.” I said and kissed her.

“That's better.” Hermione said and cuddled into my side.

I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Dan's nod. I nodded back and the rest of the ride passed in comfortable silence.


It was our third year and Hermione and I signed up for Runes, Arithmancy, and Intro to Alchemy. We dropped History of Magic and Astronomy, since neither thing was needed for what we wanted to do. History might have had a new teacher; but, we had read the curriculum books and didn't need any of the classroom time. With our mental proclivity, there wasn't much we couldn't do with a subject that was just recitation anyway.

We still had a lot of free time and I continued to impart my knowledge to Hermione at a pace that would stagger any normal person. She sucked it up like a sponge and only needed extra practical time to get the spells down. I was more than happy to help her.

She went home for Christmas and I stayed to set up two rituals. One for myself to boost my magical power more by forcing another magical maturity and one for Hermione to boost her physical maturity, at her request. She kept telling me she wasn't feeling right and needed me to fix it. She wanted to be excited when I touched her in certain places and she wasn't physically ready. I couldn't say no to her sincere request and did as she asked.

Hermione came back from Christmas break in tears. I didn't ask her what happened, guessing correctly that it really was her grandmother's last Christmas, and I held her for two days straight as she bawled her eyes out. She had really loved her grandmother and she became adamant to change the law. If a potion could have done something for her grandmother to let her live a normal life and die of old age and not sickness, she wanted to be able to give it to her.

I agreed with her and then reminded her about the ritual she wanted. Hermione gave me an angry look and was about to yell and holler at me. I held up my hands in surrender and explained that I could comfort her easier if she was more receptive to physical touch. After a few mumbled curses about my insensitivity, she followed me down into the Chamber of Secrets.

I performed her ritual and she didn't bother trying to make me turn away or not look. She defiantly stripped off and threw the clothes at me. I pointedly only looked into her eyes the entire time to prove I wasn't doing this for me.

After the ritual was over and Hermione was several inches taller and her body had formed a bit more of an hourglass figure, I wrapped her in a blanket and hugged her tightly.

“No matter what you look like, I will always desire you. I was fine with waiting. You weren't. I did this for you.” I told her and sat her at the side of the room, then went back and cleaned up, set up my own ritual, and stripped off to be completely naked before I performed it flawlessly.

Hermione stared at me as I changed nearly as much as she did. I became even more muscular, grew another two inches, and was now six feet tall. She could feel my magic pulsing in the room, according to her thoughts.

I laid there, completely naked, and took stock of how I felt. I felt wonderful. I felt like I was finally me. I stood up, confidently, and walked over to Hermione.

“H-Harry, I... wait... I don't...”

“Hermione, I love you.” I said and snapped my fingers. I switched the air around me with my clothes and she gasped. I snapped my fingers and did the same to her. “I believe we have supper to get to.”

Hermione blinked her eyes at me and her thoughts were running all over the place. She was glad I wasn't pushing her and she was also disappointed that I had covered up so quickly.

“We can talk later, my love.” I said and waved a hand and packed everything away before picking up my backpack. I took her hand and walked over to the tunnel and up the stairs.

“Wait, your cloak!” Hermione said.

“I don't need it anymore.” I said and waved a hand over us to make us invisible. “Don't worry. I won't leave you behind.”

“But... but...”

“When you're ready, I'll boost you again.” I said and hugged her close. “I can't have my right hand be weaker than me, can I?”

I heard her thoughts and knew that she was happy with my resolve.


Time moved on again and I avoided the headmaster as much as possible. I didn't know how he had kept the job after the reforms and the reinstalled protection wards in the castle. The good thing was that the wards were now shared between the headmaster and the deputy headmaster. Both would be informed if anything happened inside the castle.

Needless to say, a lot of dark artifacts had been confiscated when the students had arrived at the school, and again during the return at Christmas break. Some of the students had even been suspended and were pending charges from the DMLE. The funny thing was, it wasn't all Slytherins. Three Griffindors, a Hufflepuff, and six Ravenclaws were also pending charges with the twelve Sytherin students.

By the end of the year, only two arrests and three expulsions were the results. The headmaster had used up a lot of political capital to achieve that much. He also had to give up his job as the Chief Warlock because people couldn't expect him to watch over the Wizengamut if he had such a hard time watching over a bunch of students at a school.

Hermione and I aced our exams once again and the ride home on the train was an interesting one. I hadn't pushed her at all since Christmas and limited myself to only the same things we had always done. A little teasing, a bit of flashing, and snogging sessions. I wasn't greedy and I knew that she would let me know when she was ready for more.

Oh boy, did she let me know.

Hermione cast Lock, Obscure, Silence, and two privacy spells on the door and the walls. She gave me a sultry look, something I had never seen on her face before, and then she started to strip.

I had to hold my breath as each piece of clothing was discarded and my erection grew and grew. By the time she was down to just a lacy pink bra and knickers that were a size too small for her, I was actually drooling for her and my hand was stroking my erection. I couldn't tell you when my clothes disappeared.

Hermione stared at what she had done to me, satisfaction clear in her expression, then her bra and panties were tossed at my face.

I batted them aside, let out a guttural growl, and pounced on her. We landed on the other bench seat and Hermione giggled at me for about three seconds before my tongue was buried deep inside of her and licking her places between her legs where she hadn't realized she had places, let alone would feel so good. She was moaning at the top of her lungs as I ate her out and I didn't discourage her.

I made her come several times and she screamed her pleasure out each time. Our magical maturities and rituals had given us bodies of twenty year olds and I played hers like a musical instrument. She was sensitive all over when I finally relented from tasting her and I moved up to look at her face.

“I love you.” Hermione whispered to me through half-closed eyes. “Please make love to me.”

“I always have, my love. Every look. Every touch. It was all for you.” I said and kissed her.

Hermione moaned at my words and the feeling of my lips, then I cast a spell at her groin to numb the pain. I eased myself forward and she caught her breath as she felt my burning desire for her. I didn't give her time to change her mind, not that she would. I could see in her mind that she had been planning this for months. It was why she was so satisfied by it working so well.

I pushed forward and she stiffened for only a moment, then she looked at me with wide eyes. “Numbing spell for the pain.” I whispered to her.

“I really, really love you.” Hermione said and wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me in the rest of the way. “Ohhhhhh!”

“It's only just begun.” I said and kissed her before I cast a cleaning spell to get rid of the blood and then I started to move inside of her. She writhed and squirmed as I worked myself out a space inside of her to fit all of me comfortably. I could tell in her mind when I hit the good spots, made note of them, then increased my speed.

Hermione moaned loudly as I kept going at a great pace that was perfect for her. I hit her spots, kissed her when she wanted it, and played with her well-formed chest to heighten her pleasure even more.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.” Hermione continuously mumbled when she was getting close to a major orgasm.

I wasn't going to disappoint her, so I increased my speed and kissed her as I shoved my tongue and my manhood into her at the same pace. I pinched her nipple and that was enough.

“HHHHHHMMMMMMMM!” Hermione screamed into my mouth and it was muffled by my kiss.

I slowed down and broke the kiss to see that her eyes were half-rolled into the back of her head. “Stay with me love. I haven't come myself yet.”

“Oh, god!” Hermione gasped as her eyes focused on me again.

I kissed her and started moving faster, using her erogenous zones to full effect, and made her come twice more before I was ready. “Here it comes!”

“Yes!” Hermione exclaimed as her body gripped my member hard. “YES!”

I managed to pump into her only once more before I came hard and spilled all of myself inside of her. She came as well, even harder than she had before, and I felt her mind start to disconnect as the pleasure overloaded it. I didn't try to stop it this time and let nature take its course. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out.

I carefully moved off of her and sat there beside her and stared at the young woman that I had given my virginity to. Or to be technical, exchanged virginities with. She was soaked with sweat and sexual fluids, both mine and hers, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I pet her hair and leaned down to kiss her unconscious face.

I stood up and waved a hand over her to clean her up, dry her off, and put her clothes back on her. I conjured a blanket and laid it over her and then cleaned myself up as well. I dressed in my clothes that were in a pile at the side of the compartment and sat down on the other bench seat. My mind was reeling over what had just happened and I used my mental powers to go over what exactly happened.

It wasn't a spell or enchantment, because the effects wouldn't increase as Hermione stripped. No, it was... me. It was me. I admitted. My own body had overridden my mind and I couldn't hold myself back anymore. She was just too damn sexy to say no to. I looked at her face and realized that she knew it, too.

It took an hour before Hermione woke up. She sat up like a bolt of lightning and looked around.

“Before you ask, yes we went at it like rabbits.” I said and her face flushed red. “Now you're embarrassed?”

Hermione shook her head. “Not about doing it. About not being able to stay awake afterwards.”

I chuckled. “That's usually the man's problem.”

“Not yours.” Hermione said and looked down. “Wait, how long has it been?”

“About an hour.” I responded and her eyes widened. “It just came back as I was watching you sleep.”

“Oh. That's a relief.” Hermione said and tossed off the blanket. “You dressed me?”

“I wasn't going to leave my girlfriend naked for however long you were going to sleep.” I said and she tilted her head slightly as if asking me why. “I wasn't sure I could maintain my sanity if you remained naked.”

“Oh.” Hermione said and looked down at me again. “Ohhh.”

“Yeah.” I said and waved at her. “Your little show shut my brain right off and I literally jumped your bones.”

Hermione giggled and then clamped her mouth shut.

“It's okay to laugh. You surprised the hell out of me, you know.” I said and went over to her. “You knew how sexy you were and used it as a weapon to get what you wanted.”

“Yes. You.” Hermione said and gave me a stern look. “I wasn't going to let any of the other girls get their paws on you first.”

“What other girls?” I asked.

“The ones at school that follow you around like puppy dogs.” Hermione said and it was my turn to tilt my head in confusion. “You had no idea?”

“None. Why would I look at them when I have you?”

Hermione had a frantic look on her face for a moment before she kissed me. I had said the perfect thing, apparently.

We spent the rest of the train ride home talking and cuddling. Now that we were lovers, her hands were roaming everywhere. I didn't complain or even comment on it. She could do whatever she wanted.

When the train arrived in London and we stepped out through the magical barrier, we were greeted by a very surprised Emma.

“What are they feeding you at that school?” Emma asked as she stared at us.

Hermione and I chuckled and I put Hermione's trunk down.

“We both had a magical growth spurt.” I said and slipped off my jacket to show her my muscles through my t-shirt.

“My god!” Emma gasped as her hand reached out and touched my arm. “It's real!”

Hermione laughed. “I'm not letting you grab my boobs to check them too, Mom.”

“Your...” Emma turned to look at her daughter who was now only a few inches shorter than her. “Is this going to happen every year?”

“Maybe once more.” I offered and Hermione nodded.

“You're already taller than me!” Emma said, almost angrily.

“Come on, Mom. We've got some shopping to do.” Hermione said and her mother's eyes lit up.

“Harry, too?” Emma asked, her voice hopeful.

“No, I need to go.” I said and nodded at the front of the station. “When do you leave on your trip?”

“The cruise leaves in two days.” Emma said and sighed. “I'm sorry that we couldn't get you a ticket.”

“It's all right. Just make sure you have fun and think about me during every second of every day.” I said, cheekily.

Hermione snorted and then laughed. “Don't be too full of yourself, Mister Potter.”

“I can't help it when I have someone like you in my life, Missus Potter.” I countered.

Hermione laughed again. “You better get going before your relatives drag you away.”

“Okay.” I said and leaned in close to kiss her soundly. “See you when you get back.”

“You bet you will.” Hermione said and I gave Emma a kiss on the cheek before walking away from them.

I was about thirty feet away when I heard a squeal. It took her long enough. I thought and turned to catch a tackling Hermione.

“You called me Missus Potter!” Hermione exclaimed.

“Did I?” I asked and gave her a confused face.

“Don't you dare tease me about that!” Hermione said and smacked me in the head.

“Sorry.” I said, not sorry at all, and she huffed. “We can't legally do it until we're seventeen.” I said and pulled out a small box from my pocket. “That doesn't mean we can't get engaged until then.”

Hermione squealed as I opened the box and pulled out a ring that had a huge diamond on it with smaller diamonds all around the band. “Yes! Yes! YES!”

I gave her a kiss and turned her around to push her back towards her mother. “Go tell your mother that she wants you.”

“Okay!” Hermione said and ran back to her mother.

I laughed under my breath, so I wouldn't draw any more attention to myself, and continued to walk towards the entrance of the station. The look on Vernon's and Dudley's faces when they saw my six-foot tall body were priceless. On the other hand, the look on Aunt Petunia's face was downright scandalous. It was a good thing that no one was paying us any attention and it gave them time to adjust their expressions.

“Uncle. Auntie. Cousin.” I said and handed a bundle of cash to Vernon.

He didn't say anything at all and we went to the car. I climbed into the back and for the first time since I started giving him money, Vernon didn't take the others to eat. He just drove onto the highway and took us home. It was an oddly quiet drive and I wasn't sure what was going on.

When we pulled into the driveway, I was the first out of the car and went to the door of the house to wait. I had a sneaky suspicion that something was going to happen. I had refrained from listening to their thoughts, mainly because I didn't want to listen to their disgusting thoughts about food and women.

“I want you out.” Vernon grunted as he approached the house. “We can't afford to have a moocher living here any longer.”

I gave Petunia a glance and she shook her head. She touched the bare spots on her ears where her diamond earrings should have been.

Vernon opened the door and waved us inside. “Pack your things and be out by the end of the week.”

“So, tomorrow.” I said as I hung up my jacket and he grunted an affirmative. “I suppose you won't be returning that money I just gave you?”

“Consider it repayment for all of the good we've done for you.” Vernon said with a smirk and walked away to go to the living room. Dudley grinned at me and followed his father. When Petunia tried to go as well, I caught her arm.

“Offer to help me and get me out quicker.” I whispered.

Petunia nodded and went into the living room. There was a quick whispered conversation and she came back. “You need to be gone in the morning.” She said a bit loudly.

“Of course, Aunt Petunia.” I said, just as loudly, and let her go up the stairs first.

Petunia shook her ass a bit more than the steps would allow for her hips to normally move and I appreciated it, considering it was probably the last time I would see it. I lightly touched and caressed it as she walked and she almost purred. We reached the top of the stairs and she entered my room, now my old room, and I shut the door behind me and cast several spells.

“I'm sorry, Harry.” Petunia said, tears coming to her eyes. “Vernon's pay was cut back at work and...”

“...he took anything of yours that he could sell.” I finished for her and she nodded. “Did he do it legitimately?”

“I have the pawn slips.” Petunia said, silently crying now. “He sold them for dollars on the hundred.”

“He's an idiot. He could have gotten a lot more just selling them on the street or to his co-workers.” I said and took her into a hug. I was as tall as her now and her arms went around me. She cried her eyes out on my shoulder for several minutes until she calmed down.

Petunia let me go and stepped back. “I'll get you a suitcase and...”

“There's nothing here that I want to take with me...” I started to say.

Petunia sighed. “No, I suppose you wouldn't want any of this junk.”

“...except for you.” I informed her.

“Excuse me?” Petunia asked, surprised.

“Come with me. Leave the idiot and the tub of lard.”

“Harry, that's my husband and my son.” Petunia said, a little angry.

“No, that's a deadbeat and a future criminal deadbeat.” I responded. “Both are bullies and have no plans to stop any time soon. Dudley's been shaking down the neighbourhood kids for years. He's never stolen from me because I never had anything for him to take.”

“Harry, my life is here.” Petunia said and looked away from me.

“Your life here sucks almost as much as mine does.” I said and she didn't speak. “If me leaving somehow makes things financially easier on him, even though he's never spent anything on me, how much will you leaving him save him?”

“Harry, I... I can't.”

“Why? Does he have something that's keeping you here?”

“No, not really.” Petunia said and then sighed. “Divorces are expensive and...”

“Petunia!” I said with authority and she turned to look at me with wide eyes. “Vernon has made a grave mistake. He's throwing away the only real asset that he's ever had.”

“What... what do you mean?” Petunia asked.

“I am famous in the wizarding world. In fact, I am world famous.” I admitted to her. “I can give you so much money that not only could you fill this house with it, you could probably buy the entire street and have enough left over to buy the little park at the end of the block.”

Petunia's mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

“If you leave, you can tell him to keep the house that you hate, take care of the son that's more his than yours, and come with me. We'll stay in the fanciest hotel in London for about a month or until I buy a mansion suitable for us to live in.”

Petunia's breathing sped up and she started to sway a little.

I caught her by the shoulders and she hugged me tightly.

“You're lying. You have to be lying.” Petunia whispered.

“I give you permission to reach into the small pouch on my belt.” I said with authority.

Petunia's hand moved down and opened the little pouch she just now noticed. She reached inside and felt lots of bills. She grabbed a handful and pulled it out, then gasped when she saw that they were all hundred pound notes. Hundreds of them. Her fingers flipped through them quickly, then her eyes fluttered shut and she fainted.

I chuckled and carried her to the bed and left the money in her hands. I waited for her to wake on her own about fifteen minutes later. “So, now you know the secret I discovered when I entered the wizarding world.”

“You're rich.”

“No, I'm super-rich.” I said and she started breathing heavily again. “I also get a lot of money every day from investments and from products using my name. That was Hermione's idea, actually.”

“Hermione? That girl that picked you up last year?”

“She's my girlfriend.” I said and saw her sad face. “Yes, she knows about you.”

“WHAT?!?” Petunia yelled.

“I wasn't going to get engaged with a girl and not tell her everything I'm doing.”

“You're engaged?!?” Petunia gasped.

“Just before you picked me up today, actually.” I said and she closed her eyes. “It's all right. We can't get married until we're seventeen in the wizarding world, so about three and a half years from now.”

Petunia sighed. “You're wrecking my life.”

I chuckled. “No, Vernon did that. I'm trying to give you a new one.”

“But... Dudley. He needs me.”

“What he needs is a reality check and a diet. I'm surprised Smeltings hasn't made him go on one yet.”

“They did.” Petunia said and I laughed. “It's not funny.”

“It's hilarious! They starve him all year at school and we fatten him right back up while he's at home. It's the exact opposite of what happened to me.”

Petunia sighed again. “Harry...”

“You don't have to decide right away.” I said and gathered up the money in her hands. Some had fallen on the bed and I grabbed that, too. I saw her longing look at the money, so I slipped two of the hundred pound bills out and gave them to her. “When you decide that you've had enough, go to the Leaky Cauldron. Tell the barman to send a message by owl to Harry Potter and I'll come and get you.”

Petunia crumpled the money into her hand and stood up. “Harry, I...”

“Do you need me to help you?” I asked and motioned to her breasts.

“No, I'm not in the mood.” Petunia said, sadly. “I better go before he suspects something.”

I nodded and watched her leave. When the door closed, the locks didn't click into place. I smiled and looked around my room. I hadn't had many good memories in here; but, I was going to miss it all the same. I hadn't tried fixing up anything because I knew that Dudley would be in here and wrecking it all anyway. I didn't bother checking the closet or sorting the old discarded clothing. None of it was mine.

I cleaned the bed with a few spells and then stripped off my clothing to my boxers. I climbed in and rested as I waited. I was sure that it wouldn't take long before Petunia messed up and let Vernon see the money. She would have to claim she had stashed it and only just found it to give to him.

I heard my relatives pass by my door and go to their rooms and closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep. It wouldn't be long after Vernon fell asleep that she would come to me and ask for more money. I smiled and rolled onto my side to keep an occasional clear view of the door.

Two hours later, my door slowly opened and a very scantily clad Petunia came in. She was wearing a silk-like light blue slip without a bra on and a nice pair of panties made of the same material. She crept over to the bed and knelt beside it to stare at what she thought was my sleeping face.

“Oh, Harry.” Petunia whispered and her hand pet my hair. “He saw the money and I had to give it to him. I lied where I got it from, though.”

I could see the event in her head and it happened almost nearly as I had guessed.

“I need a bit more if I have to go to London.” Petunia whispered and looked at my jeans on the floor. Her hand went down to the pouch on the belt and she reached inside and pulled out a handful of bills. She stared at them for a moment and then hugged them. Her mind was on fire with the things she could buy with that much money, then she looked back down.

“No, I can't. I shouldn't.” Petunia whispered, then her hand went down and she dug out another handful. Then she took another, then another and another. She was breathing heavily as she clutched nearly a hundred thousand British pounds to her chest. “So much.” She breathed. “Soooo much.”

I tried to not laugh as her brain tried to justify what she was doing. Her conflict was heated and furious as she argued with herself.

Petunia held the money tightly to her chest, not caring that she was getting her breast milk on the bills as it soaked through her slip. She even reached down and pulled out another handful as her mind kept trying to tell her there was much more than what she already had. She was so close. She almost had it all and it could be hers.

All she had to do was walk out of the room like she was. That much would get Vernon out of the hole and set them up for a year at least, if they spent it frugally and managed it wisely. Her family would be happy and... that thought brought her mind to a screeching halt.

“No.” Petunia whispered and shook her head. “I'm not a thief.” She said and started shoving all of the money back into the pouch. Either she didn't care about the damp bills as evidence or she was going to admit to it later.

When she had all of it put away, she pulled out two of the hundred pound notes and folded them up carefully. You wouldn't see them in her hand, even if you were looking for them. She went to the old desk in the room and wrote out a note, then came back over to me and placed it on my jeans.

“Goodnight, Harry.” Petunia whispered and leaned down to kiss the side of my head. She left a minute later and closed the door.

I didn't expect that. I thought and looked at the note. She explained about needing another two hundred and explained about Vernon. She also told me to dry the money that she had hugged and apologized. I smiled again and cast a locking charm on the door before I went to sleep.

I was up early the next morning and showered before dressing up in my best outfit. It was an Armani suit that I had picked up in Italy. I had no reason to wear it before now. It was actually magical after I had altered a few things on it, like making it ever-clean and dust repellent. I intentionally waited until the other three people in the house were up before I picked up my backpack and carried it with me downstairs.

“Good morning.” I said and three gasps responded. “Is breakfast ready?”

“N-n-no.” Petunia stuttered.

“Allow me.” I said and whipped out my wand and made a perfect breakfast in only ten seconds with barely half of the ingredients. “There we go.” I said and put the plates where they were supposed to go on the table. I still only gave myself a half-portion and ate it in complete silence.

When I was done, I looked up and my relatives hadn't moved.

“Not hungry?” I asked, shrugged and went to the sink and whipped my wand at the dirty dishes that had piled up. They were cleaned in two seconds and I pointed at the cupboards. The dishes flew to their proper spots and the cupboards closed themselves.

My uncle looked like he was having a heart attack, my cousin looked like he was going to throw up, and Petunia looked like I had kicked her in the gut.

“Well, I'm off.” I said and picked up my backpack, making sure to flash the Rolex watch illusion on my wrist and the real gold cuff links on the shirt sleeves. “Have a good life without this moocher.”

I gave them a little wave and walked out of the kitchen. I was halfway down the hallway when a voice rang out.

“WAAAAAIT!” Petunia screeched and ran to the kitchen entryway. “I accept! I ACCEPT!”

There was a little flash of light between us and I grinned at her.

“I welcome you, my first devotee.” I said and bowed to her, then papers appeared in my hand. “Hand these to Vernon.”

“Right away.” Petunia said and took them from me and walked over to Vernon. “I'm divorcing you.”

“WHAT?!?” Vernon yelled.

“I've had enough of you spending all of our spare money on your secretaries.” Petunia spat. “We haven't gone on vacation in years! We have no savings! We're getting deeper in debt and you keep spending! I've had enough and I'm leaving!”

Vernon sputtered and didn't speak. It wasn't like he could deny the truth.

Petunia looked at Dudley. “Dudders, if you clean yourself up, lose some weight, and stop selling drugs and being a criminal that beats up the neighbourhood kids, I'll be in touch. If you don't smarten up and fix your bad attitude, I will not be visiting you in jail or bailing you out.”

Dudley just sat there and looked dumbstruck.

Petunia turned around and came over to me. “I'll need a few minutes to pack a bag and...”

“You don't need anything from here. I'm buying you a whole new wardrobe and any necessities from the boutiques in London.” I said and held a hand out to her.

Petunia beamed a smile at me and took my hand.

“You look very attractive when you smile like that.” I whispered to her and she blushed. I tucked my leather jacket into my backpack before we walked out of the house and left behind two very shocked people.

“What about the jewellery you bought for me?” Petunia asked. “I'm so sorry that I didn't fight harder...”

“It's all right. I'll get it back.” I said and led her down a side street and out of sight. “I'm tempted to apparate us; but, it's quite jarring the first time. So, we have to travel by emergency transport.”

Petunia gave me a surprised look when I held my wand out and didn't cast anything. She jumped when there was a loud bang and suddenly there was a large and very purple double-decker bus in front of us.

“I'll cast protection spells to keep us safe.” I said and paid the fee for two to London, then tossed in a galleon and explained what I was going to do.

“Sure, mister. Have fun!” The conductor named Stanley said and bit the galleon. “We've never had a galleon tip before and it's real!”

The bus driver named Ernie heard that and laughed. “He's at the front of the line!”

I smiled and cast a floating bubble around a couch that I cleaned, then I sat Petunia down on it and sat beside her. The bubble lifted up and floated in the middle of the main floor.

“What are you doing?” Petunia asked.

“Watch when the bus takes off.” I said and just then, the driver stepped on the gas.

“AHHHH!” Petunia screeched, then she stopped. “Wait, I don't feel anything!”

I chuckled. “I created a bubble of negative force. Anything acting on it is repelled.”

Petunia looked around and saw other couches sliding and people bouncing around and up and down as if on a wild ride. They even bounced off the bubble we were in.

It only took ten minutes for us to be dropped off in the middle of London and I cancelled the bubble and helped Petunia off the bus.

“Call us anytime!” The conductor said and the bus shot off like a rocket.

“I can't believe we rode on that.” Petunia said as she stared after the thing.

“It's not widely used, despite its versatility.” I said and chuckled. “You saw why.”

Petunia laughed softly as she remembered the other passengers and their surprised faces. “They all looked so envious!”

“I figured you'd like that.” I said and led her down the street. “We'll check in first and then we can go shopping.”

“That sounds fine.” Petunia said and let me take her into the fanciest hotel she had ever seen. When she saw the inside, she had a hard time not staring at the decor. “Have you stayed here before?”

“No, this will be my first time.” I said and put my arm behind her back to hug her close. “I'm glad that you're here to share it with me.”

“So am I.” Petunia responded and kept looking around as we approached the check-in desk. “I wonder how much it costs to stay here for a night.”

“If you have to ask, you can't afford it.” The woman behind the counter said with a laugh. “I'm kidding. It's actually reasonable for the lower floors. The upper floors with the better views are more expensive, and...”

“Is the presidential suite free?” I asked.

“Do you have a reservation?” The woman asked.

“No; but, I have hundreds of friends that would like to stay here.” I said and pulled out a handful of hundred pound notes and fanned them out.

“I can check and see.” The woman said and eyed the money.

“Please.” I said and put one on the desk. “Also, I might want to stay for about a month.”

“A MONTH!” The woman yelled and her voice echoed in the lobby several times.

“Nice acoustics.” I complimented her and she blushed. “If I can't get the presidential suite for that long, one on the floor just below that would be suitable.”

The woman nodded and started typing on the computer. Her telephone rang and she picked it up with one hand and kept typing. “Front concierge desk.” “Yes, sir.” “I'm sorry, I was just surprised.”

I winked at Petunia and she laughed softly and then coughed to cover it up.

“The presidential suite.” The woman said. “No, sir. It's only free for a week.” “Yes, sir.” She hung up the phone and finished typing.

“I heard.” I said. “Is a lower suite available?”

“We only have two available for an entire month.” The woman said and swallowed audibly. “One is the young newlyweds suite and the other is the honeymoon suite.”

“What's the difference?” I asked.

“The newlyweds one is geared more for people just starting out their lives and has certain amenities.” The woman said. “The honeymoon suite is for relaxing and enjoyment and has other amenities.”

“Ah, I see. Then I'll take the honeymoon suite.” I said and Petunia coughed again as she blushed. “Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.”

I almost laughed out loud as I stood there and let both women think about what I said and wonder which of them I was talking to.

The woman shook herself mentally and started typing on her computer again. “You'll need to leave your passport here for our records.”

“And to stop me from skipping out on the bill.” I said and she smiled. I reached into my suit coat and conjured up a passport with Tom Riddle's name and details, with the date changed for my age, of course, and handed it over to her.

The woman flipped through it and gave me an appreciative smile at all the places I've been.

“I can also leave a deposit, to make your boss happier.” I said and put fifteen of the hundred pound notes down beside the first hundred pound note.

“That would actually achieve that result.” The woman said and smiled as she took the money and kept her tip separate. “I've entered both things into the system, so you should have no trouble during your stay here.” She said and handed us a keycard for the room. “I can have a bellboy take you up to the room...”

“We don't have any bags. We left in a hurry and need to go out to buy a bunch of things.” I said. “Do you have any recommendations?”

“I do.” She said and then she and Petunia quickly fell into a discussion about fashions and where to get the best looks for the best value. Just because some people were rich, they didn't always want to waste money.

“All right, I think we have a good route worked out.” Petunia said and picked up the piece of stationary.

“Can you call a car for us?” I asked the woman behind the counter. “A half-limo if they have it, otherwise I want a Lincoln or a BMW with a driver.”

“Of course, sir. The hotel provides several for an extra fee.”

“On the bill or pay as we go?” I asked.

“Whichever you prefer.”

“Pay, please. Money in hand is better for the driver.”

“I'll call right away.” The woman said and picked up the receiver and dialed three digits. “Is Simon still there with the Lincoln? Great. Send him out front. He's got a cash client for several hours at least.” She hung up and smiled at us. “He'll be right out.”

“Like he has a fire lit under his ass?” I asked and she chuckled.

“Exactly.” The woman said. “Enjoy your shopping.”

“If you weren't working, you could come with us.” Petunia offered.

“I just started my shift and I'm on until five.” The woman said, sadly.

“Maybe next time. We're here for a whole month.” I said and both women looked happy.

We left the counter and went outside and saw a very nicely detailed car and a smartly dressed driver.

“These are the likely places and the possible route.” I said and nodded to Petunia. She handed over the paper and the man looked at it for about ten seconds.

“The first store is several blocks to the right.” Simon said and handed the paper back before he opened the back door. “I'll have you there as soon as I can.”

“Thank you.” I said and helped Petunia to climb in and went in behind her.

The driver shut the door and went to the driver's side to get in. The car pulled away from the curb and we were on our way.

“This is really happening.” Petunia whispered as one hand stroked the leather of the seat she was on and her other hand stroked my thigh. She started and pulled her hand away from me as she looked at me with a blush on her face. “I'm sorry. I didn't realize...”

“You didn't hear me complaining, did you?” I asked.

Petunia kept blushing and put her hand back on my thigh. “This is so surreal.”

“It's only going to get better.” I said and leaned in to whisper. “I have a million pounds in the pouch.”

Petunia gasped and clenched her thighs together, then she shivered and sighed. “Dammit, you just made me...”

“You can roll around with it on the bed later.” I whispered and she shivered again.

“Stop that.” Petunia frowned at me.

“Open your purse.” I said and she did, so I started piling money into it. I was up to about a hundred and fifty thousand before she shivered again.

Petunia glared at me. “What did I just say?”

I chuckled and closed the pouch and her purse. “I'll clean you up when we get out of the car.”

Petunia lost the glare and sighed as she nodded.

A couple of minutes later, we were parked in preferential reserved parking and were let out. I discreetly cast cleaning charms on Petunia's soiled clothing and our expensive shopping trip started in earnest.


Petunia was having the best time of her life. People waited on her hand and foot. She bought expensive clothing that she could only dream about owning. She was driven around the city in a car worth more than her house. It was a dream come true for her. Ever since she had been a little girl, she had dreamed about some handsome man finding her and whisking her away to live the life she could only imagine.

Reality was a harsh mistress, however. Instead of some rich handsome man, she barely had anyone interested until Vernon had appeared and mildly gained her interest. He was attentive and spent a little money on her to make her happy. With almost no other options, except for being alone for the rest of her life, she latched onto him and decided that she would be the best wife she could be.

Then she got pregnant and her life changed again. Long late nights, barely any sleep, and a husband that paid attention to any skirt that would acknowledge him. She had noticed the pattern too late and saw that Vernon was like her, looking for any woman that accepted his attention and could save him from mediocrity.

That had been her life for fifteen years, with Dudley in it for thirteen, and she had been just as trapped in her life as she had been scared she would be. In fact, her mentality had been so geared towards being a housewife and mother that she almost passed up the very thing she had always wished for.

Petunia was currently in the car and on her way to the last store they would be shopping in today. It was a lingerie shop that if you had to ask how much it was, you couldn't afford it. Her skin tingled at the thought. It was a joke the clerk at the hotel had used and she was a little thrilled that there was actually a store somewhere that was really like that.

“Thank you.” Petunia whispered as she turned her head to look at the handsome rich man that had come into her life and taken her away from everything she had grown to secretly hate. That she had treated him horribly since he was dumped on her doorstep as a baby weighted heavily on her. Ten years of verbal abuse from her, with some slaps and smacks to keep Vernon happy, made her wince and cry in private.

“It's all right.” Harry said and leaned close to put an arm around her shoulders. “Don't let it bother you. You're not that person anymore.”

Petunia blinked her eyes for several seconds. “I'm not?”

“Would the old you berate Vernon for being an ass all these years or tell her very large and overweight son to smarten up?” Harry asked with a smile on his face. “I'm going to cherish that memory of their shocked faces for the rest of my life.”

Petunia had to laugh. “It felt really good to finally say all of that.”

“I know.” Harry said. “I could almost feel your vindication as you did it.”

Petunia nodded and her hand came up to cup the side of his face. “Harry, I... I have something to say.”

“No, you never have to say it. That was the old you.” Harry waved at her stylish new dress that made her look sexy and rich. “This is the new you.”

Petunia's other hand came up to cup the other side of his face. She stared into his vibrant green eyes and then leaned in to gently kiss this handsome young man on the lips like he deserved. The kiss went on and on as it grew in passion, even after the car parked, and Petunia's breathing had sped up a little when she finally broke the kiss.

“The old you would never show me that kind of affection.” Harry whispered and gave her a brief kiss. “Come on. I've got a sexy lingerie show to sit through and I have to hope that I can make it through the whole thing without trying to do something that might shock everyone.”

Petunia blushed deeply at that thought. She knew who this man was in relation to her and she wasn't sure why she wasn't as bothered by it as she should have been. She suspected it was because she had tried to deny that he was a part of her family for so long that in her mind, he wasn't really. He was just a stranger that she had taken in and tolerated until he had to leave.

“I'm so glad you asked me to leave with you.” Petunia said as Harry helped her climb out of the car.

“So are your breasts.” Harry joked, with the driver of the car right there, and Petunia blushed again. Harry pulled out several hundred dollars and gave them to the driver. “For your troubles.”

“Thank you, sir.” The driver said and slipped the money into a pocket smoothly.

“We'll be going out to supper in about an hour. If you find us a nice place, there's another hundred in it for you.” Harry said and the man pulled out his phone and called the hotel. “Good man.” He said and handed him the bill, then walked Petunia into the upscale store in front of them.

It didn't take long for things to be set up and Petunia felt both very embarrassed and extremely sexy as she tried on different lingerie outfits and then modelled them on a little runway. She didn't miss the desire on Harry's face or the tent pole he was sporting as she shook her barely concealed ass and breasts at him. Her naughty side had been unleashed and she made sure that he saw it.

“Wear the red ones under the silver dress.” Harry ordered. “You can change in the car.”

Petunia nodded and went back into the change room.

“We'll take everything she tried on.” Harry said to the woman tending to them.

Petunia's heart fluttered and she barely held back the yell of delight she felt. No one had ever done something like that for her and her heart beat faster as she quickly put on the underwear he wanted and put her fancy dress back on. She looked at her normal underwear and tossed them in the trash. Normal was not what she was going to settle for anymore. From now on, she would only wear extraordinary clothes.

For Harry.


I had been very amused by all of the thoughts going through Petunia's mind all day. The way her mind had rationalized everything that was going on, I couldn't have planted into her mind if I tried. I sat across from her at the small romantic table in a very fancy restaurant and she wore the silver dress and the red lingerie under it that I ordered her to.

I wasn't surprised to see that she was in her element or had adapted so quickly to something that she had always dreamed about. I had been a little surprised that her need for such things had been so deeply rooted into her subconscious, though. Just the mention that she could have everything she wanted, gave her doubts about her life. Actually giving her those things was transforming her from a housewife to a debutante.

“This food is delectable.” Petunia said in a high class voice.

“As are you.” I quickly complimented her and saluted with my wine glass.

Petunia gave me a sultry look and blushed a little.

“We can start looking for a place to live tomorrow.” I said and she nodded. “There are some nice properties just outside of London that could work for us if we can't find anything in the city proper.”

“We're going to look in the city first?” Petunia asked, surprised.

“It'll save on the travel time to the main shopping district.” I said and she nodded in agreement. Once she was committed to a course of action, she stuck to it with tenacity.

We finished our meal and left the restaurant to enter the car waiting for us. The driver took us back to the hotel and opened the door for us. As we stepped out, I handed him a thousand pounds.

“Take the car use out of that and keep the rest.” I said.

“Thank you, sir!” The man said and quickly pocketed it.

“We're staying here for the month and will be travelling a lot to see the sights. If you're available tomorrow...”

“Sir, I'll be at your beck and call all month if you need me.” Simon said and handed me a business card. “I'll let the front desk know I'm unavailable for anyone else.”

I smiled and pat the man's shoulder before escorting Petunia into the hotel. Three bellboys came out and gathered up our packages and followed us inside. One of them hit the elevator button and we rode the elevator up to the floor below the presidential suite. Our room was on one side of the hotel and I handed the door card to a bellboy and he opened it for us.

“Oh, my god.” Petunia whispered and her eyes nearly bulged out at the opulence we would be staying in for the next month.

“Put the bags on the couch.” I said and the bellboys rushed to comply. As they passed by me, I gave each a hundred pound note. “Thank you, gentlemen.”

“Sir!” They said as one and closed the door after they left.

“Harry... this is... oh, my god.” Petunia said and turned around to take it all in.

“Get used to it.” I said and went to hug her from behind. “Our new life starts now.”

Petunia turned in my arms to stare at me. “You really mean that? It's our life and not just my life?”

I nodded. “I won't abandon you. You're mine now and I protect what's mine.”

Petunia looked to be on the verge of tears, so I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back hard. Her thoughts were telling her how wrong it was and also telling her how hot it was. Her mind fought itself for only a few moments, until my hands went to her ass and squeezed it.

It was like a trigger for her and she lost herself to the sensations. Petunia wanted to be desired by a handsome man and she immediately decided that I was that man. Her dress was almost immediately on the floor and the look in her eyes was predatory as she started to take off my Armani suit.

“Where did you get this?” Petunia asked in a sexy voice as her hands roamed over the cloth before she tossed it on the couch.

“Italy. It's Armani, one of the world's most expensive suits.” I said and she closed her eyes and shivered. I saw the wet spot grow on her panties and could smell her.

“Harry... god.” Petunia whispered as she opened her eyes and then she continued to carefully undress me. She didn't want to damage it and I let her take me right down to my boxers. “How much did you spend on me today?”

“I honestly don't know and I don't care.” I said and stepped forward to embrace her. “It was worth every penny.”

“Ohhh...” Petunia moaned as she came again.

“Don't get ahead of me now.” I said and picked her up in a princess carry and took her to the large honeymoon bed.

“Harry, we... this... oh, god.” Petunia whispered, then we were in the bed and naked as the day we were born. She was screaming my name only a minute later and would continue to do so for most of the night.


The month passed by quicker than I suspected it would. Petunia was a demon in bed and I wasn't sure if she was always that way or I had somehow unlocked that feature by spoiling her. Either way, it was a lot of fun.

We found a nice sized mansion just outside of London. Thankfully, it came with a live-in staff of maids and cooks. It also saved me time from trying to find people to take care of the place. Although, I did make one change. I hired Simon as a permanent driver. He was more than happy to have his own house on the property that he could move his family into from their two bedroom flat.

The best part was that the Lincoln was his. He had bought it as an investment two years ago and it was paying their rent and keeping his family happy. Now with a steady and high salary from me, any extra money he made went right to their savings and they were all happy. Rent free was also a huge bonus for them.

Hermione and her parents came back from their cruise in very bad moods. When I went to meet them, I found out that there had been an incident with her father and an enthusiastic cabin maid. A very enthusiastic, vocal, and naked cabin maid.

Because I was a conscientious person, I offered to let Hermione and her mother stay at my mansion. After they stopped sputtering and coughing from surprise, we loaded their luggage into the car and my driver drove us there.

“Welcome to Potter Manor.” Petunia said as she opened the door to greet us.

“Petunia?” Hermione almost spat in surprise.

“Yes, Harry rescued me from my deadbeat ex-husband and delinquent son.” Petunia said and waved them inside. “I'll have the butlers bring your things to your rooms.”

Two strong looking men entered the lobby and went outside to do just that.

“How do you know we needed rooms?” Hermione asked.

“Simon always calls ahead.” Petunia said as an explanation.

“He's the driver.” I said and turned to shake his hand. “Thanks, Simon. I think that's all for today.”

“Yes, sir.” Simon said and took the money I slipped him and left. The butlers came in with Hermione's and Emma's bags and went up the large staircase.

“Harry is in the master suite on the second floor. I'm in the suite on the right. The maids should have the one on the left ready in a few minutes for you Hermione and the one down the hall for your mother will be ready in twenty minutes.”

“Why so long?” Emma asked.

“They are just freshening up the rooms and airing them out a little. We haven't been here for long and the old owners didn't use anything except the kitchen and one of the smaller bedrooms on the first floor.” Petunia said. “Why would you have such a big house and not use it? It's scandalous.”

I chuckled and waved for them to come with me into the kitchen. “We need to let the cooks know that there's two more of us to feed for the foreseeable future.”

“It will delay lunch slightly.” A slightly plump older woman said as I opened the swinging door.

“That's fine. You've already been great about all of this.” I responded.

The older woman laughed. “You've doubled our salary and lifted the restrictions we had on buying groceries. You even said we don't have to budget anymore!”

“Giving you free reign will only benefit me.” I said and she pat my arm.

“Oh, it will. I guarantee it.” The older woman said. “My helper has already decided that you're going to taste her first home-baked cake.”

I chuckled. “If you taught her, it should be delicious.”

“Oh, you.” The older woman said with a blush. “Introduce me to your guests.”

“This is my engaged, Hermione.” I said and hugged her briefly and went to her mother to hug her and kiss her cheek. “This is Emma, Hermione's mother and potential lookalike when Hermione is a little older.”

“Stop that!” Emma said with a laugh and pretended to push me away.

I chuckled and let her go. “I'm serious. How many times have I said I'd be a lucky man if she is anywhere close to being like you?” I asked and went back over to Hermione. “Look at her. She's getting close enough as it is.” I said and kissed her for several moments.

Hermione broke the kiss and blushed. “S-stop.”

“It's not like they aren't going to see me kissing you from now on.” I said with a grin and she kept blushing.

“Well, it's nice to have you all here. This place has felt too empty for a long time.” The older woman said. “We'll have lunch in a bit, so why don't you wait in the dining room.”

“The regular one. We'll save the formal one for supper.” I said and she nodded. “It's this way.” I put my arm around Hermione and led her, Emma, and Petunia to the regular dining room.

“This is the regular one?” Emma asked, surprised. The dark rich mahogany wood in the room gleamed in the light streaming through the windows. The table looked like it was worth a fortune.

“Wait until supper tonight. The formal table seats sixteen!” Petunia exclaimed and Hermione and Emma stared at her.

“She's really in her element now.” I said and kissed Petunia's cheek, to show Hermione and Emma that I was okay with Petunia being there. “How are you getting along with the updating?”

“I've been in talks with the maids a few times and they told me where to get the best materials and items.” Petunia said, happily. “The butlers said the old owners have a storage shed behind the main house that has different furniture and decorative things like vases. I'll be going out there tomorrow to catalogue what we have access to and what we need to replace.”

“Sounds good.” I said and sat each of them down at the table in the right spots before sitting myself. “Who would have thought that buying a mansion and updating it was so much work?” I asked, jokingly.

“Everyone!” Hermione, Emma and Petunia said at the same time and then they laughed.

Petunia was on my right and Hermione was on my left, where wives usually sat, and her mother Emma was beside her. I sat back and let them converse about the mansion as we waited for lunch. It was soon served and their talk continued. I felt content that they were getting along, especially since I knew that Hermione resented Petunia for what she had done to me. I would tell her tonight that Petunia was a different woman now.

When lunch was over, I led them up the stairs and to their rooms. Emma stared with wide eyes at her room that put a five star hotel to shame. I laughed at her expression then showed them Hermione's room. It was even more opulent, which shocked them, and I finally showed them the master suite.

“You don't need any other rooms in the mansion!” Hermione exclaimed at the huge expanse of space. It had everything in it, too.

“I said the same thing when I saw it the first time.” I said and jogged over to the king sized bed and hopped onto it. “It's bouncy, too!”

Emma laughed as she remembered my first night staying at her house and hearing the thumping of the bed. “Go ahead, Hermione. I know you're dying to.”

Hermione looked conflicted for only a moment, then she ran over to me and hopped up, too. She grabbed my hands and we hopped around on the thing for a full minute. We could see that Emma and Petunia looked amused at our antics.

I stepped off the bed and helped Hermione down. “You and your mom need to get settled in your rooms and send any clothes you need washed to the laundry.”

“You can borrow some of mine if what you're wearing needs to be freshened up.” Petunia offered.

“That's my cue to make a run for it.” I said, which made them laugh. I kissed Hermione on the lips and Petunia and Emma on their cheeks. “If you need me, I'll be...” I started walking away and then started to jog. “...in the library!”

“HEY!” Hermione yelled.

I laughed as I slammed the door shut behind me.

“I'll get you for that!” Hermione shouted.

“I know!” I said back through the door and then went to the library. They were going to be a while, once they saw what Petunia had in her walk in closet.


Supper that night was a lively affair. With two more people in the mansion, there was more work for everyone on the staff to do and they were happy to do it. They wouldn't admit that they felt a little guilty for getting paid so much and not doing enough to earn it. They were honest and hard working people, so having more guests to take care of, fit right into their job descriptions.

The three women at the table were talking animatedly about Petunia's clothing and the dozen trips into London to get them all. Petunia loved the attention and basked in it and enjoyed the bits of envy she could see in Hermione's and Emma's eyes. She didn't rub it in their faces, though.

Petunia knew that Hermione would be getting a similar opportunity at some point in the future and she wanted to be a part of it. I winked at Petunia when only she was looking and she gave me a sly smile. She knew what I meant and understood that I appreciated her efforts to keep the peace with my future wife.

“Ladies, this has been a great meal.” I said and nodded at the cook and her assistant. “Thank you both for your efforts.”

They both blushed and nodded their heads back at me.

“The cake was delicious, just as I suspected it would be.” I said and raised my wine glass to the assistant.

“Th-thank you, sir.” She said and nodded again.

“You didn't have to stand here for the whole meal.” Hermione said. “That's not in your job description.”

“Actually, we asked if we could.” The older woman said. “We wanted to gauge everyone's reactions to the dishes and can make adjustments based on your preferences.”

“Oh. Well, that's all right then.” Hermione said, slightly embarrassed for calling them out on it.

I chuckled and leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I think it's cute that you've barely been here for half a day and you're already concerned about the welfare of the people that work for me.”

“H-Harry!” Hermione said and blushed.

“Yep, definitely cute.” I said and Emma and Petunia laughed. “Don't worry, Hermione. You know that I take care of the things that are mine.”

Hermione nodded and then gave me a pointed look.

“How about a quick tour of the library before we head to bed?” I asked and stood.

“YES!” Hermione yelled and jumped to her feet.

I smiled and hugged her. “Emma, Petunia, are you joining us?”

“No, I can wait until tomorrow to enjoy it in the light of day.” Emma said and looked at Petunia.

“I've seen it already.” Petunia said and stood. “I'll be going right to bed.”

“I'll have your beds turned down immediately.” A maid said from across the room and disappeared out the door.

“They really do strive to provide a great service.” I said and led Hermione out the door with Emma and Petunia behind us. “I mean, I pay them extremely well to do it and they do it enthusiastically.”

“They were only going through the motions when we first came here.” Petunia said. “The previous owners were good people but reclusive.”

“That would explain it.” Emma said. “More money and more people to care for.”

“That's right. Who could be happier than someone making lots of money and enjoying their job at the same time?” I asked.

They couldn't think of anyone and remained silent as we went up the stairs to the first floor. I took Hermione down the hallway to the library while Emma and Petunia went up the stairs to the second floor. I opened the door to the library and stood back to watch Hermione's reaction to a room full of books.

“Sweet Merlin!” Hermione gasped. “It's huge!”

“I wish you'd said that when I took my pants off the first time.” I joked and she smacked me.

“I was too horny to comment.” Hermione said and looked back at the massive room that took up half of the first floor. “Are these all actual books and not just decorations?”

“I checked most of them and they are real books. First and second editions, mostly.” I said. “Part of the cost of the mansion was this book collection, actually.”

“I'm not going to ask how much.” Hermione said and walked over to the closest shelf. “Sorted?”

“Dewey-decimal, just like the library. The index is on the recently installed computer in the corner.”

“No physical one?” Hermione asked, concerned.

“It's in the cupboard behind the computer.”

“I like flicking through the index cards.” Hermione whispered.

“You can do whatever you want with your things.” I said and she turned to look at me in surprise. “What? I bought it for you.”

“Excuse me?” Hermione asked, her eyebrows raised.

“The main selling point of this place was the book collection. When I found that out, I just had to buy it for you.”

Hermione swayed slightly, then she steadied and gave me a stern look.

“Uh oh.” I whispered and took a step back, pretending to be frightened while I grew hard for her.

“Stay right there, Harry!” Hermione shouted and jumped at me.

I caught her as she tackled me to the floor, then she had my pants open and her skirt hiked up to her waist. She moaned as she sat down on my near instant erection and I didn't question her about not wearing panties. It took her a moment to adjust to the feeling of having me inside of her again after a month of being away, then she bent down to snog me hard and rode me even harder.


“Did you have a good night?” Emma asked as I walked into the regular dining room to have breakfast.

“She barely looked at one book before she assaulted me.” I said and leaned in close to give her a quick kiss on the lips.

“You told her they were all hers, didn't you?” Emma asked with a smirk on her face.

“Yes.” I said and smirked back. “We did make it back to my room. Eventually.”

“She's not coming down for breakfast, is she?”

“She might not even make it to lunch.” I said with a grin and she laughed.

“You evil, evil man.” Emma said as the door to the kitchen opened and one of the maids brought in a large platter of food. “That looks delicious.”

“Thank you!” Came a voice from the kitchen.

We chuckled and served ourselves from the platter.

Petunia came in fifteen minutes later and sat down beside me. “Morning.” She said and leaned close to give me a quick kiss on the lips. She looked around and only saw Emma. “You told Hermione the books were hers, didn't you?”

Both I and Emma let out laughs and I nodded.

“We can probably send something up to her later.” Petunia said and served herself.

“She might not even be down for lunch.” Emma repeated my words and nodded at me.

Petunia laughed softly. “Good for her. She looked like she need to blow off some steam.”

“Yes, steam.” I said and wagged my eyebrows.

Both women burst out laughing and shook their heads.

“Definitely evil.” Emma said and saw Petunia nod.

“I've got an errand to run, so I'll be out for a while.” I said and stood.

“Don't have too much fun gallivanting around.” Petunia said. “I'll be out back checking the storage.”

“I'll try to resist the urge to burn everything to the ground.” I chuckled and kissed her, then kissed Emma. “See you later.”

Both women nodded and I left the dining room. I went outside and over to Simon's house. I knocked on the door and his wife opened it.

“Good morning, Harry.” Sara said, happily.

“Good morning. I need to borrow your husband for a bit of driving for an hour, maybe two.”

“Not a problem, sir.” Simon said as he came into the room and put on his uniform jacket.

“Bye, honey.” His wife said and kissed him.

“Bye, Sara.” I said and we walked over to the car. “How's moonlighting at the hotel going for you?”

“Sparse.” Simon said. “I'll give it another month until the end of summer, then I'll submit my formal notice.”

“You can keep it as a part-time job. You know I don't mind.” I said and climbed into the back of the car.

“Traffic gets worse in the colder months and I can't guarantee that I can get back to you when you might need me.” Simon said. “Plus, you've been better than great with what you're doing for my family.”

I chuckled. “Your wife was okay with a zero percent loan for fifty years and no interest?”

Simon laughed and pulled the car out of the driveway. “Putting all three of our kids through private school and then college if we want? She nearly sucked my dong off when I told her!”

I laughed as well at the images in his mind. “You're a lucky man.”

“Yes, sir.” Simon said and drove me to the pawn shop where Vernon sold Petunia's jewellery. “Sir, this isn't a good place.”

“I know. I'm correcting a mistake my uncle made. Stay in the car and keep watch.” I said and got out. I went inside the shop and over to the counter.

A seedy man sat behind it and he briefly sneered at my expensive suit. “Whaddaya want?”

I pulled out the pawn receipt Petunia had. “I'd like these items back.”

The man glanced at the slip and huffed. “Tough luck. I sold'em already.”

“I didn't ask about that.” I said and delved into his mind. I quickly found where they went and cast a confundus spell on him. “Show me the receipts for the sales.”

The man did so and I got the addresses.

“Thanks.” I said and left. I thought about doing something to him, then changed my mind. He didn't actually do anything to me, so I left him alone. Maybe I was getting mellowed out? I chuckled at the thought and climbed into the car as I told Simon the first address. It was a nice neighbourhood and a few people around on the street stared at the car. “Same as before.” I said and got out myself. I went to the door of the house and knocked.

The door opened a few minutes later and a very attractive woman stood there wearing only a bathrobe. “You're not Frank.”

“I can be blunt when I want.” I responded.

She stared at me for a moment before she smiled. “That was a good play on words.”

“Thank you.” I said. “I came here because you either bought or received a piece of jewellery recently.”

“Oh, that bastard!” She spat. “I knew it must have been stolen if it was that cheap!”

I held a hand up to stop her from ranting more. “He probably did get it cheap because my uncle sold it to the pawn shop for almost nothing.”

“Well, he was an idiot.” She said and I nodded. “If he sold it, why are you here?”

“To get it back for my aunt.” I said.

“Well, I didn't buy it. It was a gift.”

“You own it now, don't you?” I asked and she nodded. “How much do you want for it?”

Her eyes roamed down my expensive suit and to my crotch, then back up to my face. “Five thousand and a good shag.”

“Done.” I said and stepped into the house and shut the door.

“Wait, I... are you really...”

“The jewellery first.” I said and she walked across the room and went down the hall. She came back a minute later with the diamond bracelet. “Excellent.” I said and pulled out five thousand pounds.

She held it out to me with one hand and held her hand out towards the money.

I chuckled at her not really trusting me, so I stepped close and placed the money in her hand before I reached for the bracelet. I heard her think that she could get more out of me later as she clutched the money in her hand and let me take the bracelet.

She tucked the money into her robe pocket and then untied it. She let it drop to the floor and showed me that she was wearing a frilly teddy underneath it. She ran her hands over her breasts to make her nipples pop out a little and then rubbed her belly.

I smiled at her and reached out to touch the side of her face... then cast a stunning spell on her and caught her before she fell to the floor. I carried her to the couch and set her on it, then used my mental powers to give her the memory of the best shag of her life. It was actually the shag I gave Hermione the night before. When she woke up, she was going to be really horny.

I chuckled at the scene that would probably happen later and left the house. I climbed into the car and Simon gave me an odd look. “No, I didn't sleep with her. She asked for a good shag, not that I had to do it.”

Simon barked a laugh and nodded. “Wording is everything.”

I nodded back and he pulled away from the curb. “One more address.” I said and told him. He drove me there and it took about half an hour.

It was an upscale neighbourhood and an apartment building. We had to park in a parking garage and Simon came with me this time. He claimed that he couldn't let me out of his sight or his wife would beat him. I saw in his thoughts that it was Petunia that made the threat. She would do it, too.

We went up in the elevator and stopped at the right floor. We walked over to the apartment door and Simon knocked. A minute later, the door opened and a middle-aged man stood there with a shocked look on his face.

“IT'S THE COPS!” The man yelled and slammed the door shut.

I exchanged a look with Simon beside me and he shrugged. We heard lots of scrambling and bangs on the other side of the door and waited patiently. There was only one door in apartments like these and I could tell from their thoughts that the occupants were debating on trying to rush through us.

“Do you want to tell them or should I?” I asked.

“If you want the door kicked in, I can do that.” Simon offered and I chuckled.

“Tempting.” I said and knocked again. “We're not cops! I just want to talk to the woman that stays here!”

There were a few more mumbles and a thump, then silence for a minute. The door opened barely a crack and a blue eye peered out at me. “What do you want?” A woman's voice asked.

“Did you receive some jewellery lately? A diamond necklace and matching earrings?”

“Harold!” The woman spat and slammed the door. There were muffled shouts and several thumps.

I exchanged looks with Simon again and we were both fighting to not laugh.

The door opened several inches and the woman glared at us. “He said he spent a lot to get them and...”

“Tell me how much and I'll compensate you.” I said and cut her off.

“Four thousand pounds. Three for the necklace and one for the earrings.” The woman said.

I could tell from Harold's thoughts that he only spent half that and was hoarding the rest. “That's not a problem. Can you get them while I call someone to get the money ready?”

The woman squinted her eyes at me, looked at my expensive suit, and nodded before she shut the door.

“Call?” Simon asked.

“I don't want her to think I have that much on me.” I said and handed him the money. “Wait at the end of the hall and walk up when I ask for you.”

Simon nodded and jogged off.

It took several minutes before the door opened and the woman had a cardboard box in her hand. “Got the money?”

“Is that the necklace and earrings?” I asked.

“Yes.” She lied.

“Great! Open it and show me.” I said with a smile and her expression went blank.

“Uh... just a second.” She said and shut the door.

I chuckled and heard a laugh from down the hall. I listened to their thoughts and their failed attempt to scam me. They put a fake necklace and different earrings into the box and she was only going to flash it at me.

As soon as the door opened, I kicked it hard. It knocked the box out of her hands and then the door slammed into the man standing behind it. He flew backwards to land on the floor a couple feet away and the others in the room stared at me in shock.

“You are going to stop wasting my time or you are all going to regret it.”

“You can't come in here!” The woman exclaimed.

I reached out and grabbed her by the neck. “You have my property and are trying to cheat me out of my money.” I said and squeezed a little to make her gag. “Your friends have thirty seconds to fix that problem or I keep squeezing.”

One of the men thought he could escape and tried to run past me. I shot my hand out and shoved it into the side of his head as I cast a stunner. He dropped like a bag of rocks and didn't move.

“Anyone else think they can get away?” I asked and no one moved. “Twenty seconds.”

The other man sat up from being hit with the door. “What did we do to you?”

“Fifteen seconds.” I said and flexed my hand to make the woman choke a little.

“Stop! STOP! I'll get them!” The man across the room said and went into the bedroom. He came back out with a nice velvet case and opened it to show me. “It's really them.”

“I know.” I said and walked over to him with the woman still held in my hand. She struggled to walk and held onto my wrist with both of her hands. I grabbed the velvet case and looked at the woman to make her flinch, then I let her go.

She coughed several times and rubbed her throat. It was a show, because I had cast a healing charm on her neck to hide the evidence. “What... about the... money?”

I chuckled and walked over to the door of the apartment. “Do you think you deserve to be paid for causing this mess?”

She didn't say anything and glared at me.

I stepped out and waved down the hall. Simon came over to me and handed me the wad of bills. “Don't say I am not a forgiving man.” I said and tossed the money onto the floor to make it scatter.

The woman, the man sitting on the floor, and the man that handed me the case, dove for the floor and scrambled for the money.

I cast a subtle obliviation charm on them to forget what we looked like. I shut the door and Simon and I went to the elevator.

“You're not worried they can identify us?” Simon asked.

“They completely forgot that there is an unconscious man in the room to split the money with.” I said with a grin. “What do you think?”

Simon laughed. “Drinking or drugs.”

“Probably both.” I said and we rode the elevator to the parking garage. Simon drove us home after that. We had been gone for a couple of hours and I needed to get back and make a particular woman very happy.


Petunia had been taking inventory of all the things that could be rotated through the mansion and she was quite happy with the state of everything. She had a maid and a butler helping her sort through things and they made the work of the last couple of hours much easier.

“I think this vase should replace the one in the entryway.” Petunia said and pointed to it. “Is the table there sufficient or should we use the one in the corner?”

“The current one should work.” The maid said.

Petunia nodded and looked at the butler. “Please help her make the exchange.”

“Yes, mistress.” The butler said and he helped the maid carry out the large vase.

“Now we need something for the centrepiece of the formal dining table.” Petunia said and started to look around.

“Do you think you can take a break?” A familiar voice said from behind her.

Petunia couldn't stop her smile as she turned to her handsome savior. “Harry, you're back.”

“I also need to re-gift you something.”

Petunia laughed demurely. “You have to wait until tonight if you are going to gift me with 'that' again.”

Harry chuckled and stepped close. “I'll keep that in mind.” He said and pulled something out from behind his back. “I actually meant this.” He said and opened a large velvet case.

“You found them!” Petunia gasped. “How did you...”

“It took Simon and I a couple of hours to track them down and recover them.” Harry said and held the case out to her. “Yes, we bought them back and didn't steal them.”

“Harry...” Petunia whispered and ran her fingers over the necklace. “...you considerate man.”

“I wasn't going to let someone else wear your things, Petunia.” Harry said, his voice adamant.

Petunia nodded and closed the case, put it on the table the vase had been on, and knelt in front of him.

“Petunia?” Harry asked.

Petunia stared up into his eyes as she undid his pants to reveal him. “You didn't have to get those back...” She said and stroked him until he was hard for her. “...and I don't have to do this.”

Harry moaned as she went down on him and worked him over like a professional. Her tongue and lips played over him before she sucked on him like a vacuum. He didn't last long after that.

Petunia didn't stop until she had taken every drop from him and ended the perfect blowjob with a loud smack of her lips and a kiss on the tip of his penis. “I need to get back to work now.”

Harry gave her a satiated smile as he closed up his pants. “Let me know when you take another break.”

Petunia chuckled and pushed him slightly. “Go tell the others you're home.”

“In a second.” Harry said and stepped close to kiss her passionately for nearly a full minute. “Thank you.”

Petunia was too surprised to speak and only nodded. She watched her rich and handsome savior walk away with a bit of a swagger to his hips and she had to smile, because she had put it there.


Things fell apart between Hermione's parents the day we received our Hogwarts letters. The argument they had after meeting up in front of the Leaky Cauldron was both epic to watch and horrifying to listen to. It seemed that the old saying about love turning to hate quickly after a betrayal was accurate.

I think if it had just been a fling, Emma might have let it go. Unfortunately, she found out during that argument that Dan had been shagging the cabin maid for nearly the entire month long trip. He had generously tipped the maid on the first day and she had replied by spreading her legs and letting him have a go. I was just as surprised by that as Hermione was.

Needless to say, they were getting a divorce. At least they didn't have to sell their dentistry practice. Dan would buy her out and stay solvent for the investors and Emma would get a very nice settlement from his adultery. She moved into the mansion officially the same day as the argument.

I was eventually able to convince Hermione that her mother seemed a lot happier staying with us than she ever was at home. Hermione wasn't quite ready to move in full time yet and give up her room back home, so she would eventually let me know when she was ready.

Petunia and I spent the rest of the summer consoling Emma about the loss of her marriage. The mood was so low around the mansion that we didn't even celebrate my birthday. All I received was a few gifts and kisses. It was the worst birthday I had had in years.


My fourth year started at school and Dumbledore announced the Tri-Wizard Tournament would be happening. I immediately stood and declared that if he put my name in for it, or it somehow came out and he did nothing about it, that I would tear the school down to the foundation.

A few people laughed nervously and I pointed at the headmaster.

“Mark my words, Albus Dumbledore. I will hold you personally responsible if I am entered in the tournament. I will also dismantle this castle to actually look like the illusion pile of rubble that the muggles see.” I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Harry, my boy. There's no need to overreact.” Dumbledore said.

“If I was going to overreact, I wouldn't tell anyone when it was going to happen and would let everyone unknowingly die with you.” I said and looked at everyone in the hall to see their shocked faces. I nodded when my point was made and sat down.

“That was a little over the top.” Hermione whispered as her hand rubbed the inside of my thigh.

“Maybe I was slightly over-dramatic.” I whispered back and she laughed softly.


The other two schools arrived in late October, Beaubatons and Durmstrang, and we were all given the rules as the impartial judge was revealed. The Goblet of Fire.

“Son of a bitch.” I said, quite loudly.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped and smacked my arm.

“Not to worry. I myself will draw an age line to stop anyone from attempting to cheat the age restriction.” Dumbledore said.

“I'd rather you put up a ward to block harmful intent directed towards me.” I said, just as loudly. “Or better yet, monitor everyone approaching, look at their slips to make sure their names are on them, and suspend or bar anyone trying to circumvent such simple security.”

“I don't believe there's a need to do such a thing.” Dumbledore said.

“Are you sure?” I asked and wrote a name on a piece of paper. I crumpled it up as I stood and stopped thirty feet from the Goblet of Fire. I took aim and hopped slightly to let the ball of paper soar through the air.

To everyone's surprise, it went right into the middle of the Goblet and the blue fire flared. “Congratulations, headmaster. Your name has now been entered into the tournament. Good luck! I'll be hoping your name comes out to represent our school.” I said and walked back to my seat and sat down.

There was complete silence for about ten seconds, then the entire hall exploded with sound. Shouts, yells, cat-calls, and a few groans. Utter disbelief filled everyone's minds.

Hermione just stared at me. “How did you do that?”

“Superior physical reflexes.” I said and leaned in close. “It's not only good for sex, you know.”

Hermione blushed and bit her lip, then her blush faded and her hand went up my thigh to my crotch.

I smiled and stood as I took her hand, then led her from the hall and the chaos I had unleashed. I took her to the Room of Requirement and made it into a copy of my library at the mansion.

“You always know what to do to get me going.” Hermione said as a small bed appeared and she tackled me.


Albus Dumbledore was in a pickle. He had checked the Goblet of Fire and his name was indeed entered into the tournament. He didn't know how Harry had tricked the Goblet into thinking he was a student, though. The problem was, he couldn't get his name out once it was submitted. He also knew that no student would be as capable as him and he would be picked to represent Hogwarts.

The old man sighed and seriously thought about putting Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire, despite the threat the boy had made and the dangers he would face during the challenges. Albus was sure that Voldemort would be making an attack soon, even though he had Quirrell steal the stone three years ago. The tournament was too tempting of a target for him to ignore.

Albus looked at the piece of paper with Harry's name on it. Do I risk the future of the wizarding world by putting Harry in mortal danger and also risk Harry actually destroying the school, or leave him be and see if Voldemort shows up anyway?

In the end, he didn't really have a choice. He needed to draw Voldemort out and the only way to do that was to make Harry's name be synonymous with the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The people would rally for him and he would become even more famous, being underage and the press would run with the unfairness of it all.


The evening of the draw for the champions, everyone gathered in the Great Hall. They all wanted to see who would be picked. All I wanted to do was laugh at them all. I knew exactly what was going to happen and had told Hermione. She didn't believe me at first, then she had seen Dumbledore's smug face at the head table.

“That old bastard just gave me a night without your tongue, dammit!” Hermione growled in a whisper.

“I told you not to take the bet, my love.” I whispered back and hugged her.

“I didn't think he would risk it. I really didn't.” Hermione said and then sighed.

“I believe he thinks he can spin things to make the public rally behind me. Too young to be a champion and all that rubbish.” I said. “We'll see in a few minutes.”

The doors to the Great Hall opened and several people came in, including the new Minister of Magic, two reporters, and a man with a camera.

“Or sooner.” I said with a chuckle.

Hermione turned to look just in time to get a flash bulb popping in her face. “OW!” She yelled and covered her eyes.

I was instantly incensed and cast a tripping jinx so strong that it broke the man's ankle. The man yelled and fell flat on his face... or would have... if he didn't still have the camera up to look at it after taking my picture.

“AARRGGHHH!” The man yelled when the camera smashed and the glass from the bulbs went in his eyes while the camera flattened his nose and broke it.

“What are you doing, man?” One of the reporters asked and bent to look at the photographer. “Is there a healer here?”

There was a sigh from the head table and Madam Pomfrey walked over to look at the man that caused the interruption. She immobilized the man, levitated him onto a conjured stretcher, and walked out of the Great Hall with him floating behind her.

“Well... ah... carry on.” The Minister of Magic said and quickly walked over to the head table and sat down. The two reporters looked at the floor where the broken camera still was, then shrugged and walked over to near the head table to listen to everyone's conversations.

“It's time for the champions to be chosen.” Albus Dumbledore said as if the event hadn't just been disrupted by stupidity. He walked over to the Goblet of Fire and the flames inside flared to life. It spit out a piece of slightly charred paper and the old man deftly caught it. “The champion for Durmstrang is... Igor Karkaroff?!?”

“WHAT?” Several voices exclaimed, the main one being the headmaster of Durmstrang.

Albus Dumbledore looked concerned when the flames flared again.

I had to hold in my laugh as he reluctantly reached out and caught the next piece of paper.

“The champion for Beaubatons is... Madame Maxime.”

“This is outrageous!” The very tall french woman said and shot to her feet. “I am not a student!”

The Goblet's flames flared again and Dumbledore caught the paper. “As I suspected, the champion for Hogwarts is... Albus Dumbledore.”

The whole hall full of students were muttering and talking about what was going on.

Dumbldore didn't move or try to stop the chattering, because he knew what was coming next. He held a hand out as the flames flared once more and caught the piece of paper. “Harry Potter.”

“I warned you what I would do if my name came out of the Goblet, Dumbledore.” I said as I stood and walked over to him. “When you least expect it, I will fulfill my promise and the consequences are on your head.”

“Yes, I believe this has turned out to be...” Dumbledore started to say when the flames of the Goblet flared again. “No.”

I smiled and caught the piece of paper. “Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeor.”

“NO!” The Minister said and stood.

“Just wait, it's not done.” I said and held my hand out. Another piece of paper popped out and landed exactly in my hand. “Head of the DMLE, Amelia Bones.”

“Someone stop this farce!” The Minister shouted.

The flames flared again and I caught it. “Severus Snape.”

There wasn't even a groan from the potions professor as he just slumped in his chair.

The flames kept going and six more names came out. I caught them and spoke loudly. “Cornelius Fudge, Deloris Umbridge, Fenrir Greyback, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Bellatrix Lestrange.”

The students weren't trying to be quiet as they openly talked and discussed the mess that the tri-wizard tournament had become. The Goblet of Fire went out and wouldn't ignite for another year.

I handed the papers to Dumbledore. “I sincerely hope you can find these people. If they don't show up for the first task or are not in a healthy condition, the Goblet of Fire, your special impartial judge that can't be fooled, could consider everyone that tries to stop this as interfering with the tournament and a chosen champion.”

Albus Dumbledore's face paled at the implications. “Harry, you... how did you...”

“There's nothing in the rules that state the champion has to be a student.” I said with a chuckle at his shocked face and went over to Hermione. “My love, I think we can delay your lost bet for a night.”

“YES!” Hermione yelled and grabbed my arm as she ran from the hall and dragged me behind her.


The population was in an uproar over the list of Tri-Wizard champions, all of which were under magical contract to compete. Some of the people were incensed over some of the competitors, others were shocked at the number of them. Thirteen were chosen, a very magical number, and everyone saw that as either an omen of things to come or a boon that the tournament would be something to see.

Unfortunately, the tasks had already been agreed upon and the three headmasters and the ministry officials already knew what they contained. They also had to adjust exactly how things would be handled without letting everyone know what the tasks were. Obviously, things had to be altered to change events meant for three champions to accommodate thirteen of them.

It was a mad scramble for the new tournament handlers, since the old ones were now champions themselves. Bringing the new judges up to speed while also trying to locate the chosen champions that were not easily found.

Both Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange were shocked about the turn in their lives. They were removed from their cells in Azkaban prison and taken to the Ministry of Magic's holding cells. They had the best healers to attend them with various potions, spells, and charms to get them back to their normal selves in time for the first task.

“You're not being released.” One of the guards said. “Your names came out of the Goblet of Fire and you have to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.”

After explaining things some more and showing the two prisoners the newspapers, Sirius started laughing at the epic prank... and didn't stop laughing for three days.

Bellatrix was too shocked by everything to try and escape.


“This is fitting into our plans perfectly.” Hermione said to me as she read the latest edition of the newspaper and the uproar about letting Sirius and Bellatrix be freed for the tournament. She was reclined against my chest and I massaged her neck and shoulders.

We were spending the night in the Room of Requirement to get out of the Griffindor tower and the jealous and envious stares. We didn't care if it was because of our older looks or because I was one of the champions.

“Are you sure what we have planned for them after the tournament will work?” I asked.

“I've researched it and it will work.” Hermione said and turned her head to kiss me. “I have thousands of documented cases as proof.”

I nodded. “Wizards and witches are hardier than muggles, so I'm going to hope that this doesn't bite us on the ass later.”

Hermione smirked at me, then she stood up and bent over in front of my face. “I'll take mine now, please.”

I barked a laugh and kissed the cheek of her ass, then bit her flesh to leave slight teeth marks. She moaned as I marked her and then she moaned as I started licking her between her legs. After she came, she turned around with a manic look on her face and tackled me before she had her way with me. I was really starting to like her tackles.

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