What If… Harry Potter

15 What if Sirius caught Peter Pettigrew that night?

Only a short one this time at 3,560 words.

Sirius Black, one of the four Marauders, and Heir to the Black Family despite being disowned by his mother, ran from the partially destroyed cottage of James and Lily Potter to hunt down the rat bastard that had betrayed his best friends to Voldemort.

He knew Peter's habits like he knew all of his friend's habits, so he went right for the place he knew Peter would go to hide from wizards. The muggle world. Following the magical traces, the feelings of which Sirius had memorized over the years of being around the weak wizard's magic, he tracked the scum down to a muggle street three days later.

“I can't believe you did that!” Peter yelled when he saw Sirius and drew everyone's attention. “How could you betray James and Lily?”

Instead of being shocked by the reversed accusation, Sirius drew upon his training to be an Auror and snapped his hand up to point at the traitor and used a severing charm on Peter's wand arm.

“AHH!” Peter yelled as his arm dropped to the ground.

“It was you, you piece of filth!” Sirius said as he walked over to him and used a much weaker severing charm on Peter's arm to reveal the dark mark, the sign of a follower of Voldemort. “Say hello to Snivellus for me.”

“NO!” Peter gasped and the stunner hit him right in the face.

The dozen muggles that had witnessed the whole thing were shocked into immobility, which made the next part ridiculously easy. Sirius immobilized them and stunned them as well, then he used a Patronus and called for the Obliviation Squad and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

There was a huge mess for them to clean up and he had a godson to get back to.


“Sirius, my boy.” Dumbledore said as the angry man approached him.

“WHERE. IS. HARRY?!?” Sirius yelled and his voice rattled the windows in the headmaster's office.

“I assure you that he is perfectly safe.” Dumbledore said to placate the enraged man.

Sirius' wand arm trembled and he wanted to curse the old fool. “I am his godfather and MAGICALLY BOUND by my oath to never harm him!” He shouted and made a fist with his other hand. “You better tell me right now where he is, so I can fulfill my duty to his parents, or by Merlin, you are GOING TO REGRET IT!”

“Sirius, please! Be reasonable.” Dumbledore said and held his hands up, as if surrendering.

Sirius did not ignore the opportunity and once again, his training kicked in as he snapped his wand up and pointed it at Dumbledore. “Stupefy! Expelliarmus!”

Dumbledore's hasty and wandlessly cast shield protected from the first spell and not the second. “No!”

Sirius caught the wand and felt tremendous power flow through him. He quickly switched his old wand for the new one and smiled evilly at Dumbledore. “Are you going to tell me now, Dumbledore, or do I have to really make you regret it?”

Dumbledore sighed. “There are things that are in play that...”

“Imperio!” Sirius said and a glazed look came over Dumbledore's face. “Tell me what I need to know.”

Dumbledore couldn't resist the curse that was cast with the world's most powerful wand, and did as ordered. It took over two hours for him to tell Sirius everything he needed to know.

“You are an idiot!” Sirius shouted and Dumbledore nodded. “I want you to go to Harry and undo everything you've done to him, bring him to me, then you are to go to the Ministry and undo what you did there and confess all of your crimes.”

Dumbledore nodded again and stood. He went to the fireplace and used floo powder to call Mrs. Figg and stepped through. Half an hour later, Dumbledore was back and handed baby Harry over to Sirius. The baby looked like it had bruises on his face and looked starved, which was significant for a baby.

Sirius growled at the baby's state. “You are also to tell the Aurors what you told me after you confess your crimes.”

Dumbledore nodded and used some powder as he called the Ministry of Magic and then he disappeared into the flames.

“Let's go to St. Mungo's and have a fully qualified healer get a good look at you.” Sirius said and tossed some powder into the fireplace, then he disappeared into the flames as well.


Sirius had never been happier or more tired in his life. After the foiled attempt by Death Eaters to find Harry at the Longbottoms, it had taken three weeks, six healers, and two curse breakers to figure out what was in Harry's cursed scar.

Once they knew what it was, it was quickly removed and Harry was healed up like nothing had happened. There was no scar and no glasses would be needed when he was older.

Baby requirements were told to Sirius and he begged one of the healer trainees to help him hunt down everything he would need to take care of a baby.

“There's no need to bother them, Black. I'll give you a hand.” A woman's voice said.

Sirius turned to see a young Auror. “Bones? What are you doing here?”

“We've been guarding you for weeks, you ignorant fool.” Amelia said with a harsh voice and a smile. “As soon as you brought the Boy-Who-Lived here, we've been here stopping everyone from bothering either of you.”

Sirius took a deep breath and let it out. “Thank you. I hadn't even thought about that.”

“I noticed.” Amelia said and motioned to the door. “Grab Harry and we can get started.”

Sirius nodded and gathered up the presents and things Harry had received during his stay, shrunk them, and picked up the baby. He followed Amelia out of the room, down the stairs, and into the private floo.

What followed was a whirlwind of shops filled with baby things and so many purchases that seemed utterly ridiculous to Sirius.

Amelia humored him until they were out of the public eye and were at his apartment. “Now you listen up, Black. This isn't a joke, or a funny scheme, or anything even remotely humorous. Raising a baby is a serious business and you are going to...”

Sirius chuckled.

“I meant the word serious, not your name!” Amelia said loudly.

“You said it was a Sirius Business and I think it is.” Sirius said and looked at the baby in his arms. “I just wish I had some clue about what to do now.”

Amelia lost the stern look and put a hand on his arm. “Get a house elf, preferably a female one, and she'll do the majority of the work to keep him clean and fed.”

“But... but, what about...”

“You can concentrate on being the father he's going to need. It's what I do with Susan, because I have to work.”

Sirius gave her an odd look for a moment, then he smiled. “We're in the same boat!”

Amelia blinked her eyes at him. “No.”


“I said no. There's no way I'm going to let you...” Amelia ranted for a good ten minutes before she ran out of steam.

Two days later, Sirius sold his apartment and moved into Bones Manor.

Tippy the House Elf was ecstatic. She now had twice the babies to care for and twice the work. When the elf was told to expect dozens or more letters and packages for Harry each week for her to sort through and check for harmful spells and things, she almost fainted. It was a house elf's ultimate dream come true! Endless work!


Harry and Susan grew up as brother and sister. They also had a stable home life with two parents, a house elf, and all of the love that they could stand... and a bit more, because Sirius could become a little clingy sometimes. It made Harry groan and Susan giggle, for the same reason. Their parents loved them and boys couldn't accept it as well as girls could.

They received their Hogwarts letters during the summer of their eleventh birthday and both were advised about it by their parents, then they sent their acceptance letters.

A trip to Diagon Alley for the whole family was next and the four of them enjoyed it, because no one recognized Harry. He didn't have messy hair, glasses, or the rumored and famous scar. Hagrid had spread the story far and wide during those first few weeks that Sirius had been getting Harry healed. There was also no way to stop rumors or squash a story that was so compelling.

Someone tried to publish books about Harry's Adventures and Amelia and Sirius immediately stepped in, claimed the rights, and approved them as long as they were published as fantasy stories. The royalties for each book went right into the vault Harry had asked to set up for any monetary gifts he received, like bequeaths and things.

Harry kept all of the toys he had been sent and played with them at least once, had a picture taken with them, and sent the photo back to the person who sent the gift. He also answered every single fan letter himself when he was older and that made his fame and popularity soar to unexpected heights. No one in his family knew why until one of his photos with a toy stuffed unicorn with six legs appeared in The Quibbler.

Apparently, Harry had been in correspondence with several children of newspaper workers and didn't realize that he was essentially giving extensive unofficial interviews. They had published several stories in widely read papers that had everyone talking about their own children's experiences with the Boy-Who-Lived. The public loved him.


“You both be good.” Amelia said and hugged each of her children.

“We will, mum!” Harry and Susan said at the same time.

“What she said, only with less good and more pranks.” Sirius said and hugged them, too.

Harry laughed and Susan giggled as Amelia whacked Sirius on the arm.

“Sorry, dear.” Sirius said and grinned at her.

“Sure you are.” Amelia said. “Write to me as soon as you're sorted.”

Sirius chuckled. “You should wait until you're back in the Hufflepuff common room. You don't want people thinking you're bookworms or something.”

Harry and Susan nodded.

“Off with you and have fun.” Amelia said and nodded to the train.

“Bye!” Harry said and ran off with his trunk in his pocket.

“Love you!” Susan said and ran behind him.

Sirius and Amelia stood there and watched their children climb onto the Hogwarts Express.

“The house is going to seem so empty without them.” Sirius said and put an arm around his wife.

“I stopped taking the contraceptive potion about five months ago.” Amelia said.

Sirius caught his breath and turned his head to look at her. “Tell me it's a boy!”

Amelia frowned at him. “You will love and cherish whatever I have.”

Sirius nodded his head several times. “Of course! It's my sole job!”

“You have very active swimmers, according to the healer.” Amelia said.

Sirius gave her a surprised look and then his breathing sped up. “Stop teasing me!”

Amelia chuckled. “It's twins. Twin boys.”

“I LOVE YOU!” Sirius yelled and kissed her passionately.


“Hi, everyone!” Susan said as she and Harry entered the compartment where their friends were waiting for them. Hannah Abbot, Neville Longbottom, Megan Jones, Ernie MacMillan, Mandy Brocklehurst, Anthony Goldstein, and Wayne Hopkins. The last two were standing by the far wall.

“Hi!” “Hey.” “Hello.” Came the responses from everyone with a few hand waves thrown in.

“There's no way we can all fit in here.” Harry commented.

Hannah hopped up and right onto Neville's lap. “No problem, Harry! There's lots of room!”

That made all of the girls giggle and Neville's face was quite red. He didn't push her away, though.

“Well, if we have to do that to save space.” Megan said as she stood. “Harry, you can sit here.”

“Ooooo!” The guys all said and the other girls giggled.

“Thank you very much, Miss Jones. I appreciate your sacrifice on my behalf.” Harry said in a perfect imitation of a snooty pureblood and sat down with a flourish. “You may resume your seat, my lady.”

Everyone stared at him like he had two heads, then they all burst out laughing.

Megan sat down on his lap and hugged him with tears of laughter in her eyes. “How long... have you been... saving that up?”

“About two years, ever since Sirius taught me proper etiquette.” Harry said in his normal voice.

“That was great, Harry!” Wayne praised him as everyone sat down. There was plenty of room with Harry and Neville doubling up with girls like they were.

“You have got to try that in class or something.” Ernie said.

“Only if we share one with the Slytherins. The other houses won't appreciate it as much.” Mandy said.

“True, true.” Ernie said. “I'm glad they ended that stupid house rivalry with Griffindor years ago.”

“Officially.” Susan said and everyone nodded. They all heard rumors about what happened out of sight.

“What houses are you all going in?” Wayne asked.

“Hufflepuff.” Nearly everyone responded and two said Ravenclaw.

“So much for friends forever.” Hannah said with a laugh.

“I study a lot more and so does Anthony.” Mandy said. “The hat's bound to put us in Ravenclaw.”

“That's supposed to be a secret.” Nearly everyone said at the same time, then they all laughed.

“It's an open secret, apparently.” Harry said. “How many heard it from parent sorting stories?”

They all raised their hands and Harry did, too.

“We've all learned a lot about school before our letters came.” Hannah said and they all nodded. “This year is going to be so easy for us!”

“Only if you snog your boyfriend enough.” Susan said with a teasing smile.

“We're eleven!” Neville and Hannah said together in denial, which made everyone laugh.

“How many of us have seen them out behind the greenhouses at Longbottom Manor?” Susan asked.

Everyone put up their hands and Hannah blushed to a bright red, as did Neville.

Susan pat her friend's hand. “We've never said anything, because we're all friends.”

“We're not squealers.” Harry said and everyone nodded. They all knew about the one-armed betrayer of the Potters.

“Will it really make the year easier?” Megan asked as she locked eyes with Harry.

“Maybe we could try it.” Harry said. “If you want to.”

Megan nodded and moved forward slightly and their lips met for the very first time. There was no other sound in the compartment until Megan moved back with a blush on her face.

“OOOO!” Everyone else said.

“She really went for it! I can't believe it!” Mandy said, shocked.

“Her Hufflepuffness really hid a part of Griffindor inside of her.” Wayne said with approval.

“I think we all have parts of the houses inside of us.” Harry said and his eyes had stayed on Megan's.

“Being a little ambitious like a Slytherin wouldn't be so bad.” Megan whispered and leaned back down to kiss Harry again.


Because Dumbledore had been removed ten years ago, things had changed a lot at Hogwarts. Minerva McGonagall hadn't been convinced to remain a teacher after the war and she had retired. With both of them out of the top spots at the school, it had become open season for other teachers to gain both advancement and improvement.

Severus Snape had no one to plead in his defense and was sentenced to a Dementor's kiss because of all the crimes he had committed under Voldemort's reign. His proclamations that he was a spy for Dumbledore had only made his case worse, since Dumbledore himself had been sentenced to a Dementor's kiss for his crimes.

Quirinus Quirrell had never been hired as a muggle studies professor and then later convinced by Dumbledore to take a trip to Albania and return to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Because of the stricter rules installed by the new headmaster to protect the students and the professors, the Care of Magic Creatures professor called Kettleburn, kept all of his limbs and was a much better teacher.

The Dark Faction in the Wizengamut was gutted by the new Chief Warlock. Everyone that had been charged as a Death Eater had their defense of the Imperius Curse easily debunked and their bribes were confiscated and they were fined.

The ICW became more progressive with Dumbledore's hundred year stagnation of thinking removed from their ranks. A much better Supreme Mugwump was elected from the ICW members and not chosen like Dumbledore had been after he had defeated Grindelwald.

The DMLE, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, changed their reactive stance to proactive. They started hunting down suspected Death Eaters and other known criminals. If the previous Leader of the Light could commit such acts against a defenseless child, the savour of their world no less, then criminal elements were not going to be allowed to exist.

Knockturn Alley had been cleaned out in under a month and all of the creatures and half-humans were deported to their homelands or arrested for their crimes. If they fought, they were dealt with quickly and efficiently.

The children of the Death Eaters and their sympathizers hadn't lasted long under the new school rules that had been implemented across the entire ICW when they saw how effective the stricter rules were. The children had been expelled during the first year, which had cleared out most of Slytherin House. Most of them ended up moving away in shame or going to prison when they committed a crime.


Harry had a wonderful school life. He was popular and had lots of great friends in multiple houses. He and Megan hadn't lasted long, because they were both a bit too young to understand the commitment that a relationship needed. They broke up amicably and remained good friends.

Megan would never admit that she was jealous of the attention Harry always received everywhere he went, even knowing he was the Boy-Who-Lived and would always have that attention. That he was a nice guy and humble about it, made him all the more appealing to everyone.

Harry dated several girls over the years and nothing was very serious, until the end of fifth year when he met the cute little blonde that had sent him the six legged unicorn stuffed toy. They had started flirting right away and dating less than a month later a lasted all through the next school year.

During the summer break of sixth year, Harry took Luna Lovegood home and introduced her to Sirius. While there, Harry took her to a special room that he called 'The Room of Gifts'.

Luna cried out and ran to the pedestal in the middle of the room where her favorite toy stood. She scooped it up into her arms and cried happy tears. “You kept it. You kept it.”

“I would never throw out anything someone gave me.” Harry said and hugged her and the stuffed animal. “It's the most unique thing I have ever received and I cherish it every time I come in here to remember who I really am.”

“You... are... Harry. Harry Potter.” Luna whispered and turned in his arms to face him.

Harry smiled. “That's exactly right. I knew you would understand.” He said and gave her a soft kiss. “I come here to remember that without all of this, without the constant attention, praise, and adoration... I am just me.”

“You are sending those panties back, Mister Potter.” Luna said in a stern voice.

Harry laughed and gave her another kiss. “Sirius already tried to claim them and Amelia burned the lot.”

“Good.” Luna said and ducked her head as she blushed. “The only panties you should own are mine.”

Harry grinned at her. “Is that a large bit of Griffindor I see there? I'm so shocked!”

Luna's blush faded a little and she giggled. “What if I wanted to see... your Griffindor bit?”

Harry laughed and let her out of the hug before he caressed the stuffed toy unicorn. “We would need a tiny blindfold for Valiant.”

“V-Valiant.” Luna said with awe as she looked down at the toy in her arms.

“What else would a six legged unicorn that became the noble steed for the Boy-Who-Lived be called?”

Luna beamed a smile at him. “I love you so much, Harry!”

“I love you too, My Little Moon.” Harry said and gave her another soft kiss.

Harry graduated near the top of his class and he waited for another year for Luna to graduate before he asked her to marry him. They entered the same naming contract that Sirius and Amelia had. Each alternate male child would have a different family name so that both families could continue on.


Nineteen years later, the Bones, Black, Lovegood, and Potter families had a major resurgence as the multiple children born to each all married the other children from their friends from Hogwarts. Soon, they were also the most prominent families, because their economic and political powers were far above those of many other families.

With most of the dark families in prison or dead, the world was a bright and cheery place for everyone.

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