What If… Harry Potter

31 What if Harry Potter – 2 Short Stories

Two kind of related stories that total about 4,520 words.

01 What if Harry chose differently in Deathly Hollows?
(Warnings: subverted expectations, hints of spiritual damage, really short)

Harry sat on the starkly white bench in the starkly white King's Cross Station as he listened to Albus Dumbledore pontificate over everything that happened. The spirit of the old man finally told him about the horcrux in his head that only dying by Voldemort's hand would remove and that his sacrifice to save everyone from the Dark Lord had imparted Lily's protection on them.

After all of that... after everything Harry went through in his very short and horrible life... now he had to make a choice.

“I'll do it.” Harry said and stood.

“Wonderful, my boy.” Albus said, almost giddily, and barely restrained himself from clapping in getting his way. “When you go back, make sure you defeat the snake first, then you can...”

“Go back?” Harry asked, confused. “Are you barmy? I'm going on to the next great adventure.”

Albus was so shocked by those words that his mouth dropped open and he stared at Harry.

“There's nothing left for me there and I gave my life to protect everyone. They literally don't need me anymore.” Harry said as a train car pulled up and it was bright red with gold trim, Griffindor colors, and he strode over to it and hopped inside. “Don't worry, headmaster! I ignored your advice of keeping it to myself and told Neville what to do. He'll get Nagini! After that, Voldemort can be killed by anyone. Bye-bye!”

Albus stared at the waving savior as the train car rolled up the track and faded away. “Bloody hell.”

The effigy of King's Cross Station faded away and dozens of spirits formed around him.

“A foolproof plan, wasn't it?” Snape asked in a menacing voice.

“You did all of that to our son, and for what? For him to give up and move on?” James Potter asked as a cricket bat formed in his hand.

“Eternity is going to be a very long time for you, you old goat.” Sirius growled as his fingers curled and his fingernails became claws. “Get him!”

Most of the spirits lunged for Albus and he only had time to squawk once like a chicken before he was tackled. Lily Potter stood off to the side and made many useful suggestions on what to do to him after he was tarred and feathered.

The End?

02 What if Harry was reincarnated after being hit with the killing curse in Deathly Hallows?
(Warnings: incest, slight underage, taboo, finger gestures, legal and illegal use of tongues, etc.)

Harry Potter opened his eyes and realized he was alive. He also felt really weird and like his waist was wrapped in heavy cloth. He turned his head to the side and blinked his eyes at the sight, because he saw a set of identical eyes to his own in another baby's face.

“Gooboo?” Harry asked. Who are you?

“Boogoo.” The other baby replied. Sister.

Harry's brain stuttered at the translated words, because he actually understood them.

“No, please! Leave my babies alone! Take me instead!” A woman's frantic voice exclaimed.

“Step aside, you stupid woman!” A harsh voice responded.

NO! Harry shouted in his mind and pushed himself to sit up, grabbed the bars of the crib, and pulled himself up to stand. He could only see the back of the woman's sweater and needed her out of the way, because he wasn't going to go through his mother's death twice. He raised his arm as the Elder Wand formed in his tiny hand and he swished it to shove her out of the way.

“EEP!” Lily Potter yelped as she was tossed out of the way and landed on the floor by the wall, shocked beyond belief, because she thought that the Dark Lord had spared her. It wasn't until she looked at Voldemort's face that she realized the truth. He was just as surprised as she was.

“GOOBOO GOO!” Harry yelled and jabbed the wand at Voldemort's shocked face. Since magic was mostly intent-based, the Bombarda Maxima spell was easily cast, despite the vocal wording.


Voldemort was vaporized, as was his wand, his robes, and most of the upstairs of the tiny cottage.

Lily watched as a cloud of black smoke started to form and then a small piece of it broke off and floated towards Harry. She didn't have her wand on her and she had no idea what to do about it, then Harry raised his other hand and a golden ring with a black stone formed on it.

The little piece of smoke screamed as it was changed to white and was sucked into it. The larger cloud of black smoke tried to move away and Harry pointed the wand and the ring at it. The scream was a lot louder this time as the cloud seemed to fight the conversion, then it slowly changed to white like the small piece did and was sucked into the ring.

Harry's eyes fluttered at using so much magic and he felt drained. Both the ring and the wand faded away as he fell backwards into the crib and right into the waiting arms of his twin sister. She cuddled him tightly and fell asleep with Harry in a death grip and wouldn't let him go until she would be forced to the next morning.

Lily slowly stood up from the floor, still in shock over what just happened, and stared at the devastation before her. Her mind replayed the event and she still couldn't believe it. Her son, her little baby boy, had just defeated the worst dark lord of the century.

There was a scrambling noise at the doorway and Lily's eyes went right to the rat's face that had peeked around the corner. “PETER! YOU TRAITOR!”

The rat squeaked and took off as fast as his little feet could carry him. He wasn't nearly as fast as an enraged Lily Potter and she easily caught up to him and kicked him instead of trying to grab him with her hands. The last thing she wanted was to get bitten by his sharp filthy teeth.

The rat flew through the air and it hit the railing on the stairs. The crunch of the rat's spine breaking gave Lily quite a nice feeling of satisfaction. It also gave her the time to retrieve her wand from her bedroom nearby and she used it to stun the whimpering rat. She levitated him downstairs to see what happened to her husband and held back a sob when she saw his lifeless body and rushed over to check anyway.

James Potter, the man she dearly loved, was dead.

“You are going to pay, you filthy animal.” Lily promised the stunned rat.

The roar of a motorcycle shook Lily from her thoughts of vengeance and she conjured a cage to put the crippled rat in. She heard talking when the sound of the motorcycle ended and she walked outside to see Hagrid standing there arguing with Sirius.

“What are you doing here, Hagrid?” Lily asked and interrupted the argument.

Hagrid looked surprised at seeing her. “L-L-Lily? You're alive?”

“What do you mean by that?” Sirius asked and pulled out his wand.

Hagrid took a step back. “Dumbledore said you were dead and I had to come here and get the twins.”

Lily pointed her wand at him, too. “Did he? How would he know that?”

“I dunno.” Hagrid said with a shrug.

“Why don't you go ask him!” Sirius suggested.

Hagrid nodded and took another step backwards, then he spun on the spot and disappeared.

“Did he just apparate?” Sirius asked, surprised. “I thought he couldn't do magic!”

“There was no sound, so it was a portkey.” Lily surmised. She took a deep breath and let it out. “Sirius, I... I need your help.”

“Sure, Lils. Anything.” Sirius said and walked over to her.

Lily wanted to tell him about James and she opened her mouth to say it, then started crying. Sirius didn't need any more clues than that and he rushed by her into the house. His howl of anguish would have woken the whole neighborhood if there hadn't been silencing charms around the property.

Sirius had tears in his eyes when he came back out and took Lily into his arms. “We'll get him, Lils. Don't worry. I'll hunt him down and make the rat pay...”

Lily stepped back and lifted the small cage she had in her hand.

Sirius was shocked by the sight of the bent rat with the clearly broken back. He didn't say anything as he stepped back in close and hugged her again. With the rat caught, they had nothing to fear about what was going to happen next.

The funny thing was, no one else showed up. After a few minutes, Lily realized this and cast a detection charm, only to see that the Fidelius was still intact. There was no possible way for either Dumbledore or Hagrid to know where the cottage was, which meant they were both told the secret by Pettigrew.

“It's all right, Lils. We'll get through this.” Sirius promised.


The next day, The Daily Prophet ran the story of The Boy and Girl Who Lived. Most of the wizarding world celebrated the death of a dark lord, except for two people. Lily fled into the muggle world while Sirius stormed the newspaper's offices. Spells and curses were flung all over and half of the staff were incapacitated before he made it to the editor's office and learned what happened.

Again, it was Hagrid that had spilled the news, on orders from Dumbledore. Sirius forced the editor at wandpoint to print the real story and that it was all Albus Dumbledore's fault.

No one believed it.

So, Sirius did the only thing he could. He went to his dying grandfather and assumed the headship of the family. With the financial and political power it availed him, he called in all loans, cancelled all marriage contracts, and recalled all dowrys and bequeathments as he sold off all properties and businesses.

He released a statement to the press that if the people wouldn't believe the people that were actually there, then the Black and Potter Families would no longer be involved with wizarding Britain. He also swore that neither family would ever allow their children to attend Hogwarts and again laid all the blame at Albus Dumbledore's feet.

When the old man tried to pass legislation to force all British-born citizens to attend the premiere school of magic, he was served notices that the ones he sought had already given up their citizenship in anticipation of his manipulations.

Needless to say, the wizarding population of Britain was not happy at having their economy gutted and their education questioned. There wasn't really anything that could be done about it, either. The government tried to enact programs and propaganda to save face and their reputation, only for it to fizzle when other countries took the side of the wronged parties.

It didn't take much investigation on their part to find out the best school was actually one of the worst, thanks to all the unreported crimes, horribly taught classes, and lowered standards with cut courses to make it easier for students to pass.

It was not a good time to be a British citizen.


“I really love it here.” A five year old Harry Black said to his twin sister as they sat on the back fence of their expanded farm.

Primrose cuddled into his side and rested her head on his tiny shoulder. “I really love you.”

Harry chuckled at that and Primrose giggled, because she had been telling him that ever since he had saved their mother four years ago. They also shared a little secret. Twinspeak and telepathy. They could blabber nonsense at each other and still perfectly understand what was said, because they were sharing the thoughts of the words they intended, too.

It also drove their mother and godfather nuts, which was a huge bonus. As a side effect, it accelerated Primrose's own maturity and learning, because she had a ready-made source of information from Harry's brain. She didn't have to learn her ABCs or how to read or write the long way, because Harry shared that information with her, putting them both way ahead of a normal child's development.

Neither of them would ever give it up, either. Why would they? They really did love each other.

It had taken several years for Harry to finally learn what love really was and what it was meant to be, especially the love of a real family. Primrose adored him, too. He was her hero and she would never let that fact go to his big fat head.

“Hey!” Harry exclaimed and nudged her with his elbow.

Primrose laughed and wrapped her arms around him, then she kissed his cheek with tender loving care. Harry felt a thrill go up his spine at the sensation and he blushed, which was exactly why she had done it. She let him go and smiled before she hopped off of the fence.

“We need to go feed the chickens and then we can prank Sirius with the cow turd we hid yesterday.” Primrose said as her smile turned evil.

Harry laughed and hopped off the fence to land beside her. “Are we doing his shoes or his pillow?”

Primrose thought about that as she took his hand. “We'll put it in his pillowcase under the pillow, so it takes him a while to figure out where the smell is coming from!”

Harry happily agreed and the two of them ran across the field to where the chicken coop was.

It took Sirius three days to figure it out, even after Harry and Primrose laughed every time one of them made a 'moo' sound.


Eleven year old Harry Black hadn't intended to walk in on his mother and Sirius going at it like horny bunnies. He also didn't intend to stand there and stare at how beautiful his mother looked as she rode Sirius like a bucking bronco.

Lily's still very perky breasts bounced hypnotically. “You've... always wanted me... haven't you, you horny dog?” She teased as she braced her hands on his chest for balance. “I'm your best friend's wife!”

“If he... hadn't called dibs... in first year and punched me every time... I looked at you... I would have gone after you... as soon as his back was turned!” Sirius confessed.

“OHHHH!” Lily moaned and came all over his abs and collapsed onto his chest as her body shook.

Harry's eyes went to where they were joined together and his thoughts went to a very bad place. He felt a dainty hand take his and he didn't fight the tug on his arm. He followed the full head of bright red hair that was identical to his mother's into his sister's room.

When she turned around, Harry didn't know what came over him, because he couldn't stop himself as he stepped close and kissed her passionately. Primrose moaned as their tongues touched and she hugged him tightly as she kissed him back just as passionately.

Both of their minds filled with love for each other and they both had flittering images of their mother and godfather going at it. It took several minutes before Harry realized a few of them were much different than what he had just seen.

Harry broke the kiss and stared at his beautiful sister. “This wasn't the first time?”

Primrose shook her head. “I caught them in mom's potions lab a couple weeks ago.”

“And in the kitchen.” Harry said when he remembered another image.

“And in the den.” Primrose said with a smirk.

“They really are horny bunnies.” Harry said with a matching smirk.

Primrose nodded. “I'm surprised it took you this long to walk in on them.”

Harry barked a laugh. “I usually make a lot of noise before going into any room. I forgot to do that this time because of our Ilvermorny letters.”

“Then you saw mom and it made you excited in a different way.” Primrose said as she glanced down at what was poking her and back up at his face.

Harry blushed and didn't respond.

“It's okay, Harry. It made me tingle down there, too.” Primrose admitted.

Harry wasn't sure how to respond to that and stayed quiet.

“We only have to wait five or six years for our bodies to be ready.” Primrose said and pulled him in for another kiss. I love you so much.

I love you, too. Harry mentally agreed and kissed her back.


“I still can't believe there's a day school option and a boarding option.” Sirius said as he went over the school rules after the orientation speech.

“We're taking the boarding option with one weekend a month off to come home.” Harry said as his mother hugged him. He tried to not blush as her breasts pressed into his face and he successfully fought off the urge to slip his hands down to grab her butt to see how firm it was. Damn curiosity!

Primrose saw his face and giggled as she pushed him out of the way and hugged Lily. “Try to not have too much fun with us out of the house.”

Lily bent down to kiss the top of her daughter's head. “What is it you think us old people get up to when you're not around?”

Primrose grinned up at her. “You get to eat all the cookies and ice cream without feeling guilty!”

Lily laughed and gave her another kiss on the forehead. “I'll make sure to keep stocked for you.”

“Thanks, mom!” Primrose said and let her go.

“I see that everyone is moving over to start the sorting ceremony. We better get in line.” Sirius said and draped an arm over Harry's shoulders as he led the four of them over to the designated area. “It's so weird being here in a different school.”

“It really is.” Lily said as she looked around at the multitude of parents with happy children. “It's also really different and I like that they include the families like this.”

“Me, too.” Harry said, and he did. It made the nervousness disappear and he could see that none of the kids were scared of being sorted or being around so many new people.

“It's going to be great!” Primrose almost shouted and a few of the other kids looked over and smiled.

“I think you're already on your way to making a lot of friends.” Sirius said and looked down at Harry. “Make sure that you don't let her get ahead of you on that front, Harry.”

“That's not possible.” Both Harry and Primrose said at the same time. “We're going to have the same friends.”

Sirius shook his head. “Try to not do that too much. You don't want people to think you're weird.”

Both Harry and Primrose rolled their eyes. Everyone already thought they were weird because they were twins and looked nothing alike. Harry with his hair grown long looked like Sirius and Primrose looked like Lily.

“It's a neat trick, so we'll save it for special occasions.” Harry said and Primrose nodded. “Like each class and every meal.”

Sirius smacked the back of Harry's head and Primrose giggled as Lily laughed. “Smart ass.”

Harry smirked at him.

The sorting was a casual affair and wasn't done by name or anything. Whomever wanted to go next was allowed and a lot of people were happy to watch others go through the choosing ceremony. The little celebrations each family made was nice to see and there was no rush.

Neither Harry nor Primrose were surprised when they were both sorted into the house of the adventurous, Thunderbird. It suited the both of them perfectly.


Because Ilvermorny offered muggle, aka no-maj courses, Harry and Primrose easily kept up with the non-magical side of their education. In fact, Harry soon discovered that he had a talent for Ancient Languages and Advanced Math, which surprised the hell out of him. The Ancient Languages Teacher called on Harry all the time to get him to work on special problems on the chalkboard.

It made Primrose giggle as she watched her brother impress the much older woman, whom was twice their mother's age, and whom teased the poor boy every time he solved a problem correctly. Thankfully, she wasn't called upon for her own prowess in Astronomy and Computer Programming. Her praises were relegated to private notes by her teachers on her assignments and it made her and her family proud.

Both Black siblings made a lot of friends over the years of their schooling; but, they never found anyone that could come close to the strength of the friendship they had with each other. They also never found anyone that could give them the same feelings of love and acceptance that they shared. It was a vexing truth that Lily and Sirius worried about.


It was just after midnight on July 31, 1997 that both Harry and Primrose suddenly woke and sucked in huge breaths. They had reached their magical maturity at the ripe old age of 17 and all of their weird and odd feelings of things not being right, finally coalesced into what they had been waiting for.

They had tried to date other people for years, explored things a little bit, and discovered that no one else but them could give them that 'up the spine' tingle from just a kiss or a loving caress. Even their hugs gave them emotional boosts that no one else could ever compete with.

Primrose had snuck into Harry's bed that evening, like she did for every birthday to give Harry his very first kiss of the year, only this time there was a heat in her eyes that burned like a raging fire. When she rolled to her side to stare at him, the rest of her body also started to burn with need. She needed him and she needed him bad.

Harry was no better off, because he could feel and hear her thoughts. His own body burned for hers and he grew instantly erect for her with barely a touch of her fingertip. Both Harry and Primrose hissed at his reaction and it drove the both of them to do something they hadn't really tried to fight against. They loved each other and they wanted the other to be happy.

Their clothes disappeared and Primrose rolled over on top of her brother and her gaze was filled with love and desire as their eyes locked. Harry let her see and feel how much he wanted this, too. He had never felt so strongly about anyone else and he couldn't regret that he had left his old life behind to have this one. This perfect life. This life with his perfect woman.

“I love you, Harry.” Primrose said and sat down on him. She hissed for a second and then her eyes widened as a special binding runic array lit up on Harry's naked chest in the shape of the Deathly Hallows. “What... what is...”

“I'm never letting you go, love. Never.” Harry said and pulled her down into a kiss.

Primrose felt her magic flow into the array and gave herself over to both the feeling of the man she loved inside of her and her magic inside of him. Whatever would happen, they would go through it together. Forever and ever. She felt the same runes burn into her own skin and she didn't care. She was feeling too good for anything like a bit of pain to bother her.

The sacrifice of their mutual virginity sealed the pact. It was the first time in history, in any history, that the Master of Death had gained a wife.


No one could find out about their relationship and how much they had shared with each other, so Harry and Primrose chose to go to normal college as far away as they could from their hometown. They also chose to have Primrose tell everyone that her last name was Evans, that way no one would question why they were living together and sleeping together.

The pair moved to Colorado with promises to their mother and stepfather to always stay in contact, which was easy with the magical mirrors Sirius had given them. With that as a base, both Harry and Primrose easily worked out how to recreate them and made personal ones that they gave each other and left the one to call home at their new home.

They didn't share their breakthrough with anyone, however. There was no magical community where they were living and the various detection spells they used had revealed that they were the only magical people in the area. There was no chance to run into a schoolmate from Ilvermorny, so they relaxed and started their coursework at the local college while living as husband and wife.


Harry was in his third year of his four year Ancient Languages Mastery course when he was approached by an older woman with an interesting proposal. She also wore a magical artifact and it caught Harry's attention. He asked if he could think about the offer and also tell his wife about it. The older woman reluctantly agreed and would return the next day.

Primrose was enthralled. Researching ancient Egyptian tombs and cataloguing and deciphering their writings while using computers to scan everything in and keep track of it all? She wanted to join up as well. She wasn't going to let the love of her life head off anywhere without her, even though they had the magical mirrors to stay in contact.

When Catherine Langford showed up the next day, she was surprised to have a computer expert pretty much volunteer to join her program as well. She wasn't going to refuse such a generous counter-offer and arranged for both Harry and Primrose to earn their degrees a year early and her program gave them enough credits to graduate.

After signing a virtual mountain of paperwork, Harry and Primrose were brought to an actual mountain in Colorado. Cheyenne Mountain was rumored to have an old nuclear fallout shelter and they were surprised to find out that it had been true and had been expanded to hold an entire military base. It pretty much hollowed out a good portion of the mountain.

The pair had plenty of room to work and soon discovered what they would be researching and figuring out how to get it to work.

The Stargate.

Harry and Primrose exchanged knowing looks, because they could feel the magic thrumming from the ancient unknown metal that the Stargate was made from. They could also make out some of the runic engravings and knew they were going to have a great time at their new jobs.

The End and the Beginning.

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