What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


"The Duke of Ewell?

Ah, I remember a family that failed to educate a successor with that name.”

It was almost obvious, but the king has made it clear, and the Duke of Ewell is being ridiculed by the nobles surrounding him.

He is right to be outraged at such a situation, yet he is lying face down, his face turning blue.

"What happened that you, a duke, would be so outraged?

Tell me the details here, and rest assured, there are many nobles here, and I'm sure we can find a solution.'

Heh, Your Majesty! That's a thud!

“Well, for one reason or another, the power of the dukes in financial, business, and military matters has been reduced.

I was trying to figure out how to conquer the dungeon that is the cause of the red stone disease, which is affecting all of them, and I was trying to figure out how to conquer the dungeon that is the cause of the red stone disease, so I showed such a poor appearance to His Majesty.

I am sorry."

"I see, well, I don't really care about the affairs of the Duke of Ewell's family, you know."

It's not like him to just ask and then let the conversation slide. ......

I can not imitate that, thank you very much!


I was so ashamed of the Duke that I got into a strange tension.

In contrast to me, who had regained my composure thanks to taking a few deep breaths without being noticed by the people around us, the duke didn't know what to say and was closing and opening his mouth.

'This is the place to make a connection with the Marquis Dicaman, the future of the kingdom, so for now, get out of my way."

"......, yes indeed.”

Amidst the laughter of the nobles, he turned his head and walked out of the hall with a dizzy, unsteady gait.

What's the matter with you, Duke? You're being noticed as an aristocrat, so you should walk proudly and proudly.

"The party will go on then, despite a few mishaps.

I only wish to say that the Marquis Dicaman is the future leader of the nobles of the kingdom, and that the future of our country will be bright."

A glass appears in front of all the nobles by the magic of the Prime Minister.


Everyone raises their empty glasses to the king.

The sound fades, and a kind of sacred space is created.

Those who think of their country, those who fulfill their own greed, those who pursue only profit, and even those who would normally distort each other, regardless of who they are, there is a slight color in the eyes of the nobles present that could be mistaken for fanaticism.

In such a place, the only nobles who did not see the color of fanaticism were the king's close associates, including myself.

“You are as disgusting as ever. ......"


I was startled by the words that could only be described as an unconscious outpouring from the side, and I turned in the direction of the sound with great vigor .

"No problem, the nobles in that condition won't look away from His Majesty unless He says something.

Plus, I'm laughing as I make direct eye contact with His Majesty and the Prime Minister.”

'Is that so?”

Even so, I would like him to quit at this moment, it's bad for my heart that I don't know such a circumstance.

Everyone, ease up on the posture. Now you are free to enjoy yourselves.

Let the Marquis Dicaman, the Marquis Roloff, and the others take their places.”

His Majesty and the Prime Minister then left the hall together, saying that they had something to do.

Perhaps they were going to have a drink together.

They are appealing that they cared about me, the star of the party, but those people must think that dealing with the nobles is a hassle.

To begin with, I didn't expect the king, who had come to the important party as a shadow soldier, to come to the venue, and in terms of the timing of his exit, it seems that he came just to play with the duke.

'Well, you're on, Marquis Dicaman."

The king and the prime minister left the hall, leaving me and the Marquis of Rohloff to preside over the occasion.

The venue was warm, but not as tense as it had been with my own people.

I am the Marquis Khalil Dikaman, appointed by His Majesty the Special court Potions Master.


Whew. ......”

After the Duke's exit, the party ends without any problems, and I am reflecting on this party in the carriage on the way home.

My body is exhausted, but I don't feel too fatigued, perhaps because I am aware that I have come into contact with many nobles and have risen in stature as a noble.

It's a strange feeling, a satisfaction I haven't felt in recent times.

The goal of forming a faction itself can be said to be almost accomplished, and the noble families that can be called the founding members are all in place.

The Dicaman family, the Karti family, with whom I am going to jointly develop the farmland. And the other aristocratic families who have offered to work together with us on a decent joint project.

I blatantly distanced myself from the aristocrats who offered to work with me on a shitty, garbage-like project.

Thanks to this, I can say that the faction formation stage, which finally includes me, is of a moderate size: 1 marquis, 1 count, 3 viscounts, and 2 barons.

Well, technically, it is not a faction yet.

It is merely a relationship bound by mutual benefit, but if the joint venture succeeds, the connection will be strengthened, and we will no longer be an entity that thinks only of profit.

It is an alliance to survive as nobility in the country.

If both parties do not want to lose each other, and if they come to think so, they will help each other at some risk.

Such an ideal faction.

"I wonder how long it will be before we get to that point. ......"

Of course, the suspicion of the aristocrats who decided to bring in this party has not been completely erased.

Let's consider the possibility of betrayal and act carefully so that we can cut them off if there is even the slightest suspicious behavior.


"What's wrong?”

While I was concentrating on my thoughts, the carriage stopped.

It stopped in a rough manner that would be unthinkable for a royal courtier, and there was no response even when I called out to it.

"He's alive, but he's not conscious."

I thought nothing unusual would happen in the capital. ......

"Has it moved?"

I remembered what the king had told me about these troublesome people, so I quickly checked my battle magic gear and got out of the carriage.

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