What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


It may  seems that he is talking peacefully, but his expression makes it look like he is up to something.

"I would love to talk to you more, but I'm a little short on time. ......

I'll have the results of my experiment in a few minutes, so you'll have to wait until then.”

An experiment, then,

"Well, I guess I'll just wait outside."

“Well, you can sit in that chair if you want.”

It can't possibly be good.

It is almost certain that the two sides are hostile, but there is no justifiable reason to attack each other at this point, so a friendly relationship has to be established, even if only on the surface.

“It smells like chemicals in here.”


"Yes, it smells like when the magic potionists of the Dicaman family failed."

It's a little strange if you ask me. It's fatal for a potion master not to notice the smell, but I have a feeling this is intentional.

That being said, Mina, shall I whisper it down more because the principal can hear me?

"That's the smell of the sleeping pills being sprayed in this room.

It's a sleeping pill that has been modified so that those who can tolerate it can't smell it, so I guess Dickerman didn't recognize it.

The maid there is clearly conscious and seems to have a good tolerance to it.”

......It makes sense if I think of it as a defensive measure.

However, the fact that there was no caution means that he tested me?

"But wouldn't that get mixed up when making magic potions?”

Mina's question was one that I had been wondering too.

'A low-level question, but a good one, maid-chan."

'I'm Mina, .......'

"Well, while I'm compiling the results of my experiments, let me tell you about the magic potions I can make."

I don't know when the results appeared, but before I knew it, the director was filling out something in a notebook on his desk at an invisible speed.

"I'll start by telling you what magic potions I can make, enhancement-type magic potions that can enhance physical abilities and increase magical power.

I can also recreate the healing potions that the Dicaman family sells, although I would never make them outside of the church."

I'm surprised he's doing this research on healing potions, since it would be troublesome if the church found out about it.

I reproduced the recovery potion just out of curiosity, and I have no intention of getting into the market, so please don't worry.

Besides, I don't want to make enemies with the church, so I won't improve it or make it too powerful.”

For the lowest grade of healing potion, there are surprisingly some people outside of the Dicaman family who know how to make it.

But he does not sell it on a large scale, nor does he tell people that he can make it.

The reason why the Dicaman family has not been destroyed by the church is because they belong to the country and have a reasonably long history.

This is my prediction, but the church, which considered it impossible to monopolize the widely spread technique of magic potions, has given up monopolizing everything and is now trying to monopolize only recovery-type potions, which are the most suitable as divine power, and not all of the other products.

In other words, the church is trying to prevent the spread of medicines that heal wounds among the medicines, and there is no problem with the creation of medicines that strengthen the body, as mentioned by the president.

"So, I will use magical tools when I experiment with drugs in this room.”

Saying this, he handed me a piece of paper and Mina a clean gemstone.

"Dicaman, I want you to memorize the statements on it, and if you can't, you can use the magical tool for memorization.

Now, let's move on to the explanation of the magical tool.”

The written statement is exactly the same as the greeting the princess gives in my knowledge.

The voice was played along with a rather enthusiastic illustration, but I guess it wasn't his own idea. ......

'Do you see this translucent cloth-like object?"

"I see it."

"This is the effect of a magical tool, inspired by the phenomenon that a high density of magic power becomes visible to the eye, and sublimated as a new technology.

This is not strictly a jewel, but a crystallized magic, so basically the user's magic power is used only at the time of activation, although a large amount of magic power is required at the time of creation. ......

Oh, I should have explained the effect first, it includes a high concentration of magic power in addition to the magic, and upon activation...”

The researcher's explanation left no room for questioning, and the eyes of Mina, who was almost a beginner except for the magic potion, began to roll.


The content of the greeting itself was quickly memorized, but the director, who was on fire, continued to explain the magical tools to Mina.

I could see that Mina's eyes were getting more and more vacant, and I forced her to stop because it was time to go, and now she was walking quickly to the venue.

“Oh, I'm sorry, I got carried away."

“'Yes, that's fine."

"I'll explain it more clearly this time."

"Thank you very much.'

I can count on two handfuls the number of people who can keep up with the director's talk about magic tools, but he must have tried his best to understand.

"Now, Dickerman, are you sure you're ready to confirm it?"

"Yes, I'm good at remembering things.”

We walked through the silent academy with no one around, probably because of the concentration of people in the hall.

"I have a favor to ask you, Director."

"What is it?"

“After the speech, may I have a few moments to talk on the stage?”

"Of course."

"Thank you."

Heirs of noble families who have come to the protagonist's side based on my knowledge.

Young as they are, they are easily influenced. I must talk lightly to reduce the possibility of betrayal.

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