What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


The Adventurers' Guild would soon spread the word of the execution, and on my way back home I informed the Dicaman family directly of the execution, and all I had to do was wait for the scheduled time of the execution to arrive.

"Come to think of it, how well do you hear other people's thoughts?"

In order to pass the time, I spend some time talking to Maria, who might be able to give me some hints about the treatment.

'I can hear them if they're in my line of sight.

Sometimes I can hear more than one person at a time, or I can hear the loudest voice of one person whose mind is loud, I guess. ......

'I see. ...... For example, if you cover your ears, can you still hear them?'

"The voices come directly into my head."

I knew that, but it's not that simple.

To counter the power of virtues and deadly sins, one must have equal or greater power to do so.

Among the powers in this world, virtue and deadly sin are among the best.

In my knowledge, every time a new game was released, a new and stronger power came out, but even in the latest one, they remained in the top tier.

Despite such a dangerous ability, with regard to the deadly sins, if a person stubbornly refuses to use the ability and does not want to use it, or if he or she loses his or her feelings, except in special cases such as in the case of the protagonist's camp, the ability will be revoked!

On the other hand, virtue is an ability given by a higher being, and the being does not remember the person who gave it, so it is rarely taken away.

There is no description in the knowledge that the virtues once acquired were ever stripped away.

Among such virtues, the mercy that Maria received is basically impossible to stop since seeing with the eyes is the trigger for the use of the ability.

However, it is difficult to live with blindfold for the rest of one's life, although it is possible to temporarily stop hearing voices by wearing blindfolds.

However, since there is no countermeasure in knowledge, there is no choice but to try various methods of trial and error.


Unable to come up with any countermeasures, the room was filled with a heavy atmosphere.



"Come to think of it, we haven't had a meal, do you want something to eat?"

For a moment I thought it was the sound of a blowfish being held by Maria's hand, but it was the sound of her stomach growling because she was so hungry.

"Oh ......!"

If only she didn't hear people's voices, she would be able to go back to her usual Maria due to her instability.

In fact, just by spending time alone with her, I can see that she has recovered a lot from her fallen mental state.

"'Fu-chan, can you eat?"


'...... summoned creature, quit eating it.'

Even to the point of being able to make jokes like this.

'I'm sorry ......"

Joke ......?


'One last check, are you sure you want to come with me?"

'Yes, I prefer to be with my brother.'

As the sun began to set, preparations for the execution began.

Even before it was officially announced that the execution was to take place, the rumor had already spread, and the square was filled with angry people.

"'My lord, how many preparations for the crosses do we need?"

"I don't know yet if I will use all of them, but I want ten.

And I will move the criminals around and make a few speeches. I have a lot of important things to say, so gather as many people as you can."

"We'll have a few of us left in the back room to help with the transfer of the criminals.

I hope to finish my speech by the time the sun has set completely.

There are many guards in the city, including those from the Dicaman family, and there is no escaping the city anyway.

Let's do it first.

"No, I still don't mind if I ask you to move the criminals?"

"Yes, of course. Just give me the list and I'll bring them to you right away."

"I'd like you to take care of the executives with these names, because I'm still trying to find out how far down the chain they were involved, if not up to the highest ranks."

We will only execute the top executives. Executing the masterminds would be a good way to vent the anger of the people.

Frankly, I would be fine with executing all the lowly sisters as well, but that would be a way to get the main character, the one who is the main character, to say, 'I hate the church, but I'm innocent of a crime.

[Executing all these innocent people because you don't like the church ......!]

But that would be troublesome because it would increase the possibility that the protagonist would get involved with the church.

Well, I think he would get involved even if I executed only the top officials. ......

"Maria, please stand close to me, it may be hard, but please do it with dignity."

"Okay, I'll do my best."

The slightly awkward but stacked crates on top of the crates, all eyes are on us, wondering what we're going to do.

"{Karpis, let your voice be heard.}

Hello everyone, I am Khalil Dikaman, head of the Dikaman family and lord of this city."

Only my voice echoes in the square.

No one speaks or makes a sound.

"The tragic incident in which the city was set on fire, which, thanks to your help, was extinguished, caused no small amount of damage.

...... Our investigation has revealed that the culprits were upper church officials."

The announcement of the culprits has caused some people to voice their anger.

"We are now going to execute them."

"""Oh, oh, oh!"""

The square began to be enveloped in a strange atmosphere as each person exploded with anger and began to speak ill of the criminals as they pleased.



The emotions of the people in the city were united.

Now that we've established that, let's move on.

"As you all know, the Church is a very powerful organization. If word spreads that we have executed a priest in this city, we may be harassed in some way.

Those of you who wish to escape, pack your bags now, and I will not stand in your way."

As I explained, if I vent my anger and calm down, I will realize the danger of what I have done and act to prevent more people from fleeing the city.

"But I will never give in to the pressure of the Church, and I swear to you that I will protect all of you who live in my territory.

If you believe me, I ask you to give me one month to see what happens, and in that time, I will surely show you the results."


The results were good, and succeeded in making the people of the city feel a little uneasy.

By the way, the result that I said I would produce is that of the ascension.

It has already been decided, but by making a big announcement about my promotion, which has already been discussed with the church, it is nothing more than a statement that the country will fight against the church.

It would also cause some trouble for the king and the prime minister, but would they forgive me with an apology?

No, I think those people would laugh and forgive me. ......

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