What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


When I went to the room where I was supposed to show the Prime Minister around, I found a single maid standing in front of the door.

It looks like she has finished showing him to the room.

"Thank you for showing him around, and don't let anyone near this room for a while. Bosco, you are in charge of the Prime Minister's carriage and servants."

"Yes, of course."

The king and the prime minister were casual in the capital, but after a certain amount of time had passed and I had cooled down, I realized that I had been incredibly rude.

I can't explain it well, but I'm worried thinking that the lightness might have been like a social call.


Bosco and the maid leave the room and knock on the door after making sure no one is nearby.

"Excuse me."

Prepare for it, I don't know how I'll be treated, and I don't want to be upset by any first words...



The Prime Minister in the room was holding something in his mouth, and at the same time I entered the room, a sound came from the something in his mouth.


While the sound is ringing, the tube-like part extends, and when the sound stops, it contracts.

From its appearance and its useless function that I can't think of any use for, I knew that the video of the Prime Minister holding it in his mouth was one item in his knowledge.

The name is a whistle that stretches, an item that has a tremendous effect only on one of the heroines of the hero, an item dedicated as a gift to increase the likability of the hero.

"It's been a while, Your Excellency,"

"Ah, it's been a while, but I'd be embarrassed if you didn't respond in some way."

No, no, one of those heroines, an elf who looks like a little girl, might be pleased.

But what reaction should I have to seeing a grown man playing an extendable flute to me, a man who is neither a little girl nor an elf?

'...... That whistle does extend, doesn't it?'

'Oh, my bad."

"Let's forget about each other for once."

That is the most peaceful way for both of us.

If the silent time continues, it will become awkward, so let's talk as soon as possible.

"I apologize for picking a fight with the church without permission."

"No, no, no, His Majesty is laughing and it's a matter of time before the church and us are at odds, we don't mind."

We sat down on the chairs facing each other and began to talk in earnest.

"We sent a letter of protest to the church from the government but have not received a reply, probably in preparation for a war or in backstabbing.

As far as His Majesty and I can tell, we haven't found any subterfuge, but we have destroyed two noble families that have too strong ties to the Church."

He is moving fast.

One week after my report reached the capital, the Prime Minister was on his way to Dicaman's territory, which means that the events took place within a week.

This is the latest rough information I have, and Khalil, please tell me what you know about events in the past month."

'Of course.'

I will look back on this fire.

This was a sudden start for both me and the church, and there was almost no advantage or disadvantage in the beginning.

The final decision was the church's self-destruction, but even if it had continued like that, I don't see a future in which we would have lost. That's about the extent of my self-destruction.

"I see. ......"

"But from the perspective of the Dicaman family, the gains were small, in fact, the damage was greater."

The only gains were the disappearance of the church from my territory and the curing of Maria's flowery head.

The one that disappeared, however, Maria's flower garden can be called a real damage due to the landmine of distrust and mercy.

Come to think of it, do the king and the Prime Minister know about the virtuous one?

"I have one thing to report."

'I wish you wouldn't talk so stiffly, but, well, if it's easier for Khalil, then fine."

"So what is it?"

My sister, Maria Dicaman, has acquired the gift of mercy."

'Eh, the same virtue as that loyalty madman. ......'

Apparently, the Prime Minister knows about the virtue, but his expression turned into a look that he really thought it was about as troublesome as it could get, and he let out a big sigh.


I don't think Khalil knows this, but it is an ability possessed by a general of a country that fell in a war with our country.

It is the ability to strengthen one's own army, so that magic will be repelled, one will stand up even when attacked by His Majesty, and the person doing the strengthening will not be harmed in any way until his own army is destroyed.

I really thought he was a monster when I saw him running with his spear stuck in him."

He is the most talkative prime minister I have ever seen.

But still, the loyalist in knowledge was never that strong of a competent person.

I think it's an influence from earlier in the series where the virtues came out, but I didn't realize how much of a difference it made: ......

'Khalil, the virtuous abilities we know are loyalty and patience.

Can we assume that mercy, for the first time, is in no danger of spiraling out of control?"

The mercy that Maria got is basically the ability to get the magic eye.

In knowledge, it varies from abilities that are honestly not very strong, such as a magic eye that curses the opponent and a magic eye that heals wounds, to a monster called the magic eye of victory concept that boasts unparalleled strength in close combat, which always wins over the opponent it sees.

The magical eye that reads the opponent's mind is one of the weaker ones, so even if there is concern about it going out of control, it can easily subdue a person with a deadly sin that makes it difficult for the ability to work.

The problem is that Maria reaches a realm called the "'odd eye'".

Basically, an odd eye is a state in which each eye has a different ability, and the odd eye gains something that the other eye does not.

If Maria were to get an odd eye, it would turn into a magic eye that would give her the ability to fight.

If it gets out of control, I will kill her."

'...... understand.

Although it is not my intention to kill my friend's family either, it is better not to try to take on the challenge alone."

What the Prime Minister is saying is, call out to me.

"Thank you."

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