What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


Age has slowed my arms, and I have to concentrate very hard to detect a presence.

Even so, I can sense the presence of Master Khalil and the Prime Minister in the room only faintly.

"Khalil-sama is more mature and aristocratic than you think, that's all I'm trying to say."

For some reason, I remembered what Naamis had said to me some time ago.

I know that without having to be told, Khalil-sama is the head of Count Dicaman's family and a respectable nobleman.

I don't need to be told now. .....

No, now is not the time to lose focus on such things.

Master Khalil is more mature and noble than you think, that's all I'm trying to say.”

But no matter how many times I shake my head, I can't get those words out of my head.



I'm really old to think that I, who belonged to the military, would not notice a single maid approaching me from behind. ......

"What's wrong?"

"The sun will be up soon, how about breakfast for Khalil and the others?"

Yes, I suppose so. ......"

Normally, we servants would have to wait until the Khalil-sama and the Prime Minister came out.

But now that we cannot sense any change in the two of them, and there is a possibility that my master, Master Caryl, is in danger,

"Prepare as usual, but just to be sure, please increase the variety of bread so that we can choose what we prefer."

“Yes, of course. I'll let the head chef know.'

“And please report to me shortly before it's done.”

I must make a change, even if my own reputation suffers.

When it became light outside, the servants began to move slowly and it became difficult to recognize the presence of Khalil-sama and the others.

"The breakfast semi is almost finished."

"Yes, thank you.”

I was ready ...... to go, and I'd already made up my mind a long time ago.


I hadn't felt this nervous knocking since I reported my mistake to my superiors when I was in the military of the Kingdom.

"Who is it?"

I felt a little uncomfortable for some reason when I heard Master Khalil's voice coming from inside the room.

"This is Bosco.

Your breakfast is ready."

But I did not know what was wrong with me.

"Bosco, please bring the breakfast to this room.

And boil some water for me."

"Yes, of course.”

After conveying Master Khalil's order to the maid who was waiting nearby, I returned to the boundary of the room again.

I was concentrating my attention on searching for signs of life, when I noticed that I couldn't hear any voices.

'No way, ......!"

Anti-eavesdropping magic.

As a former soldier of the kingdom, I have had more opportunities to come into contact with powerful magic than most people living in ordinary circumstances, and I pride myself on having a fair amount of knowledge about magic.

In the tactics that knights and assassins learn to use against magicians, they are taught techniques that allow them to detect the use of magic even when they cannot hear the chanting through the power of sensing the magic power of the person.

Magic that has a continuous effect is easy to detect, but I could not sense it at all from the room where Khalil-sama and the others were in.

There must be a highly skilled magician in the room.

The magic itself is not strong, as Khalil-sama spends most of his time making magic potions, but the Prime Minister is able to use powerful magic.

"You should open it."

It is clearly unusual for the Prime Minister to use magic for as long as one night without intentionally leaking his voice.

I can only assume that it is a cover-up to hide something.

If that is the case, then the voice of Lord Khalil heard at the knocking is also suspicious.

"Excuse me!"

I thought to that point, and my body moved on its own and opened the door vigorously.

“Hmm? What's wrong, Bosco?"

"Oh, well.”

The room was far from what I had imagined, and I could predict that Master Khalil and the Prime Minister were having a friendly conversation with glasses in their hands.


......I'm not impressed with opening the door without knocking, something Bosco would never do as usual, but what's really going on?”

I froze, not knowing what to do, in addition to not being able to control my own outburst.

I was afraid that Lord Dicaman might be worried about me.

"Worried? No, even if I was, it would be overprotective of him to enter without knocking."


Overprotective, all my doubts were answered when I heard that word.

I realized that I had only seen Master Khalil as a protective figure.

I thought I understood that, but I guess I had been looking at him as an object of protection.

"I think it is a little different to say that you are overprotective. I think you have admirable aspirations as a steward who wants to protect his master.

Besides, if you didn't know about our relationship with Lord Dickaman, I could understand your concern.”

'Indeed I do. ......"

I'm talking comfortably ......

And what is the relationship ......?

"Bosco, what I am about to tell you must be kept secret."

I can't predict what I'm about to be told.

There is one thing I do know.

I understood that Khalil-sama is not an object of protection, but the head of the Dicaman family, a master whom I should support, not defend.


While I was chatting with the Prime Minister, Bosco opened the door and came in without permission.

It was a rare blunder for Bosco, but I was aware that I had worried him because of the Prime Minister's words and Bosco's appearance.

“I will be promoted to the next rank.”

"What is it?!"

I can't tell everything now, but I hope to be able to tell Bosco one day.

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