What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


What a thing to say.

As a nobleman, it's never a mistake to talk about engagement matters with a family you want to get along with, but even the nobles I know, even the frontier count who is more of a common sense person, would not bring up the subject of engagement. ......

“It hasn't been settled, but ......"

I would like my daughter to be a candidate for the position.

I would like to maintain a strong relationship with the Dicaman family, which is capable of creating magic potions.

I would also like to know about any powerful new medicine perhaps used at the time of His Majesty's approval.”

It may sound a little harsh, but if it had been Maria instead of me who was to be engaged, I would have carried on the conversation here with only the benefit of the ties, just as the frontier count did.

However, if I were to get engaged myself, I would have to be a little more careful.

I have a record of trying to get engaged to a duce dauther , and there is a possibility that the making of my fiancée is being carried out by the king and the prime minister as a surprise.

Considering this possibility, it is not an easy decision to make.

However, an engagement to a person from the House of the Frontier Count of Mapia would be of great benefit to the House of Dicaman.

The Marquess of Dickaman, with whom the Maypia family has established a stronger connection through the engagement, would require an increase in the amount of magic potions they deal in, and details of the magic potions produced by the Dickaman family and approved by the king, as conceived by the nobles who are unaware of the deadly sins.

Conversely, I get the backing of the Mapia family, one of the top noble families in the country in terms of military power and proven history.

It is an ideal contract with great mutual benefit and no betrayal.

Well, it is a little less beneficial for me, who is called a “friend” by the king and the prime minister, but since I am not hostile to the royal family, it is not a problem for me.

"Marquis Dicaman?"

"Yes. Oh, I'm sorry.

I was just collecting my thoughts."

Well, how should I answer?

The usual practice is to take the matter back home and delay the reply, but in such a case, the reply would come during a major vacation at the academy.

It would be about six months before I could reply.

I would like to be honest here and say ......

I don't mind if I put her on the list, but I don't know if she'll definitely get engaged, you know?

I don't care if you are older than her, but my daughter is still young.

In terms of age, in terms of skill."

That's because the age difference is quite wide.

But a difference of about five years cannot be called a gap for the nobility.

There are families that would give up their pre-adult girls to a perverted man of about 50 years in order to flatter a family that has too much power.

Well, nobles who go that far are shunned as having no common sense, but most families do not mind a difference of 15 years or so.

“I'd like you to meet her right away.”

“What, ......?”

"I'll have them call her."

Is she here? ......

A knight of the Count of Mapia, who was guarding the square, rushed up to him.

“You wanted to see me, sir?”

'Bring my daughter, who is waiting in the carriage, to meet with the Marquis Dicaman."

"Yes, sir.”

When the knight went to the carriage, I saw a girl with a fluffy atmosphere get off from inside.

The knight and the girl talked for a while and then came back to us .......

"The girl resembles my wife, and though she is very young, she is graceful, don't you think?"

'Yes, indeed.'

The frontier count who looked at the daughter had very kind and gentle eyes filled with affection, the atmosphere of a strict nobleman until now has softened somewhat.

Oh no, I can say that he dotes on his daughter.

And I have no good memories of people who dote on their daughters, yes, I'm talking about the duke, the parent of the fiancee, but my head aches just thinking about it.

In other words,

(Don't be nervous.)

One mistake is likely to draw trouble!

“Selma, this is the Marquis Dicaman. Say hello.”

The girl who came close to me was urged by the frontier count to show off her curtsey, which was more magnificent than that of some duchess.

"I'm Selma Mapia."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you.

I am Khalil Dikaman, and we may see each other more often in the future, nice to meet you young lady.”

She responded with the courtesy of a noblewoman, as if treating a full-fledged woman, but telling him she understood he was a child.


But the frontier count closed his eyes and silently crossed his arms, seemingly holding back his anger.

I think I overdid it a bit.



I could see Selma tilting her head curiously out of the corner of my eye, but I'm not interested in that right now.

Did I cause displeasure?

After a short time in a space where the only sound was my own heartbeat, the frontier count opened his eyes with a snap and began to stroke Selma's head.

'That was a perfect greeting, well done Selma."

'Ehehe, thank you father.'

What am I being shown?

"I'm sorry, Marquis.

I often lose myself when it comes to my daughter, and I didn't mean to be rude."

"No, it's all right."

Frankly, I can't find any reason to be okay with it at all, but when it comes to talking about the engagement of a daughter you love that much, the frontier count is in the realm of the decent.

'Now, Selma, the Marquis Dicaman is Selma's potential fiance."

"Engagement, engagement: ......"

Selma was still very young, but she seemed to know the meaning of the word “engagement,” and her eyes were busily moving back and forth between the Count and my face.

"Marquis Dicaman?”

"I beg your pardon, sir?

She seemed to have understood the situation, approached the chair where I was sitting, and took my hand in hers.

'I am looking forward to working with you from now on!"


Is this the attitude of being close to me? ......

Hey, are you watching, Duchess, a much younger girl than you still understands the aristocracy better than you do.

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