What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 108: Intrusion

On the other side, Chu Ge had been rushing to complete the manuscript for two days, trying to regain his writing flow and thinking about Qiu Wuji again.

A day apart feels like a vast autumn season.

Unfortunately, during these two days of rushing to meet the deadline, he couldn’t enter that state of overlooking everything. Not to mention seeing Qiu Wuji, he couldn’t even see the clouds and mountains.

Was it because he was writing about other characters in these two days? It shouldn’t have much of an impact. In the previous plot with Chu Tiange, he also saw him interacting with others.

It’s like the Six Meridian Divine Sword of Duan Yu, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. The more he wants to see Qiu Wuji, the less he can see her.

He tried drinking spiritual tea and placed the newly acquired pearl on his body while practicing and writing. He could feel that his cultivation was improving, and his internal injuries were slowly recovering. Writing was also going smoothly, but he still couldn’t see Qiu Wuji as he desired.

It’s really frustrating.

Chu Ge uploaded the final chapter for the day, let out a sigh of relief, and stood up to stretch his body.

Perhaps he shouldn’t be too impatient, just like in cultivation. The more one is eager for results and fixated on a specific goal, the more likely they are to lose their way.

He turned on his personal treadmill and absentmindedly ran on it, thinking that it had been a while since he last went to the Black Room for training. It would have been a suitable day to go today, but he didn’t feel like it.

Clearly, the Black Room was likely taking retaliatory actions during these two days. If he were to go there now and ask, “Hey, need any help?” it wouldn’t make any difference. It’s better to stay out of these matters.

Especially since his internal injuries hadn’t fully healed yet. Chu Ge could feel that his agility was significantly affected at the moment, and the effect of the Golden Bell Shield was not as strong as before. It showed that internal injuries, despite seeming inconspicuous, had a much greater impact than when he was stabbed last time. No wonder Qiu Wuji said the opponent was strong.

To think that Nanjiang still had such powerful ability users. The Black Room and Zhang Qiren might not be aware of it, but did Lin Wuyang know? According to the “List of Ability Users,” he should know. Perhaps Chu Ge could probe a little and ask for some information.

To be honest, although Chu Ge was injured by that water-based ability user, he didn’t hold any grudges against them. When a treasure appears, the capable seize it, and it’s understandable for there to be conflicts and attacks.

On the contrary, the other person might hold a grudge for having the treasure taken away… Speaking of which, since Chu Ge couldn’t push open the reef and the item wasn’t his to begin with, he was quite at ease with the situation. As long as he’s not being targeted, he hoped that the deep sea remains obscure, where no one can see anyone’s face…

In this regard, he and Qiu Wuji are ultimately different. Qiu Wuji was still frustrated for not promptly pursuing and eliminating the enemy, feeling that she had made a mistake. Chu Ge, on the other hand, thought it was better not to pursue, believing that there was no need to kill over such matters. The modern world is very different from the cultivation world… But he wondered if hindsight would prove his naivety.

In a dazed state, Chu Ge completed his run, took a shower, and returned to the computer. He sat for a while and wrote a thousand words as a draft, but he still couldn’t find a way to see Qiu Wuji. Feeling tired of writing, he decided to go to bed and sleep.

Writing can be really annoying.

In his dream, Chu Ge touched Qiu Wuji’s head and said, “You’re a mature female protagonist now, you have to learn to write on your own…”

Hmm, this guy is teaching Qiu Wuji to write, secretly harboring such lazy thoughts…


In the world of the novel.

Qiu Wuji was actually writing.

Since everyone’s time was different, there were often instances in Chu Ge’s story where it would say “three days later” or something similar. Sometimes even he couldn’t keep track of how much time had passed. Qiu Wuji had previously thought that the different flow of time could be used for reading and writing…

So, after finishing her own tasks, she draped a robe and sat by the window, holding a delicate brush in her hand, continuing to write her autobiography.

Compared to typing on a computer, she preferred using a brush on paper. She felt that it made her feel more like a literati and gave a better sense of connection.

The moonlight shimmered like water, and the dim lamp resembled tiny pearls. Under the moonlit window, a woman donned a robe and held a brush, furrowing her brows in contemplation.

If Chu Ge happened to see such a beautiful scene across the boundry, he probably wouldn’t be able to sleep. It was a beauty that words couldn’t fully describe. Even seeing her furrow her brows would make one feel distressed.

Qiu Qiu is stuck in her writing.

Writing an autobiography and creating a story have at least one thing in common: in the early stages, there’s a great feeling, writing a bunch in a flurry. But after writing for a while, there’s always a point where you get stuck and don’t know how to continue.

It could be not knowing how to express a certain plot point or not knowing how to connect two plot twists.

The more you understand, the easier it is to get stuck. Qiu Wuji used to be confident, thinking that everyone in the world would read her books, so she didn’t consider how to smoothly transition between these plot twists. But now she thinks about it, and as soon as she does, she gets stuck.

She bit the tip of her pen and really wanted to hit someone.

If she can’t continue creating a story, fine. But not being able to continue writing an already preconceived autobiography is infuriating! It’s so frustrating!

Why doesn’t that Chu Ge come and teach her? Isn’t he the Dao of Heaven or something? He has the ability to peep at people while they’re showering, so he should come and teach her how to transition this part.

In the dream, Chu Ge, as if sensing something, rolled over.

In his dream, the head-rubbed Qiu Wuji suddenly transformed into a sophisticated older sister, sitting by the window and holding a pen, gazing at the moon.

Chu Ge felt like he was the moon itself.

And so, in dreams and reality, inside books and outside books, in heaven and on earth, they gazed at each other from a distance.

To actually have this kind of dream, was it because he missed Qiu Wuji too much? Hmm, this version of her is so beautiful…

Qiu Wuji’s expression gradually became somewhat astonished—why did the moon feel a bit peculiar… It was just as gentle as when Chu Ge gazed at her.

But it didn’t have the same feeling as when Chu Ge’s spiritual sense descended. It truly felt like a sense of distance, as if crossing countless time and space, a distant gaze.

Why did she have this kind of feeling? Could it be because she was thinking of him?

Tch, I didn’t think of him that much, I just wanted him to teach me how to write!

In the dream, Chu Ge heard Qiu Wuji scolding, “What are you looking at? I asked you to teach me how to write, but you didn’t.”

Chu Ge: “?”

This dream feels so real, even capturing her sulky expression to the finest detail. Is this a lucid dream? Then can I dream of her not wearing any clothes?

After a moment’s pause, she didn’t undress.

If even this is not allowed, what’s the use of this kind of lucid dream?

Damn, why think so much in a dream? Chu Ge’s heart trembled, and he directly said, “Not flattering your Master, still hoping for me to teach you?”

Qiu Wuji seemed to actually hear this voice and was dumbfounded.

Even when you’ve transformed into the moon, you’re still so lustful!

She suppressed the urge to dress up and go out to hit someone, and instead put on a smiling face. “Master is not here, so how can I flatter…?”

In her heart, she secretly thought that if he dares to make some frivolous request like asking me to dance, I’ll go out and beat him up.

But it turns out that Chu Ge doesn’t even dare to think of anything inappropriate in his dreams. He honestly said, “When you come out, you can flatter me, like pouring tea or massaging shoulders…”

Qiu Wuji’s planned follow-up dialogue got stuck. She muttered in a helpless manner, “Am I also fantasizing? This feeling is so strange.”

It really feels like he’s sitting beside me, hesitating with his hands in his pockets, wanting to hug me but not daring to.

Could it be because I miss him?

If it’s just an illusion, it doesn’t matter. Qiu Wuji lazily said, “Sure, next time when I want to flatter you to learn something, you have to flatter me too.”

Chu Ge ecstatically said, “Deal!”

Whether you massage my shoulders or I massage yours, either way, I’m gaining.

Qiu Wuji seemed to realize this as well and said in a displeased tone, “You have no ambition.”

Is it because he really has no ambition, or is it that the version of him in my imagination only has this lack of ambition? Or is it because I find him the most adorable like this, so that’s how I imagine him? Qiu Wuji hesitated.

Just then, Qiu Wuji felt a tremor in her heart, sensing that someone had intruded into the location where she had set up her treasures or formations. She quickly assessed the situation in her mind and determined the location—Chu Ge’s living room in the real world, where the calligraphy was.

At the same time, the strange anthropomorphic sensation of the moon disappeared, returning to its cold, distant appearance.

Wasn’t it just an illusion?

If it was really Chu Ge’s voice, does that mean Chu Ge has encountered an attack now?

Qiu Wuji immediately thought of the water-based ability user and felt anxious. She wanted to split her soul and go out, but for a moment, she couldn’t actually leave.

Continuously taking the medicine to restore her weary soul had diminishing effects. Even if she took more, it wouldn’t help. According to his gaming terminology, this cooldown had to be waited out.

Qiu Wuji paced back and forth by the window, deeply regretting that she hadn’t completely eliminated the threat earlier. She didn’t expect the other party to make their move so quickly.

What should she do?

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