When Immortal Ascension Fails Time Travel to Try Again

Character Index 1 - Main Characters, Wives, and Peak Masters

This is an index with images that shows each of the characters in the series and describes a little about them. As I'm busy so I'll be updating this sporadically.

The Main Characters:

Fairy Lin - The main character who thinks her body was originally a dumb harem member.

First image was created by the author. Second was created by the wonderful Ms. Tsuu. The other images were rendered in NovelAI or Mid Journey and edited by the author.

Little Spring - Original name was Wang Mingren. Full daoist title is Spring of the Universe. He was the original protagonist of the Xianxia. The original title of the book was Devouring the Heavens.

"A six or seven year old child with messy hair and big black eyes peered up at me. Though young, the resemblance between the asshole and this kid stood out." (Um I realize now that I've been making images of him with brown eyes... I should probably just change the text at this point. >.>')

First image was created by the author. The other two images were created in NovelAI and edited by the author. So adorable that it's easy to see why Lin didn't just kill him, right?

Bloodsword - The protagonist of the original harem novel. Or as Lin calls him "the idiotic shit donkey" along with a variety of other colorful insults.

"'In your past life, your Daoist name was Bloodsword, but that’s the dumbest, most chuuni name ever so I’m vetoing it.'"

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

Characters of the Space:

Ghosty McGhostFace- Original name was Old Master Violet Seal. First appears in Story 2.

"A very translucent ghost of a middle-aged man flew out. He had black hair with hints of gray at the temples and a pair of downturned eyes. He wore his hair half up, with a white jade crown.

He looked like the typical evil mentor ghost who planned to take over the main character’s body. He would either fail in the end or start to befriend him to have him gather materials to make a new shell. Since I never read the book I had no idea which type he was"

This image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

Spirit of the Spatial Expanse- This is the spirit of Little Spring's space. First appears in Story 5 but isn't physically seen until story 7. Can take the form of a dragon or a person. Prefers dragon form because they are obviously superior >.>'

"The air shimmered with a glittering yellow light and a small, spectral golden dragon appeared in the kid’s hand. It started to squirm until the kid released it.

'Sister Lin, this is the spirit of this place. And Spirit, be polite to my sister.'

The tiny dragon crossed its little arms and wiggled its tiny noodle body at me tauntingly."

"He appeared to be a teenager with golden eyes and hair that mimicked the movement of his dragon whiskers."

Images created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

Xiao Bai - Little Spring's puppy. At least, that what he looks like and what everyone assumes. First appears in Story 8.

"When the light vanished, a small white puppy with triangle ears stood on Little Spring’s hands.

A... dog?

It lolled its tongue and barked. “Arf!”

No… The beast inside that egg couldn’t be normal. Right?

I stepped close to the puppy and held out my hand. If it was a spiritual beast, it would growl and bite me. Instead, the canine sniffed my palm, then licked it. I quickly moved my hand back and cast a cleaning technique. It didn’t seem to bother the creature. In fact, the fur became even fluffier."

This first image was a licensed stock photo that was processed and edited by the author. The other was created by AI and edited by author.

Bloodsword's Wives:

Fairy Effervescent Sea Pearl - Bloodsword's third wife. Appears in Story 2 and is described as a yandere.

"That was when I really noticed her. A young woman, in the foundation establishment stage, around 17-18 years old, with a chest even larger than that shop assistant from earlier, and wearing seafoam to contrast with — of all the stupid fucking things — her damn glittering pink hair."

Image created in Novel AI and edited by the author.

Violet Pill Fairy- She is a greedy but accomplished alchemist. First appears in Story 3.

"I sighed. 'Is she pure, unadulterated evil? No. But she is a consummate capitalist. That isn’t necessarily an evil thing....' I grabbed the flower and put it inside one of the small boxes I made out of the leftover white jade. I then shoved it deep inside my bag. 'But she has no conscience when it comes to profit. She’d even risk lives if it meant she could make a few spirit stones.'"

"Though I couldn’t see much of her face through the trees, my divine sense picked up that her pastel purple robes were made from Shark Spun Silk, an expensive and rare material even back during this time. This very rich woman also wore a fluffy pill testing beast like a scarf for whatever reason."

Image created in Novel AI and edited by the author.

Fairy Blissful Jujube- First appears in Story 4. She is the first wife of Bloodsword and a four arts cultivator.

"And that was when I saw the fiery blue hair of someone I hadn’t expected."

"Of course, years later and after dealing with her husband’s various idiotic wives, Fairy Blissful Jujube turned into a vicious bitch."

Image created in Novel AI and edited by the author.

Fairy Verdant Bamboo- Bloodsword's and Fairy Lin's master. He eventually married her. First mentioned in story 1.

"Knowing her, she’d be lounging like some goddess while holding a bottle of spiritual wine that she’d pretend to drink. All while her robes showed a lot more cleavage than necessary."

First image created in Novel AI and edited by the author. Second image created by the author.

Fairy Garlic- First mentioned in story 6. Appears in story 8. Is an immortal Chef.

"Actually, I had regretted allowing him to find his own teacher as soon as I saw that she was the fucking shady chef who married Bloodsword in my past life — Fairy Garlic."

Images created in Novel AI and edited by the author.

Fairy Snow- First named in story 8. Is a Nine-tailed fox spiritual beast pet that eventually turned into a human and married Bloodsword. Snow is not her real daoist title just what everyone called her.

Image created in Novel AI and edited by the author.

Little Teasing Mouse- The wife who died during a tribulation that was brought back to life by Bloodsword. Mentioned in Story 6 and named in story 10.

Image rendered using Mid Journey and edited by author.

Peaks and Peak Masters:

"It was essentially a truly massive range of mountain peaks curled into the shape of a spiral. To put it in a mundane perspective, the smallest mountain was around the width of Mount Everest from my original world."

1. Beautiful Treasure Peak - At the center of the spiral mountain range. It is where the sect keeps a majority of its treasures. Also where the HQ for the Sect’s Enforcers is located. While they try to stay out of things, they will break up fights that aren’t in the designated areas. Peak Master ???

2. Indomitable Peak - Where the sect leader lives and manages the sect along with the disciples who help him. This peak is mainly one of bureaucracy, planning and logistics. - Sect Leader Peerless Resolve

"I didn’t become a cultivator because I wanted to spend my days pushing paperwork, doing math, and arguing with people. Especially not when the paperwork was in Ancient Chinese with all the goddamn weird-ass phrasing, spelling, and grammar. Just thinking about it, and the arguments about standardization I had with everyone gave me a headache. If I had to hear, ‘but we’ve always done it this way,’ one more goddamn time I would strangle someone… again."

"He sat down like a boss and seemed to ignore everyone around him. Then he looked at us. For a mere second, his eyes softened when they reached Unyielding... then turned to me as if weighing my worth. I respectfully looked up at my friend from my past life. Instead of a head full of white hair, it was now black with a hint of grey at the temples. Instead of the small smile I was used to, he seemed to try and cultivate an expressionless mask. Frankly, he just looked like he had facial paralysis…

My friend appeared so incredibly young!"

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

3. Alchemy Peak - Where the alchemists go to learn and where Medicinal Qi cultivators disciple - Peak Master Enduring Flame

"Enduring Flame was a man who reminded me of an older and slightly less obsessed version of Pill Otaku. The differences were that, instead of having cauldrons everywhere, he had flames. On his robes. On his crown. Even the pendant on his belt was made up of flames... And some of them were actual real flames, showing just how hardcore his control of strange flames was."

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

4. Majestic Sword Peak - Where the sword cultivators live - Three Eyes Sun Blade - where the sword Cultivators live and where those who want to learn the sword visit. He is first mentioned in story 6. Is the grandmaster of Clear Eyes Mad Tongue

"He had an almost entirely grey head of hair and a long majestic beard that he stroked whenever he considered the Dao."

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

5. Beast Tamers’ Peak - Where the beast tamers are - Peak Master Gracious Blue Luan - Mentioned in Story 6

"A woman who appeared middle-aged with wrinkles around her eyes and a sour expression tattooed to her face.

She took over the position after her husband and his disciples all died fighting in small conflicts against the demonic cultivators. If I remembered correctly, didn’t this insidious bitch end up betraying the sect around one or two hundred years in the future?"

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

6. Verdant Green Peak - Where the horticulturist are - Peak Master ???

7. Four Arts Peak - Where the 4 arts cultivators make their home... And thank fuck the original author had reasonable names instead of references to obscure ancient poems as the names of these peaks - Peak Master

8. Elder’s Peak - This is the peak is restricted to Nascent Soul, Immortal Bone Creation and Immortal Ascension experts - Peak Master ???

9. Body Peak - Where body cultivators are - Peak Master Enduring Peach Blossom - Mentioned in Story 6.

10. Divination Peak - Peak Master ???

11. Formation Peak - Peak Master ???

12. Talisman Peak - Peak Master ???

13. Mystical Forge Peak - Peak Master ???

14. Scripture Peak - While each peak has its own scripture pavilion this peak has a duplicate of each manuscript in the sect. It is protected by elders and has disciples there copying each one.... It’s basically a giant library - Peak Master ???

15. Mystical Bamboo Peak - their original home - where the normal Qi cultivators called their home the biggest and shortest peak (being towards the end of the spiral). - Peak Master Verdant Bamboo- Yes, she's in this index twice... but at least this is a different image.

"I immediately recognized the beautiful Fairy Verdant Bamboo, my master in my last life. She dressed in flowing robes that had hints of armor here and there. A green bamboo cane rested against her hip, looking mundane. I knew from experience that it was her spiritual weapon, the Ancient Bamboo Sword."

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

16. Righteous Defense Peak - was originally where disciples who focused on defense lived. They took the first stand against enemies coming from the direction it was easiest to attack from, but later, the formation peak came up with stronger formations and made this peak obsolete. - No Peak Master... yet.

"We passed the first peak with its overgrown trees and crumbling buildings. From this distance, the mountain felt completely devoid of life.

As usual, my eyes lingered on it."

Previous Peak Master - Immortal Zhenren Sword Within the Light of Virtue -

Image was created in NovelAI and edited by the author.

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