When Immortal Ascension Fails Time Travel to Try Again

Story 10 - The Spy Who Rocked Too Hard (Part 7 🎸)

If merely easing rage was my goal, there were many songs I could choose from. But this was a test. If I only solved the issue and didn’t help the person move forward, the underlying anger would eventually return. What I needed to play here was a song that not only soothed rage, but overcame it. For this, none more impactful than those spiritual rock songs inspired by Tool.

Which was likely because their music was healing. At least, that was from my own experience! And it wasn’t just me who had felt that. Back in my past-past life, I’d stumbled on rumors that the band purposefully wrote music that helped their audience move past their rage. Because of this, their fans could heal and improve with the band. This was a large part of what made them a group that lasted over decades instead of one that blinked out in a short few years.

When I introduced the original music to the little cultivators from my past life, they quickly realized that there was something special about it.

Daoist Lime Torrent even created a song heavily inspired by Ænema. I was especially fond of it. Since the judge didn’t give me more information about the hypothetical target’s anger, I figured it would do.

Now to see if I could pull it off, since it usually required a whole band to be effective.

I pressed my fingers to the strings, inserting my spiritual energy into them, then the rest of my instrument. When I forged my battle guitar, I had added enchantments to it. Most of them were for adding distortion effects, or simple illusions, but the main one amplified the sound. I inserted my spiritual energy into the instrument and adjusted it to sound good inside the arena.

Finally, I lifted one fist to the sky and extended my pinkie and index fingers, creating a hand seal reminiscent of devil horns that activated an illusion of a spotlight and fog.


Music was at its finest when accompanied by a little showmanship.

I whispered the line of throaty vocals that began the song, then brought my arm down to play the first repetitive notes.


While my original voice was nice, it wasn’t anything special; however, after using the disguise technique, I sounded exactly as I intended. Which, for this song, was deep, melodic, and angry. And, if the crowd in the arena didn’t like it, they could go fuck themselves. I only cared about impressing Pearlescent Rose with the healing power of rock! And looking like the badass I was as I played.

Compared to the original song Lime Torrent created inspired by Ænema, this arrangement of it was simplistic. Though I gave it my all to pull off its incredible vocals that could make a cultivator feel the song deep in their soul, it still lacked the drums that could make someone’s blood rush and the baseline that was often the heart of every rock song.

But despite not having the fullness in sound a whole band would have given it, what it did have was the essence of complaint. Which was the soul of this song’s beginning. This led to an expression of hatred for people. Fake people, idiotic people, those who try to con others, and those who were easily conned. A list that went on and on of the fuckers that made life worse, bringing about a loathing that was entirely unhealthy but wholly embraced. Each note expressed a deep need to see all those fools obliterated. Washed away. Removed and destroyed. But since that wasn’t possible, at least removed from the listeners’ life so they could start anew. And maybe, just maybe, things would change for the better. Because change had to be better than the way things were.

Essentially, with each word and chord played, I encouraged Pearlescent Rose to cut out the toxic people in her life.

Finally, I closed the song out by playing a chord that echoed through the arena. The last note of the first rock song in this universe played specifically for an audience. I raised my hand once more and clenched my fist to turn off my illusory effects.

There was total silence. Slack-jawed individuals stared at me from all around.

Fuck yeah! I just blew everyone’s minds!

Fairy Pearlescent Rose stepped closer. “That was...” she began, then delicately cleared her throat, “new. Too new. I’m going to need another example.”

She may have said that, but I noticed that curious and excited gleam in her eyes. Her interest was piqued. Which, of course, it had! Rock kicked ass!

“I can play all night, Senior.” Playing the guitar, even with songs that required detailed work, was nothing compared to the complex and sometimes anatomy-straining hand seals used in alchemy. “But, hopefully, just one more song will do.”

She smirked. “Then, can you do what Treasured Morning Dew couldn’t and play me a song that makes me want to seduce you?”

I coughed. What?!

It was one thing to watch someone try to attract an uninterested judge, it was another to get asked to do it.

“That’s not appropriate for me.” I mean, fuck, I currently looked around 17-18 and my mind was far over a thousand years old, but my body was still physically 12 and nearing 13 under this disguise. Even if that wasn’t the case, purposefully attracting someone who wasn’t interested, while I was also uninterested, was extremely unappealing.

Plus, I knew that as soon as I played a spiritual rock song based on either Closer, 4 Degrees, Rev 22:20 (Dry Martini Mix), and Sex & Candy — which were spiritual songs that could definitely make someone bothered — these people just might assume I was easy and I didn’t have the time to kick sense into all of their asses. I was here to spy on this sect so I could get home, not teach these people about respect and consent. That would take too much time and I hoped to be out of here in a month. It was just easier to save those kinds of songs for myself and maybe a few trusted students who wouldn’t misjudge me for knowing songs like that or misinterpret my intentions.

Now that I was considering what songs to play, there was one based on a metal song that I think suited this little fairy. “That said, I can do something even better.”

“Oh?” She tilted her head to the side.

While inserting my spiritual energy into my instrument, I played the first chords of a song that was inspired by Korn’s Twisted Transistor. “I can make you want to seduce music itself.”

“Now this, I have to hear.”

I grinned and once again activated my spotlight and fog illusions before fully committing to the song.


Since I had been through a lifetime already, I’d experienced how lonely the process of cultivating was. This judge, in particular, had to be by herself often, with only music to fill the time.

I used the lyrics to call out to her — a solitary soul, twisted up inside to where no one could empathize.

Pearlescent Rose’s eyes widened. And I took a powerful step forward while keeping eye contact.

I continued the song, describing her as someone who had no one except the wild music that called to her very soul. With each word and note, I reminded her that the world wasn’t fair, that everyone around her was uncaring to her loneliness. It was only music that reached inside, welcomed her, and made her feel understood.

I played the last chord and took a few steps back before reaching up and ending my spotlight illusion. The arena was overwhelmingly silent. Of course, it was. I just hit them with a sound they’d never heard before. I was so badass that I blew their minds twice in a row!

The judge’s cheeks grew pink, and she cleared her throat. Her eyes sparkled, and she stepped a little too close. Ah, I could tell that the song did what it was supposed to do, which was make the listener feel like they wanted to seduce the music itself.

Pearlescent Rose held up a finger. “How about one more song?”

I looked down at her, since I was taller. “While I’d play another dozen songs for you, I don’t know if the crowd here is willing to listen. Or if the other judges want to stay here so long past sunset.”

“Oh, right.” She took a step back, glanced behind her, and scowled at the other judges. Then she turned to me with a smile. “Welcome, Musician Linlin, to the Irrepressible Beast Blood Sect.”

Muahahaha! Success! Now I just needed to find that scroll along with the right evidence, and I’d be home!


The judges started escorting us three new disciples into the sect. As soon as we passed the red and gold gate, Little Spring finally couldn’t contain his excitement.

::You were amazing!::

::Of course I was. Who am I?::

::Sister Lin!::

::That’s right.::

::Um. But that last song was a little—::

I sent the brat a glare before he said something stupid.

He coughed, looked away from me and pointed to the mountain on the south. “Which peak is that?” He asked the judge for the Beast Blood Contractors.

“That is where the Puppeteers and Beast Blood Contractors live and work.”

::Sister Lin, I would never say that it wasn’t good. Actually… It was a bit too good? So good it seemed dangerous?::

::It wasn’t nearly as dangerous as some other songs I could have played.::

::Like what?::

::Well, I know a song that can melt your face off.::

He stumbled. Then scratched the back of his head as he apologized to the judge next to him. ::Please never play that for me!::

I held in a chuckle.

“The middle peak is where the Sect leader lives alongside the poison body cultivators and poisoners,” the judge continued.

Pearlescent Rose gestured to the peak on the north. “And that is where the dread painters and demonic musicians live and study.” She smiled at us, “Gold String Delicate Touch and Fairy Linlin. You’ll both live there, eventually. To get used to your new environment, you three will first have to live in the outer sect.”

Goddamn it. If they were going to make us spend months earning our way into the inner sect, I’ll have to figure out another way to spy on these fuckers.

“Don’t worry.” The Beast Blood Contractor said. “This is just temporary. Every Foundation Establishment member gets promoted, except for those who choose to remain in their positions.”

“Just tell them how it is,” a woman missing one eye who looked like a puppeteer said. “They’re outsiders who have already cultivated somewhere else. While their skills were enough to get them into the sect, we don’t know them.”

Pearlescent Rose frowned at the woman. “Be kinder to our new recruits, Doll Monarch.”

She rolled her eye then turned to us. “If you want to reach the inner sect, you rogues are required to find and mentor two outer sect disciples. You have to instruct them until they show a healthy and significant improvement in their cultivation or battle strength before we can trust you enough to promote you.”

Pearlescent Rose crossed her arms. “There, was that so hard?”

Doll Monarch scowled.

The Beast Blood Cultivator chuckled. “You can threaten them into it if you want.”

“Earthly Bronze Boar! You shouldn’t be encouraging coercion,” Rose chided. “Not when bribery and persuasion are more effective.”

He grinned and turned to us. “You’ll soon experience how viciously our disciples fight to get promoted. The resistance and resentment for how easy you have it will be significant. And it won’t only come from the outer sect.”

They stopped at a massive courtyard with a red door made from strong and expensive spiritual wood. Actually, after spreading my divine sense out, I could tell that this was the best living space in the area. The others were plain, with multiple individuals staying inside them.

Ah, so they were giving us the most expensive lodging in the outer sect. We’d soon have jealous assholes trying their hardest to shit all over us. Classic Xianxia.

Doll Monarch crossed her arms. “Space in the outer sect is at a premium, so you three will have to share.”

She tossed us each a key, then left.

Pearlescent Rose Smiled at Gold String and me. “The shortest time any rogue cultivator has made it to the inner sect was two weeks. As my prospective students, I hope to see you beat that record.”

I grinned. “Watch me do it in one.” Because I didn’t have time to deal with some hazing ritual fit for a shitty college campus. If I had to do this anyway, then I’d use it as an opportunity to collect information.

“I hope so.” She sighed. “I was specifically warned to not help either of you, so I’ll head up before I’m tempted to give you hints.”

She sauntered away, leaving us with Earthly Bronze Boar. He sent each of us a red jade pass. “This will allow you to roam around the outer sect and give you access to the Lesser Scripture Pavilion. I will send someone with your sect uniforms tomorrow. Make sure you wear them if you go outside your courtyard.”

“Is someone going to come along to beat us up if we don’t?” Little Spring asked.

He smiled viciously. “Yes. They’ll claim that you’re an intruder. At the very least, wear red and gold.” Then with a parting, “Do try to survive,” he left us there.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.