Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 243

Chapter: 243

The evolution of orcs was incredibly slow.

In contrast to goblins and hobgoblins, which evolved after gathering in groups of dozens, orcs only evolved after hundreds of them came together.

However, the undeniable fact was that they were that strong.

A monster containing an immense power within a colossal body akin to that of a giant.

The creature known as the ogre was displaying its strength without any reservation.


A colossal lizard and an ogre clash.

Drake. A wingless dragon. A monster considered to be the strongest candidate for terrestrial life.

Such creatures—an ogre and a drake—collide with full force.


The mere collision between the two released a powerful shockwave, sending not just the goblins but also the hobgoblins tumbling backward from the impact.

Neither the ogre nor the drake, responsible for this tumultuous clash, budged an inch. They were locked in a confrontation of nearly equal strength.

The drake pushed against the ground on all fours, while the ogre firmly stood on two legs. Despite the difference in posture, the ogre was managing to withstand the drake’s strength sufficiently.

Is the ogre stronger in pure muscle power itself? The drake’s body is larger, its center of gravity is lower, and being quadrupedal should ideally give it the advantage if all strength is equal…

In the midst of this tense standoff, the drake raised its head sharply and spewed forth a fireball from its mouth. The ogre, taken by surprise, quickly rolled to avoid the fireball.

Although the stray fireball incidentally charred a few nearby orcs and goblins, the ogre remained fixated on the drake.

Unlike dragons, the drake’s breath could only be used a limited number of times per day, and the ogre was keeping a wary eye on it.

Even though a hot fireball whisked past right beside it, the ogre showed no signs of distress.

Had it gained resistance to fire as it evolved? Or was it merely masking its discomfort in the presence of a formidable foe? Either way, the feeling was anything but mundane.

With its teeth, claws, and tail, the drake launched attacks while the ogre calmly and nimbly evaded those strikes, retaliating with powerful punches. The battle between the two monsters, each capable of shattering rocks with their blows, remained neck and neck.

No matter how strong the ogre’s fist was, capable of breaking rocks, it wasn’t powerful enough to pierce through the drake’s scales. No, even hitting the drake’s scales would still leave it looking pretty darn normal!

The drake, too, hadn’t managed to inflict any significant damage on the ogre. The ogre, surprisingly agile for its size, was adeptly dodging all of the drake’s attacks.

The battle, where neither side could land a hit, ended with the drake slightly retreating after a few more rounds of exchanges.

Drake, the creature said to obliterate a city and devour it whole, was forced to retreat after failing to defeat just one ogre.

Of course, the ogre couldn’t capture the drake either… But from the ogre’s perspective, merely forcing the drake to withdraw felt like a victory.

As the ogre continued to watch the drake’s retreating form, it let out a triumphant roar as soon as the drake disappeared from sight.


The ogre’s roar resembled that of a movie monster. Along with it, the orcs cheered, and the wobbling hobgoblins joined in.

The stunned goblins, overwhelmed by the ogre’s roar, fell over.

I let out a small sigh at the sight of that greenskin.

Considering the devastation that monster could wreak… it would be wise for me to take action and deal with it immediately.

However, after witnessing the ogre tussling with the drake, a thought popped into my head.

If we can utilize that ogre… couldn’t we deliver a stark warning to humans?

It would clearly show that if goblins weren’t dealt with promptly, such calamities could occur.

Many people would die.

Many towns and cities would be destroyed.

Yet, I couldn’t deny that this was an enticing option.

The deaths of many. The destruction of numerous towns and cities.

Endless sorrow. The pain of those who have lost their families.

My empathy for such matters… perhaps has dulled a bit. My mind was filled with the idea that it might just be worth enduring such losses to etch the warning of ogres into memory.

What should I do? The tiny shred of humanity left within me screams against it, yet my logic indicates that it’s the pragmatic path.

What ought I to do? Should I follow the humanity that clings to my heart? Or ignore it while pushing forward with my plans?

As I gazed down at the kingdom of the greenskins, lost in contemplation, I suddenly heard another voice beside me.

“So that’s the monster they’re talking about.”


“Yes. That’s me.”

A blonde beauty appeared, smiling brightly. Shamash.

“Indeed, for something cobbled together from those little green molds, it’s quite strong. I can’t believe it can go toe-to-toe with that drake.”

“Hmm. It’s a formidable creature.”

Excluding creatures that fall outside the standard, like dragons, one could assert that there was no being on land stronger than a drake.

The fact that the ogre stood its ground against such a drake clearly demonstrated its strength.

“If it’s that powerful… wouldn’t humans also find themselves utterly helpless before it?”

“It’s undeniably powerful, but not without counters.”

The human spirit won’t crumble under such pressure. Significant losses might occur, but they would find a way to overcome it.

“Therefore, those moldy fellows are a matter for humans to address.”

“If that’s your opinion, why does your face look so worried?”

“Worried face? I found myself unconsciously touching my own face.

Am I worried? About humans? Am I genuinely fretting over them even though my emotions have dulled?

I don’t know. But I can trust Shamash’s words; she’s one of the children who have long been observing me.

“If you’re that concerned, wouldn’t a little help wouldn’t hurt?”

“A little help…?”

“Yes. Um… all I’d need to do is showcase the ogre’s strength, right?”

I nodded slightly at Shamash’s words. What’s necessary for humans at this point is a warning. Of course… many deaths aren’t the only form of warning.

“How about we have a reasonably strong subject engage the ogre, make it a close match, and then mop it up?”

“A notably strong subject… It seems we are running short on time to pick a new hero…”

“We shouldn’t need a hero. A fitting candidate is roaming the world right now.”

“A suitable candidate?”

Shamash smiled and said.

“Bigger and stronger than that ogre… the Black Rock Giant.”

“You mean Talos.”

“Yes! I heard he’s on vacation and traveling across the world. Why not extend his break a little while giving him a task or two?”

Talos. Hmmm. Talos is strong enough to take down as many ogres as he encounters.

He may seem a tad overpowered, but given his intellect, if instructed to fight while being lenient, he would surely comply. Hmmm.

Okay, let’s do that. If Talos takes on the ogre, I can leave the other goblins and orcs to the humans. This way, more will survive.

“But those moldy types… they share quite a few similarities with the various humans living on the surface.”



Shamash pointed at the tiny goblins with her finger.

“Those little guys… they seem strongly reminiscent of ratfolk. Small, obsessively fixated on food, and they breed like rabbits.”

“Hmm… is that so? While it’s true they resemble ratfolk, their individual strength is quite lacking.”

“Next, hobgoblins share similarities with normal humans.”

I nodded at Shamash’s statements. Truly, hobgoblins are akin to humans. In terms of stature, strength, and intellect.

“Those orcs… are they beastmen? Well, they might have a slight edge over beastmen… is it correct to say they resemble lizardfolk?”

“If you say that, it would insult the lizardfolk.”

Comparing orcs to lizardfolk. Apologize to the lizardfolk!

I’m not saying this because they’re devout believers; the differences in reality are quite pronounced!

Lizardfolk are much stronger. Much stronger.

“Roughly speaking, I’d say they sit somewhere between the physically tough beastmen and lizardfolk.”

A bit stronger than cow or boar beastmen? Of course, there are individual variations, but on average, one would assume so.

“Finally, about that ogre. He’s got the size of a giant.”

“I’ll concede that. In fact, its physical strength may outclass that of a giant.”

It’s not that giants are weak, however, the power displayed by the ogre left a strong impression.

No giant would be able to tussle with the drake head-on.

“Considering that aside from elves under the protection of Yggdrasil and dwarves residing beneath Sagarmatha, the other humans are essentially just replications of humans… could this really be a coincidence?”

I slightly shook my head at Shamash’s assertion.

The creator of those greenskins… it would be more accurate to say they drew inspiration from the humans living above.

In other words, we’re looking at a pirated copy outranked by absurdity.

How infuriating.

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