Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 254

Chapter: 254

“My body feels light… I don’t feel pain… I don’t feel stuffy…!”

Vivi couldn’t help but stare at her transformed body with her mouth agape.

Her hair color changed, horns sprouted, her skin improved slightly… Aside from her overall slightly cuter impression, Vivian’s appearance didn’t seem to have changed much at all.

Inside her body, however, had changed to the point of becoming completely new… But, well, it’s not like you can just look through someone’s body. There’s no way to know for sure.

“That’s a healthy body, Vivi.”

“Wow… this feels so refreshing… I feel like I’ve wasted half my life…”

Oh! That statement is dangerous! I can’t explain why in detail, but watch out!!

Cough. Anyway, the seal within Vivi’s body was successfully released, and her body was recreated.

A body transformed into a human form that is reminiscent of mine. An overwhelming amount of magical power, so abundant that it’s closer to a dragon than a human.

And the horns.

Those horn-like structures made Vivi look like something other than human.

Well, there were plenty of beastfolk with horns like that among them, but there were no beastfolk who had just horns without any other animal traits.

And those horns have various functions!

Functions like antennas that listen to what the Goddess of Life has to say, absorbing the surrounding magical power to restore the magical power of the Dragon Priestess, and helping the Dragon Priestess control her magical power more efficiently.

I figured that just giving her decorative horns would be a bit boring, so I added some functions, and it turned out to be remarkable in many ways.

“Vivi, can you feel the magic inside your body?”

“Yes? Oh, yes! I can’t believe such incredible power was inside me…”

“That’s because your magical power was sealed inside your body. A normal human body can’t handle this much magical power. If that much magical power were forced into a normal human body, it would probably shatter into pieces.”

At my words, Vivi’s face turned slightly pale. It looked like she imagined her own body exploding into pieces at the thought of “shattering.”

“No need to worry; such a thing won’t happen to the Dragon Priestess. As her body transforms, she’ll be able to handle a large amount of magical power.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Vivi sighed in relief and ran a hand over her chest. Watching her expression change so quickly is quite entertaining.

“With such abundant magical power, you can do many things using it. So as your teacher, I will teach you what you can do with your magical power. Please follow along diligently.”

“Yes, yes! I’ll do my best!”

And so I began to teach Vivi how to use her magical power.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Thank you for making Vivi healthy.”

“I merely did what I was supposed to do. No need for thanks.”

I can’t just ignore a child who has the qualities of a Dragon Priestess! No way!

Now, besides me, other Dragon Priestesses should start appearing! It feels like a subcontractor situation!

“Alright, now it’s your turn, Arthur. Let’s see…”

I examined Arthur closely. His body was well-trained for his age. Did he receive consistent training to become the next emperor?

Well, that alone might not be enough.

“Have you ever swung a weapon?”

“A weapon… I learned a bit of swordsmanship for self-defense.”

“A sword? Not a spear?”

What about that undefeated spirit? Normally, you’d think using that requires learning spear techniques, right?

“A spear…?”

“Do you know what kind of weapon King Lucius of the Knights used?”

After thinking for a moment, Arthur said, “I heard he used a spear with a flag attached. He usually didn’t fight directly, but when things got dire, he wielded that spear.”

“Knowing that, you still chose to learn swordsmanship?”

“That spear is… too long to carry around for self-defense.”

As he said this, Arthur subtly showcased a sword hanging from his waist. Hmm… I guess using a spear for self-defense is a stretch.

It might be better than a sword for warfare, but it’s impractically long to carry around.

But still! Don’t people usually try to wield the same weapon as their admired grandfathers?! Huh?!

These thoughts remained unspoken. After all, it’s unlikely that an emperor would personally fight wielding a spear.

A self-defense sword should suffice.

“Well, I suppose there’s no helping it.”

But since he has learned the basics of swordsmanship, he isn’t completely starting from scratch. I’ll just refine his skills.

Oh, right! Should I make him a weapon too? Since he’s learned swordsmanship, I’ll craft a sword that suits him.

And let’s teach him how to control and use the considerable magical power lying dormant within Arthur’s body. Just like martial arts, where internal energy strengthens the body.

Arthur’s goal is to reclaim the throne snatched away by his uncle. So, I just need to stuff him with the skills he’ll need for that! Yeah!

He’ll need swordsmanship, the art of persuasion to win hearts, and knowledge for leadership. Since he’ll be at a disadvantage, he should also learn to conceal himself and erase his tracks.

Hmm… This might turn out to be quite a harsh training regimen. I wonder if Arthur can handle it.

First, let me ask.

“Arthur, are you prepared to do anything to reclaim the throne?”


Arthur answered immediately.

He’s prepared to do anything. Nothing more irresponsible could be said.

If that’s truly the case, he must have his reasons.

“For that, are you willing to pay any price?”


Arthur responds without a hint of hesitation. Does his yearning for revenge burn that fiercely?

It’s a little pitiful, to be honest.

But still, that’s one matter; this is another.

“I see. If your resolve is so firm…”

I spoke with a small smile.

“Can you endure training so grueling that it makes you wish you were dead?”


Seeing the dazed expression on Arthur’s face, I continued.

“Even if you’re gravely injured, even if you suffocate and your heart stops, Vivi, the Dragon Priestess, will be right here to heal you.”

I can do it, but Vivi also needs practice.


“I won’t mind if you sustain injuries that nearly bring you to death. I’ll make this thorough for you.”

Arthur’s face turned pale at my words.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Thus, I took Arthur and Vivi under my wing as my disciples and taught them a variety of things.

Arthur learned how to engage in direct combat: swordsmanship, stealth techniques, verbal arts, and even methods to enhance his physical form using magic.

It took some extreme measures to embed these techniques into their bodies, but somehow, I managed to get them on the right track! Good things come together!

During this process, it was a minor detail that Arthur visited the river of the underworld a few times.

Especially mastering the use of magic was quite challenging.

Races like elves, with a high affinity for magical power, could pick it up quickly with just a little teaching, but Arthur struggled.

Stimulating the magical power inside his body, making him feel it, and getting it to move took about three years.

Of course, that wasn’t all that filled our time. I taught many other things as well.

His swordsmanship became quite impressive for a human, and he accumulated a vast amount of knowledge, outshining many scholars.

Perhaps it’s because he was originally a candidate for emperor; he is exceptionally remarkable.

To Arthur, I presented a gift.

“This is…”

“As you can see, it’s a sword.”

A sword with a deep black blade.

A sword that seems to absorb all light, like the deep night sky.

From its appearance, it was crafted from adamantium.

Of course, it wasn’t pure adamantium; it was an alloy.

The handle and blade are made of mithril, which allows magic to flow through well. Specifically, the shaft that supports the center of the sword is made of mithril, linking the blade and handle.

Using this mithril section, if you imbue enough magical power into the handle…



“It’s a sword that can create a blade of pure magical power.”

A blade of glowing magical energy emanating from the pitch-black sword.

I lightly swung the sword, the blade sparkling with magical power.


The sound of something soft being sliced echoed.

“The cutting power of this magical blade is extraordinary. It can cut through large rocks like they were butter.”

It looks dangerously sharp, but I suppose it’s fine.

“And if you pump in a little extra magical power…”

The black sword absorbs the magic I infused swiftly.

The sword, like pouring water onto a dry desert, absorbs magical energy to increase its blade size.

When the magic input reaches its limit…


The magically formed blade starts to shake uncontrollably, its shape vanishing.

Like a dam bursting, a torrent of energy begins to pour out.

A significant amount of magical energy becomes a beam of light, shooting upward into the sky where the sword points.

“Like this… it can shoot out powerful beams of light.”

The clouds are pierced by the beam of light, revealing the blue sky beyond the overcast clouds.

If you’re to utilize a sword as a weapon, you absolutely need a special move that can shoot beams!

“In addition, it helps recover magical power quickly, wounds inflicted by this sword cannot be healed through normal means, and the scabbard has a healing enchantment designed for its owner.”

“Oh my god…”

“Anyone who could match this sword with theirs would likely be at a disadvantage, unless it’s the sword of a legendary hero.”

I crafted it with a good deal of effort!

“The name of this sword is Dainsleif. It’s a magical sword that grants the wishes of its owner, but takes away the owner’s most precious treasure.”

It’s a fib, of course. I didn’t enchant any such magic. Just a way to test Arthur.

“If you are truly prepared to sacrifice anything to make your dreams come true… then draw that sword. It will become your strength.”

I placed Dainsleif back into its scabbard and handed it to Arthur. After a moment of hesitation, he grasped the sword’s handle.


A faint metallic sound. That pitch-black sword seems to absorb all surrounding light.

Arthur stood there, entranced, his gaze locked on the drawn sword.

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