Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 256

Chapter: 256

Over the span of five years, Arthur and Vivi taught me a great deal. With just these two, there shouldn’t be any significant issues in reclaiming the throne.

Arthur’s strength, developed through years of rigorous training, had slightly exceeded human limits, so there would probably be no one who could catch up to him in swordsmanship.

He could likely easily fend off several hundred soldiers on his own.

If the numbers reached the thousands, however, that would be a different story. Gathering that many soldiers would be tough unless it involved something like war. Let’s move on.

And then there’s the sword I gave him. If he employs Dainslife and the physical enhancement techniques utilizing his inner magic… wouldn’t he be able to take on thousands, or even ten thousand?

As a rough estimate, it wouldn’t be easy for anyone who didn’t have at least the strength of a great Lizardman warrior to even parry Arthur’s sword.

Lastly, if Vivi, recognized as the Dragon Priestess, is with us… she could also gain significant assistance from the Church of Life. I won’t necessarily have to tag along.

Especially since the position of Dragon Priestess, which can wield influence over the Church of Life, allows her a fair amount of freedom.

The ability to manipulate the Church of Life, which has spread across the world, equates to holding power that transcends national boundaries. The importance of this is immeasurable.

If she disguises herself as a pilgrim from the Church of Life, sneaking into Sirius, the capital of Romania, wouldn’t be a problem at all.

After that… if Arthur sets his mind to it, he should be able to take down the Emperor single-handedly and reclaim the throne.

Of course, what follows that would be a different matter altogether.

If the missing child of the former Emperor reappears, claims the throne as his own, and beheads the current Emperor… will the various lords believe him outright?

Or will they dismiss him as a reckless Emperor-slayer and covet the Emperor’s power for themselves?

It might seem exaggerated, but I couldn’t confidently say it wouldn’t happen.

For that reason, Arthur will need to build a bit of a foundation first.

Hmm. I’ve emphasized this point to Arthur repeatedly… so I think he’ll manage well enough on his own. Will he do well? Will he? Yeah, he should.

Hmm. I don’t know. The anxiety is creeping in unnecessarily… Should I help these two? Or should I just send them off into the forest and watch?

Thinking back to what Vivi said yesterday, it’s clear that Arthur and Vivi probably assumed I would follow them without question. Hmm.

Does it even matter? Even if I tag along? It’s more entertaining to observe up close than at a distance.

Plus, it seems they want me to go with them. Hmm… Hmm… Should I just follow? Even if I join them, what’s the problem…?

Oh no. I forgot I lied about not being able to leave the forest.

Well, lies like that can always be disguised with another lie, right? But is that okay? Is it fine if one lie leads to another?

I don’t know. I’m not really sure, but it should be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?

If there’s one concern, it’s how long this sage’s body made of rock will hold up. Hmm.

Well, if I use it cautiously, it might last. What’s the harm? Let’s just follow! If something breaks, I can fix it! clink klang!

And this time… I think it would be fitting for this sage’s body to be used for one last undertaking.

I certainly didn’t expect it to be in use for this long, and it’s starting to wear down a bit.

So… let’s assist those two and wrap things up with this body.

Because if the sage from mythical times still exists, it would be quite a problem. The sage of the deep forest certainly needs closure.

So let’s push a little further.

Just a bit more, and I believe I can wrap it up into quite a decent story.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Tree of Life. Sephiroth.

A staff representing the authority of the Church of Life, a staff that can only be owned by the Dragon Priestess, the saint of the Church of Life.

It takes the form of a tree wrapped with ten magical stones among its branches, a staff that remains alive even without roots in the ground, proving the greatness of life itself.

This staff protects its owner, regenerates magical power, and greatly reduces magical energy expenditure; it is a legendary staff coveted by many mages, and it strictly doesn’t allow unauthorized individuals to even hold it.

The way Sephiroth, such a precious staff, is typically stored is frustratingly inadequate. It is said that during times when no Dragon Priestess exists, it takes root in the garden of the main temple of the Church of Life, patiently waiting for the return of the Dragon Priestess someday.

This peculiar storage method likely exists because if someone fostering malicious intent touches Sephiroth, its branches will root into that person’s hand, siphoning away their life and magic to bring them close to death.

… …

It is said Sephiroth originally had a different shape than it does now, and that when it was created, there was only one jewel intertwined with its branches.

A jewel containing a massive magic stone. Only that one was attached initially, but as countless Dragon Priestesses passed it through their hands over time, they adorned it with the exceptional magic stones of the monsters they defeated one by one, ultimately resulting in its current form.

Sephiroth must contain the tales of the Dragon Priestesses who have safeguarded the world for ages.

– Encyclopedia of Legendary Weapons.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“The Tree of Life?”

“Yes! Even though it has become staff-shaped, it’s still a living tree! And since it’s something for me, the Dragon Priestess, it’ll surely be an important artifact of the Church of Life, so ‘Tree of Life’ fits perfectly!”

Hmm. Indeed. That really does feel fitting. It definitely gives off the vibe of a life-filled tree.

But just calling it the Tree of Life feels a bit lacking… Let’s add just a small touch.



“Let’s name it the Tree of Life, Sephiroth.”

Just calling it the Tree of Life alone feels a bit empty, but calling it Sephiroth feels much more appropriate.

“That sounds great! Tree of Life, Sephiroth! Your name is now Sephiroth!”

Seeing Vivi’s joyful reaction made me smile softly.

Alright then…

“Vivi. Arthur. Let’s start preparing to depart.”

“Oh, yes!”


At my words, Vivi headed inside to gather her belongings, while Arthur seemed less than enthusiastic as he watched her. Hmm… Perhaps he’s a bit nervous about finally starting an endeavor he’s been planning for so long?

I certainly didn’t raise him to be that weak. Hmm.

“Why do you look so down, Arthur?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just… um…”

Arthur hesitated briefly but then spoke up.

“I heard from Vivi that the Master isn’t coming with us.”

Hmm. Did Vivi inform her brother in the meantime? I told you, she tends to overshare.

“I’m worried that just Vivi and I won’t manage without the Master. I’ve trained hard, but… can we really do this…?”

Arthur’s confidence was at an all-time low. Well, it’s likely because he’s not too clear on his true abilities.

If he can infiltrate a castle alone, he possesses the ability to overcome them all himself.

“You seem quite anxious.”

“Yes… Will I be able to do well? Will I retrieve what’s mine? I’m fearful of failure. If I fail, it won’t just be me in danger; Vivi might be at risk too.”

During training, he managed to keep his thoughts empty, so the nervousness didn’t surface, but now that he’s about to begin, that anxiety seems to be intensifying.

Well. It’s unavoidable, isn’t it? If he remains this anxious, he won’t be able to accomplish anything.

“Looks like I must join you after all.”


Arthur looked bewildered at my words, and Vivi, who appeared at the door with her bag, was equally shocked.

“You’re coming with us…? But Master… you said you couldn’t leave the forest, right?”

“Yes. I simply can’t go out as I am. However…”

I snapped my fingers lightly, and an illusion enveloped the rocky body of the sage.

It covers the form of a living human, not just a statue made of stone.

“If I limit the power I use and embrace the risks… I can indeed leave the forest. Of course, I won’t be able to wield as exceptional power as I could inside the forest.”

At my words, smiles began to break out on Arthur and Vivi’s faces.

Did it genuinely make them that happy for me to accompany them?

“If the Master comes along, it’s as good as having an unstoppable army!”

“I’ll count on you moving forward too! Master!!”

Honestly, these two are so helpless.

Before all that…

“If you call me Master outside the forest, it could lead to complications… please use a different name for me.”

“A different name?”

Let’s see. What name works… Hmm… Since I’m a sage made of rock, I should relate to the earth.

“Gaia. Let’s go with Gaia.”

There’s no longer a Baal around to remember that name, so using it here shouldn’t pose any issues.

And so I departed the deep forest alongside Arthur and Vivi.

First, let us embark on our journey to find allies for Arthur.

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