Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 261

Chapter: 261

The death of the Emperor. And the ascension of a new Emperor.

This shocking news spread quickly.

“For it to be shocking, there were too many rumors already circulating, especially the ones about you.”

“That’s true, but there were no direct rumors about the Emperor’s death.”

It was just a bit of a vague rumor about the son of the previous Emperor who was thought to be dead.

But the fact that it was true, and that he had infiltrated Sirius, the capital of the Empire, alone and slaughtered the Emperor and all his close aides… must have come as quite a shock to the people.

The fact that the Emperor, who stood above all, was killed like that.

“Well, considering that, there wasn’t much confusion.”

“There could be many reasons, but… there was a lot of preparation done.”

Because honestly, a lot of preparation had been made.

For three years, I traveled, gathering allies, making the lords of various regions my supporters, and punishing the lords who incurred the people’s resentment. I put in tremendous effort to win the hearts of the people.

Moreover, the presence of Vivi, the Dragon Priestess who could be called the Saint of the Life Church, also played a significant role in calming the chaos.

The Life Church was the religion that most humans believed in. With the Dragon Priestess on this side, it can be seen that the weight of public sentiment is tilted toward us.

Adding to that was the famine that hit Romania.

About three years ago, when we finally emerged from the Deep Forest, the famine began to gradually descend and torment the people of Romania, and by blaming the current Emperor for the famine, the people’s hearts surely shifted our way.

“It looks like you’re busy again today.”

“It hasn’t been long since you became Emperor. You can’t help but be busy.”

It’s even more hectic since the method of succession wasn’t a moderate one, but rather the assassination of the previous Emperor.

Well, I trust you’ll do well since you’ve had sufficient training.

“More importantly, Master. Why did you suddenly call me? I’m busy too, not as much as you, but still quite busy.”

Vivi, with a slightly pouty face. Arthur and Vivi were both working so hard they could barely breathe, and here I am, just lounging around—naturally, it’s a bit frustrating for her.

But what can I do? To the outside world, it’s a secret that I’m their teacher, and I’m just seen as a colleague who lends them a bit of strategy.

Those who understand the situation know the truth, but that’s the way it is externally. Externally.

I opened my mouth to speak to Vivi, who looked rather dissatisfied.

“I called you here because I have something important to tell you, so don’t grumble like that. Are you going to get wrinkles on that cute face of yours?”

“It was you, Master, who said that upon becoming a Dragon Priestess, all minor issues like wrinkles would vanish.”

“Well, that’s true.”

I don’t think it’ll happen again in the future. I’ll likely remain young and beautiful until my end comes.

Unless, of course, I give up being the Dragon Priestess.

Glancing at Vivi’s grumbling, I couldn’t help but chuckle and said, “This is truly important. Please listen carefully.”

“Yes, yes! I’m your precious disciple! I’ll listen to whatever you have to say!”

“Don’t joke around. This is a serious conversation.”

Only after saying that did Vivi’s expression change slightly.

I rarely speak with such seriousness, so I’m sure she understood that this is no joking matter.

“What are you talking about?”

“Vivi. The time of farewell has come.”


Vivi’s face became one of confusion, as if she didn’t quite grasp the meaning of my words.

“Farewell? With whom?”

“With me and the two of us. The time allotted to this body is running out.”

“Why? Aren’t you a being that has no lifespan? Aren’t you like an unbreakable rock?”

“A being like a rock….”

Anything with form is prone to change.

No matter how solid and sturdy a rock may be, it can’t endure the storms of time.

This body is no exception.

“Even rocks wear away with time, right?”

“No, but… Master, you’ve been alive since ancient times, haven’t you? As a sage of the Deep Forest, you lived during the time when gods roamed the earth… so why now…?”

As Vivi continued, her expression changed, as if she’d realized something.

“Could it be… that our leaving the forest is the cause?”

I didn’t respond.

“No, why Master… did you know this would happen and follow us? Is that why you originally said you wouldn’t follow us?! Master?!”

Vivi raised her voice, almost in anger. If this continued, her heart would surely get hurt.

So, let’s lend her a little support.

It’s not Vivi’s fault.

“Coming out of that forest wasn’t the sole reason. Even if I had remained there… the end for this body would have approached.”

“But couldn’t you have lived longer than now?”


Hmm. Guilt starts boiling inside me. However, I can’t stay with these two indefinitely. I’ve assisted them enough, taught them greatly, and fulfilled their desires. Wouldn’t it be just right for the troublemaker to disappear?

It’s true that this body has reached its limit.

“Master… If I return to the forest now… could it work…?”

“No. This body will collapse before I even reach the forest.”

“Why on earth are you telling me such an important story… now…?”

I merely shook my head silently.

“It’s not that important. Since the moment I stepped out of the forest with you, fulfilling your wishes became more crucial than the time left in this body.”

“But… but…”


I wiped away the tears gathering in Vivi’s eyes with my fingers.

“Don’t cry, Vivi. If there are meetings, there are partings, and if there is life, there is death. This is a cycle that you will have to endure someday. I hope you don’t get hurt too much.”

“But… Master…”

Vivi mumbled softly but then her face changed to one of realization as she grabbed my hand.

“I-I heard that the Dragon Priestess… can revive the dead! If that’s true, then wouldn’t you be able to come back to life, even if you die?!”

“Vivi. That’s…”

“I’m the Dragon Priestess! I am! The Dragon Priestess chosen by the Goddess of Life! The Dragon Priestess who can even revive the dead!!! So then! So! If you die, I can just bring you back!”

“Vivi… that’s not possible.”

Slowly, I shook my head.

“Why?! I’m the Dragon Priestess! Why can’t I do that?! Huh?!”

“That is a power that can revive living beings. However, this body… is hardly something that could be considered alive.”

How can this body be seen as alive? A body of solid rock that needs no breathing, with no blood coursing through it.

This body moves solely through magic. Can it really be considered a living being?

“If that’s the case… then there must be another way! There must be some solution! Someone like you, Master, shouldn’t die like this! You’re too important, Master!!!”


I began to stroke the head of the weeping Vivi gently.

“It’s okay, Vivi. I’ve been prepared for this ever since I left the forest.”


“I believed I would survive alone in a sunless forest… disappearing without anyone noticing. And then, you two arrived, turning the serene forest into a commotion.”

A forest where no one visited. That should have been the resting place of this body, the sage of the Deep Forest.

Yet, that changed because of the two kids who came into it.

Wouldn’t this result have been far better?

“Thank you for finding me just as I was about to quietly vanish, Vivi.”


“I’ve been reminded of many old memories while being with you. Memories of joyful times spent with many children… well, they weren’t children I bore, but rather ones I raised.”

Just like the times spent with seven children. Just like the times when I taught and helped them grow. It was delightful indeed.

“Once more, let me express my gratitude. Thank you for coming to me, Vivi.”

“I-I… thank you for helping me and my brother. Master… no, Mom… I want to call you Mom… You feel more like a mother to me than my actual mom who gave birth to me and then passed away.”

Oh dear, what a troublesome child.

I simply smiled quietly and patted Vivi on the head without a word.

“Even if this body fades away, I will not die. I will always be watching over the two of you.”

Because I never once mentioned to Vivi that I was going to die.

I only stated that this body would disappear.


“Therefore, it’s okay. Just because this body disappears doesn’t mean you’ll die.”

“Then… will we meet again?”

“That may be difficult.”

I wiped Vivi’s tears and gently stroked her head while saying.

“My teachings, my will, my voice, they reside within you. As long as you don’t forget me, I won’t truly disappear.”

“Yes… I will remember that, Mom…”

Hmm. If Vivi had thought of me as a mother… I should have allowed her to call me that much sooner.

She’s so adorable, after all.

“But Mom… no, Master…”

Now calming down, Vivi reverted back to calling me Master.

It’s perfectly fine to keep calling me Mom.

“Have you told your brother…?”

“Huh? No, I haven’t mentioned it yet.”

At my words, Vivi’s face began to harden ominously.

What on earth is wrong with her now? I’m not keen on adding to the burdens of that kid, who’s already busy with Emperor duties.

I planned to discuss it when things settled down a bit, but… hmm. This body might give way before that.

I might just slip away silently without a word… but hmm…

Well, that won’t do. Given how much time we’ve spent together, it’d be right to at least say goodbye. Yep.

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