Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 263

Chapter: 263

Hmm… When will Vivi, who went to fetch Arthur, return…? At this rate, I… might just turn into a rock…?

If I had known this was going to happen, I should have taken my time resolving the famine. It was truly unexpected for the sage’s body to merge with the rock.

Well, for now, there hasn’t been any further progress since things paused for a moment. But still, it’s quite uncomfortable with my lower half fused with the rock.

I can’t even sit up straight. Moving is a struggle. If I strain myself too hard, I feel like the rock-transformed body might shatter.

Hmm. But thinking back on how my body, reaching its limits, was gradually crumbling and dispersing, this might actually last longer.

Then, I suppose I should just wait leisurely. If I wait, Vivi will surely bring Arthur to me.

Once she arrives, I’ll say a casual goodbye, resolve the famine, and turn the remaining sage’s body into a statue, and that’s it! A neat ending!

Wait. Come to think of it, isn’t this… something akin to a game? From one character’s perspective, I was spending time mingling with humans in a somewhat enjoyable way. Isn’t it just like dragons or gods having fun while seeing things through a human’s eyes?

Hmm… If I can spend time like this from a human perspective, wouldn’t other dragons and gods also be able to find a way to relieve some stress?

Sure, the dragons can stroll on the ground, but gods would need something to release their frustrations before they blow their tops.

Alrighty then. When we return, let’s carve out some rules regarding the gods’ amusements. Rules that allow the gods some enjoyment without causing too much trouble for humans.

Just as I was pondering about future tasks…

A sudden strong wind blasted through, ripping off the rags I was covered in.

Oh, I can’t get up, so I can’t go pick them up. They’re just ordinary rags without any special abilities…

Well, I suppose I won’t need to use them anymore. It’s fine to just leave them be.

As I sat there, lost in thought…


I heard Vivi’s voice from above.

Hmm. Was the sudden strong wind due to Vivi? I’ve said countless times that flying around using the wind is quite bothersome to those nearby.

Well, sure, if you conjure wind with your magic, it’s easy to do.

“I found you! Master! Why are you in such a remote place! And what about the illusion magic you usually use?!”

“Illusion magic? Ah…”

Has the illusion that made the rock appear like a person worn off too? I must have forgotten about it after casting it once and then leaving it be.

“M-Master…? Below the waist…!”

Arthur and Vivi looked at me, completely stunned. The sight of the sage’s body merging with the rock must be shocking, even for those who have seen a lot.

“What the heck…?”

“You mean my lower half? Hmm. I tried to do something about the famine, and this is what happened.”

“A famine…?”

It truly was unexpected for my lower half to merge with the rock.

“More importantly, Master! What do you mean there isn’t any time left?!”

Noticing my expression, Arthur looked puzzled. Did he hear this from Vivi?

“Literally, it means the time for this body has run out.”

“No, what does that mean…?”

“I told you! Master, you’re out of time!!”

After Vivi shouted at Arthur, she hurried back to me.

“Master. Are you in any pain?”

“I’m fine. I just can’t move.”

I knocked on my rocky leg lightly, and a small piece of the rock chipped off from my hand. Oops.

“Master! Your hand!”

“It’s just a little chipped off the surface, nothing to worry about.”


With an expression that looked like she was about to cry, Vivi’s face changed. I just gave her head a gentle pat.

“Alright. We had a full talk a few days ago… Now it’s time to chat with Arthur. Vivi, could you step aside for a moment?”

Upon hearing my words, Vivi shot a sharp look at Arthur for a brief moment before letting out a small sigh.

“I understand. It wouldn’t be fair for me to monopolize your time, Master. I wanted to beat up that idiot and spend more time with you, but it wouldn’t be good to hog your attention.”

“Thanks for understanding, Vivi.”

So, let’s avoid any tears, please.

Human life is so fleeting. Isn’t it a shame to pass it filled with tears?

“Above all, Vivi… can you hear my voice?”

“My voice…?”

“Think of that voice as my voice. That’s enough for now.”

At my words, her expression morphed into one of realization.

Being Vivi, who recognizes the being that created this body as the Goddess of Life, she must grasp the true meaning behind my words.

“Alright, Vivi. Please step aside for a moment.”

“Yes… Thank you, Mom…”

After hugging me gently, she stood up.

And then…

“Alright. You idiot brother. If you don’t want to regret this for the rest of your life, hurry up.”


Vivi kicked Arthur playfully on his behind. Mmm. He’s the emperor after all—can she really get away with that?

Well, they are indeed very close siblings, so… it should be fine! Yeah! Besides, she’s not at all overshadowed by her power as the Dragon Priestess!

Vivi then kept her distance and stepped back, and Arthur approached me.

“Master… what do you mean there’s no time…?”

“It simply means that the lifespan of this body has come to an end. That’s all there is to it.”

This body, made of rock and existing since the Age of Gods… It should actually be praised for holding out this long.

Originally, this body was supposed to be discarded once Ryclen’s task was finished. But out of sheer laziness, I abandoned it, resulting in this situation.

Hmm, it was somewhat amusing, though.

“Is it… because of us? The lifespan of your body…?”

“Well… there might be a slight influence, but it’s too weak to attribute it solely to the two of you. It’s purely a matter of time running out. So no need to feel guilty.”

I smiled softly and continued.

“I’ve shared everything about this with Vivi, so just ask her.”

There simply isn’t enough time to go through every detail regarding the lifespan of this body.

Seeing Arthur’s expression shift with an array of emotions swirling within, I asked him.

“Arthur. Have all your wishes been fulfilled?”


Arthur shook his head slightly. The emotions in his eyes didn’t carry any semblance of resentment.

I wonder… what kind of emotions does he hold? Sadness? Regret? Anger? A mix of conflicting feelings?

I can’t quite tell. After such a long time, have I grown dull to human emotions?

“Having taken the revenge you desired and becoming the emperor you wished to be, why is it that not all of your wishes have come true?”

“I… don’t know. I clearly wished for those things, but now, I desire something else.”

“I see. Arthur. You’re human too. Once you fulfill a desire, you find yourself yearning for another. That’s the essence of human greed. It’s how you develop by striving to fulfill your wishes.”

Whether it’s an endless drive for improvement or limitless greed, all spring from that yearning.

Since Arthur was human too, it’s only natural for him to hold such desires.

“I don’t know what wish you currently hold, but… I hope you can fulfill it.”

“No… I can’t.”

Arthur looked at me with tear-brimmed eyes.

“Without you, it’s meaningless.”


For Arthur, who will face countless challenges ahead, I shouldn’t be a colossal presence in his life.

After all, I merely offered help in perilous circumstances during his childhood, taught him, and lent my strength to help him realize his dreams… Mmm… I really am a significant presence, aren’t I?

Regardless, for Arthur, who will live many more years, I should become a figure of the past he must part ways with someday.

“All beings with form are destined to change. And so am I. Where there are meetings, there must also be farewells. That is simply how it is.”


“In the first place, someone like you, who became such an extraordinary existence as an emperor… I won’t be needed anymore, right? From now on, you must meet beautiful and wise women, create a family, and continue your life’s journey.”


The emotions in Arthur’s eyes transform. Anger fades, regret thins, and sadness settles.

“Could you… extend your hand? Your left hand…?”

“My left hand?”

I retracted the hand I was going to extend and then offered my left hand to Arthur.


Arthur pulled something from within his coat.

A small box carved from wood. Opening the box, Arthur picked up what was inside.

It was a peculiar ring.

Wait, is that even a ring? The band isn’t closed; it looks like one side is snipped and slightly pried open…

Arthur placed the ring on my left ring finger.

“Master. I love you.”


“Wait, Arthur? What do you mean? I’m just this rock chunk, you know? I’m not even a proper creature!”

“It doesn’t matter what you look like. What I love is your inner self.”

“My inner self…”

No, no matter how you slice it, saying you like this rock mass makes no sense!

I’ve seen humans fall in love with animals before! But a human in love with a rock? That’s a first for me!!!

And so, Arthur confessed his love to me.

My disciple, awarded to the sage of the deep forest, confessed his love to me after becoming an emperor.

Doesn’t this sound like the title of a romantic fantasy?

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