Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 265

Chapter: 265

Lucius Altrius III, one of the early emperors of the Romanian Empire, known by the nicknames “Sword Emperor” and “Emperor of Swords”.

He is perhaps the emperor with the most stories among the many emperors that existed in the history of the Romanian Empire, and he was definitely a rather unusual figure.

Born as the son of Lucius Altrius II, the one who elevated the kingdom to an empire and stabilized it, the Sword Emperor was a crown prince with strong legitimacy and outstanding talent, and there was no doubt that he would lead a brilliant empire.

That is, until his father died young and the throne, which should have rightfully passed to him, went to his uncle.

No matter how outstanding his qualities were, the Sword Emperor was still just a boy in his teens at that time. There were quite a few people who were displeased about a mere child being crowned emperor.

The leader of these discontents was none other than the brother of the previous emperor.

The man who would later be known as the “usurper” attempted to thwart the ascension of the Sword Emperor with his silver tongue and even tried to poison him by slipping some poison into his food.

It was his younger sister, Vivian, the Dragon Priestess, who saved the Sword Emperor from such threats.

Dramatic pause

After escaping the castle with Vivian’s help, the Sword Emperor was said to have headed towards a forest known as the “Inaccessible Forest.”

In the mythic days when gods roamed the earth, this deep forest was said to have housed a wise man, and some unofficial histories state that this was the same wise man who aided Rychlen.

This wise man had once lent his knowledge to the King of Knights, earning his trust, and it is said that the King shared this with the young Sword Emperor.

With the help of his sister, the Sword Emperor fled the castle and, in a panic, ran toward the impenetrable forest, where he encountered the wise man.

Cue the meeting with the wise man, dramatic music blooming in the background

Thus, after receiving the sage’s teachings, the two siblings went on a several-year-long journey, ultimately toppling the usurper and reclaiming the throne.

And so, Lucius Altrius III reclaimed what had been stolen from him.

Cue the triumphant fanfare

Let’s digress for a moment and talk about another tale regarding Emperor Lucius Altrius III. You’ll want to know about the magic sword he received from his mentor.

A sword that ought not to be pulled—Dainsleif.

Also known as the Sword of Immortal Regret.

The sword grants the wishes of its wielder, but these are merely superficial desires; it does not fulfill their true longings.

Only the first owner, the Sword Emperor himself, knows why it received such a name.

Cue the foreboding music

The reason the Sword Emperor became known as the Emperor of Swords is not just because of the magical sword he bore but also due to his unparalleled might as a swordsman at the time.

One famed anecdote boasts how he defeated the Imperial Knights and the Epona Knights, the strongest knight orders of the era, wielding only a single wooden sword—truly a display of skill that encapsulates the strength of the Sword Emperor!

Audience gasps dramatically

Even though those two knight orders were clad in armor and bore iron swords, they fell tragically to the Sword Emperor, who was armed with nothing but a humble wooden stick.

Rumor has it that the Sword Emperor’s exceptional strength stemmed from the swordsmanship he learned from his master, coupled with a method of enhancing his body through magic.

But sadly, he couldn’t pass on this technique to anyone else. This birthed rumors that suggested, “The Sword Emperor was actually a natural-born mage using magic to enhance himself!”

Insert laughter track here

Another interesting tidbit about the Sword Emperor is that he remained a bachelor throughout his life, never taking an empress until his death.

The reasons behind why this man, who rose to the throne, lived his entire life single remain shrouded in mystery, and many rumors have circulated without clear evidence.

Among these whispered tales, the most popular one is that he lost someone dear to him while battling the usurper.

Cue the sad violin music

Despite showing no interest in other women, he was occasionally spotted wearing a ring on the ring finger of his left hand. This hints at a confirmed romantic relationship with someone.

At that time, some gossipmongers even speculated something absurd like, “Did the Emperor secretly love his younger sister?”

Dramatic gasp!

In response to all this ridiculous talk, the Dragon Priestess Vivian firmly declared, “By the name of the Goddess of Life, there’s no way I could ever love that fool!” and then added, “That simpleton will never love anyone else throughout his life!” thus fueling the rumor that the Sword Emperor had indeed lost someone he loved.

It’s said that the Sword Emperor, who reigned over the Romanian Empire for so long, eventually passed the throne to his nephew. Following that, he built a modest home in a corner of the garden and lived there.

— The Emperor of Swords. The greatest sword in the Empire.

Insert Title Card

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

“So, what exactly did you want to say?”

Cue confused head-tilt

The Emperor—Lucius Altrius III, known affectionately as Arthur to his mentor and sister—spoke with a touch of irritation.

After concluding all state affairs, this uniquely eccentric emperor resided in a small house erected in the garden behind the castle and was rather sharp-tongued towards everyone except his sister.

Look out everyone, the Emperor is in a mood!

This attitude extended to his subjects as well.

“The famine that once plagued this land has faded, and all the people sing your praises, Your Majesty. However, on the flip side, there is anxiety lingering among them. If Your Majesty were to take an empress and solidify an heir, it would ease their worries—”

Cue dramatic interruption

As the minister continued his thoughts, he felt a sudden weight pressing down on him, prompting him to hastily drop to the floor.

This wasn’t a physical force but rather an intangible aura that weighed heavily on his mind.

Those who live by the sword claim that the energy dubbed ‘murderous intent’ was pushing him down.

“Step away.”


“I won’t repeat myself.”

Cue suspenseful drumroll

The minister felt his breaths quickening, the sensation of sharp blades entangling him from all sides. It felt as though one wrong move could end him.

Even without a sword in hand, the Emperor could cut him down.

“Really now. I understand your concern, but tone it down a bit.”

Please, someone get this tension out of the air!

The one who dispelled this murderous vibe was none other than the Emperor’s younger sister, entering with a flourish.

“Alright, if your life isn’t precious to you, kindly make yourself scarce. Watch your step and don’t dirty the floor.”

The Emperor’s sister, Vivian, waved her hand lightly, lifting the minister from the floor and sending him toward the door, which seemed to flung itself open on cue.

“What nonsensical behavior.”

“Do something about that nervous disposition of yours. I’m sure the old man enjoys seeing that face of yours.”

Insert eye roll sound


At Vivian’s words, the Emperor silently glared at her for a while before letting out a small sigh.

“Anyway, what’s this all about?”

“It’s about Master. I’ve gathered as much info as I could.”


Cue incredulous face

At the mention of his mentor, the Emperor’s gaze shifted.

“Indeed, Master. The name Gaia itself was a hint our Master gave us.”

“A hint…”

As she said this, Vivian pulled out a book from her robe and tossed it to the Emperor.

“I’ve summarized it in that book. Read it when you have a moment.”

“Hmm. Any other business?”

“None. I just came to pass on the book. What? Did you think I’d try to persuade you to take a successor like other subjects?”


The Emperor remained silent.

“I would never suggest such a thing! Especially to a lunatic who loved a master made out of rock!”

“Lay off the harsh words, little brother.”

“But isn’t it the truth?”

The Emperor had no retort.

“Either way, I’m off. As for the successor, it’ll work itself out somehow. Whether I adopt a child from the collateral branch of the royal family, marry a decent person, and have a child who becomes the crown prince—it’ll sort itself out.”

“You’re actually getting married? The Dragon Priestess?”

“They said I could give that up. Not that I don’t have regrets, but… this much is more than enough.”

Cue resolved nod

Vivian spoke lightly, but the Emperor understood.

He recognized the hefty sacrifice it entailed.

“…Thank you.”

“The best case scenario would be for you to have kids, even if it means taking a concubine, but since that’s unlikely, I must take action. This way, I’ll have a face to show to Master.”

Cue hopeful resolution

After saying this, Vivian departed the audience room on light steps, while the Emperor gazed at his sister’s retreating figure.

She was more than he could ever hope for in a sister.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

The Emperor—no, Arthur—entered the small house located in a corner of the garden.

Inside the rough stone dwelling, there were very simple furnishings and a stone statue of a woman.

“I’m back, Master.”

After speaking to no one in particular, Arthur took a seat beside the statue and looked at it.

The statue was so remarkably beautiful that it seemed almost unrecognizable. Upon her left hand rested a stone ring adorned with an emerald.

It was identical in design to the ring he carried with him.

“Master. Vivi told me she found out about you and gave me this book.”

Arthur pulled out the book he had tucked away and opened it.

Gaia. It contained tales of the goddess known as the mother of all earth.

The Goddess of the Earth—if he thought about it, it made sense.

Who else besides his master would create a modest hillside for a disciple’s training?

Who would redirect a river’s flow just to facilitate training?

Who could construct stone walls in an instant?

Who could erase the famine that had gripped an entire kingdom with a snap of their fingers?

Who else but the gods of an era long gone could possess such power?

If not a god, who could perform such miracles?

“I see, so that’s the way of it.”

Even after the gods departed the earth, Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth, continued to remain.

She had donned the guise of the wise man in the Deep Forest, deceiving the world and living in service to humanity.

Even when all her faith-holding mortals vanished from existence, she endured, standing firm upon the earth.

Even when the end of a faithless god drew near.

As Arthur read further, his eyes landed on a particular passage.

“Gaia, the Mother of the Earth, is somewhat identified with the Goddess of Life.”

That was a critical part he could not easily overlook.

At the same time, it sparked resolution for several lingering questions.

How had the Master known so much about the Dragon Priestess?

How was she able to awaken his sister, who was succumbing to poison, as a Dragon Priestess?

While residing in the Deep Forest, how was she able to summon the priests of the Church of Life?

And just how did his sister—who loved him dearly—quickly shake off her burdens and overcome her plight?

All these answers pointed to the Goddess of Life.

The Master. Gaia. The Mother of All Earth. Will forever dwell within the essence of the Goddess of Life.

Surely, that has to be it.

Cue the hopeful and majestic music to round it all off

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