Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 268

Chapter: 268

A small child flinching slightly while glancing at me. The Cloud Whale.

Although it doesn’t currently resemble a whale, its childlike spirit doesn’t seem to have changed much.

“It seems you’ve finally been able to take on a human form.”

“Yes, um….”

“You’ve been trying hard to change your appearance. But in the process, something new popped up that a gigantic whale can’t use.”

Ah. Certainly, since it was made in human size, a giant Cloud Whale wouldn’t be able to use it.

It would have been impossible to even fit into it in the first place.

Hmm… Since most gods these days live in human form, I thought it would be appropriate to create it in human size… But I didn’t expect there to be such an issue.

“But now that you’ve transformed into a human, you should be able to use this item, right?”

“Hmm. I think so.”

I casually waved my hand to call the Cloud Whale, which approached me cautiously.

“Would you like to give it a try?”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

Since this is an item made for the gods, even the Cloud Whale, a deity managing the distribution of souls and the birth of life, has the right to use it.

However, one thing troubles me…

“There’s nothing wrong with you using this. But what if you get too absorbed in it and neglect your duties…? That would be troublesome.”

“Don’t worry about it! Freya and the angels will handle everything!”

Freya nodded slightly at the Cloud Whale’s words. It felt like a parent watching their child.

“Can I use this? How do I use it?”

“That’s something still under development, so it’s not finished yet. Let’s see… there’s something I made as a prototype…”

I picked up one of the LDs sitting in the corner of the temple and placed it in front of the Cloud Whale.

Hmm… I think we should make it lighter. Instead of a bed with a lid, something more portable… Maybe consider a VR-style head-mounted device?

Well, that’s something for later. For now, let’s let the Cloud Whale try it out!

“Since I made a fairly generous amount, you can take one right away. If you take it to your temple and place it somewhere suitable, you can use it right away… Hmm… Now that I think about it, did you not have a temple, Cloud Whale?”

“A temple? I don’t have anything like that.”

Hmm… That’s right. The Cloud Whale is one of the lower deities under the Goddess of Life, and its role is to drift through the sky distributing pure souls… So there typically wouldn’t be a place worthy of being called a temple.

When couples wishing for children pray, they usually come to the Church of Life for that. Hmm…

Speaking of which, when I asked if it wanted me to build it a temple, it said it didn’t need one since it’s always wandering in the sky…

“This is a dilemma. If there’s no temple, where should I put this?”

“The angels under my command are troubled too! They may be minor deities, but they’re definitely gods, and they’re debating whether they can accept this!”

Hmm. Minor deities… For sure, it’s a bit tricky if they don’t have temples.

Alright. Once the add-ons, bug fixes, and level restrictions are done, my next task will be miniaturizing the LD.

“First, I have many empty rooms in my temple that aren’t in use. I’ll give you one of them. Go set it up and use it there.”

“Thank you! Goddess of Life!”

Hearing my words, the Cloud Whale smiled happily and bowed its head.

Hmm. How cute! Even in the form of a big whale floating aimlessly in the sky, it had a strangely cute charm, but seeing it transformed into a human brings its own kind of cuteness!

“You can use any empty room. Take this device, set it up, and utilize it. And Freya, think about a separate temple that the angels can use… It’d probably be better that way.”

“Yes! Thank you!”

So Freya and the Cloud Whale… Hmm. Now that it’s not a whale, should I give it a name?

It feels a bit odd to keep calling it a whale. Maybe it would be better to choose a different name?

“Cloud Whale.”


“Do you need another name?”

“What do you mean by another name?”

Like other gods… shouldn’t this child also have a name?

Just being called a name created from human descriptions feels like it lacks the dignity of a god.

“I never really thought it was necessary.”

“If it’s just vaguely called a Cloud Whale, it might not be easy to gather faith from people.”

“Faith isn’t something I particularly need. There’s nowhere else to use it.”

It seems that the Cloud Whale, wandering the sky all day, has no time to spare on faith.

Yeah, that makes sense.

“You won’t have trouble doing your duties in human form, right?”

“Huh? Oh, no. It doesn’t matter. Even looking like this, it doesn’t interfere with my work at all.”

“Then how about you wander the sky during the day and stay in the temple at night? The angels can do the soul-sharing… Actually, it might be easier for the angels to find you since you won’t be ping-ponging around the sky.”

“Uh… I’m fine with that. As long as Freya and the other angels are okay with it.”

At the Cloud Whale’s words, Freya smiled softly.

“If the whale stays in one place, it’ll be easier for us. If the human form doesn’t interfere with the whale’s work, then we don’t mind.”

“Well, if that’s the case, let’s plan on traveling around the world during the day and staying in the temple at night from now on.”

Even having faith is pointless if you don’t have time to use it!

“And so you can gather faith more smoothly… I’ll give you a different name.”

Hmm. What name should I give it? Something linked to life, to birth… Hmm… A name connected to angels…


The powerful angel, the angel of fetuses. The name of the guardian angel for pregnant women.

And considering the original form of the Cloud Whale—the gigantic cloud whale… it seems pretty fitting with Sandalphon’s grand description!

“Is it Sandalphon? What a peculiar name.”

“If you dislike it, I can come up with another name.”

The Cloud Whale shook its head at my suggestion.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it. Thank you, Goddess of Life. I will cherish the name Sandalphon.”

Now in human form, the Cloud Whale, now named Sandalphon, smiled radiantly.

It was an immensely bright smile.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Thus, the Cloud Whale named Sandalphon… Ahem. Sandalphon moved into my temple, and after multiple enhancements to the LD,

“It’s completed!”

After crafting several prototypes with new features, I finally managed to finish it.

The new LD worn on the head, covering the eyes and ears, has limitations such that different functions become available based on the wearer’s level.

The devices themselves are all identical, but the unlocking of features varies according to the user.

Because of this, productivity has drastically improved, allowing all devices to be unified into a singular model.

In that process, a feature was also added to check the lists of all gods and how much faith each possesses, but it’s just a minor detail!

One noteworthy function is that a human wearing it becomes a favorite… Ahem, adding a way to designate that human as an important being, and with that, additional effects come into play.

In a way, it resembles a human blessed by a god.

One might say that a human marked as a favorite by an angel has a guardian angel.

Of course, having a guardian angel doesn’t mean all your wishes will be granted; it simply limits it to receiving minor buffs.

A vague boost like a slight increase in luck, better health, or having benefits in areas governed by specific gods.

The story would change a bit if a god supported via small faith payments… but even without that, there would still be some buffs!

Furthermore, there are functions for customized human creation via incarnation, features for observing babies, designating humans that meet specific conditions, and much more!

With various functionalities added and restrictions set according to the god’s level, if this were distributed to all gods, it would resolve all issues.

So, I produced numerous LDs with the same set of functions and distributed them to all the gods.

Now, I’ll make the pantheon gods into beings that can’t live without their LD!!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The pantheon gods have now become incapable of living without LD.

After scouting for humans meeting their desired criteria, they designate them as favorites… Ahem. Important humans and keep an eye on them.

As the gods witness the joys and sorrows of humanity and observe their lives, their affection for humans grows deeper, transforming them from mere toys or pets into far more treasured beings.

The gods start developing slightly deeper feelings for humans.

Watching these gods, I was flabbergasted by their unintended capabilities, yet I only nodded at the sight of the gods caring for humans.

Now… unless something extraordinary occurs, the gods shouldn’t harm humans.

Even Asherit was so wrapped up in LD that he neglected his duties!

Whether or not the gods’ playful antics shake the pantheon, I settled comfortably in my room and curled up.

I guess I can afford to sleep now… Nothing unusual should occur, I think.

“Oh, Creator Dragon!!”

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the voice of someone desperately seeking me.

Seriously, let’s just take a break, shall we? Come on! Let’s take a break!!

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