Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 271

Chapter: 271

“Honestly, if it weren’t for the request of the Creator Dragon, I wouldn’t have done this!”

The water spirit, who had been aimlessly wandering in the deep sea, grumbled while half of its body was submerged in the clear spring.

“It’s nice that the water is clear, but this place is too cramped! Couldn’t you have made a wider spring?”

“If you don’t like it, want me to swap you with someone else?”

At my words, the water spirit paused for a moment, then shook its head as if yielding and said,

“Well, since the Creator Dragon asked me to do this, I can’t refuse. Lady Tethys also said she hopes I help the Creator Dragon with whatever he wants to do!”

Even saying that, I can tell your mouth corners are twitching a bit! If you have to choose between wandering aimlessly in the deep sea or doing me a favor and staying on the surface, well, it’s a no-brainer!

Especially if you’re the water spirit that has been labeled a problem child by Tethys while wandering in the depths.

“So, when is that lizardman arriving?”

“Don’t worry, he just started climbing the mountain, so he should be here sometime today.”

“Who said I was worried?! I just want to get out of this small, stuffy spring!”

It was typical tsundere dialogue from the water spirit. Well, if that lizardman doesn’t show up, I guess you’ll have to stick around here!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Queo-Tlan climbed the mountain and met the water spirit at the spring at the top.

Actually, saying “met” might not be accurate since lizardmen couldn’t see spirits.

However, I could sense that something powerful existed in the clear spring.

I recognized the essence of a clear water spirit residing in the transparent spring.

“This is the first time someone has come here.”

The spirit softly whispered to Queo-Tlan, who had arrived at the spring, and he jumped back, startled.

I’ve heard many tales about spirits, but I’ve never encountered a spirit that spoke so clearly to someone it wasn’t familiar with.

I’ve heard that spirits with a strong will and clear identity possess great power, but I had never heard of one initiating a conversation like this!

The water spirit king I’d only heard about in stories. Surely, if he were the master of all flows, he would know me.

“You, with the scales. What brings you to this little spring?”

Feeling the presence of a powerful yet invisible spirit, Queo-Tlan spoke in a low voice.

Although he had never been close to spirits, he had heard ample stories from the shamans he considered close.

If one grows close to spirits, they can borrow their power.

“I wish to cross the Lake of Death.”

“Lake of Death? Are you referring to the ocean?”

Queo-Tlan tilted his head at the spirit’s words.

Was that so-called Lake of Death, actually the sea? The lizardman was clueless about such terminology.

Maybe the lizardmen deliberately kept the word “sea” hidden from themselves.

It was such a perilous place that merely getting close could jeopardize one’s life!

“I didn’t even know that place was called ‘the sea.’ There isn’t a word for it in the lizardman dialect.”

“Ah, just like a lizard in a well. Not knowing the vast ocean is quite peculiar.”

The water spirit shook its head slightly before speaking.

“The ocean is much broader and deeper than you realize. It’s unusual that your scaly kin are so unaware of this.”

Queo-Tlan nodded slightly at the water spirit’s remarks. It was the first time he had heard about that immense lake at the world’s end, and it had come from a fellow lizardman.

Perhaps someone had purposely wiped away all stories of the sea with some hidden motivation.

“Well, I don’t really need to know why the scaled beings wanted to cover up the truth about the sea.”

The crux of the matter wasn’t the reason behind such actions.

“Right, you mentioned wanting to cross the ocean?”

“Yes, indeed. I wish to cross the sea and return to my hometown river.”

“The river of your hometown… It seems that the living place immense value on their home. I can’t fully comprehend it, but…”

The water spirit shook its head slightly and continued.

“If you want to go home, can’t you just go?”

“I can’t cross the sea. The saltwater dries out my skin and scales.”

“It dries out your skin… That sounds inconvenient for scaly folk.”

The water spirit pondered for a moment before continuing.

“Well, if it’s about preventing your skin from drying out, I think I could assist you.”


“Yes, but… I can’t simply help you without a catch.”


“What would compel you to lend me your strength? What can I trust about you, whom I just met today?”

Indeed, that was true.

Spirits do lend their power to those who become their friends. It was common knowledge among lizardmen who sought the spirit’s power.

Just as it was also known that they wouldn’t lend their strength to those they weren’t close with and might even try to take them over instead.

Queo-Tlan was a lizardman who hadn’t befriended spirits, but he surely remembered that fact well.

What should he do? If he could borrow the spirit’s power, perhaps he could cross the Lake of Death and make it back, but there simply wasn’t enough time to become close to the spirit.

There was a shortage of food. There wasn’t enough to survive for a long time on this small island.

If there had been sufficient time, he might have made a connection, but…

Queo-Tlan let out a small sigh.

Given the circumstances, I guess there’s no option but to take a gamble.

“I will give you anything I possess that you need. In exchange, will you lend me your strength?”

“What do you have?”

“Yes! I’m not quite sure what I can offer, but if there’s anything you want, I’ll give it to you. Please, I ask for your strength.”

Upon hearing Queo-Tlan’s proposition, the water spirit tilted its head for a moment before a smile spread across its face as if an idea had struck.

“Then, each time you wish to borrow my power, please gift me a scale.”

“You mean scales?”

“Yes. The scales you possess. For some reason, I really want them, though I can’t say why… but I truly desire them.”

The spirit’s desire left Queo-Tlan baffled.

I had steeled myself to possibly part with a piece of my body, but offering up just a single scale?

“If it’s only that much, I can give it easily! For the power you provide, a scale is nothing.”

“I’d prefer it to be one from under your chin, if possible.”

Queo-Tlan complied and plucked a scale from under his chin, handing it over to the water spirit, which delicately picked it up and cherished it in its embrace.

As the scale seeped into the water spirit’s chest, something miraculous began. The water spirit, who had no physical form, gradually started to develop a body.

“What is this…?”

“The sensation of having a body… Ahh…”

The water spirit seemed so elated that it could hardly get the words out.

The body it had longed for, a sensation lost for so long that it scarcely could be recalled, had finally returned.

But then…


The scale from Queo-Tlan that had submerged into the water spirit’s heart quickly crumbled and faded into dust.


The brief moment of physical existence dissipated just as quickly, as if the scale were simply too feeble to create a true form for the spirit.

It seemed as though the spirit couldn’t fully realize its wishes.

“It disappeared again…?”

To Queo-Tlan’s eyes, it merely seemed that the water spirit, which had momentarily taken form, vanished once more.

“Ahh… I thought it was too much to hope for…”

The water spirit brimmed with disappointment. It was only natural to feel let down after a long-held wish only manifested for a brief moment.

“Nonetheless… even for a short while, it felt like I had a physical form. It wasn’t bad.”

The water spirit only smiled faintly.

As if satisfied that a brief glimpse of happiness was enough.

“I shall lend you my power. Now my waters will protect you.”

No sooner had the water spirit finished speaking than the clear water began to envelop Queo-Tlan’s body like armor.

In that refreshing sensation, Queo-Tlan instinctively understood.

With this power, together, they could venture anywhere.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Thus, instead of relinquishing his scales, Queo was able to shield himself with clean water by aiding the water spirit.

Hmm… Personally, I was hoping the lizardmen would evolve to adapt to the ocean’s harsh conditions, becoming creatures capable of swimming in both fresh and salt. Yet, that would be challenging without intergenerational development.

Still, for the lizardmen to have gained the means to provide a scale in exchange for the water spirit’s power was a significant achievement.

Thanks to assistance from the water spirit, Queo-Tlan no longer feared the sea… and now was even capable of swimming in it, something he had previously dared not approach.

Hmm… Though limited, perhaps it was a good thing to release the lizardmen from the compulsion of moisture? Or had I merely released their one constraint?

Either way, we could only wait and see what the future held!

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