Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 275

Chapter: 275

In this world, there is a profession called adventurer.

Adventurers are those who hunt monsters that threaten cities and villages.

They capture dangerous monsters with weapons or traps to obtain materials like magic stones, sturdy bones, leather, and even meat.

It’s a high-risk job, but monster materials are always in short supply.

Today as well, many people are risking their lives hunting monsters.

“That’s all fine and well, but…”

I let out a small sigh after watching an adventurer’s dangerous hunt through my highly modified LD.

Originally, he was a lumberjack, now turned hunter, using a suitable axe to hunt monsters.

The main targets were monsters born from transformed trees.

Enter the walking tree monster, known as a Trent.

A creature that walks with two arms and two legs, swinging its heavy arms like logs or stabbing sharply with twigs like spears.

Since they’re originally thick trees, it’s generally considered tough to catch them with swords or bows.

Of course, if a wizard sets them ablaze, it can be done without much hassle… but nowadays, very few wizards choose to be adventurers.

Shooting fire arrows is also an option, but if you’re not careful, the fire could spread to the surrounding forest, leading to disastrous results.

Oh, and the forest is considered the lord’s property—recklessly starting a fire there can lead to your entire family being wiped out! gasp!

So, the only option for dealing with monsters born from trees was to chop them down with an axe.

Well, they’re relatively slow-moving, and once you cut off their legs, they just topple over and flail around. As long as you avoid getting hit by their flailing blind arms, they can be tackled relatively safely.

But of course, this is advice only for those with experience.

The adventurer—that former lumberjack I observed through the LD—was, in fact, an expert at hunting Trents.

He smartly targets the heels of the lumbering Trent with his axe, evades its heavy, slow attacks by maintaining distance, and persistently aims for the heels he chopped. swish! chomp!

With such fierce axe strikes, Trent can’t hold out for long and tumbles sideways; after that, he’s just methodically sorted out by the adventurer.

He skillfully dodges Trent’s swinging arms, pays careful attention to the branches, and disassembles Trent’s limbs, gradually trimming up the branches on its torso.

This prowess clearly marked him as a Trent-hunting expert.

After neatly detaching Trent’s head and tying ropes around its now log-like body, the adventurer was ready to haul away his prize.

However, as he returned, he was suddenly ambushed by a wolf-like monster.

This cunning wolf monster evolved to blend into the shadows and approached without the adventurer noticing. hint! hint!

Caught off guard, the adventurer suffered a nasty claw-like wound across his back, but after a desperate struggle, he was able to save his own skin.

Just an adventurer risking his life to make a buck! It’s fortunate he survived, but the magic stone he obtained from Trent went straight towards paying for treatment at the Life Church!

After giving the poor adventurer a small blessing for luck, I decided to stop watching him.

Making money is good and all, but with risks that high… shouldn’t there at least be some basic safety measures?

Like, for instance… insurance? Nah, insurance seems a bit heavy-handed…

Instead of insurance… how about a mutual cooperative? No, there must be a more precise term!

Adventurer’s Guild! Definitely a must in any fantasy setting!

An organization that protects adventurers, requests jobs, classifies them into ranks based on skill, and assigns suitable quests according to their levels—making monster eradication more stable!

Adventurer’s Guild! I have to create one!

But, um… how should I go about it?

Using the Life Church to set it up? Nah, that’s a no-go… The Life Church is already growing unwieldy.

If I also hand them the sword known as the Adventurer’s Guild… that wouldn’t end well.

Absolutely, the power derived from countless pilgrims remains strong! Plus, some members of the Life Church are secretive dragons!

However, granting them external force wouldn’t be wise. The Life Church is, after all, a religious organization. There’s no need to raise suspicions among others with power.

So, the Life Church option is out. Let’s see what other candidates pop up…

The city of wizards, Procyon… well, it was kicked out because it’s not a group associated with adventurers at all.

Elves and dwarves? Sure, some elves and dwarves are adventurers, but they often clash due to their races. Most adventurers are humans or beastfolk, so that option is out too.

What about Lizardmen? I acknowledge their strength in smashing through your average monster, but would these fellows be able to run an adventurer’s guild properly… hmm…?

They still dwell in clusters of tribes. Not happening.

Next up is the beast nation of Ratkinia or Vistia? Not bad, but… let’s hold off for now. That could serve as a partner nation for the Adventurer’s Guild.

So realistically, Romania seems like the best choice.

And mind you, this isn’t out of favoritism. Not at all.

To begin with, the united nations of Ratkinia and Vistia are positioned a bit off…

The eastern side of the continent is blocked by big mountains and Sagarmatha… Leaving the so-called Eastern Continent to the side, Romania is prominently positioned in the center of the Western Continent.

From there, head west and you’ll find Vistia, adjacent to the sea; further west leads to Ratkinia.

If we set up an adventurer’s guild in those two nations skewed to the west of the continent… well, information flow might get a bit sticky!

Hence, I’d say Romania is the way to go! Yes!

Though I feel a nagging voice in my head saying, “This is definitely human bias.” But for now, let’s ignore it. la la la!

Alright! Having decided on Romania, what’s the overall process for creating this guild?

Noble support? Your average noble wouldn’t be capable of bringing to life the grand adventurer guild I envision.

Here… let’s tap into the Emperor’s power. Utilizing the Emperor’s authority should make things far easier.

First, let’s have an Adventurer’s Guild HQ set up in the capital, then instruct each lord to create their own guild for managing adventurers, linking them all tightly like a spider’s web. weave! weave!

It wouldn’t be easy to establish a gigantic guild dominating all of Romania from scratch, even with the Emperor’s authority. Better to create fragmented guilds across diverse territories and manage things loosely.

So, shall we give the Emperor a wee bit of interference?

For your info, the current emperor isn’t Arthur, but Julius, the son of Vivi, Arthur’s adopted son.

And if you’re wondering what happened to Arthur…

Well, he’s still going strong!

He passed down the Emperor’s symbol, the Immortal Crown, along with his sword and banners, and now lives in a small stone house he built in the garden, completely disconnected from Romania’s rule.

Arthur can be spotted occasionally dining, or training with his sword in the knights’ training grounds. Most of his time is spent in that little stone house. Quite the peculiar fellow.

At this point, he must be over 60 years old. Yet, he still looks like he’s in his prime, stirring rumors that the bloodline of Romania’s royal family holds mysterious powers…but none of that’s true.

It’s merely an extension of life thanks to the Immortal Crown, and since he can utilize maximum magical power… um… how do I put this?

Let’s say his aging body is held back by magic… or in martial arts terms, that his aging’s been suppressed by internal energy?

For various reasons, Arthur has transcended the typical limits of humanity.

If this keeps up for another hundred years, might he perform a rejuvenation act and become young again? At this rate, it seems possible for Arthur.

More importantly, isn’t he ever considering a trip to the afterlife? If he stands trial there, he’d have a 100% chance of getting a shot at paradise! It would be hilarious if I entered and spoke to him then!

I guess it’ll be a long haul till that happens; even decades could go by.

Anyway, let’s leave Arthur’s saga here and talk about the next emperor, Julius.

Compared to an average human, he possesses a sort of genius-level talent; however, he hides his self-esteem compared to his predecessors and his mother.

Still, he’s managing Romania decently, all thanks to how extraordinary Arthur and Vivi are.

This poor current emperor, stuck comparing himself to two gifted prodigies taught by the world’s finest, lacks confidence and self-worth.

Let’s use this somewhat pitiable current emperor… to create an adventurer’s guild!

If successfully established, it’ll be an achievement for Julius too, and hopefully boost his confidence! cheer!

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