Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 278

Chapter: 278

“I hope this kind of thing never happens again.”

The Knight Commander sighed as he finally placed the meat and hide of the deer monster he had brought on the table.

At the time when Trent showed up, it was a piece of meat he wanted to throw away… but since he had some extra time, it ended up joining the party.

“Hmm. This kind of thing won’t happen again. From now on, even if I have to go undercover, I’ll only go to safe places.”

“Please, I’m begging you. If the ruler of this country goes on a sneak mission and ends up facing monsters, what do you think will happen to this country?”

“I’m really sorry, alright?”

Julius simply nodded at the Knight Commander’s grumbling words.

Still, things were safe now. They had returned safely to the capital, Sirius, and had arrived at the tavern that the adventurers used as their base.

“Phew… I made it through today too!”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate for someone who hunts safely with proper traps and bows to go around declaring they survived.”

“Oh come on! I risk my life for this! Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to set traps and shoot arrows without being spotted by monsters? This is a feat that requires you to correctly understand the monsters’ habits and spot their vulnerabilities!”

Amid the chatter and clinking of mugs, adventurers were happily eating and drinking. The tavern owner bought monster materials from these adventurers, paid them, and provided them with food.

For them, this lively scene must be just an everyday occurrence.

“Isn’t it quite lively?”

Adventurers who risk their lives fighting, achieving success, and celebrating their survival today.

For some reason, the image of such adventurers was etched deeply in Julius’s heart.

Maybe… the faint voice he had heard in his dream wanted to show him this very sight.

“These are people who risk their lives doing reckless things, barely managing to get through each day. It’s hard to see that as particularly positive.”

“Still, it seems very lively to me.”

Those living fiercely, risking their lives. Perhaps these were the ones capturing Julius’s heart.

The Knight Commander felt a twinge of dissatisfaction at Julius’s gaze toward those folks.

The leader of this country, Romania, paying attention to those preoccupied with mere survival day-to-day?

He didn’t think it was a particularly wise decision.

“Alright. I’ve made a decision. These people need more organized support.”


Confused scribbles of thoughts filled the Knight Commander’s head. Organized support? What on earth does that mean?

He felt like he had been slapped in the back of the head by Julius’s words.

“Are you suggesting that you want to use them as soldiers?”

“No. That’s not what I meant. They’re just adventurers.”


At the Knight Commander’s confusion, Julius smiled slightly and replied.

“We’ll leave the adventurers’ roles as they are but will create a national organization to assist them.”

“Yes? A national agency?”

“Exactly. For now, let’s call it the Guild. The Adventurer’s Guild.”

“Adventurer’s Guild…?”

“It was a name that just popped into my head, but doesn’t it fit well?”

As Julius asked with a grin, the Knight Commander gave a slight nod.

What the heck is a guild? he pondered silently.

“Anyway. Even if they’re doing this for money, they’re risking their lives to hunt monsters and maintain public safety around here.”

Some adventurers hunted treants for wood, while others caught animal monsters for meat and hides.

There were those who hunted monsters for medicinal parts, and even one person who single-handedly tackled about ten goblins that others avoided.

Just summing up the monsters they’ve caught would make a village’s capacity look pathetic.

“With that many monsters decreased, others will surely feel safer. Especially monsters… those that don’t know how to fight can see them as deadly threats.”

“That’s true, but…”

The Knight Commander had to agree with Julius; monsters were indeed ferocious beings that harmed people.

The frequency of monster attacks might have reduced now, but in the past, both big and small villages had faced utter ruin due to monsters.

Hunting those dangerous monsters was also among the Knights’ duties, a fact the Knight Commander was acutely aware of.

“But would adventurers want to belong to this guild?”

“It’s simple. If we make the benefits of joining the guild far outweigh the costs of staying independent, everyone will want in.”

“When you drop bait, the fish come swimming over. Simple as that.”


“Yep. Benefits.”

“And what exactly are those benefits?”

“Well, that’s something we’ll brainstorm on later.”

Julius glanced around the tavern.

Adventurers were celebrating their survival today, living like moths drawn to flame, every day filled with peril.

If they could lead safer and more stable lives… how many monsters could be reduced?

It was easy to guess without needing to think too deeply.

“Then… let’s eat here today and then head back. I’m curious about what kind of food and drink they have!”

“Um… personally, I think going back is the safer option. But since you’re curious, I guess we can’t avoid it.”

Thus, after tasting the food and drink offered by the tavern, Julius made a resolution.

If he were to create an adventurer’s guild, he would pay special attention to the taste of the food and booze offered there.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

And so Julius began his mission to establish the Adventurer’s Guild.

Well, it felt rewarding to lead the monsters away and see fellow adventurers unite!

While subtly pushing back the monsters, Julius and his men were gleefully slicing through the very ones I’d led into their path… I couldn’t help but feel pumped, starting to pick on the monsters I spotted.

The way he expertly dispatched the aggressive ones and warned off those he could chase away made him look like a top-notch strategist.

When I inadvertently helped him link up with a treant another adventurer was hunting, I thought, “Uh-oh!” but perhaps it was a blessing in disguise since that meant more connections for Julius.

Moreover, the number of adventurers joining Julius steadily grew. With all the assistance he received, he could hardly be indifferent towards them.

That’s how the guild for adventurers took shape—just as I envisioned!

Hmm. Well. I concede that maybe it was a tad excessive. Perhaps sticking them onto everything that moves was overdoing it.

If things had gone a little sideways… Romania’s Emperor might have been ambushed by monsters and met an unfortunate end. But since the outcome was positive, it’s all good… but I shouldn’t let it go unchecked.

Even if I could observe and assist, there’s always a risk. From now on, I’ll exercise more caution. Yeah.

Anyway, as Julius set out to create the Adventurer’s Guild, he gathered the lords from every territory to share his thoughts.

To be precise, I was the one guiding him, but the execution of those ideas fell on Julius. You could say they were his plans.

The ultimate aim of these notions was to establish an organization to register and manage all adventurers.

A body to set up branches in every territory and foster loose connections among the branches to encourage communication and discussion.

The overall administration would be managed from the main headquarters of the Adventurer’s Guild in the capital, but the links would be kept intentionally loose.

If a particular territory faced an influx of aggressive monsters, the emergency support system would ensure other branches caught wind of it and could provide assistance.

Oh, let’s create an adventurer ranking system too! A system to accept and carry out requests! Alongside the ranking system, we should also limit the types of requests adventurers can take based on their rank, preventing overconfident adventurers from biting off more than they can chew.

Of course, we can’t establish everything right from the start. Honestly… this is a task that’ll likely take generations to achieve.

Still, I must first articulate all these ideas. Communicate the broad concepts thoroughly so that, even as time passes, everything stays on track.

With that, I shared all my thoughts with Julius, who in turn absorbed them and communicated with the other lords.

And that’s how the method for creating the Adventurer’s Guild came to be known.

This approach won’t materialize overnight, though.

I’ll remain patient and observe Julius and the Adventurer’s Guild.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

That said, I thought about it.

Hmm. How can I put it?

Julius… was even more capable than I had anticipated.

Let’s call it specialized in internal matters.

Well, he’s Vivi’s son, so it’s no surprise he’s not your average joe.

His adeptness at dealing with local lords and getting what he wants is astounding.

And should the need arise, he’s bold enough to leverage Vivi’s connections to secure support from the Life Church.

He’s starting with initial funds from the lords and the national treasury, but once the guild is up and running, he has the foresight and wisdom to create a well-calibrated revenue structure that will enable the guild to generate enough income independently.

And then.

“You want me as the head of the organization you’re establishing?”

“Yes. Of course, if it’s not to your liking, you can always decline. You don’t have to be actively involved; simply placing your name on the list is sufficient. We’ve appointed others to undertake the actual work.”

The audacity to rope in Arthur, his uncle and adoptive father, was admirable.

Actually, it’s not bravery; it was bordering on recklessness, honestly.

“Let me hear what kind of organization it is first before deciding.”

“If you listen, I’m sure you’ll find it intriguing.”

Julius gave a small smile, and Arthur returned the gesture.

Though merely adopted relatives, they looked like a genuine pair of father and son in this moment.

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