Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 280

Chapter: 280

And thus, the adventurer’s guild created by Julius began to settle down little by little after going through a plethora of tumultuous events.

Well, it would be strange if it didn’t settle down when the Emperor is openly backing it.

Moreover, he even secured support from the Church of Life. It truly feels like Julius utilized everything at his disposal.

Thanks to this, the adventurer’s guild began to gradually blend in with the populace.

There’s even an adventurer ranking system starting from F-rank, and for situations that require the help of adventurers, one can place a request.

In cases of monsters that adventurers tend to avoid, the guild itself puts out requests to have them eliminated. The adventurer’s guild was operating smoothly.

Alright! This should be sufficient! Yes! I feel like I’ve done everything I could!

Now that I’ve added new functions and finished testing the LDs, I’ve instructed their distribution to the gods, wrapped up the overall coordination, and finished aligning opinions among the gods… Hmm. What else? Is there something I forgot? Really, is there nothing else?

Alright! Let’s go! Now it’s really time to sleep!

Whether others’ voices are heard or not! Toss everything aside! I’m sleeping! Just sleeping!!!! The rest of the work will be handled by the other gods! Let them manage it!!!

So! Good night!!!!

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Even as the goddess of life slips into slumber, the world keeps on flowing.

The Romanian Empire continues to prosper without any significant problems, while elves, dwarves, and lizardmen spread out from their respective territories to various corners of the world.

Wherever there are forests, there are elves. Where mountains rise, there are dwarves. Where rivers flow, there are lizardmen.

In other places, humans and beastfolk live intertwined.

These beings, expanding according to their environments, sometimes clash and sometimes cooperate, gradually shaping the form of society.

While the Romanian Empire sought stability, small nations emerged in the vicinity, and individuals from different continents crossed over the mountain ranges or the frozen lands of the north.

The world underwent countless changes.

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Julius Caesar, who succeeded Lucius Altrius III, became the emperor who inherited the immortal crown from his magnificent predecessor.

The great emperor, known as a superman, vanished suddenly after leaving behind a promise to return in the event of peril for the Roman Empire, remaining an insurmountable wall for Julius for all his days.

But Emperor Julius was also a man who lacked nothing as an emperor.

Leading the golden age of the Romanian Empire, which had entered a period of stability during the reign of his predecessor, Emperor Julius Caesar paid particular attention to ensuring that no one went hungry or suffered, showing a level of care for his people that surpassed that of his predecessor.

He provided jobs to those lacking them, lent money to the sick or injured for treatment, and offered stable housing to the homeless, helping them to settle down.

Thus, the people began to refer to Emperor Julius as the Benevolent Emperor.

Among the many achievements of Emperor Julius that people often discussed, one could not overlook the Adventurer’s Guild.

Adventurers, who hunt monsters and sell magic stones and various byproducts.

These are individuals who wield weapons, risking becoming thieves or robbers at a moment’s notice.

The most significant factor in changing perceptions of such adventurers was the Adventurer’s Guild established by Emperor Julius.

Originally, adventurers existed somewhere between outlaws and hunters, often shunned by others.

Risking their lives to hunt monsters in treacherous places, they were seen merely as vagabonds, with no assurance of when their ferocious weapons intended for hunting monsters might turn on other civilians.

Common folk thought of them as potential robbers poised to strike at any moment, while the nobles regarded them as unpredictable troublemakers with the potential for explosive incidents at any time.

The shift in perception was likely due to the Adventurer’s Guild founded by Emperor Julius.

He brought adventurers who were unaffiliated with any organization into the guild, managed them in a structured manner, and offered numerous perks.

Adventurers who tasted the sweet benefits found it increasingly hard to let them go, restrained by rules stating that those who caused trouble would be immediately expelled and banned from rejoining for a significantly lengthy period.

Thus, the Adventurer’s Guild, now holding the reins over adventurers, began to manage them meticulously.

Rookie adventurers were cared for diligently, classified by rank, assigned quests suited to their abilities, and those injured received treatment through the Church of Life.

No adventurer could refuse a guild that even provided compensation to the families of deceased adventurers, ensuring their lives remained manageable.

Of course, not everyone looked kindly upon such adventurers.

Some expressed dislike, decrying how their taxes were being funneled to “the wrong” places, and some adventurers committed crimes despite the risk of expulsion from the guild.

The event that ultimately changed the negative view toward such adventurers was none other than the emergence of the Demon King.

– Regarding Emperor Julius and the Adventurer’s Guild.

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The sensation of my slightly weary body completely surrendering to slumber feels simply divine. If I keep drifted away like this, I could sleep until the end of time.

My body is deep in sleep, yet my mind is only half-awake, barely active as usual. Normally, I would use this drowsy state to peruse the internet of another world… but right now, I just can’t summon the desire.

Last time I fell into a deep sleep, chaos reigned all around. This time, I want to maintain at least some interest in the world.

So, let’s keep half of my drowse-prone mind attuned to the world, so when something sinister arises, I can react. Let’s stay focused.

Of course, not every change happening in this world needs to pass through me… But shouldn’t I do my best to fend off as many negative changes as I can and usher in those brighter shifts?

Yet, I really don’t want to budge this slumbering body of mine. I want to stay still. How I wish someone else would take hold of the helm of this world-ship and steer it in the right direction while I laze around. I wish they’d enact positive changes instead.

As for my duties as a god, I have offspring who manage those on my behalf, and they’ll handle it just fine… But what I desire now doesn’t fall under mere godly work.

The tasks I do as the goddess of life, along with overseeing death, had largely been left to the other gods… But those tasks were limited to godly duties alone. I haven’t entrusted them with changing this world.

If I were to delegate such matters to the other gods… there’s a concern they might tweak things to fit their whims. That is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.

Rather, what if I utilized humans? What if I could implement new changes through those ordinary humans?

The moment those thoughts crossed my mind, a lightning bolt struck through my head.

What if I could influence the world by offering tiny bits of guidance to everyday humans without dictating every detail?

In a simulation game that could run smoothly on its own… like a player who simply nudges things occasionally.

If that’s the case, then I could remain stretched out like this, half asleep, while subtly altering the world, relieved from the burden of living a single life… and thus, there’d be no need for me to wake up.

Alright. I’ve managed to piece it together. Once you’re resolved on something, immediate action is paramount.

Here, let’s use the newly refined LD.

Of course, similar abilities can still be applied without it, but it’s a hassle. Even just attempting that.

While I slipped into slumber, one of the spare LDs I had prepared floated up and settled on my head.

Alright. So… what kind of human should I become?

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One day, in a small village not far from the city of wizards, Procyon, a little girl was born.

A girl with dazzling silver hair. A delightful child imbued with a robust magical blessing.

Her parents named her Encia, raising her with utmost affection.

Though still young, little Encia possessed deep wisdom, growing up showered with love from those around her.

Then, one day, following her instincts, she moved the magic within her body, and the magic that radiated from her conjured a tremendous rain upon the parched land.

Rain sufficient to dampen even the arid desert. Encia, the one who summoned such downpour, was cherished like a treasure by the villagers.

Thus, Encia’s parents and the townsfolk realized the truth: she was a sorceress.

Moreover, they discovered she was a powerful magician capable of evoking immense rains in this dry desert.

But unbeknownst to them…

“Will this truly help the townsfolk?”

“Of course. What treasure is more precious to those living in arid lands than the precious pouring rain?”

It was the simple fact that Encia had been hearing someone’s voice ever since the moment she was born.

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